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What problems does groupwork pose for information literacy, and how can the ACRL Framework help us to address them? This paper addresses gaps in the scholarly literature to examine how groupwork problematizes our understanding of information literacy. We explore ramifications of what it means to be information literate as a group versus as an individual. The ACRL Framework is explored for areas of potential opportunity.  相似文献   

The new Framework for Information Literacy is a dramatic break from the previous Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards, but it does not depart as radically from actual library practice. Many librarians have already been trying to help students acquire a deeper, more contextual understanding of “information” and research. In this article, we review some of the practice-based literature on information literacy instruction that reflects efforts to teach this more nuanced view of “information,” and we highlight examples of ongoing instructional practices from a number of college and university libraries that teach in ways that are compatible with the new Framework.  相似文献   


Library instruction is universal in post-secondary educational institutions in Israel. Information literacy instruction is in its infancy. Israeli students experience significant difficulties in using English language resources.  相似文献   

Whereas academic library participation in learning communities has become visible in recent years, the literature is still lacking research studies providing assessment data. This article offers the first perspective from students on the value of information literacy instruction through a learning community and the impact that instruction has on academic careers. A qualitative research method of focus group interviews was employed to solicit opinions from students who completed during a three-year period the University of Hawaii at Manoa's (UHM) Libraries, Scholarship, and Technology (LIS 100) learning community course. The findings indicate learning communities provide a valuable context for learning both affective and cognitive information literacy skills necessary in an undergraduate education.  相似文献   

A tremendous amount has been written on culture shock experienced by people who leave their own cultures for another. This essay defines and describes culture shock and clash in general, discusses the literature related to different aspects of culture shock as it relates to international students, describes other related library literature, describes the research of several experts in other fields, and discusses some implications, applications, and solutions.  相似文献   

论高校信息素质教育课程体系的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对高校信息索质教育的意义、内涵和信息素质教育课程体系的构建进行了思考和阐述.  相似文献   

简述了文献检索课在信息素质教育中的重要性,分析了高校文献检索课的现状和问题,对如何充分发挥文献检索课在信息素质教育中的重要作用提出了建议。  相似文献   



The research explored the current practices of information literacy (IL) instruction in medical libraries of Pakistan.


A semi-structured questionnaire was mailed to the head librarians of all 114 academic medical libraries in Pakistan. It investigated the types of IL instruction provided, topics covered, methods of delivery and assessment, level of integration in the curriculum, and level of collaboration with teaching staff.


The study revealed that 74% of the respondents had offered some types of IL instruction in their institutions during the previous year, ranging from library orientation to research-level skills. IL instruction is typically only offered to new students or first-time library users or on demand. A majority of the respondents developed IL instruction programs without faculty involvement. Librarians were primarily responsible for offering IL instruction in medical institutions. Face-to-face instruction in computer labs or lecture halls and individual instruction at reference desks were identified as the most common IL instruction delivery methods. The data indicated that oral feedback, written feedback, and searching in a computer lab were the most popular assessment methods that medical librarians used.


IL instruction activities in medical libraries of Pakistan are in their infancy. Medical librarians also lack systematic approaches to IL instruction.


Medical librarians need to develop educational partnerships with faculty for integrating IL instruction into the mainstream curriculum.  相似文献   

How information literacy instruction affects students' learning has been a concern for many librarians and teachers. This study examines the effects of six-year integrated information literacy instruction on elementary students' memory and comprehension of subject content through inquiry learning and also focuses on the moderating factor of students' academic achievement levels. The subjects were 75 students participating in the study from the time when they entered elementary school. The school adopted information literacy instruction and integrated it into various subject areas using the framework of inquiry learning, for example, the Super3 and Big6 models. A total of 11 inquiry learning projects were implemented from Grade 1 through Grade 6. The results showed that inquiry-based integrated information literacy instruction helps students memorize facts and apply new concepts in the subject content. In general, the progress level in comprehension was higher than in memory learning for the six-year integrated information literacy instruction. Regardless of students' prior academic achievement levels, if they devoted their efforts to inquiry processes, their fact memorization and conceptual understanding of subject content improved. Low-achieving students displayed the most progression in both memory and comprehension learning, compared to their medium- and high-achieving peers. This study underscores the importance of information literacy instruction in students' learning.  相似文献   

浙江省高校信息素养教育的现状分析与改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从信息素养、信息素养教育的内涵作为切入口,对浙江省高校信息素养教育的现状进行了调查分析,指出了存在的不足,并结合本校实际提出了有关改革措施。  相似文献   

本文对1997-2006年我国高校信息素质教育研究论文进行了分析.重点探讨了高校信息素质教育研究论文的主题,包括:高校信息素质教育与图书馆的关系、信息素质教育的内容与方法、信息素质教育存在的问题、信息素质教育的创新及其创新模式.在此基础上,分析了高校信息素质教育的研究走势.  相似文献   

中医院校教师信息素养提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了高校教师信息素养的内涵与构成,调查了当前中医院校教师的信息素养状况,提出了提升高等中医院校教师信息素养的策略。  相似文献   

Online information literacy instruction is becoming increasingly popular among university libraries, although the level of its development varies from institution to institution. In this study, we seek to ascertain implementation levels for online information literacy instruction among university libraries in Mexico, as well as librarians' experiences, opinions, and attitudes with regard to this instruction modality. To this end, we analyzed data collected between November 2015 and January 2016 through a survey that was sent to 559 libraries at Mexican public universities and completed by 189 librarians. The results show a limited development of information literacy instruction in general and in online instruction in particular, despite the recognition of its importance and usefulness. The main barriers to implementation that were identified were a lack of technological resources and of personnel qualified to undertake these tasks. The main challenges that the libraries that do provide online instruction have had to face are related to a lack of institutional support, a lack of cooperation on the part of faculty members, students' motivation, and librarians' expertise.  相似文献   

This paper explores the demographic and academic variables influencing students' perceived information literacy self-efficacy using Kurbanoglu et al.'s Information Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale (ILSES) and its two subscales. An online survey was created to gather data from students which contained Bangla version of the 28-item ILSES together with demographic and academic questions. A printed version of the survey was also distributed to students locally. A total of 408 students participated in the study. The findings revealed that students had moderate self-efficacy, with higher confidence in basic and intermediate-level information literacy (IL) tasks compared to advanced skills. There were significant differences in IL self-efficacy based on students' demographic and academic variables. The results suggest that age and computer proficiency were significantly associated with students' self-efficacy beliefs in information literacy. Overall, the 28-item ILSES and its two smaller subscales yielded similar results, indicating that shorter versions of the ILSES can be utilized to reduce questionnaire completion time without compromising the validity of the results. This study highlights the importance of demographic and academic variables in shaping students' IL self-efficacy beliefs and emphasizes the need for providing adequate support and training to improve information skills among students.  相似文献   

高职院校开设文献检索课,应该设计与专业紧密结合的课程体系,从而达到培养学生信息检索及应用能力的目的.  相似文献   


Millennials, or Generation Y learners, are one of the largest constituencies academic libraries serve today. Understanding how and why these technology-savvy students learn increases the efficacy of information literacy instruction and ensures that libraries remain relevant in the digital age. This article addresses the complexity of the millennial learning phenomenon and its implications for instructional design and teaching in physical and virtual library environments. To situate millennial learning in the context of academic library instruction, this paper takes a large-scale, holistic approach that includes consideration of millennials’ learning styles, emerging technologies, and a multitude of other issues affecting Generation Y learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to ascertain if college students’ information literacy improves through a faculty-librarian collaboration involving a session of library instruction as part of a regular political science course. The authors conducted two surveys to determine if in-person library instruction increases students’ research abilities. The authors surveyed political science faculty to discover their attitudes toward library research instruction. They also surveyed political science students to gauge their opinions on the value of library instruction and to see if there is a connection between their research proficiencies and instruction by a librarian. Through this case study, the authors found that such instruction does improve information literacy. The researchers concluded that for faculty and colleges interested in improving information literacy skills in undergraduate political science students, such library instruction is helpful towards that goal.  相似文献   

发挥高校图书馆优势,培养大学生信息素养   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对信息素养及信息素养教育的概念和内涵进行了描述,从现代社会信息环境变化的特点和发展趋势及培养大学生信息素养的必要性和紧迫性方面,论述了高校图书馆应发挥其信息、智力及技术等资源优势,成为大学信息素养教育的重要课堂。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)2015年通过了《高等教育信息素养框架》,如何依据文件因地制宜地展开实践是高等学校图书馆和信息素养教育馆员关注的焦点。[方法/过程] 采用案例研究方法,研究南开大学图书馆信息素养教育团队根据ACRL《高等教育信息素养框架》开展的嵌入式信息素养教育活动,展示包括对文件内容的解读、可行性分析、与合作者开展实践教学和分享成果等从宏观到微观的一系列实践路径。[结果/结论] 提出实践《高等教育信息素养框架》必须要结合高校实际情况,确定适宜的教学内容和实践方式,注重与院系合作者的深入协作,现场教学中应通过分析学术情境引入“阈概念”等实施要点。  相似文献   

随着信息环境的变化,信息素养课程内容也需要与时俱进。文章通过分析1989年到2015年信息素养概念的变化,发掘信息环境引发的信息素养的丰富内涵,通过将ACRL《高等教育信息素养框架》中的六大框架概念与学术科研信息输入输出过程相融合,拓展信息素养通识课程的内容。从课程效果来看,实现了《高等教育信息素养框架》的目标。  相似文献   

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