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Research designs are key to the research process and the production of knowledge that supports performance and development. The appropriateness of the methodologies used in research has implications for the trustworthiness and validity of the outcomes of research and practice. The research designs used in library information science (LIS) research in Nigeria and South Africa between 2009 and 2015 were investigated. The objective was to map out the contours of the research designs that are utilised in LIS, particularly to keep the profession abreast of the trends in the field and the patterns in research designs used. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine 104 PhD dissertations, using six taxonomies to categorise research designs used in the two countries. Positivist epistemologies and quantitative methodologies predominated research in LIS. A handful of studies used basic mixed method research designs. Questionnaires and interviews were commonly used for data collection, but the triangulation of methods was not prevalent. The value of this study lies in that it will lead to the accumulation of knowledge of research designs and provide a baseline for studies on methodological practices.  相似文献   

Mixed methods research is gaining prominence in the library and information science (LIS) discipline. However, according to previous analyses, few LIS studies utilized mixed methods research, and the researchers did not recognize or describe them as such. The present methodological review assesses the current state of mixed methods research in LIS. Eighty-four articles published between 2017 and 2018 and indexed in two core LIS databases, match the common definition of mixed methods. Out of those, 65 articles self-identified as mixed methods were analyzed focusing on reporting and conduct, specifically, the integration of quantitative and qualitative components. Review results suggest that more efforts are needed to raise awareness about using and reporting mixed methods research in LIS. This review provides guidance for future work and contributes to the discussion on how we can further improve methodological rigor, research training, and reproducibility in LIS.  相似文献   

Methodological transparency facilitates rigorous, trustworthy, and reliable mixed methods research (MMR). Because divergent views on the conceptualization of mixed methods can create confusion for researchers, methodological transparency can help researchers to replicate methods in other studies and attract them to mixed methods research. Many studies have been conducted to assess the utilization of mixed methods research in several disciplines, but few in library and information science (LIS) have studied how authors describe the methods used. This study investigated the clarity and detail provided about methodology in mixed methods research articles in LIS, focusing on South Africa and Nigeria. Content analysis was used to assess 104 doctoral theses, of which 10 used mixed methods. Results suggest that methodological transparency in MMR research is underrepresented in LIS. This study contributes to the discussion on how LIS can enhance the quality of mixed methods research studies by underscoring the importance of methodological transparency in such studies. Researchers and LIS educators can use the gaps identified by this study to use and report mixed methods appropriately in future research.  相似文献   

Research methods are applied in all kinds of studies, though no consensus exists regarding what constitutes a research method and how research methods should be categorized. Over 1900 research articles were obtained from three major journals published between 2001 and 2010 in library and information science (LIS). Each selected article was coded using a schema of research methods developed in this study. The coded data, along with related publications, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This exploration shows that research methods comprise data collection techniques (e.g., interview, observation) and data analysis techniques (e.g., qualitative, quantitative). Research methods should perhaps be categorized by data collection technique, as it makes more sense than if research methods are labeled as qualitative or quantitative. This study is one of the many efforts to facilitate a better understanding of research methods in LIS and help scholars make more informed decisions about research method selection in their endeavors. Its implications can be extended to LIS research education, training, and advocacy. Because research methods themselves are not discipline-specific, researchers beyond the LIS field would benefit from this study as well.  相似文献   

Although visual methods are emerging as a valuable and versatile tool in qualitative social studies research, confusion around terminology, options, and best practices persists. Consequently, LIS scholars who wish to employ innovative visual approaches in their research face barriers to discovering and deciding which visual options best suit their goals. Based on a review of the literature, this article identifies and describes the scope of participatory and non-participatory visual methods currently in use in the social sciences, with particular attention paid to LIS contexts. While visual methods bring clear benefits to qualitative research in terms of data quality, modes of expression, and alternate perspectives, challenges remain, including logistic issues of implementing visual study designs and ethical considerations.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit a fundamental reliance on interpersonal relations for the acquisition of information. Gatekeepers, who help link people with unknown information, are the “humans” in this human information-seeking process. The gatekeeping phenomenon has been studied in diverse disciplines and this article examines these research literatures to reveal that gatekeepers arise in discourse communities by different means, including cultural certification, informal nomination, or by virtue of their social positions. This multidisciplinary analysis of gatekeeping reveals that information practices are immensely contextual and contingent on the social environment. It enables and substantiates a collectivist perspective of library and information science (LIS). Moreover, this theoretical orientation also prompts us to apply social network analysis (SNA) to LIS in order to study and determine how the characteristics of social relationships and structures affect access to information resources.  相似文献   

This article examines the possibilities for qualitative audience study afforded by the Internet, carefully detailing both the benefits and dangers o f such research. In answer to methodological issues resulting from online communication with subjects, the essay calls for the application o f various feminist and anthropological methodological practices, and considers methodological dilemmas related to perceived privacy, natural data and lurking, informed consent procedures, balancing anonymity, and data accessibility. In the course o f outlining methodological considerations especially salient when finding audiences through Internet spaces, we reflect on our own dilemmas in designing studies that meet the ethical standards of feminist methodology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the use of mixed methods research (MMR) in articles published in library and information science (LIS) journals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) from 2004 to 2008. A mixed methods research framework provided in the methodological literature is used to determine how this method was practiced within the LIS scientific community in SSA. Six hundred and eighty five articles published in nine peer-reviewed LIS journals in SAA were reviewed, finding the dominant research methods in these journals to be survey designs and historical research. The use of MMR was limited: 48 out of 685 articles used the mixed methods approaches that were identified in the methodological literature. A paradigm shift and a change of mindset are recommended for LIS researchers in SSA so that they may exploit the advantages offered by mixed methods research in conducting their studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the use of mixed methods research (MMR) in articles published in library and information science (LIS) journals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) from 2004 to 2008. A mixed methods research framework provided in the methodological literature is used to determine how this method was practiced within the LIS scientific community in SSA. Six hundred and eighty five articles published in nine peer-reviewed LIS journals in SAA were reviewed, finding the dominant research methods in these journals to be survey designs and historical research. The use of MMR was limited: 48 out of 685 articles used the mixed methods approaches that were identified in the methodological literature. A paradigm shift and a change of mindset are recommended for LIS researchers in SSA so that they may exploit the advantages offered by mixed methods research in conducting their studies.  相似文献   

Mixed methods research (MMR)—which integrates qualitative and quantitative methods in one study to improve the study's quality—is not common in library and information science (LIS) and has not been discussed in its literature. While still evolving and generating much discussion about its nature and standards for its evaluation, MMR has been employed in the social and behavioral sciences for more than three decades. It is already considered the third approach to research, along with the quantitative and qualitative approaches. How did this approach shape research in LIS? An analysis of 465 articles published in four major LIS research journals revealed that 22 articles (5%) employed MMR. However, the recognition of MMR by name or as a research method was absent from these articles and from the methodological literature in LIS. The various strengths of MMR suggest that being cognizant of its possible use in LIS would benefit researchers in the field.  相似文献   

The study is informed by the Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The integrative theoretical approach allowed for methodological pluralism and enabled the researcher to discuss two distinct types of change, namely evolutionary change and revolutionary change. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were employed. The qualitative methodology was dominant, while the quantitative methodology was supplementary. The study integrated case study and survey research methods within a single research design. Respondents in the case study were surveyed using survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The population of the study comprises all LIS faculty staff, Deans/Heads of Departments (HODs) in higher education institutions (HEIs) offering LIS education in Zimbabwe. The study found that LIS faculty members have high awareness levels and optimism about paradigm shifts in the fields of library and information science. Despite this awareness, knowledge and optimism, LIS faculty staff are victims of paradigm effects and paradigm paralysis. This suggests that for any change initiatives to succeed, LIS faculty members need to break the chains of paradigm effects and paralysis. Until the chains are broken no meaningful evolutionary or revolutionary change can happen in LIS education and training in Zimbabwe. The findings provide fundamental information for decision makers at national and institutional levels. The information can be used for the purpose of analysis, advocacy and strategic planning for educational reforms.  相似文献   

In spite of the increasing use of qualitative research methods in library and information studies, it is unclear whether using qualitative methods (grounded theory, ethnography, and phenomenology) results in an above average impact in library and information science (LIS). Articles using any of the three qualitative methods published from 2003 to 2013 and indexed in Web of Science in the category of “Information Science & Library Science” (N?=?299) were studied. The number of citations and Mendeley readers for each article was compared to the other articles published in the same journal and same volume using mean normalised rank (rank-1/articles-1). The results showed no statistically significant difference between the citation rates of qualitative articles with those of other articles. Qualitative articles on average had a smaller Mendeley readership than the other articles did and the difference was statistically significant. Given the increasing interest in qualitative methods, it is suggested that LIS schools in their education programs and journals in their editorial policies should put more emphasis on issues related to the rigour of qualitative research.  相似文献   

This study describes a content analysis aimed at identifying the distribution of empirical research strategies and techniques reported in high-profile LIS journal literature published in 2005. For each article, researchers identified the overall research strategy, the data collection technique, and whether the type of analysis was quantitative or qualitative. The taxonomies used in the analysis were those based on Järvelin and Vakkari's [Järvelin, K., & Vakkari, P. (1990). Content analysis of research articles in library and information science. Library & Information Science Research, 12, 395-422] study in order to compare the results with the earlier findings derived from the 1975 and 1985 literature. The survey approach remains the predominant research strategy in both library science and information science. However, there was a marked increase in experimentation. There were more modest increases in the use of qualitative approaches, except for historical research, which showed a marked decline. This study's findings will inform development of methods courses in doctoral programs, which aim to cover the most commonly used strategies and techniques in contemporary LIS research. Revised taxonomies, which include previously unspecified strategies and techniques such as ethnography and transaction log analysis, are suggested for future content analyses of LIS research.  相似文献   

This study examines the practice of information ethics of the members of the mailing group of the Pakistan Library Automation Group, called PAKLAGPK who participate frequently in the discussions on a variety of LIS ethical issues. The research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods, including a survey questionnaire to measure subscribers' prior knowledge about certain issues in Information Ethics (IE). The research also uses the content analysis method to investigate the information communication behavior of the subscribers over this mailing group.  相似文献   

The library profession is a strong and vocal proponent of increased information access for people with disabilities. With the discipline's longstanding interest in the subject of services to people with disabilities, questions arise about how the profession perceives the phenomenon. How is library and information science (LIS), as a discipline, conceptualizing disability and accessibility? A content analysis of the LIS literature was conducted to examine this question. The literature provides a fertile ground for study as it reflects the profession's approaches to, and perceptions of, a topic. This research identifies the major issues and trends in the research about accessibility and disability in the LIS literature throughout a 10-year period, 2000–2010. The strongest theme in the literature is accessibility as it relates to web, database, and software, while the prevailing disability of focus is visual disabilities. The overall environment emphasizes technology more than attitudinal aspects associated with disabilities. The research could benefit from increased direct participation of people with disabilities.  相似文献   


There is limited qualitative research on the information-seeking self-efficacy (SE) of library and information science (LIS) graduate students. This study examines graduating LIS students’ experiences with information seeking, including experiences in the LIS program that led to increased levels of information-seeking SE and specific recollections of moments when SE increased. Many students identified similar factors as key to developing SE, including education-related assignments, library work experience, LIS internships, and specific LIS coursework. Because of the small sample size, further research would help to identify additional factors that promote LIS students’ information-seeking SE.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways that qualitative inquiry, especially when used in concert with quantitative inquiry in multimethodological designs, can contribute to the research challenges of health care and health promotion. It explores methodological diversity in health communication research and illustrates how survey, textual analytic, and ethnographic research are utilized in health communication research. The article concludes with a discussion of how multimethodological research designs have been successfully employed to examine complex health communication models, theories, and processes.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究方法在学术研究中发挥着至关重要的作用。确认图书馆情报学领域主要的研究方法,并对它们进行了解熟悉,以在开展研究时能合理选择、灵活使用,确保研究质量。[方法/过程]对近2 000篇图书馆情报学领域的研究文献以及相关研究方法论文进行内容分析,在此基础上对研究方法的类分命名、图书馆情报学界主要的研究方法的确定、特点和使用注意事项进行介绍和讨论。[结果/结论]研究方法应以数据收集法而不是数据分析法命名。图书馆情报学领域常用的研究方法包括实验法、问卷法、理论研讨法、内容分析法、访谈法和书目计量法,每种方法都有各自的特点。因而在选择使用时,既应根据具体研究课题及研究方法之特性,也要考虑使用注意事项,并尽量在同一研究中采用两种或更多的方法,以扬长避短,更有效地展开研究。  相似文献   

世界高等教育机构普遍认为,信息的获取与利用对人才培养不可或缺,而有关学生信息行为的研究却一再显示,当代大学生对信息的获取与利用存在缺陷。至于为什么人才培养必须依赖信息获取,何为充分的信息获取,如何保证充分的信息获取,学术界少有系统的理论阐释。本研究旨在通过考察学生信息获取与教学实践的关系,探索上述问题的答案。借鉴实践理论的“目的情感结构”概念,以一所大学的某实体学院本科教学实践为案例,通过政策文本、访谈、问卷调研等方式,收集有关案例学院本科教学的数据;将这些数据按归纳思路予以分析,分别得出了该院本科教学的目的目标、讲授任务、学习任务、信息获取驱动;然后依据“目的情感结构”概念的框架,将归纳结果整合为案例学院本科教学的目的情感结构,展现并反思嵌入其中的信息获取动力机制。研究结果显示,特定教学实践的目的情感结构通过嵌入特定的信息获取驱动,影响甚至塑造学生的信息获取;但只有注重知识理解的教学实践,才能凸显信息对人才培养的价值,进而指导教师设计合理的信息获取驱动,提升学生的信息获取与利用。图3。表3。参考文献56。  相似文献   

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