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依恋是人类长期生物进化的结果,它伴随人的一生并对人际关系的建立、社会功能的表达和人格功能的形成产生重要的影响。其中,安全的早期依恋关系直接影响个体成长过程中的人格完善过程,所以家长应该培养儿童安全型依恋关系。本文先介绍了依恋对儿童社会性发展的影响,接着介绍应该如何培养儿童的安全型依恋。  相似文献   

依恋是一个个体与另一个个体在长期的交往中形成的一种强烈的、持久的情感联结。研究表明,早期依恋的性质深刻地影响着成年之后的人际关系和精神健康。本文主要以依恋的研究历史为线索综述依恋概念的提出、依恋形成发展理论等几个方面的内容,并简单提出在依恋研究领域有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

依恋是儿童内在的心理安全需求,安全型依恋的形成有助于其发展。父母抚养质量、儿童自身特点和家庭与社会环境均对依恋风格的形成具有重要影响,为提高依恋质量,构建良好的依恋关系,父母应保证抚养质量,创造与孩子共处的机会,顺应儿童自身特点因势利导教育,家园合作共同完成儿童由亲子依恋向师幼依恋的过渡。  相似文献   

依恋对婴幼儿情绪调节能力发展的影响及其教育启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
依恋是儿童早期社会关系的重要内容,对个体情绪调节能力的发展具有重要影响。文章在归纳大量相关研究的基础上,认为依恋对个体情绪调节的影响主要体现在:依恋对象是婴幼儿情绪的“外部组织者”;婴幼儿在与依恋对象交互作用中学会情绪调节;依恋安全性是导致情绪调节策略个体差异的重要因素;依恋对象提供身体和情感的安全依赖;婴幼儿依恋具有情绪动机功能和促进儿童对情绪的理解的功能。依恋的这些功能促进了婴幼儿情绪调节能力的发展。文章还依据这些心理机制归纳了对幼儿教育的启示。  相似文献   

不同依恋类型对个体发展影响研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依恋的研究是西方儿童社会性和个性发展领域的主导理论之一.依恋是个体对特定他人持久而强烈的情感联结,有广义和狭义之分,依恋类型一旦形成就会对个体的认知、情感、行为产生影响.探讨广义依恋类型对认知品质及应对策略、人际交往(同伴、恋人、亲子)、人格发展三个方面的影响.近20年来依恋研究在不断发展,但存在一定的局限性.  相似文献   

儿童早期形成的依恋风格,对儿童个性和社会性发展都有长期而深远的影响。本文主要探讨了父母抚养质量、儿童自身特征、家庭和社会文化对儿童依恋风格形成的影响,为培养儿童安全型依恋提供参考。  相似文献   

依恋形成于婴幼儿时期,持续人的整个一生。早期的依恋会通过内部工作模型影响到成年后的依恋模式,进而影响成人的婚恋行为。本文介绍了成人依恋和婚恋的联系以及依恋影响婚恋行为的机制。  相似文献   

依恋形成于婴幼儿时期,持续人的整个一生.早期的依恋会通过内部工作模型影响到成年后的依恋模式,进而影响成人的婚恋行为.本文介绍了成人依恋和婚恋的联系以及依恋影响婚恋行为的机制.  相似文献   

提高儿童早期依恋的质量促进儿童社会性健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童早期的依恋可分为安全型和不安全型、不同类型的依恋对儿童的发展产生不同影响。高质量的依恋即安全型依恋对儿童的发展尤其是社会性发展有积极的影响,这种影响不仅是现实的,而且是长远的。为此,本文提出了帮助儿童形成安全型依恋的四项措施,以促进儿童社会性健康发展。  相似文献   

依恋研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以依恋研究史为线索综述了依恋概念的提出、依恋形成发展理论、依恋评估方法的发展、依恋与个体心理及行为发展的关系等几方面的内容,并提出了在依恋研究领域中有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

90年代西方依恋理论研究的概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西方90年代依恋理论研究的争论;单一与多重依恋,陌生情境中“气质”与“母婴关系”的作用,母亲、父亲依恋的效果。依恋具有跨代传递性。依恋存在于同伴关系之中,对友谊会发生影响。  相似文献   

Is attachment theory a good fit for explaining differences in relationship maintenance? This study hypothesized that the secure attachment style would be positively associated with self-reported relationship maintenance, and that the dismissive style would be negatively associated with self-reported relationship maintenance. Further, it was proposed that individuals with negative views of others would be less likely to perceive their partner's use of maintenance. Survey data were collected from 179 married individuals. Results supported an attachment theory explanation for self-reported maintenance; a dismissive attachment was negatively associated with maintenance, and a secure attachment style reported was positively associated with maintenance. The fearful avoidant and preoccupied attachment styles were positively associated with the use of assurances, and negatively associated with the use of integrative conflict management and positivity. Finally, a dismissive attachment style was negatively associated with the perception of the partner's use of maintenance.  相似文献   

文章介绍了依附理论在拉丁美洲的产生、发展,依附理论的分类及其各自强调的重点。关于该理论在比较教育中的运用,主要介绍了比较教育中依附理论的关键性概念如"中心"与"边缘"、"不平等"的世界教育和新殖民主义等。依附理论虽然也存在自身不足,但无论运用其分析世界或国内的高等教育、知识的生产和传播方面都会给我们以启示。  相似文献   

A recent set of studies demonstrated that people evaluate their own and their partner's social skills differently as a function of attachment style. The present study extends this work by examining attachment-style differences in four conversational skills—expressiveness, composure, other-orientation, and interaction management—as rated by observers. To test for attachment-style differences, romantic couples were videotaped as they discussed relational problems or conflict issues. Based on a pretest, one of the romantic partners was targeted as representative of the secure, dismissive, fearful avoidant, or preoccupied attachment style. Two dimensions related to attachment—anxiety and avoidance—were also investigated in regard to their relations with conversational skills. Results suggest that the behavioral profiles largely reflect attachment theoretical assumptions for secures, dismissives, and fearful avoidants, and to a lesser extent, preoccupieds.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对256名大学生的成人依恋、恋爱现状及其相关性进行研究。研究结果表明,四种依恋类型中惧怕型的比例最高,安全型的最低;安全型和专注型的大学生恋爱比例高于惧怕型和冷漠型的大学生;在依恋回避上性别差异显著,在依恋焦虑上年级差异显著;有无恋爱经历在个体的依恋回避和依恋焦虑维度上差异显著。个体的成人依恋类型在一定程度上可以预测其恋爱行为。  相似文献   

旅游者所依恋的形成机制及其对旅游地的管理启示正逐渐成为旅游界关注的焦点。文章从"场所依恋"形成的逻辑基础着手,提出了旅游者所依恋的形成机制:旅游者通过偶然性和意向性学习,习得了关于场所(旅游地)的信息,在个人价值系统判断的基础上形成一阶依恋。旅游者到场所开展旅游活动后,所产生的情感依恋和行为依恋,合称为二阶依恋。同时,也可能产生依恋转移,依恋转移会削弱甚至消退一阶依恋。根据旅游者场所依恋的形成机制,从符号消费、场所神圣化等角度进行了详细讨论,进而分析了提升旅游者场所依恋水平的一般技术线路。  相似文献   

Although the majority of foster children have been exposed to early adversity in their biological families and have experienced one or more disruptions of attachment relationships, most studies surprisingly found foster children to be as securely attached as children in low-risk samples. However, attention has been paid almost exclusively to attachment formation in young children up to two years of age, and the majority of studies solely investigated attachment behavior whereas few is known about foster children's representations about attachment relationships. To extend findings on attachment in foster children and its predictors, our study examined both attachment behavior and representations in foster children aged between 3 and 8 years. Diverse potential predictors including child variables, birth parents’ variables, pre-placement experiences, and foster caregiver's behavior were included in the analyses. Results revealed that foster children showed both lower attachment security and higher disorganization scores than children in low-risk samples. Attachment behavior and representation were found to be widely independent from each other. Different factors contributed to attachment behavior and representation: whereas foster children's attachment behavior was mainly influenced by foster parents’ behavior, pre-placement experiences did predict hyperactivation and disorganization on the representational level. The results indicate that, when intervening with foster families, it seems crucial to focus not exclusively on the promotion of secure attachment behavior but also to develop interventions enhancing secure and organized attachment representations.  相似文献   

Attachment is the emotional bond between children and their caregivers (parents or otherwise). Infants and young children usually have more than one selective attachment, and all of these attachment relationships, including those between children and teachers, have important effects on cognitive and social development. Secure attachment to a preschool teacher may help children to improve their preschool experience. Recent studies suggest that the adverse effect of inadequate preschool experiences can lead to skill deficiencies that mimic the effects of basic cognitive deficits. This study evaluates the relationships among attachment to preschool teachers, school readiness, and the risk for developing learning difficulties in preschoolers using three measures: the School Readiness 4-5 battery, the Precocious Identification of Learning Difficulties, and the Attachment Q Set. This study examined 152 preschoolers. The results showed that attachment to preschool teachers is related to linguistic development level, the psychomotor skills involved in school readiness, and learning difficulty risk.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a positive association between child maltreatment and adult interpersonal trauma (Arata, 2000, Crawford and Wright, 2007). From a betrayal trauma theory perspective, evidence suggests that the experience of trauma high in betrayal (e.g., child maltreatment by parents or guardians) increases ones risk of betrayal trauma as an adult (Gobin & Freyd, 2009). However, the mechanisms explaining these associations are not well understood; attachment theory could provide further insight. Child maltreatment is associated with insecure attachment (Baer and Martinez, 2006, Muller et al., 2000). Insecure attachment is also associated with deficits in interpersonal functioning and risk for intimate partner violence, suggesting insecure attachment may mediate the relationship between child maltreatment and the experience of betrayal trauma as an adult. The current study tested this hypothesis in a sample of 601 college students. Participants completed online questionnaires including the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CATS), the Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R) and the Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey (BBTS). Results indicated that child maltreatment is associated with adult betrayal trauma and anxious attachment partially mediates this relationship.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine gender differences in attachment styles and explore the relationship between attachment styles and preference for conflict handling behavior in close relationships among Turkish adolescents. The participants comprised 371 Turkish undergraduate students (252 females and 119 males; with a mean age of 21.98 years; standard deviation 1.18) enrolled in different departments of the Faculty of Education at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. A Turkish version of Bartholomew and Horowitz’s (J Pers Soc Psychol, 61:226–244, 1991) Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) and the Conflict Questionnaire (CQ) developed by Tezer (J Psychol, 130:281–292, 1996) were used to obtain data. Intercorrelations among four attachment style subscales, and correlation coefficients among four attachment styles and five conflict handling behaviors were computed in addition to a series of ANOVAs and ANCOVAs. Results revealed an association between attachment styles and conflict handling, as well as gender differences in attachment styles.  相似文献   

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