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本文以儿童性别角色发展理论为基础,提出要运用符合时代要求的新型教育方式来帮助儿童形成正确的性别角色观;探讨了现代社会以“因性施教”、“双性化人格”教育为代表的几种新型教育理念和具体的培养策略。  相似文献   

靳松  黄干 《考试周刊》2013,(30):167-168
性别角色伴随人的一生,对儿童乃至成人的心理发展都有重大的影响。性别角色在人的社会化过程中显得尤为重要。本文在分析性别角色形成相关理论的基础上,根据现有存在于学校教育过程中的性别角色差异的现状,力求探析影响儿童性别角色差异的家庭、学校教育因素。  相似文献   

浅谈儿童性别角色双性化教育   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对性别角色双性化的分析,阐述了性别角色双性化的优势和培养儿童性别角色双性化的必要性,分析现实中存在的问题,结合影响儿童性别角色形成的因素并提出改变传统性别角色观,对儿童进行双性化教育的有效途径.  相似文献   

王鹏鹏  冷泽兵 《文教资料》2011,(31):164-166
在儿童性别角色社会化的问题上,双性化人格理论可以更好地迎合时代的需要,它具有自身的优越性.不同于现在出现的中性化人格。儿童性别角色形成与发展可以分为不同的阶段,教育者可以结合儿童性别角色发展所处阶段对儿童进行双性化人格的教育,在实施双性化教育的同时,要警惕由此而造成的负面影响。  相似文献   

科学、合理的性别角色教育对于儿童的发展具有重要意义.全纳教育着眼于每一个个体的成长,反对歧视与排斥,其理念已渗入到各国的教育改革和发展.本文试图依据全纳教育思想,分析探究两种性别角色理论和性别教育模式的利弊不足,进而提出全纳教育背景下儿童性别角色教育应坚持性别平等观念,避免性别刻板印象,对儿童进行双性化教育.  相似文献   

采用自编问卷调查了学前儿童性别角色教育现状,发现当前学前儿童性别角色教育过程中存在的问题主要集中体现在性别角色教育意识、性别角色教育内容、性别角色教育形式和性别刻板印象四个方面,其中尤其以性别刻板印象问题较为明显或严重。在对上述问题深入分析的基础上,提出了相应的教育策略,主要包括加强对在职学前儿童教师培训,提升其学前儿童性别角色教育的意识;根据学前儿童的身心发展特点选择适宜的性别角色教育内容与多种多样的教育方法;采取适当措施尽量淡化性别的刻板印象;性别角色教育还应体现出渐进的发展阶段性特点等。  相似文献   

单亲家庭中儿童性别角色的移位及其教育策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别角色是的社会性之一,也是人的心理健康的一种表现。随着单亲家庭的增多,单条子女的教育问题已经成为全社会普遍关注的问题。单亲的子女性别角色的获得又常常是被忽略的问题。儿童性别角色的社会化过程是在外部化的影响以及自身的认知发展的协同作用下完成的。单亲家庭儿童易出现性别角色的移位。本根据儿童性别角色发展的特点,提出了实施恰当的性别角色教育策略。  相似文献   

在当前我们对儿童的性别角色教育中,常常出现性别角色概念过度延伸的状况,即性别刻板化。但是,研究表明,无论是男性还是女性都不会从性别刻板化中获益。有鉴于此,我们提出了双性化人格教育,并建议从家庭、学校等方面来促使儿童形成双性化的人格。  相似文献   

采用儿童性别概念认知调查问卷与性别角色量表调查了儿童性别概念认知与性别角色发展状况,以便提出有针对性教育策略。结果发现,四~六岁儿童性别同一性认知发展基本处于同一水平;六岁儿童性别稳定性水平均显著高于四岁、五岁儿童,但后者性别稳定性认知水平差异不显著;性别恒常性认知水平年龄差异均显著,从低到高的顺序为四、五、六岁组。四种性别角色类型在学前儿童中已分布,四岁儿童女性化与双性化的比例均在30%左右,五岁儿童双性化比例达到74.32%的峰值,六岁儿童双性化比例逐渐下降为54.65%;男性化比例有所偏低,最高的出现在四岁组20.28%。总的来说,学前儿童的性别概念认知与性别角色类型发展状况均表现出年龄差异,随着年龄的增长,性别特征分化愈加明显。  相似文献   

性别角色类型研究经历了男性化--女性化模式,双性化模式两种范式.研究认为双性化性别角色类型者具有最理想的人格特征和最好的心理健康水平,在此研究基础上提出了对儿童青少年进行性别角色双性化教育是理想的性别角色教育.  相似文献   

This paper has three purposes, the first being a summary of what transpires when an institution of higher education is the defendant in a class action suit charging prejudicial treatment of some minority group. The second purpose is to demonstrate how easily the plaintiffs can use the institution's own data to establish aprima facie case for disparate treatment. The final goal is to display typical data and statistical exhibits that an institution might expect to see filed against them by the plaintiffs. Considerable attention is placed on discussing the role institutional researchers play in the defense phase, particularly with regard to strategies for defending against a multivariate regression model that the claimants' statistical expert has submitted in evidence of a classwide bias. The hoped for result of this exposition would be greater alertness to the vulnerability of any institution and an appreciation of the need for advance preparation that would ensure the availability of data and techniques required to make a strong defense against a class action suit that may be unwarranted.Presented at the Twenty-First Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Minneapolis, May 1981.  相似文献   

文章对青少年学生性道德教育进行了界定,分析了当前青少年学生性道德失范现象,探讨如何加强青少年学生的性道德教育。  相似文献   

严俊 《滁州学院学报》2006,8(5):109-111
随着研究生的扩招,高校研究生数剧增,在思想上他们出现了许多新状况、新特点。导师在研究生心中有着特殊地位,所以要充分发挥导师在研究生思想政治教育工作中的重要作用。导师要从内部加强自身的修养与素质,对学生实施广大教化与因材施教;同时,学校的管理者还应从外部为导师建立、健全一整套的管理机制作为保障。  相似文献   

Nanzhao Zhou 《Interchange》1988,19(3-4):8-18
Conclusion As are structural changes in the economic sphere, educational reforms in present-day China are progressing in a period of great transition with the old system being replaced by the new. The old system is dissolving but has not completely dissolved. The new system is growing, but has not become a powerful institution. Promoting the growth of the new while accelerating the dissolution of the old without major upheaval remains a tremendous task. Recognizing that old things are not necessarily bad and new ones good, we will be careful to facilitate positive reforms in the Chinese context without repeating the mistakes of the past.  相似文献   

In a pilot study two Dutch secondary schools have been investigated with respect to four characteristics of school counselling as perceived by the school counsellors and students: (1) What counselling in the school should or should not be; (2) What are the reasons for starting a counselling activity; (3) What are the outcomes of school counselling; and (4) What are the necessities for school counselling.As a total group both males and females disagree with students on the practice of counselling within the context of the school, while both groups agree with students on the person oriented aims of counselling. Males and females perceive different reasons why counselling in the school is necessary and they perceive different kinds of outcomes. Female counsellors perceive markedly less reasons for counselling in school achievements of students than males, while they report more reasons for counselling than males where the prevention of conflicts between students in the classroom are concerned. Apart from discrepancies between male and female school counsellors, the students perceive more counselling outcomes than both groups of counsellors in terms of coping behaviour and conflict management. Students and counsellors disagree on several necessities for counselling, such as the amount of commitment required for counselling duties and the prerequisites of cooperation and support between counsellors.Paper presented at the XIIth International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, 22–26 June 1986, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden  相似文献   

The health and nutrition implications of high sugar intake for young children are discussed. Infants and young children prefer foods that taste sweet. Sugar substitutes used in moderation can provide a compromise for child care providers who want to offer nutritious food which young children will eat. This study examined sweetener preferences of young children, including a new sweetener (Sweet One®). Participants (3–8 years of age) sampled a beverage and plain cottage cheese sweetened with either sugar or Sweet One® as part of a sensory difference test. They also ranked four vanilla puddings sweetened with sugar and three FDA approved sweeteners. In the difference test, the subjects were able to tell the difference between sugar and Sweet One® in the beverage, but not in the cottage cheese. There was no consensus among the panelists for a sweetener preference in the rank-order test.  相似文献   

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