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体育教学中除运用口头语言表达外,更多的运用体语、人际距离、辅助言语和类语言、时间控制等非语言行为。从提高体育教学效果的角度出发,探讨了非语言行为的作用、意义和分类,并对运用时应注意的有关问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

在现实的体育课堂教学活动中,教师并不仅仅依靠言语进行教学,而是更多地需要运用多种非言语行为进行知识信息交流和组织教学。为了更好地发挥非言语行为在体育课堂教学中的作用,不断提高教学工作质量,本文将体育课堂教学非言语行为的特点、表现形式进行初步探讨,旨在深化对非言语行为的认识,进一步推广非言语行为在体育课堂教学中的应用。  相似文献   

体育教师在体育教学中,应正确认识非言语教学的特点、作用,运用巧妙的方法(表情、目光、手势、体势、声音等),在动态无声交往、静态无声交往、有声交住中,与学生进行非言语多方面“立体”交往,使学生多通道接受信息,从而提高体育教学的效果。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的非言语信号探析张豪锋,徐忠教学活动是一种信息的编码、传输与反馈的过程。在课堂教学活动中,教师必定善于遣词造句.形成语言信号,同时,还要自觉或不自觉地以非言语信号来补充和加强语言信号。所谓非言语信号,指人的举止、神态、形态以及讲话时的语调、...  相似文献   

体育课堂上教师丰富的非语言行为.往往可收到言语难以表达的效果.教师自觉地、巧妙地运用"非语言行为"独特的艺术作用的同时,及时地获知教育对象反馈出的各种信息,可以及时发现并妥善处理教学中学生普遍存在的或偶然出现的错误动作或行为.  相似文献   

语言学家研究的结果也表明:在交际过程中,言语信息只占交际信息总量的35%,其它非言语信息则占65%。不仅如此,体态语言的运用也自然丰富了交际手段,使得言语的重复和强调相对减少,言语活动的负担也大大减轻;而信息的增加,也有益于人们突破通过单一渠道理解话语意义的局限,从而能够提高信息传输的质量。因此,不少国家都非常重视“体态语言”的教学。  相似文献   

表情可分为言语表情和非言语表情。言语表情指语音、语调、语速、停顿、节奏、拉长等。非言语表情指面部表情和体态表情.如目光、手势、姿态等。教师传授英语语言知识时的表情是丰富还是贫乏,直接影响教学效果。教师在课堂上的表情不仅能使自己的教学言语充满吸引力.提高教学言语表达力,而且能起到“此时无声胜有声”的效果。英语课堂教学是一个师生进行语言知识信息交流的过程,为了使这个交流过程更加自然、生动、形象,更加地贴近生活,教师应该恰当地运用自己的表情。  相似文献   

教态初探江苏通州市十总中学张圣如教育传播学认为“传播符号系统是由语言符号和非言语符号构成的双重系统,教师的讲述及文字教材属语言符号系统,传递语言信息。师生的体态语、时间关系及造型艺术品等属于非言语系统,传递非言语信息。这双重符号系统缺一不可”(《教育...  相似文献   

作为言语交际的重要补充形式,非言语交际能传递言语交际难以表达的事物、意念和情感。外语教学的最终目的是培养语言的交际能力,这就需要教师和学生调动语言知识和非语言知识去参与理解并作出语言的和非语言的反馈。在教学中,教师恰当运用体态语、手势语、副语言和空间语非语言交际,对提高外语教学的效果具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

言语行为与非言语行为在课堂教学中相倚而立。对于前者,人们时常关注。而对于后者,却鲜究其理。所谓非言语行为,是指运用表情、姿态、手势、仪表等无声语言或语音、语速、语调等辅助语言传递信息的行为。它不仅可以加强、扩大言语行为的效果,而且可独立地传达信息,在课堂人际沟通中起着不可替代的作用。美国心理学家艾帕尔·梅拉列斯指出:信息的冲击力1 =7 % 言辞+ 38% 声音+55% 面部表情。[1] 质言之,信息传播主要依靠非言语行为。这里从课堂教学的角度具体分析非言语行为的类别、特点、作用和运用技巧等。  相似文献   

Teaching and testing in science in junior secondary schools in Botswana, takes place in English which is a second language for the majority of Batswana (Citizens of Botswana are called Batswana [sing. Motswana] and the national language is Setswana.) students and a third language for many. The understanding of textual material in science has been shown to be problematic for first language speakers, which means that difficulties in comprehension are likely to be even greater for second language readers. This study set out to test the hypothesis that improving the readability of junior certificate science examination questions would improve student achievement. Results show that changing certain readability factors, such as sentence length, simplified vocabulary and the removal of obscure information, brought about an improvement in achievement. The conclusion considers the implications of the study for the writers of examinations and other texts in science.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore a new learning environment instrument which could be used by teaching practitioners and other educators to measure the language learning environment in the secondary science classroom. The science teacher is central in creating science classrooms conductive to the language needs of students and should be promoting the learning of language in the science curriculum and in the teaching strategies with English as second language learners. The data in this study were collected using a structured self-administered survey with a sample of 240 secondary school students from eight science classrooms. Factor analysis identified five dimensions, namely, Teacher Support, Vocabulary Development, Assessment, Motivation and Language for Learning Science. These five dimensions explained 56.9% of the variance in the language learning environment instrument. The internal reliability of the dimensions using Cronbach’s α ranged from 0.603 to 0.830. The study revealed significant differences in the dimensions of the language learning environment between what the students perceived to actually be occurring to what they would prefer. Implications from this preliminary research include the ability for measuring the language learning environment in the secondary science class and the potential for practitioners to use the information to develop teaching strategies conducive to learning for all students.  相似文献   

Research on the influence of subject matter setting on comprehension monitoring by secondary school students is reported in this article. Subjects were led to believe that they were reading passages from a science textbook in a science class or, alternatively, from a newspaper in a language class. Comprehension monitoring was expected to diminish in a situation in which information was acquired from a scientific source, in a science class, when compared to a situation in which information was acquired from a less authoritative source, like a newspaper, in a language class. Comprehension monitoring was measured by analyzing subjects' responses to a questionnaire and their written recall of several contradictory texts. Contrary to what was expected, evaluation and regulation of comprehension increased in the science setting. It was concluded that comprehension monitoring is dependent on subject matter setting, and that science education has a beneficial effect on this variable.  相似文献   

Theories of social cognition and verbal communication were used to analyze the science teaching of an experienced fourth-grade teacher. Her teaching skills in language arts and reading were assets in negotiating the rapid flow of relatively unstructured information typical of inquiry in elementary classrooms, to help students generate relevant information about hands-on experience. The teacher was a collaborator in this case study of her thinking and instructional planning, and her students' learning in a unit of instruction about space. Implications for elementary science instruction include recognizing the importance of embedded speech in conceptually broad discussions with students. Efforts to reform elementary science instruction should attend to these instructional skills more common to language arts instruction.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学作为一门新兴学科,随着改革开放而迅速发展,已然成为显学,但其学科理论和方法论的建构尚嫌薄弱,本文从东南亚华裔学生语言与文化背景的调查研究入手,借助语言学、人类学、社会学、文化学等多学科的理论和方法,从多学科、多角度、多层面展开分析、比较和综合,为对外汉语教学的学科理论和方法论的建构做了较为深入的工作。  相似文献   

词类活用是古代汉语常见的语言现象,可从信息论的角度进行新的解释,即人们在表达时,选取语言结构中信息量大的词语,而省略常规结构中信息量相对小的成分,从而最终在句法层面形成不同寻常的活用现象。  相似文献   

Early science instruction is important in order to lay a firm basis for learning scientific concepts and scientific thinking. In addition, young children enjoy science. However, science plays only a minor role in the kindergarten curriculum. It has been reported that teachers feel they need to prioritize language and literacy practices over science. In this paper, we investigate whether science lessons might be integrated with learning the language functional for school: academic language. The occurrence of scientific reasoning and sophisticated vocabulary in brief science lessons with 5-year-olds is evaluated. The aim of the study was twofold: first, to explore the nature of kindergarten science discourse without any researcher directions (pre-intervention observation). Second, in a randomized control trial, we evaluated the effect on science discourse of a brief teacher training session focused on academic language awareness. The science lessons focussed on air pressure and mirror reflection. Analyses showed that teachers from the intervention group increased their use of scientific reasoning and of domain-specific academic words in their science discourse, compared to the control group. For the use of general academic words and for lexical diversity, the effect was task-specific: these dependent measures only increased during the air pressure task. Implications of the study include the need to increase teachers' awareness of possibilities to combine early science instruction and academic language learning.  相似文献   

通过对高著的分析,进一步提出和阐述了一些重要的见解,对"语言不同而思维相同"说的质疑,提出作家的功力在对语言的敏感和对语言的认识两个方面等.此文认为语言交际是不同的人在交际中既去同又去异的不断磨合的过程:语言就是文学语言、日常语言、科学语言的联合体.不是先有一个叫语言的东西,然后出现文学语言、日常语言、科学语言这些变体;还举例说明程序语言.  相似文献   

科学主义把科学视为纯粹客观的,特雷西则认为科学具有无可置疑的诠释性,这种诠释是通过语言途径来达到的,特雷西以科学具有诠释学性质来批判传统的客观主义科学观,自有其积极的意义,然而,对科学的诠释性理解不能也不应彻底否定科学的客观性。  相似文献   


This review, written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Journal of Science Education, revealed a period of changes in the theoretical views of the language arts, the perceived roles of language in science education, and the research approaches used to investigate oral and written language in science, science teaching, and learning. The early years were dominated by behavioralist and logico-mathematical interpretations of human learning and by reductionist research approaches, while the later years reflected an applied cognitive science and constructivist interpretations of learning and a wider array of research approaches that recognizes the holistic nature of teaching and learning. The early years focus on coding oral language into categories reflecting source of speech, functional purpose, level of question and response, reading research focused on the readability of textbooks using formulae and the reader's decoding skills, and writing research was not well documented since the advocates for writing in service of learning were grass roots practitioners and many science teachers were using writing as an evaluation technique. The advent of applied cognitive science and the constructivist perspectives ushered in interactive-constructive models of discourse, reading and writing that more clearly revealed the role of language in science and in science teaching and learning. A review of recent research revealed that the quantity and quality of oral interactions were low and unfocused in science classrooms; reading has expanded to consider comprehension strategies, metacognition, sources other than textbooks, and the design of inquiry environments for classrooms; and writing-to-learn science has focused on sequential writing tasks requiring transformation of ideas to enhance science learning. Several promising trends and future research directions flow from the synthesis of this 25-year period of examining the literacy component of science literacy - among them are critical listening and reading of various sources, multi-media presentations and representations, effective debate and argument, quality explanation and the role of information and communication technologies/environments.  相似文献   

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