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从目前西藏青年教师教学能力的实际情况来看,青年教师教学能力在以下几个方面存在问题:教学设计能力弱、教学基本功不扎实、教学反思力度不够、欠缺自我学习能力,缺乏教学研究能力。造成这些问题的原因既有教师自身的主观原因也有学校层面的外部原因。从教师自身层面来看:就业心态与教学热情度、教学实践经验积累、教学反思能力与自我发展动机提升等方面影响着教师教学能力的提高;从学校的视角来看,对青年教师教学技能有一定影响的因素还包括教学科研的氛围及培训评教活动的开展情况等因素。  相似文献   

This paper tests the utility of a new sociocognitive frame for analysing the development of teachers' knowledge – the knowledge integration perspective (Linn, Eylon, & Davis, in press; Linn & Hsi, 2000). In doing so, the paper describes one prospective elementary teacher's developing knowledge and highlights its complexity. The prospective teacher demonstrates relatively well-integrated science subject matter knowledge, but she makes some problematic links to lessons and develops some instructional representations that show where she needs to distinguish between different scientific ideas. She also, however, links science concepts to appropriate real-world experiences, indicating that she has nascent useful pedagogical content knowledge. The paper discusses what teacher educators can learn about their learners from this analysis, argues for the utility of the knowledge integration perspective for conducting similar analyses, provides ideas to help science teacher educators apply the perspective easily as they teach their students, and points to areas ripe for future research.  相似文献   

自从新冠肺炎疫情发生以后,人们都将健康摆在首位,有的学校为了避免学生感染病毒,采取暂时停课的方式,整个教育行业在很大程度上受到了影响。为了不耽误学生的学习,许多高校在经过一番考虑之后决定选择在线教学的方式。通过对高校教师在线行为意向的研究,对于教学各个环节出现的问题,教师在线上及时给出解决对策,也是对一学期的在线教学的一种总结,积累更多的经验。高校教师在线教学行为意向对在线课堂的教学实践具有很大的影响,对高校教师在行为中的影响因素与对策进行研究。  相似文献   

和谐教学既是一种实践理念,也是一种审美性教学形态,所追求的是教学中教与学及师生关系处于一种平衡、共生、融合的状态。因而,教师角色应从“教”为出发点的角色定位转向以“学”为出发点的角色定位,以此为思考视点,教师的角色是对话者、融合者和学习者。  相似文献   

教师是实践性特征尤为突出的职业。教师实践性知识是教师在教学实践中形成的、指导其教学实践的、具有个人特质的关于教育教学的认知。通过对教师实践性知识水平和相关行为强度的研究,发现热爱研究写作反思学习是影响中学化学教师实践性知识发展的关键因素;研究和反思比学习的影响更显著,热爱是基础性影响因素。为了促进教师的成长,应该在培养教师热爱教育的前提下,引导教师深入研究、勤于写作、积极反思、善于学习。  相似文献   

康琰 《科教导刊》2019,(10):65-66
随着科学技术的快速发展,我国已进入信息化时代,在很大程度上推动着我国教育事业的发展,教学信息化将成为教师面临的新常态。信息技术的快速发展使得我国教育行业发生的很大的变化,教师在实际教学过程中,应该与时俱进,明确自身的角色定位,积极寻找专业发展的新机遇,实现信息化时代教师角色的转换与定位,进一步推动教育行业的发展。  相似文献   

高校教师工作满意度影响因素是有关满意度研究的基础和前提。基于对48篇满意度研究文献的质性分析,研究发现高校教师工作满意度影响因素由组织管理、工作生态、个体特征、情绪感知、价值实现和外部环境6个维度组成。其中,组织管理、工作生态和情绪感知是核心类属,个体特征是支援类属;组织管理、工作生态和外部环境属于外部因素,占主导地位,个体特征、情绪感知和价值实现属于内部因素;组织管理和工作生态是直接可控因素,情绪感知是间接可控因素,个体特征是不可控因素。为提升高校教师工作满意度水平,应兼顾内因与外因,重点关注外因;重点考虑核心类属,特殊关注支援类属;调整直接可控因素,关注间接可控因素,区别不可控因素。  相似文献   

新时期以来涌现出一大批语文教学名师。他们的成长,既有主观因素,也有客观因素。主观因素主要包括深厚扎实的语文素养,学生主体的教学理念,坚定执着的教育情怀;客观因素主要包括健康发展的社会环境、教育专家的理论引领、合作融洽的教师文化。  相似文献   

当前我国农村学校教师职业认同度普遍较低。究其原因主要是长期存在的二元格局使城乡之间存在较大的差距,国家政策使不同类别的教师存在心理不平衡感,社会文化和人际关系影响了农村教师的归属感和成就感,社会经济地位影响了农村教师的幸福感及职业满意度。因此,留住或吸引优秀教师到农村任教是当前亟待解决的重要问题。本文认为通过优化制度及落实政策,深化农村教师的文化融入,引导教师自身理性看待自己的社会经济地位等来提高农村教师的职业认同,从而留住或吸引教师在农村长期任教。  相似文献   

A large body of literature illustrates that many elementary teachers are reluctant to teach science and confess a lack of confidence to teach it. Nevertheless, a review of the literature indicates a few cases of elementary teachers who do well in science and offers rare examples of enthusiast elementary teachers. The question then becomes how those cases came to be? The purpose of this study is to document two such cases of prospective elementary teachers, illustrate their unique characteristics and shed light on how those came to be. The study was designed upon a narrative inquiry approach focusing on the collection of personal stories. Multiple sources of data were used in order to examine the participants’ science teaching orientations and the kinds of experiences that influenced their development: drawings, interviews, reflective assignments, and others. The analysis of the data was grounded within the Three-Dimensional Space Narrative Structure. The findings of the analysis illustrated that the participants perceived certain experiences they had during their university coursework as critical to shaping their orientations to science and science teaching: inquiry-based investigations, contemporary theoretical discussions, outdoors field study, friendly classroom environment and the characteristics of their instructors. These findings have implications for the design of teacher education courses that aim to engage prospective elementary teachers, especially females, in meaningful learning experiences and support them in developing science teaching orientations that are in line with reform recommendations.  相似文献   

幼儿园教师职业道德发展既是提高教师素质的重要内容,也是幼儿获得良好发展的保证。幼儿园教师职业道德发展主要受主客观两方面因素的影响,客观因素包括职业期望、社会地位等宏观因素和园所机制、人际关系等微观因素;主观因素包括职业社会知觉和职业角色意识。幼儿园教师职业道德在主客观影响因素的互动中得以生成和发展,客观因素通过主观因素发挥作用。文章从运行机制优化、人文环境构建、自我修养提高出发,探索促进幼儿园教师职业道德发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

教师绩效评价是提高教育质量、促进教育发展的必要管理手段。教师的绩效评价不仅应服务于高校的办学目标,而且应有利于教师的职业发展,所以只有找出影响教师工作绩效的主要因素就显得尤为重要。本研究运用混合研究的方法,以A大学在职教师为研究对象,通过定量的统计调查和定性的深度访谈对影响该大学高校教师工作绩效的因素进行探索和分析,通过分析研究,得出组织因素、工作因素、和个人因素对于教师工作绩效的具体影响。  相似文献   

论理科教师科学本质教学行为的发展性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁永平 《教育科学》2007,23(3):48-53
培养学生适当理解科学本质是科学教育的目标之一。实现这一目标的关键是理科教师具有相应的科学本质教学行为。理科教师科学本质教学行为可以从显性教学目标、具有认识论水平的教学主题、显性区别观察和推论、注重知识产生方式、反思性评价活动、评价性作业等六个方面进行发展性评价。发展性评价的实施主要在理科教师科学本质教学行为自我监控系统指导下进行。  相似文献   

采用教师工作价值观量表,对我国645名中小学教师进行了测量,运用LISERL8.3和SPSS13.0对数据进行统计分析。结果发现:(1)教师工作价值观是由物质报酬、声望地位、职业发展、人际关系、组织管理、利他奉献和安全稳定7个因子组成的多维结构,以此为基础编制的《教师工作价值观问卷》具有较好的信度和效度;(2)利他奉献是当代教师重要的工作价值取向;(3)教师工作价值观受性别、学校性质、学段、学校来源等因素的影响。研究表明:教师工作价值观是一个多维的心理结构,利他奉献是当代教师重要的工作价值取向,但教师工作价值观也受相关变量的影响。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,网络教学也应运而生,由此也产生许多新的问题。本文主要对网络环境下的教学模式进行探讨,进一步提出了教师角色的定位。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to develop and apply a method for assessing teachers' context beliefs about their science teaching environment. Interviews with 130 purposefully selected teachers resulted in 28 categories of environmental factors and/or people who were perceived to influence science teaching. These categories were used to develop items for the Context Beliefs about Teaching Science instrument and provided evidence for content validity. Construct validity was partially confirmed through factor analysis that resulted in 26 items and two subscales on the final instrument. Using Ford's Motivation Systems Theory and Bandura's Theory of Collective Efficacy, additional evidence for construct validity was found in the modest correlation of context beliefs with outcome expectancy beliefs and the low correlation with science teaching self‐efficacy beliefs. The instrument was tested using 262 teachers participating in long‐term science professional development programs. These teachers possessed fairly positive context beliefs and, according to Ford's theory, should be capable of effective functioning in the classroom. It was concluded that the assessment of context beliefs would complement current science teacher self‐efficacy measures, thereby allowing researchers to develop profiles of science teachers' personal agency belief patterns. It could also be used to determine the factors which predict particular personal agency belief patterns, and assess teachers' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of school science programs, and could be used in planning and monitoring professional development experiences for science teachers. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 275–292, 2000.  相似文献   

对高校教师职业幸福感的关注,既可以提高教师自身发展和生命质量,也有助于提升学生的综合素质,促进学校的规划发展,提高社会整体教育质量,加快我国国际化水平的进程,最终实现和谐社会的发展目标。如果高校不能够给予教师良好的待遇,则会使教师的幸福感降低,以此导致高校的教育水平下降。所以,现阶段高校青年教师职业幸福感的提升对高校教育的发展有着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we present a valid and reliable instrument which measures the attitude of in-service and pre-service primary teachers toward teaching science, called the Dimensions of Attitude Toward Science (DAS) Instrument. Attention to the attitudes of primary teachers toward teaching science is of fundamental importance to the professionalization of these teachers in the field of primary science education. With the development of this instrument, we sought to fulfill the need for a statistically and theoretically valid and reliable instrument to measure pre-service and in-service teachers' attitudes. The DAS Instrument is based on a comprehensive theoretical framework for attitude toward (teaching) science. After pilot testing, the DAS was revised and subsequently validated using a large group of respondents (pre-service and in-service primary teachers) (N = 556). The theoretical underpinning of the DAS combined with the statistical data indicate that the DAS possesses good construct validity and that it proves to be a promising instrument that can be utilized for research purposes, and also as a teacher training and coaching tool. This instrument can therefore make a valuable contribution to progress within the field of science education.  相似文献   

目前,体育教学已经成为了高校教育体系中的一个重要组成部分,其教学发展也得到相关部门的高度重视,为了能够将体育教学目标从根本土实现,学校就必须对教学发展中存在的问题进行有效解决.本文通过对目前我国高校体育教学过程中存在的问题进行分析,并结合未来体育运动的发展目标,有针对性的采取相应的解决措施,以期为我国高校体育教学发展提供一定的参考依据,为我国培养更多的体育运动人才.  相似文献   

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