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“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“Honesty is the bestpolicy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。[编者按]  相似文献   

2003年10月,BUZZ初登台。2006年的现在,BUZZ三周年。作为韩国少有的偶像兼实力派摇滚乐队,BUZZ是低调的,镜头前5个男孩都不爱说话、不善言辞,依赖着队长老大。BUZZ是激情的,舞台上,他们猛然间释放所有的激情,给你足够的震撼。让BUZZ给你SHOCK,一起SHAKE!  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling 种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“H onesty is the best policy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。  相似文献   

Thank You     
Thank you, thank you very much.For everything that I can touch.Thanks a lot for nature' s food.And for when I'm feel ing good.Thank you, thank you very much.For moms and dads and friends and such.Let's be thankful for this day.For our friends and for our play.Let' s be thankful ; lets be glad.For the food and things we have.Let' s give thanks for you and meand our home and family.Thank You@汪清枫…  相似文献   

Miss You     
Liu熏couldyourememberme芽I’mthatcrazygirl.Inthosedays熏wesangSeasonintheSuntogetheronthegrass.Yousaiditwasthebesttimetosingthissongbecausethesunshonebrightly.Iagreedwithyoubecausethosedaysweremyhappiestdaysofmylifeandthesunreallyshonebrightly熏Ithink.Liu熏couldyourememberthatnight芽Thatnight熏wesawthatfallingstarfalling.Yousaidthatifamandied熏afallingstarwouldfalldown.ButIsaidthatafallingstarwasatearofanangel.Youlookedatmeandwelaughedhappily.Liu熏look选Afallingstarisfallingnow.Canyoureme…  相似文献   

Scientists from the UK are examining a magic cloak.You may think of Harry Potter.Yes!This magic stuff makes any- thing inside it invisible. Researchers from London's Imperial College and Duke University,USA,are taking progressive steps to make this a  相似文献   

One day, a poor man travelled on a horse. After a long time, he felt thirsty and hungry. He tied his horse to a tree, then he began to have lunch. Just then, a rich man came, and he was about to tie his horse to the same tree when the poor man said; "Please don't tie your horse to this tree. My horse  相似文献   

Several weeks ago.I planted some little sweet potatoes near ourhouse.Last Sunday I found some buds had come up.They were full ofvitality(生命力)and grew very fast.I went to see them every day andwatered them whenever I thought they were thirsty.  相似文献   

You Are Heroes     
突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,暂缓了大嘴M豆与美好的春光亲近的步伐,也让大家体验了一次真正的"宅"生活。病毒虽无情,我们都不怕。我们相信,只要齐心协力,"怪兽"一定会被打败;我们有信心,因为有人在保护着我们,他们是真正的战士,是我们心目中的英雄。我们的小读者也"宅"出了新意,他们将对偶像的敬意、爱意藏在了点画之中,笔墨之外--.  相似文献   

Do You Know     
同学们,请根据前后句意,在横线上填入相关的职业:1.Herfatherworksinafactory.Heisa____.2.MissChengteachesusChinese.Sheisa____.3.WangHong'sbrotherisa____.Heworksinthearmy(军队).4.Sheisa____.Shecandriveabuswell.5.Myuncleworksonafarm(家场).Heisa____.  相似文献   

Attention is asymmetric(不均匀的) at times. It can flow out of the system, as when the living pay attention to the dead.  相似文献   

Do You Know     

Do You Know     
1.Hey,man,good to see you.嗨,幸会。2.We finally made it.我们终于做到了。3.I’ve done my best.我已尽力了。I’m broke.我身无分文。Dig in.别客气,开吃吧![第一段]  相似文献   

在这个网络发达的年代,想出名似乎不再难如登天,只要你够特别够胆大。当然了,这也给很多怀有不遇的音乐人提供了大好机会,许多人就是借着网络成为炙手可热的大明星。世界上最大的视频分享网站YouTube在这方面可是贡献不小呢。  相似文献   

Do You Know     

Do You Know     
football,soccer足球field,pitch足球场midfield中场kick-off circle中圈half-way line摇中线goalkeeper,goaltender摇守门员back摇后卫leftback摇左后卫right back摇右后卫centre half back摇中卫half back摇前卫lefthalf back左前卫right half back右前卫forward前锋centre forward,centre摇中锋outside leftforward摇左边锋outside right forward摇右边锋to shoot摇射门close-range shot摇近射long drive摇远射offside摇越位kick-off摇开球bicycle kick,overhead kick倒钩球chest-high ball摇平胸球corner ball,corner摇角球goal kick摇…  相似文献   

News for You     
想知道国外同龄人用的是什么学习资料吗?想知道他们做的题难度怎么样吗?看看下边这份资料吧,它是本刊从美国引进的原汁原味的学习资料,包括试题设置!由于版面有限,试题和Teacher’s Guide我们会放到本刊网站wwww.es123.com上,别忘了去试试。不过,文章末尾的words puzzle是值得尝试的。做完了别忘了把答案寄回编辑部,说不定会有惊喜等你哦。  相似文献   

You Are Great     
Here are some questions from English Cool Kids. The answers can be found somewhere in the magazine.Please find the answers and write them in the blank.Then mail them to us. You Are Great  相似文献   

Do You Believe     
Do you believe that dreams Hold a meaning But the meaning isn’t what it seems To be Do you believe that miraculous things Can happen to anybody Do you believe in people with wings They’re called angels Do you believe that angels are a present  相似文献   

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