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为了解决学生在线学习过程中的“认知过载”和“学习迷航”等问题,充分发挥网络课程资源的教学辅助作用,以《决策支持系统》课程为例,提出一种基于领域本体和语义相似度的个性化学习路径推荐策略。根据领域知识点及其关系构建本体库,建立知识点间语义关系,并用Protégé进行本体形式化编码;基于本体设计学习路径生成策略和相关知识协同策略;最后,结合《决策支持系统》课程现有网络资源设计并开发原型系统,实现个性化学习引导及资源空间优化。实验表明,该平台能够实现在线学习路径的有效引导,为学生提供个性化学习空间,优化在线学习效果。  相似文献   

通用本体学习框架研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种通用本体学习框架GOLF,通过对网络上各专业领域web文档集进行挖掘来实现本体自动构建,讨论了本体学习中本体概念的抽取、概念之间语义关系的抽取和分类体系的自动构建等关键技术,通过实验对算法进行了测试,并对本体评价方法进行了探讨.由于集成了多种机器学习算法,该方法在概念抽取和语义关系学习方面具有更高的准确性.采用通用本体WordNet和HowNet作为语料库,它可适用于不同的专业领域.同时,通过按需获取web文档,该方法能实时生成本体.  相似文献   

为了将推理与文本检索有效融合起来,提出了一种包含多类型查询的语义搜索引擎体系结构,在此基础上设计并实现了语义搜索引擎系统Smartch.Smartch基于合理的推理流程和图形化定制过程,提供4种形式的搜索服务,分别是基本搜索、概念搜索、图形化定制搜索及关联关系搜索.实验结果表明语义搜索引擎Smartch和传统搜索引擎相比,在本体推理的基础上,查全率和查准率上有一定的提高,图形化定制查询可准确定位用户需查询的概念,关联关系搜索可发现概念之间存在的复杂关系,Smartch实现了一定程度的智能搜索.  相似文献   

移动学习与在线电子学习系统的运行平台、展示环境以及传输能的区别,把电子学习资源移植到移动学习终端设备时,存在学习数据格式转换、数据传输、展示自动匹配方面的问题。为了让移动学习平台能处理移动数据传输不稳定和多媒体学习资源以及原有学习平台数据格式异构情况。作者提出学习服务器和移动终端设备之间设置移动协作服务的先进软件解决方案。移动协作服务是为满足移动电子学习情景需求引入了一个新的中间层技术,它提供了各类移动客户端的兼容性学习对象,并允许分布式平台用户访问。  相似文献   

When faced with excessive detail in an online environment, typical users have difficulty processing all the elements of representation. This in turn creates cognitive overload, which narrows the user's focus to a few select items. In the context of e-learning, we translated this aspect as the learner's demand for a system that facilitates the retrieval of learning content – one in which the representation is easy to read and understand. We hypothesized that the representation of content in an e-learning system's design is an important antecedent for learner preferences. The aspects of isolation and distinctiveness were incorporated into the design of e-learning representation as an attempt to promote student cognition. Following its development, the model was empirically validated by conducting a survey of 300 university students. We found that isolation and distinctiveness in the design elements appeared to facilitate the ability of students to read and remember online learning content. This in turn was found to drive user preferences for using e-learning systems. The findings provide designers with managerial insights for enticing learners to continue using e-learning systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a global learning partnership using the Café: the collaborative application for education as an e-learning environment within the Facebook framework, for first-year animation students at the University of South Australia (USA) in Australia and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. “The Café” has been designed based on five principles of user interface design – visibility, usability, relevance, accessibility, and interactivity – and aims to provide institutions with an established, structured, and dedicated e-learning environment that meets the needs of modern-day tertiary students and teaching staff. From July to November in 2013, 71 students participated within the e-learning environment. Students submitted work-in-progress imagery related to major assignments, and provided feedback and critiques to their local and global peers. A post-semester survey provided students with the opportunity to critically reflect on the learning experience. The results are discussed in light of the use of peer feedback as a formative assessment tool.  相似文献   

面向个人终身学习的数字化学习资源生态化发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,终身学习理念的不断深入,数字化学习资源作为终身学习的重要组成部分越来越受到研究者的普遍关注。终身学习环境下的数字化学习资源应具有丰富性、可共享、个性化、动态更新等特征,这与教育生态学理念不谋而合。因此,文章以终身学习为研究背景,提出了一套数字化学习资源生态化发展模式。该模式融合教育生态学与本体理论,将其应用到数字化学习资源的组织、生长,进化与演变各阶段中,实现数字化学习资源的有序化组织,自我生长,优胜劣汰的进化以及生命周期的演变,以满足终身学习者对数字化学习资源的需求。  相似文献   

针对当前的搜索引擎提供面向查询、而非面向用户的服务,从而导致搜索引擎无法满足用户个性化的需求这一问题,提出了一种基于PLSA的新方法,将面向查询词的搜索转变成面向用户的搜索.首先,通过分析用户查询历史和浏览记录建立代表用户模型的用户兴趣向量,在用户发出查询时用户的查询词根据用户兴趣向量被映射到兴趣分类上,最终根据面向用户排序算法将返回结果列表重新排序.实验表明该面向用户搜索系统能够充分考虑用户的偏好,从而更好地满足不同用户的信息需求.  相似文献   

构造了在线学习资源管理系统的本体和元数据.首先,在分析系统用例图的基础上,给出了网络在线学习资源和用户的顶层本体、RDF模式描述和类图,并从功能和运行2个方面对给出的学习资源本体和用户本体进行了评估;然后结合Dublin核心元数据和IEEE的LOM元数据模型,给出了本系统的元数据格式;最后通过实例证明了所给出的本体和元数据的有效性.  相似文献   

为了对异质异构数据资源进行语义集成并提供统一的智能访问接口, 利用语义Web技术发布机器可理解的数据资源及其之间的关系, 以支持智能搜索等功能. 介绍了中医药智能搜索引擎TCMSearch, 该搜索引擎的核心为一个集成语义知识库, 该知识库利用领域本体来表示中医药领域的实例及其之间的关系. 首先, 针对普通文本, 系统采用了机器学习的方法对其进行语义标注; 对于关系型数据库数据, 则采用了语义映射的方法统一其语义信息. 然后, 系统为集成的数据资源构建了一个语义索引, 该索引采用本体语言RDF/OWL进行表示, 从而支持一些强大的推理功能, 如类层次关系推理和实例关系推理. 最后,通过利用该语义索引以及其支持的推理功能, 系统能够在集成知识库的基础上提供智能化搜索, 如关联搜索、语义图浏览以及实例推荐等新功能.  相似文献   

由于信息资源缺少统一的语义描述,直接基于关键词的传统信息搜集方式使得用户难以高效地获取所需的信息资源,所以这种信息搜集技术已经不能满足用户在语义层次上的需求.知识本体(the ontology)是共享概念模型的明确形式化规范说明,能够以一种明确的、形式化的方式来表示领域知识,提高异构系统之间的互操作性,促进知识共享,由于本体具有良好的概念层次结构和对逻辑推理的支持,所以两者的结合是一个研究热点.本文通过对信息搜集的现状及其所面对的挑战的介绍,结合语义网中本体的具体特点,以计算机课程资源为应用的切入点,较详细地阐述了如何利用本体方法实现知识的组织,并且对组织后的知识结构进行有效的访问.  相似文献   

语义Web强调对网络资源附加可供机器理解和处理的语义信息,使人与电脑之间更好地协同工作,同时也使资源的大规模重用和自动化处理成为可能。近年来,随着语Y,.Web技术的不断发展,各种e—Learning平台(适应性学习系统、智能导师系统、语义化知识社区等)纷纷尝试引入语义技术,为用户提供更加个性化和智能化的学习服务。学习元平台(LCS)基于语义化组织的学习资源,应用语义Web体系框架中的本体技术和推理技术,构建了包含OntologyAPI层、语义层、标注层和推理层的语义技术框架。依托该框架,LCS分别在学习资源的有序进化控制、学习资源的动态语义关联、学习资源的动态语义聚合、学习资源的适应性推荐、学习资源的语义化检索以及社会认知网络的动态构建等方面进行探索性研究,实现从资源的语义化组织到具有更强智能性和个性化的高级应用服务。这些应用实践表明,将语义技术在e-Learning系统中推广应用,需要积极引入外部开放、成熟的本体和更多高级应用服务,集成具有较强针对性和运行效率的推理机,在人工标注和自动标注相结合的基础上,关注资源和用户的语义化表征,重视情境模型的设计和情境本体的构建。  相似文献   

Recent advance in medical education is in correlation with the advances in information technology and thus computer-based learning is being increasingly employed. The objective of the present study was to design and evaluate an e-learning module in anatomy and assess the perceptions of students and faculty about this e-learning module. The participating students were randomized into three groups by block stratified randomization and Google groups were created for each of the three groups. The e-learning module was implemented in three sessions by rotating the three groups. Validated questionnaires were sent to faculty and participating students via Google forms to obtain feedback. The results of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference among the groups in terms of marks obtained with conventional (F = 2.403, P = 0.103), online (F = 6.050, P = 0.005), and blended (F = 5.801, P = 0.006). Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test, about the gain of knowledge, indicated that the results were insignificant when comparing the conventional group with the online group, but were significant when comparing the blended group with the conventional and online group. The qualitative data regarding the perception of students toward e-learning were analyzed using thematic analysis. The introduction of an interactive e-learning module in anatomy was effective and well received by the students and faculty. The study showed that blended learning has a positive impact on the students' learning by improving cognitive gain and receptive perception for e-learning.  相似文献   

This special issue of Learning and Instruction examines the role of emotions in academic learning, with a special focus on emotions in computer-supported academic learning (or e-learning). Three central research challenges concerning emotion in e-learning are: identification (e.g., what are the key emotions in e-learning?), measurement (e.g., how can we tell how strongly a learner is experiencing each key emotion during e-learning?), and explanation (e.g., what are the causes and consequences of the learner's emotional state during learning?). A useful goal of research on emotions in e-learning is to test an affective-cognitive model of e-learning with links among an e-learning episode, the learner's emotional reaction during learning, the learner's cognitive processing during learning, and the learning outcome.  相似文献   

在语义Web中,用户访问行为模型可以作为本体论共享.如何把Web访问活动转变成为本体论是一个非常关键的问题.为了解决这个技术问题,本文提出了一种在Web使用挖掘中集成模糊逻辑和形式化概念分析的本体论自动生成方法.文章首先对Web使用挖掘以及语义Web和本体论进行了介绍,然后该方法的体系结构及其生成过程也被详细地论述.  相似文献   

为了实现web服务的自动组合,提出了一种基于领域本体的启发式算法.该方法将领域本体与人工智能规划方法相结合,利用领域本体及其推理能力,推理出参数间的语义关系,在此基础上运用人工智能规划的启发式算法将web服务组合问题转化为规划问题加以解决.实验结果表明,该方法弥补了以往人工智能规划方法中缺乏语义的不足,综合考虑了服务语义、服务组合质量和服务组合效率等因素,能高效地自动生成满足用户需求的组合web服务.  相似文献   

The learning preferences of three hundred and thirty eighttechnology students enrolled in sub-degree programs at an Australian institution of Technical andFurther Education were tested using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI). The results have been interpreted in a learning preferences framework and providesupportive evidence for the preferences factors of print-nonprint, collaborative, dependent,and autonomous learning identified by Sadler-Smith & Riding (1999). Although theresearch focussed on learning preferences the analysis also indicated support for theWholist-Analytic cognitive style proposed by Riding & Cheema (1991). Genderdifferences were shown for the Interest subscales of the CLSI. Age-group differenceswere shown for several Conditions of Learning and Modes of Learning subscales.Implications for the design of training programs, and the skillsthat may need to be developed in technology learners to enable effective use offlexible delivery, are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an ontology mapping‐based framewrowrk that allows searching for learning resources using multiple ontologies. The present applications of ontologies in e‐learning use various ontologies (eg, domain, curriculum, context), but they do not give a solution on how to interoperate e‐learning systems based on different ontologies. The proposed solution uses a mapping ontology that is a part of a recent Semantic Web initiative, the Simple Knowledge Organisation System. On top of that, we develop and implement two search algorithms. Finally, we evaluated the solution by developing a system that helps students search for relevant learning resource using a local context (ie, course curriculum) ontology.  相似文献   

为了减少构建领域本体的工作量,利用现有术语丰富的叙词表作为构建工作的起点是一种较好的方法.以《国防科技叙词表》的有关内容转换生成军用飞机领域本体原型为实例,详细叙述了一种基于叙词表构建领域本体的方法.该方法包含4个阶段,即确定用途、总体设计、详细设计和评估.详细设计是核心,该部分将叙词表中出现的词汇、语义关系转换到本体中,并补充了更丰富的语义关系.生成的领域本体原型具有87个概念、34个关系,具备较好的扩展能力.对本体原形中出现的8种通用关系类型也进行了初步地归纳和分析,包括等同关系、近似关系、具体与抽象关系、部分与整体关系、因果关系、实体与位置关系等.语义关系规范化将是今后实现多个本体合并和复用的一个关键.  相似文献   

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