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Journal of Science Education and Technology - A learning experience designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) should integrate the Science & Engineering Practices and...  相似文献   

Science learning and a Sense of Place in a Urban Middle School   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper offers an analysis into low-income, urban middle school children's sense of place and what and how their sense of place matters in science learning by focusing on the following questions: In what ways is students' sense of place leveraged in a science classroom? How does the content and context of science class shape how students leverage their sense of place? What learning opportunities emerge when sense of place is leveraged in class? Drawing from an ethnographic investigation into an environmental statistics class in a mid-sized public middle school, we examined sense of place events from their source, process, and outcome perspectives. Our findings are presented from two aspects of sense of place events, (1) characterizing students' sense of place by exploring sources of the sense of place events, and (2) examining processes of how students' sense of place is being leveraged in the episodes. We also examine two kinds of tensions that emerge in the class when sense of place is leveraged by students and acknowledged by the teacher: epistemological tensions (related to what the students are learning) and procedural tensions (related to how they are learning).  相似文献   

Addressing the need to find new ways for examining workplace cultures quickly and effectively in order to facilitate school improvement efforts, this article proposes a technique for carrying out such enquiries. By exploring the nature of school cultures and how they impact upon day-to-day encounters in classrooms, it illustrates how critical incidents can be analysed so as to help those in schools to understand themselves better in terms of those factors that shape their practice. It is argued that the proposed method has the potential to go beyond systems of external monitoring in such a way as to enable schools to develop procedures for self-review.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of STEM-focused (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-focused) schools and other learning experiences (e.g., short-term camps) on student outcomes is sparse. This study documented perceptions of STEM content and careers for elementary, middle, and secondary school students participating in university-based summer camps focused on robotics. Attitudes before and after the camp experiences were compared across gender groups and grade levels. Middle school students showed greater growth on the surveys compared to their elementary and secondary school peers. Implications for the design and evaluation of STEM experiences include looking at longer, more intensive experiences.  相似文献   

数感在义务教育数学课程中是一个全新的重要内容.目前初中生的数感培养存在的主要问题有:对数概念的理解脱离现实的生活,而且缺少个性化和多样化的理解方式;学生的估算意识薄弱,缺少估算的方法;学生之间缺乏有效的交流,抑制思维的发散;解决问题的能力有待提高.培养学生数感的策略有:在数概念的教学中,重视对数概念的切实体验与理解;注重对运算意义的理解,加强估算能力并鼓励算法多样化;在数学交流中领悟数感;在问题解决中培养和发展数感.  相似文献   

This article describes sixth-grade students’ engagement in two model-eliciting activities offering students the opportunity to construct mathematical models. The findings show that students utilized their knowledge of fractions including conceptual and procedural knowledge in constructing mathematical models for the given situations. Some students were also able to generalize the fraction model and transfer it to a new situation. Analysis of the students’ work demonstrates that they made use of four fraction constructs—part-whole, operator, quotients, and ratio. The activities also revealed difficulties in the students’ knowledge of fractions, some of which were overcome in the process of organizing and mathematizing the problem.  相似文献   

针对传统教学中存在的问题,探讨了探究性生物实验教学的作用和意义,并根据教学体会,阐述了实施探究性生物实验教学应注意的问题。  相似文献   

学生问题意识的淡薄是制约其创新思维发展的重要因素。因此,教师在教学过程中要想方设法增强学生的问题意识,充分调动学生提出问题的积极性,让学生变被动掌握"静态"的物理知识为主动探索、研究"动态"的物理知识,从而真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

概念图已运用各科教学领域,本文据多年教学经验,以具体例子描述概念图的制作步骤以及制作过程中的注意事项,提高概念图的制作技巧。  相似文献   

语感是人们对语言的直觉 ,有良好的语感的人 ,能快速准确地理解别人的语言 ,表达自己的思想情感。培养学生高层次的语感是当今语文教学的关键。可以从丰富生活体验 ,扩大语言实践 ;强化语境概念 ,联系语境培养语感 ;加强诵读训练 ,增加词语积累 ;学习语言知识 ,增加文化修养 ,提高语感层次 ;联系思维训练 ,提高语感水平等五个方面来培养学生的语感  相似文献   


How can research findings from cognitive and learning sciences be meaningfully applied in authentic settings to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics? Decades of basic research on how people learn has implications for the design of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. However, bringing research to practice involves simultaneously applying multiple design principles and raises pragmatic challenges of classroom contexts. Our project used research-based recommendations to systematically revise a widely used middle school mathematics curriculum and investigated whether the revised curriculum improved student learning in mathematics. In this article, we detail a replicable process for operationalizing and implementing multiple research-based principles and report findings from a large-scale experimental evaluation of this approach to estimate the potential impact on student learning.  相似文献   

忧患意识是中华民族的优良传统。江泽民同志在党的十六大上更明确提出“一定要增强忧患意识,居安思危”。然而,由于舆论宣传、教育理念等的偏差,导致当前国人尤其是青年学生忧患意识淡薄。中学历史学科中,对学生进行忧患意识教育的内容既十分丰富又具体生动,具有其他学科无法取代的优势。在历史教学中,应结合学科特点,采取多种途径开展忧患意识教育,以增强青年学生的忧患意识。  相似文献   

In this article, I draw on poststructuralist work on "citationality" to elucidate an urban high school's student culture and intervention efforts with regard to LGBQ issues. I contend that the language, ideas and practices of LGBQ issues and awareness among students and staff "cite" or draw on broader (and often competing) discourses of normalcy, sexuality, and/or "good teaching." I discuss how the citational process makes it difficult to bring about change, as well as the possibilities for bringing about change. The significance of this article is the way it explicates the discourses used to articulate and describe LGBQ people, issues, and intervention efforts; and how these discourses may hinder efforts to create LGBQ support and awareness in schools.  相似文献   

调查发现,甘肃省农村中学生跟全国各地中学生一样,学生中喜欢音乐的人占到了全体人群的绝大多数,这种情况其实是与音乐在人性中的重要性原则相符合的。针对甘肃省农村中学生音乐素养存在的问题,提出几点建议:(一)采取先进的教学方法,提高学生音乐学习兴趣;(二)倡导音乐课程内容多元化;(三)为学生创设交流展示的平台;(四)转变家长对学习音乐的陈旧观念。  相似文献   

中学教学建模活动为中学生创造发展空间   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
开展中学数学建模活动,为培养创造精神和实践能力提供了一条途径,教学建模活动可以让学生尝试发现问题和提出问题,经历科学地结局问题的过程,学会与他人合作,创造潜能得以开发。  相似文献   

中小学生法制教育是学校教育的重要内容之一。目前,我国中小学法制教育中还存在不少误区。切实转变观念,提高学校对法制教育的重视程度,是加强对中小学生进行法制教育的关键。  相似文献   

科学态度是现代科学教育的核心要素,培养学生的科学态度越来越受到教育者的重视,但国内对学生科学态度的测量和评价还处于薄弱环节,本研究旨在开发一个客观、科学的测量工具来及时方便的评估中学生的科学态度.研究结果显示该测量问卷能较好的测量出中学生的科学态度水平,可以作为中学生科学态度的测量工具使用.  相似文献   

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