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张瑶 《新闻世界》2012,(3):165-166
让·波德里亚的消费社会理论建立在符号学的经验分析和人的原始欲望基础之上,对消费社会给予猛烈的批判。随着大众传媒的迅猛发展,个人的消费已不再满足于物品的功能性而更多的指向符号消费,折射出集体特征的符号印记。  相似文献   

作为一种"信息"和"人体的一种延伸",大众传媒自诞生之日起便对人类社会的发展起到了巨大的促进作用,加快了人类信息交流的速度。但大众传媒在推进社会发展的同时,它营造的"拟态环境"、运行的规则和追求商业利益的目标也促使人发生了异化。  相似文献   

随着大众传媒竞争日趋激烈,各大媒介在传播方式和技术水平基本相当的情况下,竞争的焦点开始逐渐转移到了寻找传播内容的真空地带。当前,以人为本的民生新闻持续备受关注,它与大众传媒的公共性有机的结合在一起,为人民群众搭建了一个公共的话语平台,为大众传媒提供了一个多元的真空地带,有效的促进了人民民主化的进程。  相似文献   

李丹 《新闻实践》2006,(12):55-62
所谓的:全球化、地球村时代,很大程度是媒体炒作的一个未来的幻觉。生活在尘埃般般漫天飘荡的信息中,人们并不比从前更易认识世界,更易实现沟通,更易找到和平、繁荣和幸福生活。传播系统仍由强国和富人,尤其是美国权势集团控制着。  相似文献   

近几年来,新闻策划更是被全国各类新闻媒体大量运用,有的媒体甚至提出了“周周有策划,月月有活动”的要求。  相似文献   

新闻报道中真正有价值的东西少了,是人们的欣赏水准变了还是新闻本身变了?笔者认为,根本原因是媒体报道中新闻价值的异化,其产生有多方面的原因,作为新闻工作者应该尽量避免这种倾向。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化的社会,大众传媒作为新闻传播的重要桥梁,深受人民群众的喜爱,新时代新形势下催生的新媒体也给传统媒介造成了冲击,不同的传媒形式分别产生了不同的影响。本文分别从大众传媒的不同特点入手,分析不同特点的媒介与当代新闻传播之间的关系,并对未来两者的发展趋势和方向加以分析。  相似文献   

随着新闻媒体市场逐渐完善、竞争加剧和网络多媒体的冲击,以及技术手段日趋完善,新闻图片(主要指新闻照片)在报纸中地位得到了空前的提高。在泛视觉化潮流中,往日作为报纸版面“配角”和“点缀”的图片,释放出其强大的能量,“图片领着新闻走”被越来越多的媒体欣然采纳,新闻照片在质量不断提高的前提下,数量增多、篇幅加大,成组、成版图片大量出现。进入21世纪之后,新闻界更是出现了一个“读图时代”的新概念,认为现代生活节奏增快,使读者阅报时间大大减少,而新闻图片以其比文字报道更形象生动、易于接受的优点将在报纸版面中处于优势地位。的确,新闻图片在报纸中的大量采用使报纸呈现出缤纷的色彩和前所未有的视觉冲击力,但是,由于媒体竞争、采编人员对图片认识等主客观原因,在新闻图片运用上也出现了一些值得关注的异化现象。  相似文献   

在泛视觉化潮流中,报纸版面上新闻图片大量采用,将报纸打扮得绚丽多姿。但是由于主观和客观的原因,新闻图片的运用上出现了某些异化现象,如“假”图片、“虚”图片等给图片新闻报道带来许多不良的影响,笔试图从表面现象到深层原因上分析这种现象。  相似文献   

闫蓓  严谨  肖宏 《编辑学报》2009,21(4):325-327
为促进我国优秀的原创性科研成果的有效传播,扩大科技期刊的影响,探讨科技期刊与大众媒体开展新闻报道合作的问题,论述合作的意义,介绍国内开展这类合作的现状,总结出《中国科学》杂志社的实践经验和问题,并展望这类合作的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国传媒业经济成分和产权制度改革取向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁和根 《新闻大学》2007,(2):118-122
我国传媒业的经济成分和产权制度存在诸多与传媒产业发展要求不相适应的问题,通过渐进式改革解决这些问题乃势所必然。我国应当对传媒业实行分类分层区别对待的所有制模式,逐步形成以国有制为主导、以股份制为实现形式的多种经济成分并存的格局。在产权制度方面,则应当对各类媒体进行明确的产权界定,对改制后的经营性媒体以及从媒体中剥离出来的经营性资产实行现代公司制改造,建立和健全传媒企业法人治理结构,并通过培育传媒产权交易市场,逐步实现传媒产权的自然流转。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要多方面、多途径的相互促进、整合互动才能实现。而新闻传播作为社会文明的重要载体,在构建和谐社会中具有特殊重要的整合互动功能。其主要体现为:新闻传播是达成和谐社会意识的重要途径,是积极化解社会矛盾的重要手段,是大力推进协调发展的重要力量。  相似文献   

In studying online political communication in China, many researchers apply theories generated in the West (particularly that of the public sphere) without questioning their applicability in the Chinese context. Others argue that new theories must be generated from the ground up, often basing these theories on traditional Chinese philosophies. However, the applicability of these approaches remains unproven. This research uses a content analysis to compare comments on news stories on Chinese and Western social media sites. It finds that there is little evidence to support either the use of public sphere theory in China or the use of traditional conceptions of Eastern styles of communication. Chinese netizens were no more subtle or harmonious (if anything, they were more divisive) and were less likely to talk with others, attempt to understand others’ opinions or attempt to work towards consensus or resolution. Based on these findings, I propose that future research should attempt to build more appropriate theories based on an understanding of how political ideas are actually produced, transmitted and received in society, rather than continuing to apply foreign or ancient theoretical frameworks without a critical interrogation of their applicability in their context of application.  相似文献   


This study investigates the site of intersection between legacy and social media, whereby it asks how local legacy media (St Louis Post-Dispatch and Richmond Times-Dispatch) invoked social media (Facebook and Twitter) discourse within their coverage of the Ferguson (2014) and Charlottesville (2017) events. It thus explores how gatekeeping is manifested and, consequently, how the protest paradigm emerged in a news landscape of proliferating social media. Thematic textual analysis indicates that coverage of Charlottesville and Ferguson clearly relied on indulging the social media sphere in important ways. Common themes of social media as multipurpose platforms, as interfacing with law and order, and as reconciling material and digital modes culminating in social activism were revealed. The study shows that the protest paradigm that has long characterized legacy media’s coverage of social protest is not as “pure” as it may once have been, since a social media component is helping define the contours and content of legacy media’s landscape.  相似文献   

从华南虎事件考察中国新闻传播的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本华南虎事件作为2007年度中国新闻传播界的一个标志性事件,所展现出来的不仅仅是一个多元延伸的新闻事实,更展现出中国新闻传播过程中社会价值的结构性变化。这一价值重构正在对中国社会产生长远而深刻的影响。  相似文献   


The free press performs essential democratic functions, but widespread negative attitudes toward the press threaten its legitimacy and effectiveness as a check on formal institutions. In order to combat these attitudes, media organizations must understand who holds them and why. A survey-based study of U.S. adults (N?=?2052) focuses on associations between perceptions of the news media industry as a threat to political performance and a range of politically oriented behaviors (i.e. news media exposure, political talk, political participation). Analyses reveal a series of non-monotonic relationships. Group differences between those who hold the most extreme views concerning news-media-as-threat are also explored. The opposing groups are distinct in some important ways (e.g. ideology, race), but are also found to be surprisingly similar (e.g. income, education, gender, news media exposure). The results suggest new strategies for maintaining and restoring confidence in media organizations.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》1998,16(1):53-69
This article urges BI librarians to develop programs in mass media news sources, and suggests how the theory of news framing and sourcing may be used to develop critical thinking skills. Such programs could be particularly useful in serving multicultural populations. Coverage of the same two topics by mainstream corporate news sources and independent non-corporate sources is compared. Differences in coverage are used to show how decisions about framing and sourcing serve an ideological agenda that is not sensitive to multicultural viewpoints. Corporate news sources should be supplemented by sources from non-corporate titles to achieve complete understanding of any topic.  相似文献   

Through a case study on the news flow of an online protest in China, this study explores how the power relations among the mainstream media affect, and are affected by, the spillover effect of news. Even though the Internet does serve as a catalyst to initiate alternative voices that otherwise wouldn't be heard in the established media, the results reveal that the power structure inherent in the mainstream media (particularly within their online versions) such as bureaucratic ranks and institutional ties with party organs, plays a significant role in shaping the trajectory of news flow and media framing strategies. The Internet compensates for the disadvantage of the lower-level media that are short of political resources, while the higher-level media tend to rely on the political capital to exercise their influence. At the same time, the media with more political resources have become increasingly intrepid in challenging the state. Such a dynamic takes place in the context of the changing state-media relations that have seen the authoritarian state shift its information control from a totalitarian mode to a practical one, even though the latter may open up a space for flow of information that can sometimes undermine state power.  相似文献   

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