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陆伟民 《大众科技》2012,(6):238-239
分析了新形势下公路执法存在的问题,对建立公路执法人员培训长效机制进行研究,提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

Based on five types of trust, this research explores trust influencing factors in peer-to-peer interpersonal communication, group communication and mass communication. Previous research has mainly focused on trust and the corresponding antecedents in electronic commerce communication and online collaboration. This study extends the literature on trust influencing factors in social media communication. A trust traffic light model is used to illustrate the importance of keywords, drawn from interviews with 115 participants who use WeChat frequently. Salient trust factors were found and further elaborated through qualitative analysis. Furthermore, we developed a trust cognitive onion model to illustrate the interactions of trust factors.  相似文献   

政府采购促进技术创新政策效果空间计量评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
桂黄宝 《科研管理》2017,38(9):161-168
本文通过构建空间计量模型,基于省际面板数据对中国政府采购促进技术创新政策效果进行了科学评估,研究发现中国政府采购政策在实施初期阶段不仅没有促进技术创新,反而显著地阻碍了创新,但随着中国政府采购政策自主创新激励目标的确定,其政策效果有所改善,但到目前为止其促进技术创新的政策功能仍十分有限。为此提出了遵守国际规则,建立和完善创新导向型政府采购政策体系;完善制度设计,遏制寻租行为,营造良好的创新环境;优化政府采购结构,强化创新激励导向等政策启示,以期为未来改进和完善政府采购政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对张家口市高职大学生体育态度调查分析,旨在了解他们的体育的态度、参加体育活动的情况,对于进一步有真对性的实施体育教学改革,提高教学质量,满足广大学生对体育的需求,确立和培养学生终身体育将具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

政府采购是政府提高财政支出效率的重要手段,也是政府促进技术创新的有效政策工具之一。文章从经济学的角度分析了政府采购对技术创新的促进作用和国外政府采购的成功经验,在详细分析了我国政府采购的现状后提出了一些具体的建议。  相似文献   

信息非对称使得委托人无法正确了解代理人的实际生产能力,也难以判断其是否处于最佳的努力水平。借鉴目前国内外委托代理关系中主要采用的基数确定法,结合装备采购的实际情况,提出了联合基数动态确定法。该方法具有很强的可操作性,在装备重复生产过程中能够较好地解决装备采购中的信息非对称问题,并提高装备采购效益。  相似文献   

军品采办中博弈过程的非对称信息研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李鸣  毛景立 《科研管理》2004,25(1):137-144
首先提出军品采办就是非对称信息博弈过程的概念,并对该博弈过程的特殊性进行了剖析;然后指明了信息的非对称性是军品采办的根本特征,信息由非对称趋向对称的过程就是军品采办的实质;最后,就代理方私有信息的隐蔽方式和揭示方式进行了研究。  相似文献   

Since Davis et al. originally formulated the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), research on information technology (IT) acceptance has yielded many extended and competing models. Empirical investigation of these models, however, has not consistently supported the mediating role of attitude in predicting user IT adoption, leading some researchers to claim a minimal role of attitude. In this study, we call for attention to the role of attitude in explaining technology acceptance behavior. In developing the research model, we draw on both the concept of attitude strength and previous technology acceptance studies. Empirical examination of our research hypotheses indicates that attitude toward system use fully mediates the effects of salient beliefs on behavioral intention when the attitude is strong, whereas it partially mediates the effects when the attitude is weak. Our findings provide additional insights in predicting technology acceptance behavior.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of perceived suitability, perceived consistency and perceived effectiveness on entrepreneurship intention were investigated. In addition, the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention was investigated. For this purpose, data were collected from 377 students studying in the field of tourism. Data were analyzed with structural equation model. As a result of the study, it was found that perceived consistency and perceived effectiveness significantly affect entrepreneurship intention. However, perceived suitability, perceived consistency and entrepreneurial intent have been shown to differ significantly between students who previously have worked in a workplace and those who have not. The fact that the attitude of entrepreneurship and education has an impact on the education of entrepreneurs needed by the tourism sector makes this research different. As a result of the analysis, it was found that perceived suitability, perceived consistency and entrepreneurial intention differ significantly between those who have worked before and those who have not.  相似文献   

当代中国家族企业传承中后代培养方式的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着当代中国家族企业交接班时代的到来,家族企业的传承问题日益成为人们关注的热点,家族企业后代培养问题则是家族企业继任的一个重要环节。本文对当代中国典型家族企业的样本进行了案例搜集和定量分析,归纳出三种类型四种途径的后代培养方式及其相对比例,并且与国外长寿家族企业的后代培养模式进行了比较分析,探讨了有关的影响因素,为有意选择家族企业内部继承的企业提供接班人的培养依据,为家族企业的理论研究提供实证数据的支持。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of information by environmental planners. The study used the Grounded Theory method to develop a theoretical model that explains the reasons for using information and the factors that motivate such use. Forty-four semi-structured interviews were conducted in workplace environments to collect data on the way the respondents used information in projects that they had done before. Data were analysed in accordance with the Grounded Theory techniques of constant comparison. The study found that the planner’s perceptions of: their own competences, resistance of the stakeholders, role requirement; and the impressions on the enabling effect of the information environment drive the self-empowerment behaviour of the planners. This behaviour is characterised by actions involving information acquisition, packaging as well as giving information to stakeholders during the facilitation of the environmental planning process. The experiential knowledge levels of individuals enhance the self-empowerment behaviour exhibited by environmental planners. Based on the informational power derived from the self-empowerment activities, the planners select a strategy for participation that they deem appropriate for an environmental planning project, consequently facilitating the process to develop widely accepted environmental plans.  相似文献   

基因工程设计性实验教学改革探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先探讨了开设基因工程设计性实验的必要性,其次阐述了其具体实施过程,包括选题、设计、开放式教学、多媒体课件运用以及灵活的考核模式五个部分.最后总结了教学改革效果与体会,指出该设计性实验的实施,调动了学生学习积极性,激发了潜能、培养了严谨的科学态度、促进了科学思维的形成以及增强了团对意识,培养了协作精神.  相似文献   

基于PDCA循环的采购与外包过程质量控制模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘书庆  白静涛 《科技管理研究》2007,27(1):227-231,235
在分析国内外相关采购与外包过程质量控制研究现状的基础上,运用TQM和ISO9000族标准的管理的系统方法,建立基于供应链管理原理和PDCA循环原理的采购与外包过程质量控制模型,探讨其策划阶段以采购与外包过程质量控制文件制定和供应商综合评价与选择为核心的事前质量控制方案,提出其实施阶段以合同评审、制造过程监控与协调为重点的事中动态质量控制方案,研究其验收及处置阶段以进货监视和测量策划及控制为重点的事后改进质量控制方案,形成经常性评价和处置为重点的供应商动态管理方案,并列示各具体过程应采用的质量控制技术与具体实施的质量控制活动,为组织提高采购与外包过程质量控制能力提供了依据。  相似文献   

企业创新界面有效性状态的评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用和谐理论及和谐分析矩阵,从界面和谐态的角度分析了影响企业创新界面状态有效性的四个主要因素,建立了企业创新界面有效性状态测度模型,;最后对陕西省Q公司的界面状态有效性(和谐性)问题进行案例研究。  相似文献   

为研究农产品质量认证对农业经济增长影响的空间效应及其作用机制,利用2010—2018年全国省级面板数据,采用空间杜宾模型从空间维度实证检验农产品质量认证对农业经济增长的影响.研究发现,我国31个省市的农业经济发展水平在地理上具有空间相关性;农产品质量认证对农业经济增长同时具有直接影响和间接影响;传统的OLS模型扩大农产品质量认证的直接影响力,而忽略农产品质量认证的溢出效应.提出建议如下,以科技创新为支撑加强农产品品牌培育;以共享平台为助推打造特色农业产业带;以政策制度为保障明确农业发展战略方向.  相似文献   

吴洪波  张蕾 《科技与管理》2010,12(2):87-90,95
针对保险业如何深层次挖掘忠诚客户的价值,从而提高客户价值的问题,通过分析客户态度取向的不同表现形式,提出反映保险业客户态度忠诚的子模式,运用五级评分法和数据挖掘技术,对已有客户进行忠诚度聚类分析,以发现公司内客户态度忠诚的所属类型,分析每一类客户的特征,从而更好的为保险业客户管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

通过对227名中国科学院50岁以下杰出科技人才的统计分析,发现其进入国际科学共同体的两种方式中,博士后或访问研究方式较博士学位研究方式更为有效;但同时这种形式也存在明显的局限,表明中国科技界还需要与国际一流科技机构建立持续稳定的合作关系。  相似文献   

平衡记分卡对于提高企业经营绩效发挥着非常重要的作用,在国内外许多大企业已得到有效推广并已取得显著的成绩。简述了平衡记分卡涉及的的内容以及如何实现平衡,并在此基础上,提出了平衡记分卡的设计流程及要点,以期对企业引入平衡记分卡提供一些实践参考。  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行的信息化建设经过二十余年的发展,已取得了巨大的业绩。然而,由于“信息化悖论”的负面效应,银行业信息技术运用效率的提高将主要依靠于信息技术创新活动的成长。银行业信息技术创新理论模型的构建是加强信息技术创新的基础性前提,而验证性因子分析可以对理论模型的可靠性和有效性提供现实性检验,从而揭示了国有商业银行信息化创新过程的内在机理,为国有商业银行大力提高信息技术创新效率提供了必要的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

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