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小岚 《今日中学生》2006,(28):23-24
语言的功能在于交际。英美人在见面时和相互交往中是如何互致问候、挑起话头,直至切入正题的呢?这里就此作些简要介绍。一、刚刚结识的陌生人经介绍刚结识的人之间,一般说:(1)Hello!Jim.How do you do?(2)Hello!Jim.Nice to meet you.(3)Hi!Jim.Glad to see you.如何与一个你不熟悉的人打招呼、挑起话头,要视不同的情况使用不同的开场白:(1)当你只是想问路、问时间、打听某种情况、请对方帮点小忙或者是试探对方对你要做的事情的态度时,用Excuse me.如:Excuse me.Which is the way to the station?请问,到车站的路怎么走?Excuse me.Is…  相似文献   

大家学过多种问路的表达法,但较分散,难掌握,为便于记忆现结合句型归纳如下:1.Excuse me.Where is….please?如:(1)Excuse me.Where’S the nearest postoffice? 请问,最近的邮局在哪儿? (2)Excuse me.Where’S the way to the rail-way station? 请问,到火车站去的路怎么走? 2.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to…? (3)Excuse me.Could you tell me the way tothe bus station? 请问,你能告诉我去汽车站的路怎么走吗? (4)Excuse me.Could you tell me the way tothe hospital?  相似文献   

你会给别人指路或在一个陌生的地方很快找到目的地吗?口语秀吧可以助你一臂之力!Welcome tojoin us!*常用的问路方法1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?打搅了,请问附近有银行吗?2.Excuse me.Where is the pay phone?打搅了,请问公用电话在哪里?3.Excuse me.How can I get to the park?打搅了,请问到公园怎么走?4.Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the zoo?打搅了,你能告诉我去动物园的路吗?5.Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to theairport?打搅了,你能告诉我怎样到机场吗?*常用的指路方法1.怎么走Go down this stre…  相似文献   

同学们,在学习英语中,我们会遇到好多容易混淆的词语,你能够区分并正确使用它们吗?如果还做不到这一点,别着急,快来词语辨析一点通中充充电吧!相信你一定会受益匪浅。Excuse me.与Sorry.对不起Excuse me.和Sorry.都有“对不起”的意思。Excuse me.是最常用的请求别人原谅的客套用语。凡是自己与人不便之处,如打断对方的话,有事要先走,要打喷嚏,向人问路,向对方询问情况、请求帮助等等,均可用Excuse me.例如:Excuse me,is this your baseball?请问,这是你的棒球吗?Excuse me,are you Lily?打扰一下,你是莉莉吗?Sorry.则表示因做错事而表…  相似文献   

1.excuse me和sorry excuse me主要用于向某人请教、询问或请示,如: Excuse me,may I come in?对不起,我可以进来吗? Excuse me,could you let me know your telephone number?对不起,能告诉我你的电话号码吗? Excuse me,may I ask you a question?对不起,我可以问你一个问题吗? sorry常用于由于失误或做错了事向对方道歉,如: I’m sorry that I didn’t come to class.对不起,我没来上课。  相似文献   

来到一个陌生场所,总免不了要问路。如何问路?我们应该怎么开口呢?当我们向别人打听情况、征询意见时,通常以“Excuse m e”引出话题以示礼貌。是“请问、劳驾、打扰一下”的意思。问路有以下几种问法。1.“特殊疑问句”式:(1)Excuse m e.W here is the...,please?请问,……在什么地方?(2)Excuse m e.W hich is the way to...,please?请问,哪条路是去往……?(3)Excuse m e.H ow can I get to the...please?请问,我怎样走才能到……去?2.“一般疑问句”式:(1)Excuse m e.Is there a...near here?请问,这儿附近有……吗?(2)Excuse m e.C …  相似文献   

人人都有问路和为别人指路的经历,如果你在一个讲英语的国家里迷了路或在本地碰到一个讲英语的外国人问路,你会用英语问路和指路吗?下面是我们学过的几种问路和指路的方法。 一、问某地在哪里 句式:Excuse me,where is…?请问……在哪里? 例句:-Excuse me where is the post office,please? -It is next to the bus stop. 句式:Excuse me,is there…near here?请问,附近有……吗? 例句:-Excuse me,is there a police station near here? -Yes,there is.Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right.And you’ll see it when you get to a wire pole.  相似文献   

“问路”是现实生活中最常见的事。在英语新教材中,它是一项非常重要的交际项目。概括起来,大概有六种问路法: 一、用“Where is+地点”问如: Excuse me.Where's the Post Office?请问,邮局在哪里? 二、用“Which is the way to+地点”问如: Excuse me.Which is the way to the North Street Hospital?请问,去北街医院的路怎么走? 三、用“How can I get to+ 地点”问如:  相似文献   

出门在外,特别是在陌生的地方,免不了要向他人问路。此时,只能用礼貌用语问路,千万不能伸手拍对方的肩或拉对方的手臀。一、问路的一般用语: 1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to…?/How can I get to…?/Which is the way to…?/Whatis the way to…?I don’t know the way to….请问,去……怎么走?/我不知道去……的路怎么走。  相似文献   

Excuse me,I'm sorry和 I beg your pardon都有“对不起”、“请原谅”等意思。1 .Excuse me常用于 1对陌生人说话之前 ;2做的事可能打扰对方 (如从别人旁边经过 ,要离开什么地方时 ) ;3不同意对方意见时 ;4引起对方注意时。如 :1 Excuse me,sir,hold on—Mrs Evans will speak to you herself.(对不起 ,先生 ,别挂断—埃文斯夫人要亲自对您讲话 )2 He said“Excuse me”when he knocked me down.(他撞在我身上时说了声“对不起”。)2 .I'm sorry常用来表示自己犯了某种过失 ,也可表示“遗憾”,如对别人不幸表示悲哀 ,不能满足对方要求…  相似文献   

Finding the Way     
初到国外某地,必须学会问路,首先要学会怎么开口。为了表示礼貌,开口时首先要说Excuse me。例如:Excuse me,where exactly is the nearest hotel?Excuse me,can you tell us the way from here to the police station?  相似文献   

日常生活中,有些事情在不经意中发生,或失礼,或求助,或误解。那么,这时要学会向人致歉。一、提出要求或表达意图前,常用Excuse me,以示礼貌: 1)当迷路时,向生人问路,用Excuse me,发问。Excuse me,can you tellme where the railway station is? 2)当遇事不明时,可这样“究根问底”: Excuse me,please tell mewhat has happened over there.  相似文献   

Excuse me是口语中一个十分有用的表达,你会用吗?本文为你归纳了它在日常生活中的10种常见用法。1.用来向不熟悉的人打听情况或提出请求(其实质用法是引人注意),意为:请问;劳驾;对不起。如:  相似文献   

1.Excuse me ,Which is the way to the East Park,Please?请问,去东方公园怎么走?  相似文献   

云影 《今日中学生》2011,(25):21-23
问路与指路1.Excuse me, which is the way to the station?2.Excuse me, how can I get to the zoo?3.Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restaurant(餐馆)is?  相似文献   

同学们在初学英语时会常犯以下错误,望引起注意: 一、字母大小写错误1.请问,你是李平吗? 误:excuse me,Are you li ping? 正:Excuse me ,are you Li  相似文献   

如何用英语问路和指路,是初中学生必须掌握的一种英语技能。现举例归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。1.问:Excuse me,where is the nearest bookshop?答:Go along this road and take the first turning on the right.You will see a bookshop.Its about three hundred metres away.2.问:Excuse me,is there a post office near here?答:Yes,there is.Its next to the bookshop.3.问:Excuse me,which is the way to the Peoples Hospital?答:Walk along this road,and take the first turning on the right.And walk on,you willfind the …  相似文献   

A.问路一、"特殊疑问句"类句型1.Excuse me.Where is the…,please?2.Excuse me.Which is the way to the…,please?  相似文献   

Kind Heart     
一天晚上,布朗先生正在街上散步,突然一个人拦住他。Man:打搅您了,请问可以告诉我附近有警察吗?Mr Brown:没有啊。Man:你能很快就找到警察吗?Mr Brown:不能。Man:太感谢了。Mr Brown:怎么?Man:哈哈,快点交出手表和钱,不然宰了你。Mr Brown is walking in the street at night.Sud-denly a man stops him and asks him.Man:Excuse me,can you tell me if there areany police men near here?Mr Brown:No,there aren’t.Man:Can you find a police man quickly from here?Mr Brown:No.I can’t .Man:Thank you very much.Mr Brown…  相似文献   

一、问路:在向别人询问方向之前,要用礼貌用Excuse me来引起对方的注意。常用语有下列几种说法:1. Excuse me,where is the station?2. Is there a station near here?3. Which is the way to the station?4. How can I get to the station?5. Can you tell me how I can get to the station?6. Could you tell me how to get to the station?7. Could you tell me which is the way to the station?8. Can you tell me the way to the station?  相似文献   

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