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As a way of participating in the discussion on the disciplinary nature of philosophy of education, this article attempts to find another distinctive way of relating philosophy to education for the studies in philosophy of education. Recasting philosophical skepticism, which has been dismissed by Dewey and Rorty in their critiques of modern epistemology, it explores whether Cavell's romantic interpretation of it can allow us to conceive of skepticism as an exemplary practice of education, especially internal to the learner. This opens up the possibility of viewing the disciplinary nature of philosophy of education as congenial to other humanities like literature or religious studies, rather than to social sciences as usually considered.  相似文献   

This is a book in the 'Thinking in Action' series, which 'takes philosophy to the public'. The review outlines the argument in the two halves of the book: on educational aims; and on controversial policy issues. In its assessment of the arguments it focuses on the following topics: problems in the relationships between happiness, flourishing, and personal autonomy; the justification of the traditional subject-centred curriculum; the role of conjecture in the argument for state-funded faith-based schools; and a defence of education for patriotism in the face of Brighouse's critique.  相似文献   

Articulating the good of liberal education—what we should teach and why we should teach it—is necessary to resist the subversion of liberal education to economic or political ends and the mania for measurable skills. I argue that Iris Murdoch's philosophical writings enrich the work of contemporary Aristotelians, such as Joseph Dunne and Alasdair MacIntyre, on these issues. For Murdoch, studies in the arts and intellectual subjects, by connecting students to the inescapable contingency and finitude of human existence, contribute to the cultivation of intellectual and moral virtues and thus to human flourishing.  相似文献   

Flourishing, understood along semi-Aristotelian lines, has re-emerged recently as an account of the ideal aim of education, for instance, in works by educational philosophers Brighouse, White and de Ruyter. This article aims at critically reviewing this new paradigm by subjecting it to philosophical and educational scrutiny. Throughout I compare and contrast this paradigm with Aristotelian flourishing and explore the specific role of teachers as facilitators of students’ flourishing and sense of meaning.  相似文献   

Neoliberal ideologies and policies have transformed how we think about the economy, education, and the environment. Economics is presented as objective and quantifiable, best left to distant experts who develop algorithms regarding different monetary relations in our stead. This same kind of thinking—technical, numerical, decontextualized, and ostensibly objective—infiltrates how we think about education and the environment. For example, neoliberal education reform focuses on using test scores and markets as a way to measure and improve learning and teaching. Similarly, environmental issues are presented as problems to be solved through new technologies and market efficiency. In response, we critique neoliberalism using the philosophy of the agrarian poet and writer Wendell Berry who abhors how neoliberalism disconnects humans from one another and the traditions that sustain them in their communities. Rather than neoliberalism's rootless entrepreneurial individual—homo economicus—we suggest that freedom, instead, resides in one's ability to flourish in one's place in the world. Such flourishing cannot occur without reinvigorating the traditions, including Aristotle's oikonomics, that have allowed people to live sustainably in their social and ecological communities.  相似文献   

In this article we defend the claim that theory on education for flourishing should also include nonideal theory. We observe that recent theory on education for flourishing takes the ideal of flourishing as a starting and central point of the theory, and should be seen as ideal theory. While this serves a purpose, the practical value of ideal theory is limited. In order to have a greater bearing on, and relevance for educational practice, nonideal theorizing should be encouraged.  相似文献   

班级工作是一项光荣、艰巨、辛劳而又极其复杂的工作。高校辅导员要有效地开展班级工作,就一定要把握"人皆有情"这一特点进行,切实做到以"情"感人、以"情"育人、以"情"交人、以"情"管人。  相似文献   

This article presents a pedagogical approach for disrupting epistemic injustice. In it, A. C. Nikolaidis first demonstrates that different forms of epistemic injustice — testimonial, hermeneutical, and contributory — are the result of limited or distorted conceptual resources and then argues that concept proliferation can be a promising educational means for overcoming such limitations and distortions. Concept proliferation involves a combination of increasing exposure to diverse, especially marginalized, concepts and providing students with necessary critical tools for questioning harmful and erroneous concepts. Concept proliferation is beneficial for both individual students and society at large. It liberates students from the confines of harmful concepts that limit their self-understanding, but also provides them with skills necessary to challenge hegemonic concepts that distort collective (social) understanding and contribute to epistemic and systemic injustice.  相似文献   

在人类的脑力劳动中,数学具有特殊的和典型的地位。数学是其他科学的基础。数学化,正成为现代科学技术发展日益明显的趋势。因此,数学机械化对于整个脑力劳动的机械化来说也具有特殊的甚至是关键的意义。通过数学思维的机械化来实现更广泛意义上的脑力劳动机械化,这是人类长期梦寐以求的目标。文章探讨并力图简明地概括数学思维机械化的历史源流。  相似文献   

国企作为国家经济的支柱,对国民经济的繁荣发展起着重要作用。然而随着改革开放的深入,国有企业的改革工作也需要进一步深化,其中涉及到人事、用工和收入分配等三项制度改革工作也面临着新的形势、特点和工作任务,文章就国企人力资源管理工作中的现状和应对措施进行了深入浅出的探讨。  相似文献   

在第82届奥斯卡颁奖晚会上,法国作品《商标的世界》(Logorama)获得了最佳动画短片奖,这部短片以让人应接不暇的商标对人们造成视觉冲击,几乎包罗了所有世界顶级的品牌。  相似文献   

文章通过道教对盛唐社会的影响,从盛唐诗人的创作思想、题材选择、审美追求等层面进行分析,论述盛唐山水隐逸诗人从道家得到的理念支撑与精神追求,以及在道教文化的渗透与影响下,盛唐山水隐逸诗所表现出的清新自然的审美趣味和奇特非凡的想象以及诗人诗心的真性与自然真美的融合.  相似文献   

人性假设理论是对人的心理行为偏好的分析和归类。引导人们树立正确价值观的思想政治工作应借鉴人性假设理论,从如何有效规制人们的思想、防止其变坏转变为如何有效实现激励兼容,即在承认人们合理的个人需求的条件下,实现个人追求的最大化以促进思想政治工作的开展。  相似文献   

Although the advancement of human rights and research are considered important aims for social work, they are viewed as relatively independent activities. This paper presents an argument for the integation of human rights and social work research and proposes some ways this objective might be accomplished. Suggestions for teaching a human rights approach to research are also described.  相似文献   

道德智慧:生命的激扬与飞跃   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
道德教育必须肩负起唤醒生命、提升道德自觉、寻回道德品格、促进生命创造性生成发展的使命。道德教育回归生命,即是回归生命本质力量的道德智慧的生成。道德智慧是道德教育的核心与灵魂。在道德事件中生长,是道德智慧最生动、最理想的生成与成长方式。  相似文献   

高校人力资源管理基础性工作主要包括组织结构设计和职位设置、工作分析、职位评价和职位分类等4项主要内容,做好这项工作关键之处在于不同层次的高校管理者履行好自己相应的人力资源管理职责,即校级高层管理者要扮演好政策倡导者和矛盾协调者,院系级中层管理者要扮演好政策制定参与者和具体执行者,人力资源部门管理者要扮演好政策制定参与者、监督者和信息咨询者等角色。  相似文献   

本文旨在阐释正始玄风对论说文文意与文风的深刻影响 :此时儒家价值体系的动摇和玄学的兴盛、玄学家“校练名理”的逻辑训练以及清谈时对语言的重视 ,使论说文立论时能“师心独见”,论证过程“锋颖精密”,行文时讲究语言的优美和音调的和谐  相似文献   

文献和考古学资料表明,西周时期,大禹传说逐渐兴起。春秋时期,大禹的形象由西周时期的山川神主向夏宗和人王转化,与此同时,大禹的传说随着人群流动和文化播迁而日渐丰富。  相似文献   

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