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通过大量史料和统计数据,证明中外妇女对数学和数学教育的发展是有重大贡献的。女性和男性的不同心理、生理特征和数学本身的学科特征,并不是造成男女两性数学能力差异的原因。导致出现数学上性别差异的原因主要是社会原因,只要继续清除"传统性别观"的观念,加强女性的数学教育,建构平等的社会性别文化,那么,在数学上和在其他学科一样,女性是可以大有作为的。  相似文献   

儿童角色游戏的社会性别文化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张咏 《教育导刊》2005,(3):11-14
一、问题的提出 在女性主义研究中,与表示男女两性生理差异的"性别"(sex)相对,用"社会性别"(gender)表示社会基于男女两性差异而赋予他(她)们的不同期望、要求和限制.社会性别反映了社会文化对男女差异的理解,反映了社会文化对属于男性或女性的群体特征和行为方式的约定.因此,社会性别是社会文化积淀形成的结果,由此便形成了一定社会的性别文化.社会性别文化是一定社会中的男性或女性在社会文化中所共享的群体特征、行为方式、社会作用及象征意义等.从社会性别文化的角度去考察社会现象,是一种指向性别平等和性别公正的观念和思维方法,体现了"以人为本"的研究意识.  相似文献   

性别平等是人们关注已久的话题,倡导性别公平不仅应该关注男女两性生理性别上的平等,而且应该关注两性社会性别上的平等。生理性别是先天的,社会性别却是后天的,是文化赋予的。文章通过对俐侎人的生育习俗进行分析,发现"男女有别"、"男尊女卑"的现象从婴儿刚出生就开始体现。当地的生育观和社会性别观是由于文化使然导致的,从而制约了女童的发展。承认差异,关注弱势群体,突破传统文化的枷锁是实现两性平等的必经之路。  相似文献   

党艳芳 《文教资料》2009,(30):165-166
在高等教育的实践中,存在着两性的不平等,其原因不在于男女两性本质的差异,社会性别文化是高等教育中性别不平等的根源所在。高等教育是传递传统文化和意识的关键环节。也在有意无意地反映和复制着社会性别关系。用社会性别的视角来审视高等教育是实现高等教育性别平等的首要因素,更有赖于社会政治、经济、文化、家庭各领域男女平等的整体实现。  相似文献   

一批评的原则:女性批评与美学标准李修建:各位朋友周末好,现在网聊开始,今晚我们请到的是北京语言大学的李玲教授,网聊主题为“女性文学批评的原则”,下面先请李老师就该主题的基本观点作简要陈述,然后大家进行提问交流。李玲:女性文学批评的基本原则是以两性平等和谐为价值理想,批判文学想象中所存在的种种霸权意识。由于已有的文化具有深厚的男权积淀,当下的女性文学批评必然更倾向于确认文学想象中的女性主体意识、批判文学想象中的男性霸权意识。也就是说,强调两性和谐不应该以牺牲平等这个正义立场为前提,而恰恰要把两性平等作为两性和谐的前提。同时,强调平等,也要强调尊重性别与个体的差异性。平等是人格上的平等、尊严上的平等,是主体性上的平等。不是抹去个性、以一种性别在文化中形成的特质来统一另一种性别。不讲差异的平等最终仍是不平等。当然,批判性别不平等是女性文学批评的价值原则。这一原则,还和美学的标准等共同构成文学批评的标准。  相似文献   

以凯里学院为例,结合女性学、教育学和体育学的相关理论知识审视普通高校体育教育教学体系,研究发现体育教材内容、师生课堂互动以及校园体育文化各个方面存在性别偏见和两性不平等现象,并提出推进两性平等的体育教育改革措施,以期为实现性别平等的体育教育探索有效的策略和方法,更为加快推进体育教育的民主化进程提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

论19世纪英国下层社会女子教育对妇女性别地位的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在工业化影响下,19世纪英国下层社会女子教育以空前的规模和速度发展.尽管其表现出的性别不平等特征再次确认了妇女的第二性地位,但下层社会女子教育的发展一定程度上提高了妇女的文化水平,推动女子教育的改革,促进教育向两性平等的方向发展.为女性进入新的就业领域,改变她们在家庭和社会的低劣地位打下基础.  相似文献   

韩国的女性学与妇女运动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
女性学是以性别平等为基本理念的一个崭新的知识体系,它是妇女运动的产物和延伸。韩国女性学首先要挑战的对象是根深蒂固的父权制和男性中心文化。近几十年来,在韩国妇女学学者、妇女社会活动家和韩国政府的共同不懈努力下,韩国女性的主体意识不断加强,社会参与在不断扩大,女性的社会地位有较大的提高,然而传统的文化观念和不平等的体制决定了在韩国要实现实质性的两性平等还任重而道远。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期以来,越来越多的女性作家不再认同传统文化书写的女性神话,她们不约而同地在她们的小说文本中召唤出大量的对封建男权/父权进行反抗和叛逆,具有鲜明主体精神的"逃离"女性.女性小说对"逃离"女性的书写具有重要隐喻内涵不仅表明了写作女性对传统女性形象的解构,同时这种书写还是一种指向人类和谐平等的性别文化前景的崭新建构.  相似文献   

张爱玲笔下的女性是儒家伦理和男权文化压迫下的"他者"。对女性"他者"存在的批判显示了张爱玲的自主性意识,对日常生活中女性的欲求和疯狂施虐背后变态自主的描写,彰显了张爱玲的女性自主性话语权。她的小说追求婚姻道德中的两性平等,改写了传统文化中主从、尊卑、太阳与月亮式的男女关系,解构、颠覆了传统的两性关系,在性别认同中建构女性平等的话语权。女性个人意识逐步增强,开始争取自我权利,实现个人价值和自我尊严,成为工具性和目的性相统一的主体性人的存在。  相似文献   

This article examines gender gaps in academic performance (grades in mathematics and reading) between boys and girls of ninth-grade elementary schools in the Czech Republic. Our analysis is based on 2003 data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, encompassing the academic performance and family background of ninth-grade pupils. Similar to research on other countries, we find that girls strongly outperform boys in grades in Czech language, but that this gender gap is not explained by measured ability in reading nor on family background or student attributes. We also find gender bias in mathematics grades, after controlling for measured ability and other factors. Girls are also substantially more likely than boys to apply to secondary grammar schools, as well as aspire to a college education, even after controlling for measured ability. We put forward a number of theoretical perspectives that shed light on the possible causes of these empirical findings.  相似文献   

Gendered patterns in mathematics and science interest emerge in early childhood, develop over time, and ultimately reflect advanced course selection in secondary education. During the crucial time adolescents become aware of their strengths and interests and specialize accordingly, they get the opportunity to participate in out-of-school learning programs such as mathematics and science competitions. This raises the question whether mathematics and science competitions contribute to gender equity by equally promoting female and male interests. In this article, we present a systematic review on gender differences and the mechanisms explaining success and failure in mathematics and science competitions. On an international level, we found large gender differences regarding participation in all Olympiads with the exception of the biology Olympiad. In fairs and national Olympiads, overall participation rates were not gendered as such, but females preferred biology topics whereas males preferred physics related topics. Male and female achievement in fairs was comparable, but males clearly outperformed female participants at the Olympiads, with the smallest differences in the biology Olympiad. Variables and theoretical frameworks explaining participation and achievement and the role of gender in mathematics and science competitions are discussed. We suggest that gender stereotypes, through their influence on self-concept and interest, play an important role in the mechanisms resulting in low female participation rates in and beyond mathematics and science competitions (especially in physics and chemistry). The mechanisms we found explaining female representation during a national selection competition might be considered as reflecting those in female mathematics or science careers and could thus serve as food for thought on countering the gender gap in mathematics and science.  相似文献   

学习成就的性别差异是国际教育界的关注点之一.数学认知水平的测试调查、比较表明:初二学生在总成绩上男、女生的差异不显著,但女生在分水平(计算、概念、领会、分析)上的表现几乎都呈现略比男生差的现象;访谈的结果也加强了这一观念.  相似文献   

如何认识性别与性别平等,如何对待性别差异是性别教育实施的重要前提.以性别中立与性别化教育为代表的传统性别教育模式,其性别概念认知是片面的,性别平等诉求是模糊的,实施方式是扁平化的,育人成效背离了育人目标.性别敏感教育在反思传统性别教育局限的基础上,结合女性主义对性别分析,认识到性别是由生理性别和社会性别建构而成,强调性...  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from research exploring gender by item difficulty interaction on mathematics test scores in Cyprus. Data steamed from 2 longitudinal studies with 4 different age groups of primary school students. The hypothesis that boys tended to outperform girls on the hardest items and girls tended to outperform boys on the easiest items was generally supported for each year group. The effect of social class was also examined. For each social class, there was a correlation between the item difficulty differences estimated on girls and boys separately and the difficulty of the item estimated on the whole sample. It is claimed that in understanding gender differences in mathematics, item difficulty should be treated as an independent variable. Suggestions for further studies are provided, and implications for the development of assessment policy in mathematics are drawn.  相似文献   

利用来自贫困地区农户调查数据,采取列联分析和方差检验分析的方法从健康和教育两个方面对贫困地区农村人口能力贫困的性别差异进行考察和分析。研究发现,贫困地区农村人口在健康和教育水平上具有显著的性别差异,与男性相比,女性人口处于能力更贫困状态。但在15岁以下的未成年时期和55岁以上的老年时期,男女健康投资的差别与性别无关。家庭主妇的教育程度对农户家庭经济状况具有显著影响。在分析性别差异形成原因基础上,本文提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

More women are now entering male-dominated fields, yet, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) remain dominated by men. We examined the association between boys’ and girls’ STEM choices after secondary education and friends’ gender norms, and whether pressure to conform to traditional gender norms differs depending on the gender composition of the friend group. Drawing on 3 waves of longitudinal data (N?=?744) from the Netherlands, our sample consists of adolescents in STEM trajectories in secondary education. Their retention in STEM after secondary education gives us a better understanding of gender-specific “leakage” from the STEM pipeline. We found that girls’ likelihood of choosing STEM decreased drastically when friends had more traditional gender norms. Friends with traditional gender norms had less effect on boys. Nonetheless, boys with only same-sex friends were more likely to enter STEM. Our findings indicate that an environment with gender-normative ideas pushes girls out of the STEM pipeline.  相似文献   

培养中小学生双性化人格,可以激发男生语言学习潜能,消除女生语言学习上的精神负累。要培养学生的双性化人格,消除其语言学习及表达能力上的性别差异,就需要教育部门和教育机构、教育工作者、家庭教育者和媒体各自承担起相应使命,营造性别公平教育的社会氛围,只有全社会共同关注和努力,才能真正实现性别公平教育。  相似文献   

Differences in gender equality based on social, political and economic factors is cited, by some writers, as a contributory factor in the differentially greater achievement of boys in STEM subjects through the concept of gender stratification. Gender differences, especially in mathematics, have been linked directly to gender parity in wider society. Such a link is predicted by gender stratification via both the gender similarities and gender stratification hypotheses. However analysis by others appearsto support the hypothesis that the gender gap is smaller, in mathematics, when the society has a higher equality index. However, more recently, evidence, based on PISA outcomes from 2000 to 2009, reports that there is little or no correlation between the gender gap and wider equality. This paper takes up this analysis using PISA data from the 2012 round, for both science and mathematics, and the Global Gender Gap Index in a European context. The results cast doubts on any link between national gender equality and achievement in science or mathematics.  相似文献   

Males are often found to outperform females in tests of mathematics achievement and it has been proposed that this may in part be explained by differences in cognitive style. This study investigated the relation between Wholistic-Analytic and Verbal-Imagery cognitive style, gender and mathematics achievement in a sample of 190 Australian primary school students aged between 8–11?years (M?=?9.77, SD?=?1.05). It was hypothesised that males would outperform females in mathematics achievement tests, and that gender would interact with cognitive style on mathematics performance. A significant gender/cognitive style interaction was found. Boys with an Analytic/Imagery style achieved significantly higher results than the girls with an Analytic/Imagery style, supporting the contention that certain cognitive styles affect boys and girls mathematics performance differently. Implications of results and strategies for improving mathematics achievement among girls are discussed.  相似文献   

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