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Children enter kindergarten with disparate rudimentary reading and mathematics skills; capabilities for paying attention, sitting still and making friends; mental health; and inclinations for aggressive behavior. The role of these characteristics in producing fifth-grade school achievement is the subject of this paper. We find considerable impacts for school-entry academic skills but, with the exception of a kindergartener's capacity to pay attention, virtually no impacts for the collection of socioemotional skills. This finding holds both for the overall sample and for subgroups defined by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The most powerful pre-school avenue for boosting fifth-grade achievement appears to be improving the basic academic skills of low-achieving children prior to kindergarten entry.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to test the effectiveness of strategy teaching and sequencing practice problems in teaching students with learning disabilities to identify the correct algorithm for solving addition and subtraction word problems. Sixty-two students were assigned to one of three experimental groups: strategy plus sequence, strategy only, and sequence only. The results indicated that students in the strategy-plus-sequence group, as well as those in the strategy-only group, scored significantly higher than did students in the sequence-only group. Findings indicated that strategy teaching was the more effective of the two instructional components. Implications are discussed in terms of instructional design for students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

In the past years, an increasing number of studies have investigated executive functions as predictors of individual differences in mathematical abilities. The present longitudinal study was designed to investigate whether the executive functions shifting, inhibition, and working memory differ between low achieving and typically achieving children and whether these executive functions can be seen as precursors to math learning disabilities in children. Furthermore, the predictive value of working memory ability compared to preparatory mathematical abilities was examined. Two classifications were made based on (persistent) mathematical ability in first and second grade. Repeated measures analyses and discriminant analyses were used to investigate which functions predicted group membership best. Group differences in performance were found on one inhibition and three working memory tasks. The working memory tasks predicted math learning disabilities, even over and above the predictive value of preparatory mathematical abilities.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to study on a more fine-grained level how processing a picture facilitates learning from text. In Experiment 1 (N = 85), results from a drawing task revealed that the global spatial structure of a pulley system picture was extracted even from its brief inspection (for 600 ms, 2 s). In Experiment 2 (N = 105), students who initially inspected the pulley system picture (for 600 ms, 2 s, or self-paced) had better comprehension of the system's functions and made more eye movements in line with the system's global spatial structure when listening to text than students who listened to text only. In Experiment 3 (N = 39), students who first saw the picture (for 2 s) processed written text of the pulley system's spatial structure more efficiently than students who read text only. Results suggest that global spatial information extracted from the picture was used as a mental scaffold to facilitate mental model construction.  相似文献   

The aims of this study are to investigate the effects of remedial numeracy support throughout kindergarten, and to compare the effects of interventions from different lengths. Support occurred two times per week for either 1.5 (90 sessions: complete condition) or 0.5 school years (28 sessions: short condition). Below-average students were randomly assigned to complete intervention (N = 155), short intervention (N = 105), or control (systematically offered education-as-usual; N = 150). Accounting for achievements at pretest, children who received one of the interventions outperformed the control children in early numeracy at post-test and follow-up, suggesting that children internalized the learned knowledge. Transfer effects on simple arithmetic were only found in the complete support group, whereas both interventions were effective for complex mathematics.  相似文献   

数学具有很强的抽象性,而幼儿年龄小、活泼好动,如果只是采用一般的教学方式,难以激起幼儿的学习主动性。为此,要按照幼儿的身心特点充分运用生动故事、学唱儿歌、趣味游戏、角色表演、现代信息技术等营造愉悦而轻松的教学氛围,以激起幼儿参与数学学习的主动性与积极性,引导幼儿快乐地学数学,真正地爱上学习,从而促进幼儿的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

Despite steady investment in English language education made by developing countries over the past few decades, results continue to be constrained by lack of high-quality instructors and language learning resources. Thus, using technology in language instruction has increasingly been recognized as a potential approach for addressing these constraints. This study uses administrative data from a large public university in Mexico to examine the impact of a technology-enhanced blended program on students' English course grades and course completion rates. Specifically, we focus on a campus-wide policy change in all compulsory English language courses that replaces half of the traditional face-to-face class time with an interactive online learning environment developed by a leading technology-mediated English language learning and assessment provider. Our results suggest that, compared to traditional face-to-face instruction, blended learning had a significant, positive impact on students' course grades and course completion rates. In addition, the enrollment-teacher ratio increased after replacing half of the face-to-face instructional time with online learning, suggesting that blended learning environments hold promise for providing high-quality and cost-effective language instruction.  相似文献   

The objective of this exploratory investigation was to examine the nature of writing instruction in kindergarten classrooms and to describe student writing outcomes at the end of the school year. Participants for this study included 21 teachers and 238 kindergarten children from nine schools. Classroom teachers were videotaped once each in the fall and winter during the 90 min instructional block for reading and language arts to examine time allocation and the types of writing instructional practices taking place in the kindergarten classrooms. Classroom observation of writing was divided into student-practice variables (activities in which students were observed practicing writing or writing independently) and teacher-instruction variables (activities in which the teacher was observed providing direct writing instruction). In addition, participants completed handwriting fluency, spelling, and writing tasks. Large variability was observed in the amount of writing instruction occurring in the classroom, the amount of time kindergarten teachers spent on writing and in the amount of time students spent writing. Marked variability was also observed in classroom practices both within and across schools and this fact was reflected in the large variability noted in kindergartners’ writing performance.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning in kindergarten is related, on the one hand, to the principles, methods and forms of teachers' work that should optimally contribute to pre-school child development and learning, and on the other hand, to the issues of the developing their reasoning and other aspects of their personality. It is for this reason that the responsibility of kindergarten teachers, in view Kindergartens must strive to ensure quality teaching and of instruction and learning of young children, is huge. learning environment for very young children, which in addition fosters an atmosphere of pleasure and comfort. This paper aims to present the significance of instruction and learning of pre-school children today, in particular that within the institutionalised education (in kindergarten). The author's points of interest were how instruction and learning of young children in kindergarten was perceived in the past and the contemporary view on modern instruction and learning ofpre-school children in kindergartens.  相似文献   

The classroom is both a social occasion and a learning place. In this study of a developmental kindergarten, this dual classroom agenda and the impact on teacher and student behavior is explored. Among the at‐risk children in this study, these two classroom purposes did not peacefully coexist. Social‐participation goals took precedence for the children. The teacher, frustrated in her need to “get through the lesson,” interfered with group formation, causing students to work even harder at social connections. The implications of the recognition of these two agendas for young children with special needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates handwriting automaticity is related to the development of effective writing skills. The present study examined the levels of handwriting automaticity of Australian children at the end of kindergarten and the amount and type of writing instruction they experienced before entering first grade. The current study involved 177 kindergarten children enrolled in 23 classrooms from seven government-funded primary schools in Western Australia. Individual child level data (e.g., handwriting automaticity and word-reading skills) were collected and teachers were asked to complete a survey assessing the amount of time and types of writing activities developed in their classrooms (e.g., teaching basic skills and teaching writing processes). Hierarchical linear models were conducted to examine total variance attributable to child and classroom levels. Results showed a total variance of approximately 20% in children’s handwriting automaticity attributable to differences among classrooms when gender and word-reading skills were controlled for. Large variability was noted in the amount and type of writing instruction reported by a subset of participating teachers. Handwriting automaticity was associated with the teaching of revising strategies but not with the teaching of handwriting. Implications for writing development and writing instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the way that adults perform computation in our society require reconsideration of the assumptions underlying current elementary mathematics instruction. The widespread use of calculators and computers for situations requiring precise calculation removes much of the motivation for teaching the current addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division algorithms. Yet precisely this use of computing technology now puts a premium on the exercise of estimation techniques for verifying the reasonableness of computations. These techniques, especially those that can be used mentally (without the use of any external tools), have been used informally for years, but never formalized for instruction. This paper discusses a range of estimation techniques, and presents in detail a series of mental estimation procedures based on the concepts of measurement and real numbers rather than on counting and integers. A set of techniques for teaching these procedures is described. These estimation techniques are evaluated against the multiple functions that elementary mathematics instruction needs to serve.NoteThis research has been supported by The Spencer Foundation. Thanks to Randy Souviney, Margaret Riel, Marilyn Quinsaat, Andrea Petitto, Bud Mehan, and Karen Johnson for comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 171 children, we examined classroom quality as a potential moderator of the link between three distinct but related aspects of cognition (fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and executive functioning) and math achievement across the kindergarten year. Multilevel modeling analyses were conducted to account for nesting of students within classrooms. Results revealed significant aptitude by treatment interactions for fluid and crystallized intelligence, suggesting that classroom practices may affect children differently depending on their abilities. Children with higher levels of fluid intelligence and of crystallized intelligence fared better in higher quality classrooms. Results also provide some support for Cattell's investment hypothesis. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从教育学、心理学的有关理论出发,提出在数学教学中可通过创设问题情境,加强问题的变式、引申和推广,引导学生解题后主动反思等方法,来培养学生的探索能力,并提出了一些相关的建议。  相似文献   

Many children in the U.S., particularly those from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds, do not develop sufficient math skills to be competitive in today's technological world. We utilized a mediation/moderation framework and the ECLS-K dataset to investigate factors that can decrease the SES-related math achievement gap in kindergarten. Starting kindergarten proficient in math and experiencing a supportive home learning environment significantly decreased SES achievement differences. Proficiency in math at the start of kindergarten accounted for the greatest decrease in the SES-math achievement gap. Findings support the importance of comprehensive and multi-contextual approaches targeted to families and schools for improving children's exposure to math-relevant experiences.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of self-regulation in emerging academic ability in one hundred and forty-one 3- to 5-year-old children from low-income homes. Measures of effortful control, false belief understanding, and the inhibitory control and attention-shifting aspects of executive function in preschool were related to measures of math and literacy ability in kindergarten. Results indicated that the various aspects of child self-regulation accounted for unique variance in the academic outcomes independent of general intelligence and that the inhibitory control aspect of executive function was a prominent correlate of both early math and reading ability. Findings suggest that curricula designed to improve self-regulation skills as well as enhance early academic abilities may be most effective in helping children succeed in school.  相似文献   

The quality of handwriting curriculum and instructional practices in actual classrooms was investigated in an in-depth case study of four inner city kindergarten classrooms using quantitative and qualitative methods. The handwriting proficiency of students was also evaluated to assess the impact of the instructional practices observed. The findings suggest that even though teachers employ a number of effective strategies, there is room for improvement in implementing effective, research-approved handwriting instruction. In particular, daily, explicit instruction, writing for fluency, writing from memory, and use of self-evaluation are areas that need improvement. Results indicate that the lack of emphasis on these practices impacted the quality of teaching and learning of handwriting skills. Future research is needed on the impact of teacher training, use of an assessment tool that objectively assesses students’ handwriting, use of reading and handwriting curriculum that complement and reinforce one another, and the effectiveness of research-based strategies in practice.  相似文献   

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