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汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童语素理解研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究通过比较汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童和阅读正常儿童完成同音语素理解任务的情况,来测查汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的语素理解能力.结果发现,不同年级、不同性别的阅读障碍组判断成绩都比阅读正常组差,且差异显著.研究的结果提示我们,汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童语素理解存在缺陷,支持汉语的语素意识缺陷是汉语发展性阅读障碍的原因.  相似文献   

采用眼动研究方法,考察汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童在词汇阅读过程中的眼动特征,来确认他们在语素理解、语音和正字法加工中缺陷的眼动表现。结果显示:发展性阅读障碍儿童在多种任务上的正确率显著低于普通儿童,多项眼动指标的结果都有体现。这表明汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童语素理解、语音意识和正字法意识缺陷得到了眼动数据的支持。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的语言加工技能缺陷及其对汉语阅读的影响.以58对汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童和正常对照组儿童为被试,进行语音意识、语素意识、命名速度和汉语阅读技能测试.结果发现:(1)汉语发展性阅读障碍组各项语言加工技能指标均低于对照组;(2)各项语言加工技能与汉语识字及阅读理解均有中等程度相关,可 在一定程度上预测汉语阅读水平,但总预测率低于50%;(3)识字水平在各项语言加工技能与阅读理解之间均起完全中介作用.研究结果显示:语言加工缺陷是汉语发展性阅读障碍 的重要发生机制,它通过影响识字水平进而影响阅读理解水平.  相似文献   

在汉语发展性阅读障碍研究领域,研究者越来越关注语素意识。而语素意识缺陷是否为汉语阅读障碍的核心缺陷,这一争论到目前尚未有定论。不过,语素意识在汉语阅读中确实有着非常重要的作用。本文通过查阅各种文献,对汉语发展性阅读障碍的语素意识缺陷研究做了一个梳理。  相似文献   

已有研究发现,如果能在早期对发展性阅读障碍儿童进行恰当干预,就能使70%患病儿童的阅读能力得到改善。如何通过干预帮助发展性阅读障碍儿童更好更高效地进行文本阅读,是目前研究者普遍关注的课题。文章基于阅读发展六阶段模型,遵从儿童阅读能力发展的规律,从语音意识层面、字词层面、句子篇章层面、阅读策略层面四个角度,对目前国内外的发展性阅读障碍干预方案进行了回顾性梳理,为处于不同阅读能力发展阶段的发展性阅读障碍儿童提供合理的干预方案参照。建议今后关于发展性阅读障碍儿童的干预研究主要聚焦以下方面:(1)干预应该根据儿童阅读能力发展规律开展,以弥补发展性阅读障碍儿童当前存在的缺陷为短期目标,帮助他们达到该年龄段正常儿童阅读能力水平为长期目标;(2)加强有关发展性阅读障碍儿童阅读策略的干预研究;(3)干预方案应与语文教学过程相结合,使干预效果可以在日常教学中不断巩固和迁移。  相似文献   

本研究依据阅读障碍儿童在不同规则性材料中的口头阅读数据,探讨规则性对汉语表层发展性阅读障碍者阅读的影响,并探讨语音意识和语义损伤程度与阅读之间的关系.研究发现,和控制组相比,阅读障碍组的阅读中规则性效应比控制组强.对阅读障碍组规则字和不规则字命名错误类型的分析发现,阅读障碍儿童更依赖形音对应关系来进行汉字的阅读.同时,语音意识、语义与阅读正确率之间的高相关说明语音意识和语义共同促进阅读的发展.  相似文献   

汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的认知缺陷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对近年来汉语发展性阅读障碍认知缺陷研究的回顾,讨论和总结了汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童在五个方面存在的认知缺陷语音缺陷、快速命名缺陷、正字法缺陷、词典通达缺陷和语素缺陷,并对未来的研究提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

使用镜像反眼跳范式,利用眼动技术对34名五年级儿童(年龄匹配组17人,阅读障碍组17人)在内外源线索条件下的眼跳表现进行了考察,以进一步探讨汉语发展性阅读障碍的产生机制.结果发现,只有在外源线索条件下,阅读障碍儿童的正确眼跳潜伏期长于正常儿童;阅读障碍儿童在两种线索条件下的眼跳方向错误率均高于正常儿童;阅读障碍儿童的眼跳平均速率与正常儿童没有差异.本研究结果进一步支持了阅读障碍儿童的注意和眼跳缺陷可能是导致其阅读困难的共同原因.  相似文献   

本文从心理语言学层面分析了语音意识、正字法意识、语素意识和快速命名等语言加工技能对儿童发展性阅读障碍的影响。这些分析有助于发现阅读障碍儿童不同的认知缺陷模式背后的共同本质属性,为探索发展性阅读障碍矫治的一般规律提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

当前汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的干预特征为多感官语言干预、基础认知能力干预和神经调控干预等新技术新思路的综合应用。基于活动和教具的多感官语言干预能够弥补汉语阅读障碍儿童信息获取和编码等缺陷,巩固记忆效果。基础认知能力干预主要针对汉语阅读障碍儿童的工作记忆缺陷和视听知觉缺陷。工作记忆训练有助于提高视空间、语音、中央执行任务以及阅读任务的表现,知觉干预通过训练视听觉综合能力来提高阅读障碍儿童的知觉水平和阅读能力。神经反馈训练和经颅直流电刺激等神经干预方法有望从根本上提升阅读障碍者的阅读能力。未来的干预研究需要进一步依托人工智能技术开发个性化干预平台,同时通过完善神经调控技术挖掘汉语相关的生物标志物。  相似文献   

This paper describes two studies that examined the lexical tone awareness of Chinese children both with and without dyslexia at different primary school ages.Study 1 examined the contributions of lexical tone awareness to distinguish children with and without dyslexia with respect to their Chinese character reading skills. Two hundred and seventy Chinese children participated in Study 1. Ninety of these were children with dyslexia (equally recruited from second, fourth, and sixth grades). Moreover, ninety children functioned as a chronological-age control group, and an additional ninety children functioned as a reading-level control group. The participants were tested for nonverbal intelligence, Chinese character reading, and cognitive-linguistic skills and lexical tone awareness. Our results revealed a later developmental ceiling in Chinese children with dyslexia than in those without dyslexia. Furthermore, children’s lexical tone awareness could serve to distinguish children with dyslexia from typically developing children in all primary school years.Study 2 compared the lexical tone awareness and Chinese character reading skills of Chinese children with dyslexia both before and after introducing the Perceptual Training Method. The participants in this study consisted of all the participants with dyslexia from Study 1, and the measurements were the Chinese character reading test and the lexical tone awareness task from Study 1. Our results revealed that only second-grade children with dyslexia gained substantially from the training on both lexical tone awareness and character naming, whereas those in the fourth grade obtained a significant improvement only on lexical tone awareness.  相似文献   

The present study explores the relationship between basic auditory processing of sound rise time, frequency, duration and intensity, phonological skills (onset-rime and tone awareness, sound blending, RAN, and phonological memory) and reading disability in Chinese. A series of psychometric, literacy, phonological, auditory, and character processing tasks were given to 73 native speakers of Mandarin with an average age of 9.7 years. Twenty-six children had developmental dyslexia, 29 were chronological age-matched controls (CA controls) and 18 were reading-matched controls (RL controls). Chinese children with dyslexia were significantly poorer than CA controls in almost all phonological tasks, in semantic radical search, and in phonological recoding proficiency. Chinese children with dyslexia also showed significant impairments in most of the basic auditory processing tasks. Regression analyses demonstrated that different auditory measures of rise time discrimination were the strongest predictors of individual differences in Chinese character reading (1 Rise task) and phonological recoding (2 Rise task) respectively, with frequency discrimination also important for nonsense syllable decoding. Our results support the hypothesis that accurate perception of the amplitude envelope of speech is critical for phonological development and consequently reading acquisition across languages.  相似文献   

The present 4-year longitudinal study examined preschool predictors of Grade 1 dyslexia status in a Chinese population in Hong Kong where children started learning to read at the age of three. Seventy-five and 39 Chinese children with high and low familial risk respectively were tested on Chinese word reading, oral language skills, morphological awareness, phonological skills, rapid naming, and print-related skills from age 4 to 6 and a standardized dyslexia test at age 7. Results showed that children of the high risk group performed significantly worse than the low risk group in Chinese literacy, phonological awareness, and orthographic skills at age 7. All the children with dyslexia had word reading difficulties in at least one preschool year. Results of the logistic regression showed that preschool verbal production, syllable deletion, and letter naming were the best predictors of dyslexia outcome at age 7. As in alphabetic languages, preschool oral language skills like verbal production, phonological skills, and print-related skills are the most significant predictors of children’s later reading difficulties.  相似文献   

Graph complexity as measured by topological entropy has been previously shown to affect performance on artificial grammar learning tasks among typically developing children. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of graph complexity on implicit sequential learning among children with developmental dyslexia. Our goal was to determine whether children’s performance depends on the complexity level of the grammar system learned. We conducted two artificial grammar learning experiments that compared performance of children with developmental dyslexia with that of age- and reading level-matched controls. Experiment 1 was a high topological entropy artificial grammar learning task that aimed to establish implicit learning phenomena in children with developmental dyslexia using previously published experimental conditions. Experiment 2 is a lower topological entropy variant of that task. Results indicated that given a high topological entropy grammar system, children with developmental dyslexia who were similar to the reading age-matched control group had substantial difficulty in performing the task as compared to typically developing children, who exhibited intact implicit learning of the grammar. On the other hand, when tested on a lower topological entropy grammar system, all groups performed above chance level, indicating that children with developmental dyslexia were able to identify rules from a given grammar system. The results reinforced the significance of graph complexity when experimenting with artificial grammar learning tasks, particularly with dyslexic participants.  相似文献   

Here we explore relations between auditory perception of amplitude envelope structure, prosodic sensitivity, and phonological awareness in a sample of 56 typically-developing children and children with developmental dyslexia. We examine whether rise time sensitivity is linked to prosodic sensitivity, and whether prosodic sensitivity is linked to phonological awareness. Prosodic sensitivity was measured by two reiterant speech tasks modelled on Kitzen (2001). The children with developmental dyslexia were significantly impaired in the reiterant speech tasks and in the phonological awareness tasks (onset and rime awareness). There were significant predictive relations between basic auditory processing of amplitude envelope structure (in particular, rise time), prosodic sensitivity, phonological awareness, reading, and spelling. The auditory processing difficulties that characterise children with developmental dyslexia appear to impair their sensitivity to phrase-level prosodic cues such as metrical structure as well as to phonology, but in this study phonological and prosodic sensitivity made largely independent contributions to reading.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that slight increases of inter-letter spacing have a positive impact on skilled readers' recognition of visually presented words. In the present study, we examined whether this effect generalises to young normal readers and readers with developmental dyslexia, and whether increased inter-letter spacing affects the reading times and comprehension of a short text. To that end, we conducted a series of lexical decision and continuous reading experiments in which words were presented with the default settings or with a small increase in inter-letter spacing. Increased spacing produced shorter word identification times not only with adult skilled readers (Experiment 1), but also with young normal readers (Grade 2 and Grade 4 children; Experiment 2) and, even to a larger degree, with readers with dyslexia (Experiments 3 and 4). These experiments suggest that slight increases in inter-letter spacing would improve the readability of texts aimed at children, especially those with dyslexia.  相似文献   

Phonological difficulties characterize children with developmental dyslexia across languages, but whether impaired auditory processing underlies these phonological difficulties is debated. Here the causal question is addressed by exploring whether individual differences in sensory processing predict the development of phonological awareness in 86 English-speaking lower- and middle-class children aged 8 years in 2005 who had dyslexia, or were age-matched typically developing children, some with exceptional reading/high IQ. The predictive relations between auditory processing and phonological development are robust for this sample even when phonological awareness at Time 1 (the autoregressor) is controlled. High reading/IQ does not much impact these relations. The data suggest that basic sensory abilities are significant longitudinal predictors of growth in phonological awareness in children.  相似文献   

The phonological deficit hypothesis in Chinese developmental dyslexia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Fifteen Portuguese children with dyslexia, aged 9–11 years, were compared with reading and chronological age controls with respect to five indicators related to the phonological deficit hypothesis: the effects of lexicality, regularity, and length, implicit and explicit phonological awareness, and rapid naming. The comparison between groups indicates that Portuguese children with dyslexia have a phonological impairment which is revealed by a developmental deficit in implicit phonological awareness and irregular word reading (where younger reading level controls performed better than dyslexics) and by a developmental delay in decoding ability and explicit phonological awareness (where dyslexics matched reading level controls). These results are discussed in relation to the idea that European Portuguese is written in an orthography of intermediate depth.  相似文献   

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