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The first part of this paper presents a theoretical framework which includes the independent and dependent variables that should be considered in studies designed to evaluate the effectiveness of cross-cultural training. Six kinds of training—general or specific, affective, cognitive or behavioral—plus self-insight training are considered. In addition, the quantity and timing of the training, and attributes of trainers and trainees are considered. The second part considers strategies for the evaluation of the effects of these independent variables. Controversies in evaluation research are reviewed to find out what can be learned from past experience that might be applicable to cross-cultural training. This review shows a trend toward the broadening of evaluation research, using many more dependent variables, with measurements obtained from many kinds of people. New methodologies that permit the incorporation of diverse points of view and a broad analysis of the effects of the training program are examined. Questions are also raised concerning who should have the information acquired during an evaluation study. Finally, the paper examines ethical problems that cannot be ignored by those evaluating cross-cultural training.  相似文献   

The culture assimilator is a technique for training persons from one culture to better understand the behavior of persons from another culture. A laboratory test, using 35 white female college students, of an assimilator for teaching Whites about black culture revealed significant improvements in trained subjects' knowledge of black culture and in their enjoyment of an interpersonal interaction with black confederates. Support was found for the hypothesis that assimilator training heightens subjects' anxiety with regard to interpersonal encounters with members of the target culture, but that the anxiety decreases over time. Results suggest a small positive effect of a supportive practice interaction with a target culture member prior to the behavioral measures. Some of the attitude measures were significant in the hypothesized direction, but others were significant in the opposite direction. Possible causes and implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The nature of the adjustment process for individuals crossing cultural boundaries has not been adequately described in past research, and this leads to difficulty in selection and training of personnel for overseas assignments. This article critically reviews research on criterion measures of overseas adaptation, and raises a series of theoretical issues to be considered in future research. In addition, methods for measurement of cross-cultural adjustment are proposed, and it is suggested that practitioners and researchers in this field could benefit from a careful definition of criteria.  相似文献   

This article reports an empirical study on the relationship between ethnic identity and close friendship communication patterns in Chinese-American students. The friendship communication variables were: proximity, network size, frequency of interaction, perceived similarity, and degree of intimacy between subjects and close friends. Several hypotheses in this study were confirmed. Generation difference was a reliable predictor of ethnic identity on the 1st and 2nd generation subjects. Proximity was found to be a crucial factor that influenced the ethnicity of subjects' close friendship networks. All friendship variables were related on the zero-order correlation analyses. However, the relationship between ethnic identity and the ethnicity of subjects' friendship networks was not supported. This was explained in terms of sample bias, and the variable of friendship as a universal relational bond that transcends culture. The paper concludes with a set of research questions for future work on ethnic identity and cross-cultural friendship communication.  相似文献   

The article presents an overview of the status of women in Western and Eastern Europe during the last decade. Relevant research in English is reviewed. Four indicators of women's status are treated: (1) equality before the law, (2) educational opportunities for women, (3) position in the labor force, and (4) level of leadership in social institutions. Successes and shortcomings in each division are cited; problem areas with presently incomplete information are indicated. The paper makes several recommendations for further research and better dissemination of information.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of a questionnaire study involving 296 sub-Saharan African students from a representative set of nine American campuses. Some of the results suggest that African students in this country in the middle 70s: are predominantly Christian and middle-class in origin. coming mostly from cities of over 10,000; Nigerians vastly outnumber those from any other country; are two-thirds undergraduates and one-third graduate students, with at least a third having started their American education in a community college; are mostly supported by their families or themselves. Their major problems at first are in the areas of climate, communication with Americans, discrimination, homesickness, depression, irritability, and tiredness. Only a minority feel comfortable with the basic elements of American culture, though the vast majority are pleased with the education they arc receiving. It was possible to identify several correlates of adjustment, defined as happiness and freedom from various problems. Students have a more positive attitude toward American values if they are from more prominent families, have attended an orientation to American education, and spend time with Americans rather than other Africans. Contact with the foreign-student office on campus seems to he an effective bridge to American culture and also engenders positive attitudes toward American education.  相似文献   

To investigate patterns of interpersonal criticism in Japan and United States, preliminary interviews were conducted. Three major variables: sources of dissatisfaction; the status of communicative partners: and modes of giving criticism were identified. These variables were incorporated into an Interpersonal Criticism Questionnaire and then administered to 149 Japanese and 168 American college students of both sexes, after establishing cross-cultural equivalence. The results demonstrated a significant difference between the two cultures, but no significant difference between the sexes. Both cultures favored expressing dissatisfaction in a direct way, but Japanese more frequently employed passive forms of criticism and Americans active forms. While Japanese consistently adapted critical messages to the status of their communicative partners, Americans consistently adapted their critical messages to the character of the provocation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a problem of major importance to educators: the motivation of students of differing sociocultural backgrounds. While the analysis builds on the earlier work of McClelland, the focus is by no means confined to that perspective. Indeed, achievement motivation is essentially redefined and a more comprehensive analysis is attempted in which personality, situation, and situation x personality factors are all concerned. The central thrust of the article, of course, is on what one can change about personality and situations to increase the achievement motivation of students. In this regard, various intervention studies are reviewed and evaluated, and new possibilities are suggested. There is a decided emphasis on the efficiency, practicality, and general appropriateness of concentrating on situations (or contextual) change rather than attempting to change enduring personality patterns.  相似文献   

The placement of Vice-Président Agnew in the domain of “status politics” led the author to predict an association between attitudes toward Agnew and attitudes toward two minority groups, Jews and Blacks. To test this prediction, 152 second- and third-generation Greek-American males from Cincinnati, Ohio were interviewed during the summer of 1970. The attitudes of the respondents were assessed by Likert and Guttman procedures. Gamma (g) associations ranging from ?.46 to ?.55 were found between the two types of attitudes; negative attitudes toward Jews and Blacks were accompanied by positive attitudes toward Agnew. Generally, the results were in support of the status-politics interpretation of Agnew's politics. The author suggests that Agnew's status politics may have been instrumental to the “interest politics” of the conservative American establishment which was being challenged by the various minorities during the 1960s.  相似文献   

This paper reports a quasi-experimental study of a six-week integrated summer camp experience for a group of teenagers from all parts of the country and from various economic and racial/ethnic backgrounds. A set of controls (withdrawals and friends of participants) were employed for comparative purposes. Contrary to other evidence, interracial tolerance for black and white participants was not increased as a result of contact. Whites actually became significantly less tolerant towards Blacks over the six-week period. Likewise, ethnocentric attitudes for both Blacks and whites were not decreased. By comparison, these same participants received a specific educational program dealing with homosexuals and ex-convicts and did become more tolerant of these groups. An explanatory discussion of these results is offered along with the practical implications of the research.  相似文献   

This article discusses Kelly's theory of personal constructs and its Repertory grid technique as means of revealing the nature of cultural differences and similarities. It shows how Kelly's theory relates to cognitive theory, implicit personality theory and subjective culture theory. According to Kelly, people and groups are best understood in terms of the ways they anticipate events. People are all psychologists since they employ constructs. These bases of discrimination are bipolar in nature and open to revision. A group's culture is summarized by its members' shared superordinate constructs. Kelly's Commonality Corollary explains that members of a group are similar because they use the same constructs to order events. Kelly's Sociality Corollary states that, in order to enter into a relationship with others, people need first to subsume the others' personal constructs. His custom-built Repertory grid elicits constructs by having a person decide how in a matrix other people, for example, are similar and different. In the rated grid form, each person or element is rated from most to least on the positive pole of each construct. Either principal components or cluster analysis or multidimensional scaling can reveal the interviewed person's superordinate dimensions of appraisal. As an emic technique, the grid is contrasted with the semantic differential and other fixed-format tests. A review of the personal construct literature shows that many individuals and cultural groups have been explained in their own terms. In this research, difference is construed as interesting and others are understood by construing their construction processes as a first step towards approval.  相似文献   

At the end of the 1970s, discrimination against women as political participants continues, but it is being challenged and, in some countries, steadily eroded. There are only eight countries in the world today in which national law excludes women from political processes that are open to men. While in most countries that have elections, women lag behind men in exercising the franchise; the tendency is for the difference in men's and women's voting rates to narrow over time in stable electoral systems. However, there is an enormous disparity between women's attainment of formal political equality and their real exercise of political power. The numbers of women in public office remains low in most countries; in very few do women fill even 10% of such positions. Yet there are scattered signs of improvement, with slowly rising numbers of women in elective and appointive offices. The real centers of political power are still overwhelmingly dominated by men, but the fact that women in most countries can enter the political contest on a routine basis is a sign that exclusion based on sex roles is diminishing.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been done on personal space, its determinants, methods of measurement, and traits of personality related to it. It is quite certain that personal space aspects are learned, and this accounts for the cultural differences found. This study was an attempt to consider the role of vicarious learning in establishing and changing children's personal space. A second purpose of the experiment was to gather some data on Brazilian boys and girls' personal space dimensions. Subjects: Forty-eight boys and 48 girls attending fifth grade with a mean age of 11 years and five months. Method: Personal space of subjects was measured twice using the Pedersen Personal Space Measure (a simulated pencil and paper measure of personal space). Between the two measurements subjects were submitted to one of the four experimental conditions: Group I saw a model being punished for invasion of personal space; Group II saw the model being rewarded; Group III saw no consequences happen to the model; and Group IV had no exposure to models. Results: The differences between the first and second measurements of personal space revealed that the four groups differed significantly: Group I increased personal space; Group II and group III decreased it; While group IV did not change. The hypothesis that vicarious learning influences the formation and modification of personal space was thus confirmed. As for the exploration on Brazilian children's personal space, it was found that although there were no differences due to sex of the subject, both boys and girls kept significantly smaller distances from girls than from boys, probably revealing social influences.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, evidence has been accumulating that the process of development has resulted more frequently in greater economic marginalization than benefits for poor rural women in much of the Third World. Yet recent efforts aimed at incorporating these poor non-urban women into development have been hampered by the “veil of invisibility” hiding their past and present conditions and contributions. This article formulates some hypotheses concerning female invisibility as well as productivity, and then contrasts the extant view of rural Third World women as relatively unproductive with (1) evidence drawn from evolutionary history, and (2) data from new micro-level and UN studies. The former indicates that women were the primary producers in most pre-agrarian human groups. The latter indicate that women continue to produce approximately half the world's food, although there is dramatic regional variation. The article concludes with an analysis of the statistical biases and stereotypes that obscure these contributions and briefly indicates the cost of this invisibility to the countries involved as well as to the women themselves.  相似文献   

The present study investigated some of the major dimensions of intercultural effectiveness. Based upon a review of the literature, 24 “abilities” thought to be important for intercultural effectiveness were generated. Fifty-three subjects who had reported functioning effectively in other cultures rated these abilities in terms of their importance in facilitating intercultural effectiveness. Factor analysis of the data yielded three dimensions of intercultural effectiveness: (1) the ability to deal with psychological stress; (2) the ability to communicate effectively; and (3) the ability to establish interpersonal relationships. Results of the study were then related to previous work on intercultural effectiveness.  相似文献   

Intercultural Communication theorizing appears to be divided into two schools, one stressing the personal psychological level, the other stressing the interpersonal process level of the communication vehicle itself. Neither is in itself sufficient for future theory building in the field. Towards a unifying systemic approach in intercultural, different theoretical perspectives are briefly reviewed in regard to these schools and a conception entailing intrapersonal (cognitive), interpersonal (interpretive) and systemic (synthetic) categories are derived. This approach clarifies and integrates some present theoretical insights of the field into a more comprehensive whole.  相似文献   

The institutions of traditional healing, as practiced in Black Africa, and psychotherapy, as practiced in Western culture, are compared in terms of their relative positions within the broader health care systems of the respective cultures, and in terms of their therapeutic techniques. Data is based on personal work experience in East Africa 10 years ago and on eight recent interviews with mental health professionals and healers in West Africa. (The author is an American-trained clinical psychologist.) It is concluded that these two institutions carry on the same function in their respective cultures, but differ in format according to the different dominant family configurations of the two cultures.  相似文献   

The existence of equal-status interracial interaction often has been taken for granted, despite the existence of negative and contradictory research results. A major problem lies in the fact that the equal-status concept has remained vague and inconsistently defined. In some cases, equal status has been defined as contact between selected members of rival groups who are matched on some variables such as socioeconomic status. In other instances, an attempt has been made to establish equal status positions, i.e., treating people as equals within the situation. The accumulation of evidence, however, suggests that equal status interracial contact is not so easily arranged. In this paper, a reformulation of the equal-status concept is proposed and a critical review of previous research is developed. Studies where equal status is confirmed, questionable, and nonexistent are differentiated. Many studies which obtained favorable results were found to have a questionable basis for claiming equal status, despite having done so. It is suggested here that these studies can be explained with reference to far less problematic variables that are also identified with the theory of contact, i.e., intimacy, common goals, institutional support, racial/ethnic balance, etc. Studies in which equal status is confirmed invariably result in positive change. Some research was uncovered in which the existence of equal status, although questionable, was maintained even in the face of negative results. A more critical and systematic approach is advised, and a reformulation of the equal status concept is offered.  相似文献   

A review of the literature reveals that minorities often receive relatively severe dispositions by the various law enforcement agencies (police, probation, and the courts). This discrimination is usually explained by the prejudices of officers of these agencies. A study of the official statistics of juvenile delinquency in Israel reveals a similar pattern: Arab juveniles are overrepresented among recipients of severe recommendations and decisions. This overrepresentation is mostly due to the harsher recommendations Arab juveniles receive from their probation officers. However, since these officers are Arabs, prejudice cannot be the explanation. An attitudes and opinions survey reveals that Arab probation officers are more concerned with the community's welfare than the Jewish ones. This fact seems to be the cause of the difference in the pattern of recommendations.  相似文献   

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