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努力为高职学生提供一个多层次互动训练和比拼职业技能的平台,强化和创新实践教学方法和手段,是拓展高职学生职业技能培养新途径的突破口。具体做法是,从传统实验课堂拓展到"工学一体化"实训室,让实训室成为训练能工巧匠的场所,在实训室搭建获取"双证"的平台。  相似文献   

Interactive learning is beneficial to students in that it allows the continual development and testing of many skills. An interactive approach enables students to improve their technical capabilities, as well as developing both verbal and written communicative ability. Problem solving and communication skills are vital for engineering students; in the workplace they will be required to communicate with people of varying technical abilities and from different linguistic and engineering backgrounds. In this paper, a case study is presented that discusses how the traditional method of teaching control systems can be improved. ‘Control systems’ is a complex engineering topic requiring students to process an extended amount of mathematical formulae. MATLAB software, which enables students to interactively compare a range of possible combinations and analyse the optimal solution, is used to this end. It was found that students became more enthusiastic and interested when given ownership of their learning objectives. As well as improving the students’ technical knowledge, other important engineering skills are also improved by introducing an interactive method of teaching.  相似文献   

Images are powerful means of communicating scientific results; a strong image can underscore an experimental result more effectively than any words, whereas a poor image can readily undermine a result or conclusion. Developmental biologists rely extensively on images to compare normal versus abnormal development and communicate their results. Most undergraduate lab science courses do not actively teach students skills to communicate effectively through images. To meet this need, we developed a series of image portfolio assignments and imaging workshops in our Developmental Biology course to encourage students to develop communication skills using images. The improvements in their images over the course of the semester were striking, and on anonymous course evaluations, 73% of students listed imaging skills as the most important skill or concept they learned in the course. The image literacy skills acquired through simple lab assignments and in-class workshops appeared to stimulate confidence in the student's own evaluations of current scientific literature to assess research conclusions. In this essay, we discuss our experiences and methodology teaching undergraduates the basic criteria involved in generating images that communicate scientific content and provide a road map for integrating this curriculum into any upper-level biology laboratory course.  相似文献   


Effective communication of science is a ubiquitous learning outcome for most science degrees, and a national threshold learning outcome for science in Australia. Evidence suggests that employers and academics are dissatisfied with the communication skills of many science graduates. Our study examines communication tasks used in summative assessment in bachelor of science (BSc) degrees. We compiled public information for all units of study from the BSc programmes at five research-intensive Australian universities. Our analysis suggests that science academics place high value on developing the ability of students to communicate, with 66% of all science units (n?=?1225) using one or more communication tasks as assessment (mean weighting 44%). However, opportunities for students to communicate in a variety of contexts are lacking. We found that communication tasks from eight majors (n?=?683) across the five universities addressed a very narrow range of contexts; an audience of scientists (including students) in the same discipline (97%), in the mode of traditional writing (79%) and for the purpose of interpreting and presenting results (66%). As such, assessment practice does not match the variety of contexts required by the Australian threshold learning outcomes or guiding statements in other countries. We identify opportunities and offer practical recommendations to help correct this mismatch.  相似文献   

我国高校对于学前专业师范生的美术教育持积极肯定态度。然而对于学前教育师范生的美术培养往往与普通师范生的培养方式类似,多共性少个性,重理论轻实践,忽略了学前专业学生具体教学实践技能培养。进一步研究和探讨学前专业美术实践技能的培养和训练方法,力求为培养出符合社会和时代需求的学前专业人才,成为当务之急。  相似文献   

In this article we describe the effectiveness of a programme-wide communication skills training framework incorporated within a one-year biological sciences taught Masters course designed to enhance the competency of students in communicating scientific research principally to a scientific audience. In one class we analysed the numerical marks achieved by students (N 61) for specific communication assignments completed at the start and at the end of the course. This was complemented by questionnaires administered to students at the beginning and at the end of the course to self-assess their competency and to elicit their views on the usefulness of the training received. We considered three questions: did students’ communication skills improve during the course; did the outcomes depend on the place of previous education (UK or non-UK); and how useful did students consider the learning and teaching activities to be? We show that the training improved students’ self-reported competency in most of the communication skills considered. Coursework marks for writing literature reviews improved during the course (p < 0.001). Those marks were marginally associated (that is, approaching statistical significance after Bonferroni correction) with the place of previous education (relatively high in UK students; p = 0.005). Coursework marks for writing research proposals did not change during the course (p = 0.361) but did depend on place of previous education (relatively high for UK students (p = 0.001). Although this small study’s intriguing results merit further investigation, our initial data supports the use of a programme-wide framework of the type presented here to facilitate communications skills development amongst biological science graduate students.  相似文献   

This research focused on whether a TEACCH‐based approach could be effective in helping to develop the communication skills of older learners with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, to enhance their ability to communicate, to enhance their abilities to live independent lives, and to take part in discussions about their future. A TEACCH based approach was implemented in a class in a special school, attended by six students, aged over 16, all of whom had Severe Intellectual Disabilities. Using a pre‐post quasi‐experimental design P‐Scale data and IEP targets were used as measures of progress for communication skills. These were supplemented by regular researcher observations of the communication skills of the students. Staff were also asked to regularly measure the frequency and effectiveness of communication skills. Parents were also interviewed. P‐scale and IEP targets indicated some progress being made across the two years. The results from research and staff observation were more striking however, indicating the development of frequent and effective communication skills across the two years. Importantly, these communications were occurring spontaneously, rather than being the result of conversations initiated by staff. Parents had noticed changes in their children's communication, but remained concerned about their prospects for the future. This research showed that a TEACCH‐based method can be effective in developing communication skills in learners with Severe Intellectual Disabilities. The extent of the effectiveness remains unclear however, as the school‐based methods for assessing progress for these learners (mainly p‐scales) remain problematic.  相似文献   

Literature clearly demonstrates that there has been a large increase in the time devoted to teaching oral communication skills within medical curricula worldwide. In contrast, the ability to communicate with patients through written means does not appear to be a feature in many programmes, despite its fundamental importance in creating understanding of medicine within the general population. This article investigates one way patient‐centered written communication has been integrated into part of the early training years of medical students using anatomically related material as a focus. Following a series of interactive seminars and debates as part of a student‐selected component, students were asked to prepare a patient‐focused information leaflet on a particular birth defect. The leaflets included aspects of anatomy and embryology as well as causes of the birth defect, signs and symptoms, treatments, outlook, and support mechanisms. Evaluation of the leaflets using set marking criteria and readability indexes showed that students had successfully targeted the chosen audiences. Feedback showed that the component was rated highly by the students in terms of quality, usefulness, and interest. Students viewed sessions as an excellent forum for appreciating the importance of and developing their own effective written communication skills. It is hoped that such developments will enhance the capacity of all potential doctors to communicate more effectively with patients and colleagues in both the written and spoken form. Anat Sci Ed 1:41–45, 2008. © 2007 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

培养学生解决复杂工程问题的能力以及提高他们的团队协作与沟通能力是新工科人才培养的重点,但以案例或项目方式驱动的原有软件工程教学方式在这些方面涉及的较少,因此参照新工科教育的要求,提出以软件项目设计流程和学生能力培养为主要特色的“软件工程”课程教学新方法。从湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院的教学实践来看,该方法能够有效地帮助学生提高求解复杂问题以及进行较大团队协作与沟通的能力。  相似文献   

高职英语专业培养的是能熟练运用英语从事相关工作的高等应用性专业人才。目前,高职口语教学仍然采用话题讨论、句型训练等传统教学模式,忽视岗位交际能力培养。"模块化、递阶式"口语训练模式将口语教学内容进行重组,形成四个训练模块,有针对性地培养学生的英语口语交际能力。  相似文献   

The current concern about low levels of English proficiency among international students who graduate from degree courses – that students’ English language skills are not being developed during their higher education experience – reflects negatively on the quality of Australian higher education and its graduates. More careful selection of students and increased use of English language testing are among the solutions put forward. These debates over English language proficiency tend to construct English language as a skill that can be applied in any context and ‘native‐speaker’‐levels of language ability as essential for employment. Within such a formulation international students can only ever be defined as in deficit. Drawing on socio‐cultural theories of language learning and academic literacy, alternative understandings of language proficiency in internationalized higher education are explored. Improved communication skills among graduates are likely to be achieved through a better understanding of issues beyond classroom instruction, such as barriers to social integration with native‐speakers, which reveal many international students unable to access adequate levels of language experience. Without wider perspectives on the debate over English language proficiency in higher education, the many benefits of having international students in higher education institutions are obscured by negative attitudes and unrealistic expectations.  相似文献   

与学生的沟通是辅导员日常工作的重要部分,只有通过沟通,辅导员才能发现学生中存在的问题并解决问题。辅导员只有掌握了与学生沟通的技巧,才能使沟通变得有效顺畅,有利于工作的开展。  相似文献   

长期以来,在高职英语教学中过分注重语言知识的传授,而忽视了对学生进行跨文化交际能力的培养,因而达不到交际的目的。高职英语教学中跨文化交际的渗透对培养既具有专业技能又具有一定英语综合运用能力的高级技术人才有着重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

Changing the assessment method is a way to influence the students’ attitudes towards their studies; their ways of working to a large extent are determined by the assessment methods. One way to take advantage of this is to use the assessment to stimulate creativity and communication skills. This has been tried in full‐scale studies for students in engineering physics, computer science and mathematics at Uppsala University and Vdxjö University, both in Sweden. Undergraduate education in engineering, computer science and mathematics has by tradition emphasized training in skills. The examination often consists of problems that the students solve individually. It is difficult to give complex and/or loosely defined problems in such an examination. The students are not encouraged to analyze, judge, communicate or discuss these skills. In fact, in the authors’ experience, traditional examinations can actually inhibit the development of the students’ independence and creativity. Both projects have been supported by the Council for Renewal of Undergraduate Education, Sweden.  相似文献   

Communication is described as a discipline with an obligation to pursue any inquiry that will shed light on the process of life forces attempting a common union. A holistic perspective is cited as necessary to deal with the complexity and ambiguity this approach embodies: an approach that requires a recognition of both the art and the science of human communication. The ability to communicate effectively is termed fundamental for communication education. Consequently, for internal validity, both knowledge‐building and skills‐training are called for in the teaching of communication. For external validity, the discipline must strive to establish common understandings of its work and to send clear messages about the findings to those outside the field.  相似文献   

Good communication skills require: (1) an understanding of one's audience and the subtle interactions between writer and reader, (2) organizational skills to methodically progress through the necessary stages of a project (e.g., writing a proposal), and (3) certain basic communication (writing/speaking) skills, i.e., a facility with the basic elements of transmitting information clearly. The task of writing a grant proposal in response to a specific set of instructions is used to illustrate the analysis and responses necessary to complete a major written communication project. The concept of focusing on—and writing for—the reader (in this case, the proposal reviewer) is emphasized. Although good communication skills affect life-styles, productivity, and economics in our society, the communication skills of the American pubic are sorely lacking—even among people with high levels of education—because students receive little training in these skills in the United States educational system. However, such skills can be taught to younger students as well as to adults.  相似文献   

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