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Executive functions, which can be encouraged by physical and cognitive training, are pivotally important for the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. For this reason future training of executive functions in kindergarten and school settings should be firmly anchored in both teacher education and continuing education courses as well as in school lessons. At the same time cognitive and neuroscientific studies analyzing the influence of sports on the learning performance of children and adolescents should be conducted under realistic learning conditions and hence in research schools.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the K?hler motivation gain effect in a health game using an absent partner, presented virtually. The K?hler effect occurs when an inferior team member performs a difficult task better in a team or coaction situation than one would expect from knowledge of his or her individual performance. The effect has been strongest in conjunctive task conditions in which the group's potential productivity is equal to the productivity of its least capable member. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions (individual control, coaction, additive, and conjunctive) in a 4 (conditions) ? 2 (gender) factorial design and performed a series of isometric plank exercises within an exercise game. They performed the first series of five exercises alone holding each position for as long as they could, and, after a rest period, those in the partner conditions were told they would do remaining trials with a same-sex virtual partner whom they could observe during their performance. The partner's performance was manipulated to be always superior to the participant's. Results showed that task persistence was significantly greater in all experimental conditions than in the individual control condition. The conjunctive condition was no more motivating than either the additive or coactive conditions. Results suggest that working out with virtually present, superior partners can improve persistence motivation on exercise game tasks.  相似文献   

About two thirds of adults in Germany are overweight or obese. While an increase in the consumption of high-calorie food is considered the main cause, the influence of various forms of sedentary activities is still controversially discussed. The aim of the present study is to compare the body composition of hobby gamers with reference data collected throughout Germany and to examine the effects of intensive use of computer games (gaming) on body composition. A total of 68 male participants of a computer game event aged 18–46 years (27.9 years; 180.1?cm; 83.5?kg; BMI 25.7) were examined for fat mass, body cell mass, extracellular mass, body water and phase angle using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA, Nutriguard MS type, data input). Ten test persons were retested by means of segmental 8?electrode BIA after a 24?h interval during their visit to the event. As a reference sample, data from 278 male adults of the same age (27.9 years, 179.4?cm; 78.8?kg; BMI 24.5) were collected in 168 locations throughout Germany. The hobby gamers reported on average 37.1?h screen media usage per week. Compared to the reference sample, they showed a slightly higher body cell mass index (p?<?0.01, T?=?4.07), but no differences in fat mass index (p?=?0.96, T?=?0.05) and phase angle (p?=?0.90, T?=?0.12). A significant increase in body water (T0: 48.2?l, T0+24?h: 49.3?l; p?=?0.04, T?=?2.39) and decrease in the phase angle of the lower extremities (T0:?7.40, T0+24?h: ?6.85; p?<?0.01, T?=?5.40) was observed in the 24?h retest. Compared to the reference data collected throughout Germany, hobby gamers show no differences in health-relevant parameters of body composition. Nevertheless, after intensive gaming, a short-term increase in the amount of extracellular water in the lower extremities was found. Due to these disturbances in the water balance, the consequent execution of movement breaks during gaming is important.  相似文献   

老K是个爱贪小便宜的渔疯子,凭着他的伶牙俐齿总能在不开放的鱼塘讨到些彩头,于是他非常热衷于寻找那些有待开发的处女塘。在开放之前打时间差捷足先登是老K惯用的法宝,屡试不爽。  相似文献   

Previous intervention studies in school sports designed to test the socialisation hypothesis have tried to raise students’ self-concepts. However, this goal seems to be of questionable functionality: From both an educational and a psychological perspective, it would seem preferable to aim toward making self-concepts as realistic as possible. Underestimating self-concepts might impede performance-related behaviour, whereas overestimating might be dysfunctional, particularly in social interactions. This dichotomy is used to examine which manifestations of the self-concept physical education needs to promote from a psychological perspective. It creates a new perspective for future interventions designed to promote the self-concept in physical education.  相似文献   

该来的终究会来的!在经过一段时间的磋商后,2010年2月19日凌晨2点,火箭、尼克斯、国王之间的三方交易被联盟审核通过,麦迪如愿奔赴纽约,而火箭队也得到了梦寐以求的外线得分手凯文·马丁。奔向胜利丰田中心的主队更衣室与客队更衣室相隔不到一百米,被一条走廊连接着在此之前,马丁已不止一次来到过这里,但进入主队更衣室还是第一次。如今,  相似文献   

小草花 《桥牌》2013,(10):47-49
小K是我的一位朋友,我第一次见到他,还是在2001年的英国牛津。当时,这个来自意大利的,一头棕色卷发的男孩,比我大几岁,而我们寄宿在了同一个英国家庭。  相似文献   

2月27日,K联赛本赛季的揭幕战在全州体育场打响,上赛季联赛冠军全北现代队坐镇主场对阵上赛季杯赛冠军水原三星蓝翼。让中国球迷颇为自豪的是,在两队的首发阵容中都出现了中国球员的身影,全北现代赛季初引进的冯潇霆和效力水原三星的李玮锋再次以对手的身份出现在K联赛的赛场上,这被誉为K联赛的中国德比,同  相似文献   


武林风、武林大会、WMA,当各种武术大赛在中国的荧屏中热播时,人们多少对台上武林高手剥抗的激烈程度感到不足。事实上,美国的MMA、日本的K1、泰国的泰拳等世界上著名格斗大赛,在吸引眼球方面确实远远超过了中国的武术比赛,只不过,中国的观众一直无缘亲睹。也许大家不知道的是,K1格斗大赛一度曾经离中国很近,而且,中国的散打选手一直在参加泰拳和K1的比赛,只不过由于成绩不突出,没有引起大家的注意。  相似文献   

本文针对转K2与转K6转向架几个常见故障进行分析,并给出故障检测的方法及检修措施。  相似文献   

德国国家足球队的大门好象要结束”三K”王朝的统治。他们分别是:安德雷亚斯·科普克;奥立弗·卡恩;斯蒂芬·克劳斯(三者的名字都以K开头)。今天只有卡恩逐鹿科普克让贤的一号王座。西塞尔体育场。场上正进行着德国队对比利时队的友谊赛赛前练习。分秒必争,但一切进展得轻松愉快。热身渐渐接近尾声,然而对奥立弗·卡恩来说,好戏才刚刚开始。压轴戏:七对七,卡恩对克劳斯。卡恩、里肯、绍尔、巴贝尔、沃恩斯组成B队;克劳斯率领的明星队包括:埃芬博格、海尔默、比埃霍夫、巴斯勒……。卡恩对队友们警告说:“他们没把我们放在眼…  相似文献   

1.谁是K教练?2. K教练的名字怎么拼?3. K教练的名字怎么读?4. K教练的全名是?5. K教练的生日是?6. K教练的老家是哪里?7. K教练的老家绰号是?8. K教练哪里毕业的?  相似文献   

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