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《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   


The article is part of a research project on the history of German sports medicine, from its organized beginnings in the early twentieth century until today. Through analyzing newly available archival documents, the focus is on the 1950s, when both German society and the political system had to be rebuilt after the war and ‘complete surrender’ of the Third Reich in 1945. Sports and sports medicine in both Germanys of the 1950s had the same roots or traditions, but had to be developed under completely different political and economic conditions. However, a crucial legacy of German sports medicine in East and West was and still is prevention. The specific and very different roles and systems of top-level sports, including sports medical and scientific support which developed since the 1960s, are by contrast, one of the major differences between East and West, causing major conflicts and problems until today.  相似文献   

In a joint project involving European association staff and sports scientists, basic structural data were collected on British, Swedish, Spanish and German athletics clubs to be used for analysis of hypotheses concerning conditions of participation in sports clubs, particularly by children and adolescents. The results showed clear differences in organizational level as well as membership and activity structures in comparisons between European countries and within Germany. The findings revealed the differential functions and significance of sports clubs in the context of the respective institutions and cultures.  相似文献   

我国高校体育科研现状的审度与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对2003年国内13种体育核心期刊中高校教师发表的2633篇论文进行项群统计,结果显示:高校教师是体育科研领域的主要力量。研究领域涉及面广,然发展不平衡。研究方法集中于2种、3种、4种,具有较强的侧重性,有待于进一步提高。在作者群中,高校男性教师多于女性;中高级职称的教师是体育科研队伍的主体;高学历教师是体育科研队伍的重要力量;中年教师是体育科研的骨干。广东高校体育科研活动开展的较活跃;经济发达和较发达地区以及核心期刊所在地区进行体育科研的高校较多,教师发表的论文也较多,反之较少,具有明显的区域性特征。我国体育科研主要集中于体育院、系,高校非体育教师参与体育研究的较少。有引文与参考文献的论文占总数97.oo%,平均引文量6.91条/篇。期刊、图书是文献的主要来源,报纸、网络、科技报告以及内部资料利用率过低。引文涉及中、英、日、俄、法、德、韩、西班牙、葡萄牙9种语种,个人研究仍是我国体育科研的主要方式。  相似文献   

基于科研协作网络的视角,以体育科研项目为背景,以知识共享为纽带,面向体育科研目标,探讨体育科研团队成员协作绩效的机理以及科研协作网络的运行和治理模式。只有完善体育科研项目管理机制,通过加强核心管理、学科共建、增加信任、沟通情感和增强协作交流,才能避免冲突,保持整体网络的连通,形成一个高效的体育科研团队,为实现科研创新、完成项目目标提供保障。  相似文献   

The 150th birthday of the German Labor Party Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) provides a good opportunity to research and discuss the genesis of the workers' sport movement in Germany. In this article, the German workers' sport history is placed in a broader context of the development of the German club sports system. This system emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century and was strongly influenced by national or nationalistic, as well as socialist ideas and concepts of workers' sport. The chronological context therefore commences long before 1893, when the socialist workers' gymnastics federation (ATB) was formally founded. The history also does not end in 1933, when the socialist organisations were destroyed by the Nazi regime. The concepts, ideas, visions and morality of workers sports are still alive – at least partly – in current sports.  相似文献   

我国与世界冬季体育运动发展大国相比,还存在一定的差距,分析冬季体育运动与产业发展的现状,对促进我国冬季体育运动与产业向世界大国迈进具有重要的意义。采用文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法、实证研究法、数理统计法为主要研究方法,对我国冬季奥林匹克运动发展现状进行研究,结果表明:我国参加冬季会比赛的运动项目数逐年增加,但能获得金牌的项目较少,项目布局不合理;训练体制与运动员培养形式过于传统化;冬季项目人才培养不系统;冬季运动相关的旅游业、彩票业、服务业、产品制造开发业、俱乐部制度、宣传传播方面发展滞后。针对这一现状提出,应理清冬季体育运动项目的发展规律,使项目得到全面的发展;建立完善的人才培养体系,为冬季项目的发展提供坚实的人才基础;以冬季体育旅游为龙头,发展冬季体育产业、彩票业、广告业等的建议。  相似文献   

E-science是科学研究在信息时代出现的全新科研协作模式,与传统科研方法相比,E-science为科学研究的共享与交流提供了极大的发展空间。以E-science理论为基础阐述了一种B/S结构的体育科研协作平台的设计和实现方法,该平台以体育科研工作实际为出发点,构建了体育科研项目协作系统、体育科研仪器共享系统和体育科研人员交流系统等多个功能模块。平台解决了体育科研工作者科研项目协作、科研仪器共享、科研资源集成、科研流程控制等关键技术,为体育科研工作者科研协作和创新提供了可能。  相似文献   


Throughout the world, women are a small minority within the governing bodies of organized sport. This paper presents the results of three empirical studies that have been undertaken within a German research project. The representative survey of all male and female executives in German sports federations (N=697) included questions concerning their socio-demography, their careers as executive members of sports organizations, as well as their careers in sport and their chosen occupation. The survey reveals significant gender differences in terms of, for example, age, family situation, responsibilities in the executive committees, duration of office, and career barriers. Furthermore, we conducted 23 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with women in leadership positions to explore the women's individual perspectives. The aim of a second interview study (“drop-out” study) was to identify barriers in the voluntary careers of seven male and nine female leaders who left office prematurely (i.e. earlier than they had originally planned). These informants can be seen as experts who have an excellent insight into their organizations and who have also experienced barriers that caused them to “drop out”. The respondents’ statements showed similarities with regard to socio-economic background but considerable differences in terms of gender-specific experiences, attitudes, and evaluations. The demands placed on the sports leaders were much more in line with the biographies of the men interviewed than with the personal circumstances of the women.  相似文献   

张茜 《精武》2012,(17):7-9
运用文献资料,文理统计和逻辑分析等方珐,重点从研究的基本情况,研究力量的分布及研究内容三个方面对2006-2011年一家社套科学基金体育学立项的有关文据进行分析。结果表明:国家社会科学基全体育学立项总数逐年增长。青年项目增长幅度最大,重点项目立项文目偏少;研究力量分布不均衡,地处北京的单位立项最多,占有较大的地理优势:研究内容呈现跨学科、多学科交又化;群众体育学,体育社会学仍是研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

选取2003-2012中文体育类核心期刊休闲体育相关文章367篇,通过文献计量学方法对文章的发文年代、作者情况、研究方向进行研究分析,发现:1休闲体育名称基本确定,概念趋于一致,休闲体育产业为研究热点,休闲体育服务有一定研究成果,对休闲体育未来发展方向有所预测;2对弱势群体休闲体育研究、群众休闲体育教育研究、休闲体育项目介绍、休闲体育项目管理、休闲体育的生理促进作用研究不够,对发达国家休闲体育研究不均衡。  相似文献   

肖永杰  张鲲 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(5):541-542,552
运用调查、文献资料综述等研究方法,对中国竞技体育优势项目与其技术创新关系进行分析,结果表明:中国优势项目之所以一直在世界竞技比赛中取优异的成绩,与其技术创新有着密不可分的联系。一些竞技体育项目在发展历程中处于世界领先水平,逐步实现了从学习借鉴的拿来主义向技术创新的转变,这对中国相对滞后的其他竞技项目有着良好的启示。  相似文献   

周良君 《体育科学》2005,25(3):75-77,94
对“九五”期间政府资助体育学研究的立项、资助金额、研究队伍、研究领域、研究方法、管理体制等方面的主要进展及存在问题进行分析。结果表明 ,“九五”期间政府资助体育学研究发展迅速 ,建立了比较完善的管理体系 ,立项和资助金额大幅增加 ,研究领域比较集中并产生了一批较好的成果。同时 ,也存在成果转化率不高等一些问题。建议 :加强对理论研究的重视程度 ,加强对研究成果的评估和向实践的转化。  相似文献   

As the result of German efforts to advance elite sports being partially guided by the presumed successful example of the German Democratic Republic there has been an increase in vertically integrated sponsoring organizations to promote elite sports, particularly after reunification. Adhering to Williamson’s (1975) transaction costs economics, the theory is assessed that in producing sports success the effectiveness of hierarchical organizations depends on the specificity of production factors. Based on a comparison of former students of elite sports schools with non-elite students it could be shown that encouragement of talent in elite schools is advantageous in those types of sports that require specific sports locales or sites for practice. The results provide insight into how the productivity of elite sports schools could be enhanced.  相似文献   

以开展社会实践为契机,以民俗体育项目为研究对象,通过随机发放调查问卷、走访、搜集民俗体育项目等方法来研究民俗体育对全民健身的推动作用,并通过调查问卷分析当地群众对民俗体育的了解程度及参与状况,以及民俗体育目前所处的状况,搜集现已流传的民俗体育项目,编辑成册,供当地人民群众参考。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对河南省农民体育健身工程的实效性进行调查。结果表明:农民体育健身工程的建设不仅对农民村居环境有了很大的改观,而且农民参与体育锻炼的行为也有了很大的提高,生活方式也有了很大的改善。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、田野调查法等研究方法,对重庆地区的民族传统体育发展现状进行了深入的研究。研究结果发现,现今重庆地区的民族传统体育面临着现代体育项目冲击、保护不力、缺乏认知程度等问题,并根据发展的需要提出了重庆地区民族传统体育应编纂民族体育志、对其进行非物质文化遗产保护、加强科研力度等保护对策,为重庆地区民族传统体育的发展提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   

冰雪体育产业作为"朝阳产业",不仅是东北各省份城市的特色体育产业项目,更是城市的形象名片,而且它也成为城市经济增长的重要产业支柱之一,因此冰雪体育产业为城市带来了高额的经济收入和更多的就业机会。此研究以黑龙江省冰雪体育产业为研究对象,对冰雪体育产业链的结构进行了系统研究,在分析其发展现状与问题的基础上,提出优化产业链的相关对策,其研究成果不仅可以丰富体育产业的相关理论研究,而且还有助于对冰雪体育产业链结构优化在实践中的指导。  相似文献   

对1996-2006年国家体育总局社会科学、软科学立项项目中关于体育法学的立项项目进行了统计分析。结果表明,历年来的立项数量并非一路攀高;普通高校法律专业系统立项数量最多;已经立项的课题偏重于实践,并且取得了一定的实践效果,基础理论研究课题在加强;但是,我国体育法学的研究还处在学习借鉴阶段。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法,对陕西省农民体育健身工程开展现状进行了调查研究,研究结果表明:体育组织建设严重滞后、文化知识匮乏和健身意识薄弱、体育资源严重不足、农村体育人口偏少、器材的到位率、安装及安全性认同率较高、运营情况总体上符合国家与政府对农民群众的要求,结合实际提出了对策.  相似文献   

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