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Rhyme is one of the characteristics of English poetry,though some English poems areunrhymed. Rhyme may be used in English prose too, but much less frequently than inpoetry. The word rhymetmans "(of words or lines of poetry)to end with the same sound (asanother word, or as each other)including a vowel" (Longman Dictioary). So the followingare rhymed pairs:  相似文献   

Summary:Teachers play an important role during the process of teaching. The key point isthat how the teachers convey the knowledge to the students in the most efficient and effectiveway. Before beginning a class,the teachers should know well about the framework of the arrange-ment of the whole class. l willl take the passage (unit2 lesson8) in the book"Junior English forChina Students'Book2"for example to display how a teacher to conceives his teaching plan beforeteaching a new lesson.  相似文献   

English Riddles     
1.What month do soldiers hate?2.W hatbook has the m oststirring chapters?3.W hatkind ofdog doesn tbite orbark?4.W hatis the sm allestroom in the world?5.W hatkind ofwatershould people drink to keep healthy?K ey:1.M arch.2.A cook book.3.H otdog.4.M ushroom .5.W ellwater(井水).English Riddles!本刊资料…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne way of thinking aboutculture is to contrastit with nature. Nature refers to what is born andgrows Organically ( from the L atin nascere:to be born) ;culture refers to what has been grown andgroomed( from the Latin colere:to cultivate) .The word culture evokes the traditional nature/nurturedebate:Are human beings mainly what nature determines them to be from birth or what culture en-ables them to become through socialization and schooling?The screws that language and culture…  相似文献   

A:Look,who’5 that?B:It址nk he 15 Bm.A:15 he anEnglishboyoranAmercianboy?B:n七15 an English boy from London.A:HOW old ishe?B:Sorry,1 dsn’t know his age.A:ob,who’5 the boy in the hat?They look the same.B:Re 15 Mike .They are twins.They are at school.A: Thank you .Goodbye!B:Goodbye!一碑郭种An English boy(初一)@林雨…  相似文献   

With further reforms carried out in college English teaching to non-English majors, the compilation of college English course books is causing great concern among administrators, professionals, and teachers as well. The article makes a general analysis of the widely used "College English" Series (Integrated Course, new edition) . Much is discussed about its guiding principles and theoretical bases, its framework and specific features. Written in accordance with the College English Syllabus (revised edition), this course book not only preserves the essence of traditional English language teaching and textbook writing, but also adopts the latest developments of theory and practice in foreign language teaching.  相似文献   

Whenever I saw the winners flaunted(炫耀)their victories(胜利),I felt so sad in myheart.I stared at them,thinking of my hard work.There's an old saying"No pain,no gain."But for me,it's"Much pain,no gain."  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.majority【用法】n.多数;大多数;过半数(mostthings or people in a group),常与定冠词 the和介词 of 连用,构成词组:a/the majority of…。例如:He won by a majority of 300.他以超过对方300票而获胜。The majority of the students were pre-sent.大多数学生都出席了。majority 在形式上是单数,但在概念上具有复数意义,当"the majority of 复数名词"当主语时,其谓语动词通常用复数。例  相似文献   

A Now,imagine (设想)there is a large live duck inside a very large bottle. The bottle is made of glass,and has a very narrow neck. How can you get the duck out of the bottle without breaking it or hurting the duck?  相似文献   

The exponents of Functional Teaching Approach hold that only when the linguistic expressions are presented(by the teacher)and practised(by the students)in the specifte context,can language teaching cultivate students‘ competence of understanding and using language forms.Based on two years‘ practice,The author argues that excellent effects on setting up context can livene up the atmosphere of the classroom,foster the students‘ competitive consciousness and collective spirit,stimulate the students‘ rich imagination and creativity,satisfy their thirst for knowledge,promote the harmonious relationship between teacher and students and improve the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

i.Beginning the Class组织教学乍1)There即es the bell。(There,5 the bell。)铃响T。2)It,5 time to get started。上课时j’q至,】了。3)Let,:get四ing。我们开始上课吧。4)OK,let,sb铭i。。好啦,我们开始吧。5)Could 1 have sooe qoiet,please。我请你们安静 一下好吗?6)Now let,5 eal二down。现在请安静T来。7)Stop talking and sit叩properl了,please。不要讲 话了,请坐好。8)Don,t stare out the window and look at me。不 要看窗外了,看着我。 2.Greeting问候i)Good morning(afternoon),el哪。同学们.早上(下 午)好。2)Hell…  相似文献   

English Proverbs     
Art 15 long,。ld time 15 fleeting一助爬介11owKn阴edge 15 a treast一re,but Pmctiee 15 thek即to it一F己ler[。e断neighbour as thyseir一Jesus仆e firstw曰业th 15 health.一E毗rsollThe,::It:st阮more to life than havi嗯eve示hi嗯一Maunee反j ldakU介15 sweet一EnglishVirtue 15 far falrer thanbeauty一En沙shWorkh)vewhile it 15 day.me little,love me long一JohnA-rt imPmves natu二一肠ngfellow位以1 eonlp田ly on the mad 15 the shortest eut·心15 notat坛川d that halps一Fe卿ssonI己eness 15 the rust of the而n…  相似文献   

The most common question my students ask is "How can I improve my oral English?" My answer is always the same: practice. There is no quick way to learn another lan-guage.  相似文献   

徐浩 《英语学习》2020,(6):27-29
<正>四期答案1. Explain the following words and expressions (highlighted in blue) in English.(1) amount to (Para. 1)amount to:If you say that one thing amounts to something else, you consider the first thing to be the same as the second thing.  相似文献   

你知道at的用法吗?介词(表示地点位置)在;在……请看以下常用短语:at the door 在门口at 104 Nanjing Roadat the bus stop在公共汽车站at home 在家at the end of...在……尽头at the head of... 在……前面  相似文献   

1.Generic refefence(类指)vs specific reference(特指)Consider the following examples:The panda is a rare animal.The panda gave birth to a healthy baby last night.In the first sentence,the definite article(定冠词)in the panda denotes thewhole species;whereas in the second,it points to one specific animal.We refer to them as generic reference and specific refefence respectively.  相似文献   

今天,Goldie跟露西娅一起去学校上课,Goldie学到了许多非常有趣的东西。放学后,露西娅又拉着Goldie去参观爱娜阿姨家的玫瑰园了。After school, the girls went to Auntie Ana's big house. "Auntie owns the rose gardens," explained Lucia. "She's very kind to the campasinos who work here. She says if I speak  相似文献   

English Joke     
A A man walks into a shopand sees a lovely little dog.He asks the shopkeeper,"Does your dog bite?"The shopkeeper says,"No,my dog does notbite."The man tries to pet the dog and the dogbites him."Ouch!"He says,"I thought you said yourdog does not bite!"The shopkeeper replies,"That is not mydog!"  相似文献   

Once interviewed by a famous Internet reporter, Shang Wenjie(尚雯婕) talked of her experience in English-learning. "In fact, you needn't act in the ordinary way while learning  相似文献   

Like the translation of any other genre,the translation of English slang should also follow thegeneral criteria.However,as English siang has its own peculiarities,the translation of slang shouldalso follow some special principles in order to arrive at the goal Likeness in Spirit Therefore,theauthor of the present paper has summed up the following principles:1)exact underatanding ofmeaning 2)conveyance of flavor3)conveyance of individuality.  相似文献   

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