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Names for girls Alice [lis] Unable to lie or deceive; truthful. Brenda [ brend] Little dark-haired beauty who delights everyone. Cynthia [ sin i] Soft, gentle as the moon. Dorothy [ d r i] A gift from God. Eleanor (Ella) [ elin] Elfin, elflike girl. Gill …  相似文献   

Boys+Girls=?这个加法算式的结果,你知道吗?不知道吧,那就让我来告诉你吧。Boys+Girls=快乐。男生喜欢运动,都是阳光男孩。相反,女生比较文静,但是她们喜欢在男生周围“观战”。男生在球场上奔跑,女生则在场下欢呼,配合默契,不亦乐乎。Boys+Girls=风景。男生如猛虎,女生则是娇美的天鹅,所以男生和女生不容易相处。但也有猛虎与天鹅相安无事的时候。猛虎静观天鹅翩翩起舞,或天鹅细察猛虎闪跃腾挪。这自然就成了一道亮丽的风景线。Boys+Girls=成功。男生往往很聪明,但又粗心大意,马马虎虎。女生则心细如发,与男生刚好互补。这样加在一起,…  相似文献   

Widely regarded as Canada's best writer of short stories,Alice Munro reflects her precise social observation and penetrating psychologically insight into the complex existence.The paper analyzes the narrator in the mini-story "Boys and Girls" and sheds light on the suppression endured by the central female characters in a patriarchal society.  相似文献   

Recently, single-sex classes within public coeducational schools have proliferated across the USA; yet, we still know little about whether and how single-sex science classes influence adolescents’ attitude and affect toward science. This exploratory study expands upon our current understanding by investigating the extent in which female and male students’ enrollment in either single-sex or coeducational science classrooms may influence their academic self-concept in science. Utilizing a quasi-experimental research design, findings suggest that being enrolled in single-sex science classrooms influence how students in this study perceive their abilities to perform and learn in science, particularly for females in single-sex science classrooms.  相似文献   

Outcomes of studies with exclusively or predominantly female caregivers suggest that boys in child care are involved with interactions, attachment relationships, and care of lower quality than girls. We investigated to what extent child gender (N = 38, 19 boys) and caregiver gender (N = 38, 19 males) is associated with child–caregiver interactions and attachment relationships. Children’s involvement and caregivers’ sensitive and stimulation behaviors were observed using systematic observations of semistructured play. Children’s secure attachment with caregivers was observed using the Attachment Q-Sort. Research Findings: Male and female caregivers showed similar sensitive behaviors toward boys and girls, and children had similar levels of secure attachment with male and female caregivers. Female caregivers had a tendency to stimulate boys more than girls, and this behavior was associated with a lower secure attachment in boys. Girls’ involvement with the caregiver was associated with male and female caregivers’ sensitive behavior and with male but not female caregivers’ stimulation. Conversely, boys’ involvement with the caregiver was elicited by sensitive but not stimulating behavior of male caregivers but not by female caregivers. Practice or Policy: Boys and girls can have equally positive interactions and attachment relationships with both male and female caregivers.  相似文献   


Boys are shown to perform better than girls on tests related to spatial ability and mechanical reasoning. The correlation between mechanical reasoning and spatial ability is shown to be high. For the two major factors, spatial orientation and spatial visualisation, the correlation is likely to be highest for tests having a high spatial visualisation loading.  相似文献   

本期的《故事屋》,我们首先来看一个充满哲理的童话故事《男孩和青蛙》。希望小朋友们能从中学习到一些人生道理。  相似文献   

Similarities and differences were examined in the out‐of‐school recreation and leisure activity participation of 422 children with physical disabilities and 354 children without disabilities. The roles of age (six to eight years, nine to 11 years, and 12–14 years), gender, and disability status were examined with respect to the diversity, intensity, location, companionship, and enjoyment of participation in five types of activities, controlling for family income. The findings indicate that dimensions and types of activity participation are differentially influenced by age, gender, and disability. Age cohort comparisons indicated that children without disabilities experienced a widening social world characterised by more intense social participation, greater participation with non‐family members, and stable levels of enjoyment across the age groups. In contrast, children with disabilities in the various age groups were similar in their intensity of social participation and the nature of their companionship, with 12–14 year olds reporting less enjoyment of social activities than those aged six to eight years or nine to 11 years. The findings support the utility of a developmental and contextual perspective in understanding children’s patterns of participation. The information can be used by service providers and managers interested in creating centre‐based or community‐based recreational opportunities, and in providing information to parents about how to encourage children’s recreation and leisure participation.  相似文献   

We investigated for the first time the genetic and environmental aetiology behind scientific achievement in primary school children, with a special focus on possible aetiological differences for boys and girls. For a representative community sample of 2,602 twin pairs assessed at age nine years, scientific achievement in school was rated by teachers based on National Curriculum criteria in three domains: Scientific Enquiry, Life Processes, and Physical Processes. Results indicate that genetic influences account for over 60% of the variance in scientific achievement, with environmental influences accounting for the remaining variance. Environmental influences were mainly of the non‐shared variety, suggesting that children from the same family experience school environments differently. An analysis of sex differences considering differences in means, variances, and aetiology of individual differences found only differences in variance between the sexes, with boys showing greater variance in performance than girls.  相似文献   

Boys的自我感觉常常好得吓死人。几乎没有一个不认为自己是天才,几乎没有一个不认为自己英俊潇洒、风度翩翩。Boys常流露出不知何处觅到的樱木花道式的自信、自负、自大。Boys总认为全世界都在关注自己,觉得自己是未来的诺贝尔奖得主,或者是某个伟大学说  相似文献   

This 8‐year cross‐sectional study measured the self‐esteem, reading and mathematical attainments of eight cohorts of Year 6 children. A total of 1488 children (737 boys, 751 girls) in five randomly selected primary schools within one Local Education Authority (LEA) comprised the sample to which the Lawseq questionnaire (Lawrence, 1982), Mathematics 11 (NFER, 1985) and the Primary Reading Test Level 2 (France, 1981) were administered. Differences in attainment related to gender were found in mathematics, but not in reading, with boys significantly outperforming girls (at the 5% level). The percentage of boys who scored significantly above the mean in mathematics and significantly below the mean in reading contrasted with the girls’ more compressed scores in the middle range. The national test data for Cohorts 7 and 8 followed the national pattern with girls outperforming boys. Boys had significantly higher self‐esteem than the girls (at the 0.1% level). Correlation coefficients between Lawseq and mathematics and reading mean scores for boys and girls were all significant at the 0.1% level. The findings are discussed in relation to the current debate concerning the low performance of boys.  相似文献   

In gender differential item functioning (DIF) research it is assumed that all members of a gender group have similar item response patterns and therefore generalizations from group level to subgroup and individual levels can be made accurately. However DIF items do not necessarily disadvantage every member of a gender group to the same degree, indicating existence of heterogeneity of response patterns within gender groups. In this article the impact of heterogeneity within gender groups on DIF investigations was investigated. Specifically, it was examined whether DIF results varied when comparing males versus females, gender × socioeconomic status subgroups and latent classes of gender. DIF analyses were conducted on reading achievement data from the Canadian sample of the Programme of International Student Assessment 2009. Results indicated considerable heterogeneity within males and females and DIF results were found to vary when heterogeneity was taken into account versus when it was not.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - The primary aim of the study was to examine whether performance on a science assessment in an immersive virtual environment was associated with changes...  相似文献   

Boys Like Cars     
Boys likc cars.They all want to have thcir own(自己的)cars.They can't have real(真的)ones.They are too expensive and too big for children.Many boys like going to the car shops.The shops sell toy cars.There are all  相似文献   

misia 《音乐世界》2010,(8):76-77
除了前面提到的男演员们,春季档还有很多有趣的参与者.有的第一次主演.有的第一次演时代剧.大家也要记得关注哦!  相似文献   

少女时代的小分队TTS接棒After School与孙丹菲成为了韩国服饰品牌MIXXO新一季的代言人。作为亚洲人气女子组合,她们就是潮流的风向标,广告商表示她们很好的把品牌的时尚理念传递给包括韩国、中国、日本在内的亚洲各个国家的女性。  相似文献   

卡西欧Baby-G系列的代言人选定为引领时尚潮流的少女时代,九人九色演绎最CHIC风潮。  相似文献   

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