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蒙台梭利课程对我国幼儿教育的发展有重大的影响,但是在实施过程中也存在诸多问题,比如蒙台梭利课程存在市场化倾向、课程实施水平参差不齐、缺乏统一的蒙氏师资培训、家长对蒙台梭利课程缺乏充分的认识等等。为了实现蒙台梭利课程可持续发展,需要相关行政部门、幼儿园、社会等多方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

Previous research on Montessori preschool education is inconsistent and prone to analytic flexibility. In this preregistered study, disadvantaged preschoolers in a French public school were randomly assigned to either conventional or Montessori classrooms, with the latter being adapted to French public education. Adaptations included fewer materials, shorter work periods, and relatively limited Montessori teacher training. Cross-sectional analyses in kindergarten (N = 176; Mage = 5–6) and longitudinal analyses over the 3 years of preschool (N = 70; Mage = 3–6) showed that the adapted Montessori curriculum was associated with outcomes comparable to the conventional curriculum on math, executive functions, and social skills. However, disadvantaged kindergarteners from Montessori classrooms outperformed their peers on reading (d = 0.68). This performance was comparable to that of advantaged children from an accredited Montessori preschool.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses an in-service teacher development program that focussed on establishing a materials bank for English language teachers at a private primary school in Ankara, Turkey, and teachers’ evaluations of the program. The program aimed to lead to teacher change as growth and learning, to address school-based needs, and to provide overall quality improvement. Feedback obtained during the professional development program and after its completion demonstrates that teachers improved their knowledge and skills on materials design and curriculum related issues as well as improving the overall quality of instruction and developing a positive attitude towards professional development.  相似文献   

蒙台梭利教育模式中国化探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
著名意大利幼儿教育家蒙台梭利经过半个多世纪的探索,提出的一套旨在促进儿童良好个性形成的教育思想和方法体系,至今仍影响着世界幼儿教育工作者的儿童观和教育观。如何借鉴蒙台梭利教育模式以及如何使蒙台梭利教育模式中国化成为专家学者、实际工作者探讨的焦点。我们从中国古代教育思想和蒙台梭利教育思想、蒙台梭利教育思想与中国幼儿教育课程发展入手,对蒙台梭利教育模式中国化从教育内容、目标和组织形式等方面进行阐述,这对于当今满足幼儿教育科研和教学需要、促进幼儿发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A nursery teacher and a nursery nurse were introduced to and instructed in the use of ‘Incidental Teaching’ (IT) procedures (including contingent access to materials) designed to encourage child‐initiated language interactions in the natural nursery classroom environment. The effects of introducing these procedures were monitored over the course of a school year on a target group of second language learning children from Panjabi‐speaking homes. Throughout the study teacher‐child language interactions were sampled using a radio microphone linked to a tape recorder. For each sample all child initiations addressed to the teacher were transcribed together with all teachers’ responses to child initiations. A multiple baseline design across morning and afternoon classes was employed so that the introduction of IT procedures was staggered following the collection of baseline data. After the initial training session, use of IT procedures increased markedly and in both classes children initiated more frequently, as a consequence. The total number of words spoken to the teacher/nursery nurse, and the average number of words spoken per child, increased in both groups. Analyses of the data for the morning class also demonstrated that the IT procedures resulted in marked increases in the use of more complex language forms.  相似文献   

论教师职前教育的经验课程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"经验"是教师专业发展不可回避的概念,"经验学习"是教师职前专业发展的重要内容,"经验课程"是教师职前教育课程中的重要组成部分。在教师教育范畴中重新审视"经验"、"经验学习"和"经验课程",建立符合教师专业发展要求的"经验课程",是当前教师职前教育课程改革的重要任务。  相似文献   

Contextual influences on private speech were examined in two preschools differing in the learning environments they provide for children. Observations of 3- to 5-year-olds were made during free-choice periods in a Montessori and a traditional (play-oriented) program. Consistent with Vygotsky's theory that make-believe play serves as a vital context for the development of self-regulation, the incidence of private speech was much higher during open-ended activities, especially fantasy play, that require children to determine the goal of the task, than during closed-ended tasks with predetermined goals. In line with previous research, the more direct involvement, or external regulation, teachers displayed, the lower the rate of children's private speech. In addition, transitions (as opposed to involvement in activities) were linked to reduced private speech, whereas engagement with peers, in the form of associative play, predicted greater self-directed language. Diminished make-believe play, greater teacher direct involvement, and heightened time spent in transitions largely accounted for the lower incidence of private speech in the Montessori compared with the traditional preschool. Contextual factors also contributed to a drop in private speech at age 5. Implications for fostering children's verbal self-regulation during early childhood are considered.  相似文献   

Whilst much research has been conducted on teacher feedback in various teaching and learning contexts, little is known about how teachers give feedback on student oral presentations to enhance students’ oral communicative skills in second-language (L2) education. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews, this case study investigated the methods used by an experienced Chinese teacher of English as a Foreign Language to provide feedback on student oral presentation tasks. Data analysis revealed that the teacher gave oral comments mainly on pronunciation, content and logical thinking, and focused on PowerPoint design in his written commentary. The analysis also revealed that the teacher used the specific pattern of ‘praise-criticism-suggestion’ to comment on the students’ oral presentations. Relevant pedagogical implications for L2 teacher feedback practices and teacher-education programmes are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

我国教师教育课程中设置儿童学课程是重塑教师专业素养、顺应国际教师教育发展趋势和应对教师现实困境的必然要求。其设置需要超越学科体系的组织线索,以问题领域为核心组织课程模块;超越心理主义的课程内容,彰显课程建构的社会文化视角;超越对儿童发展普遍规律的依循,关照儿童个体差异。儿童学课程要设置如下课程模块:儿童身心发展、儿童发展与社会、儿童研究方法、儿童研习实践。  相似文献   

人们通常将第二语言(以下简称二语)教学仅仅看作一种教学行为,因而多数有关二语教学的文献,要么仅论述教学方法,要么仅论及教材的设计与使用.其“潜台词”是,如果学生无心学习,错不在学生,而在教学方法或教材及教师.但是,要顺利实施一项二语课程方案,仅有教学行为是远远不够的,而是像任何成功的教育课程方案一样,其中包含多层次的规划、编制与实施等,不仅要确定目标,还要制订教学大纲、合理运用教材;既要确定教学策略、选择教师并进行培训,还要选定测验与评估的程序.一旦课程方案进入运行阶段,就必须启动相应的监控和评价程序.因此,为了设计出有效的二语课程方案,必须对课程方案编制的本质与过程有一个全面的认识.  相似文献   

Summary Two nursery class teachers were introduced to, and instructed in the use of, ‘Incidental Teaching’ (I.T.) procedures designed to facilitate child initiated language interactions in the natural classroom environment. Both nursery classes included a large proportion of children from Punjabi‐speaking homes. Throughout the study teacher‐child language interactions were sampled using a radio microphone linked to a tape recorder. For each sample all child initiations addressed to the teacher were transcribed together with all teachers’ responses to child initiations. A multiple baseline design across teachers/classes was employed to evaluate the effects of I.T. procedures and an amended strategy.

After the initial training session, both teachers’ use of I.T. procedures increased markedly and in both classes children initiated more frequently. The total number of words spoken to the teacher, and the average number of words spoken per child, increased in both groups. During a second intervention phase (the amended strategy), when the teachers arranged the environment so that children were required to request access to certain materials, both the number of child initiations and the teachers’ use of I.T. procedures continued to rise in both classes. In school A both the total number of words spoken, and the average number of words used per child, continued to rise, whilst in school B the total number of words spoken and the average number of words used per child fell, as more children with restricted language became involved in language interactions.  相似文献   

Toward the end of his short life, Lev Vygotsky found himself teaching teachers in a remote part of the USSR. Though his influence as a developmental psychologist is well-established, little is known about his approach to teacher development. This article applies the researcher’s core concept, the zone of proximal development to teacher education. The resulting model for educating teaching candidates within zones of proximal teacher development (ZPTD) integrates Vygotskyan theory into Western models of teacher education. Recommendations are offered with regard the four stages of the ZPTD and implications for the content and sequence of the teacher preparation curriculum.  相似文献   

论多维视野中的教师培训观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着基础教育的改革与发展,教师从改革的后台被推向了改革的前台,相应地,教师问题亦日益突现出来。基于此,教师培训就越来越被提到了议事日程。但目前的教师培训“让人喜欢让人忧”,还存在着诸多长期性、深层性的问题。解决这些问题已经不是技术和方法问题,而是必须解决教师培训观念的滞后问题。也就是说,必须从多维视角重建教师培训观,塑造新的教师培训文化。  相似文献   

卢梭的教学思想对我国教育改革的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢梭在教育论著《爱弥儿》中,从教学观念、教学过程、教学方法及教师作用等几方面提出了他的教学思想.认为教育要尊重儿童(学生),教师要善于激发他们的学习需要和兴趣,教会他们学习的方法,要让他们在实践活动中进行体验性学习,磨砺他们的意志,让他们学会做人,要重视教师的榜样作用和教师对儿童(学生)的引导作用.这些教学思想对于推进我国素质教育,进行新课程改革,都有着重要的启发和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This qualitative study examined how Head Start teachers thought about children’s early literacy and how they enacted their thinking in a year-long curriculum reform effort. Data collected included interviews, observations, questionnaires, concept maps, and teachers’ reflections on implementation. The results indicated that as teachers implemented the new curriculum, a number of factors influenced their instructional practice. Four cross-case themes emerged: Volunteering to Change, Teachers’ Perspectives About Early Literacy, The Relationships Within Teaching Teams, and The Head Start Context. Practice or Policy: Findings are discussed as they relate to improving early literacy instruction through the use of curriculum. Implications for practitioners and teacher educators are outlined, including the importance of addressing gaps in teacher knowledge, facilitating skill development, and influencing teachers’ motivation to engage in change. Equally important to consider are factors that may influence a teacher’s readiness to change his or her practice and emphasizing the need for supportive environments as teachers work to enhance children’s early literacy development.  相似文献   

In this study, occupational life histories of Montessori teachers in Sweden have been constructed in collaboration with a group of them. Data exploration and analysis have included journals, interviews, written reflections and conversations. Of interest has been to shed light on underlying values, ways in which professional roles reflect personal values and teachers' reflections on the present and future perspectives of Montessori education. Life histories make it possible for each individual teacher to be presented in the light of his/her own personal attributes and unique qualities as well as in relation to a wider (historical, cultural) context. The overall aim has been to come to a better understanding of what it means to be a Montessori teacher, by getting a group of Montessori teachers to reflect on their lives and work. Valuable insights have been gained concerning the changing roles of teachers in contemporary educational settings.  相似文献   

蒙台梭利教育和瑞吉欧教育是在世界上具有重要影响的教育模式,然而二者在教师观上有很多不同.文章通过阐述二者在儿童本位、课程本位、环境本位等几个方面的异同,及带给我国学前教育的启示,帮助我国的幼儿教师树立正确的儿童观,明确角色定位,重视隐性课程的开发和利用,注重家、园、社区的合作共育.  相似文献   

美国外语浸入式教学现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
外语浸入式教学定义为使用某种外语为教学语言媒介,进行学科知识内容的教学.浸入式教学法不同于传统外语教学法,在美国已有30多年历史.本文旨在对美国浸入式教学的引进和发展,根据已有的研究结果,为读者提供一个简介.文章重点阐述了与浸入式课堂教学实践有关的问题,如师资能力、教材选用和开发、教学方法、课程综合性教学以及校方领导参与等问题.  相似文献   

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