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This article provides an account of Rómulo de Carvalho’s most prominent works on the popularization of science during the Salazarist regime in Portugal. Carvalho has been praised for his ‘unique’ writing style, for his uncommon ability to communicate scientific knowledge with clarity to a wide audience: he wrote to teachers, to secondary students, to the layman and even to the rural peasantry. Most of his books and articles on popularization explored the History and Philosophy of Science, and it has been claimed that he influenced many youngsters to pursue scientific careers. Given the repressive political context imposed by Salazarism, it is argued that Carvalho’s work on the popularization of science had a humanist and libertarian connotation. However, intriguingly, different from some of his contemporaries who also promoted humanistic education for all, Carvalho was never targeted by the Dictatorship. The article seeks to shed light on this matter. It points out the educational reach of Carvalho’s writings and suggests that popularization of science in repressive regimes is not necessarily a problematic issue as long as it does not threat the status quo.  相似文献   

This paper scrutinizes the contribution of Rómulo de Carvalho to the development of the Portuguese science curriculum, arguing that it was critically informed by his lifetime inclination to the humanities. It focuses on a particular historical event: the 1948 chemistry programme for the secondary school ‘Liceus’. The paper briefly reviews the educational situation during Salazarism, and how Carvalho and others worked against Salazar’s anti-liberal idealism. The concept of humanistic science education is also reviewed. The article provides a general overview of Carvalho’s activities in poetry, the history of science, and in education, and argues that the work of this multifaceted man was geared towards the need for context and meaningfulness in ordinary human life. In 1948, a shift in chemistry teaching is identified, from one that is less meaningful to students’ everyday lives to one that is more humanistic in nature. This shift, introduced by Carvalho, brought about radical measures such as the controversial suppression of chemical equations and concepts. The article also provides an account of Carvalho’s rationale for such changes and concludes with a discussion of the significance of the reform for Carvalho and for Portuguese science education.  相似文献   

In this article I share the results of a seven‐year case study of an educator who began his career without formal preservice teacher education, as a participant in Teach for America. Steven (a pseudonym) began teaching mathematics in an urban middle school, later teaching social studies to English language learners, and is currently a principal of an urban charter school. Using a narrative/biographical research method, I have documented how Steven combined his personal resources, the confidence he gained from participating in Teach for America, and, because he began taking professional coursework in his second year of teaching, his emerging understanding of the foundations of teaching and learning (i.e. what he learned at the university) to form the educator he has become. His growth in understanding the culture of his students is a particularly compelling part of his story. Implications for contemporary teacher education are discussed, including the role of multicultural education courses and why customized teacher education programs should become more commonplace.  相似文献   

The field of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices, like a number of other areas of inquiry, appears negligent in paying intellectual debt to Joseph Schwab who revolutionalized the fields of curriculum and teaching in the 1970s with his ideas about the practical. In this article, I trace my personal journey of coming to know Schwab's contributions and how I came to vicariously know Schwab as a professor who not only paved the scholarly way to self-study, but also appeared to practice a form of self-study by making his personal teaching an object of inquiry. To my way of thinking, Schwab practically and theoretically blazed a trail for the self-study of teaching and teacher education practices long before the line of research became recognized as a legitimate strand of inquiry. Furthermore, Schwab's thinking provides, for me and others, a possible plotline that could lead to renewal in the field of teaching and teacher education.  相似文献   

Historical texts tell us much about how mathematical concepts and techniques were conceived and evolved. But they can also tell us even more. Usually, their contents embody a pedagogy, specific organizational forms and methods used for teaching mathematics. This article isolates and examines several particular pedagogical techniques: the use of an instructional discourse; a logical sequencing of mathematical problems and exercises and employment of visual aids, evident in historical works. It concludes that much of present day mathematical pedagogy evolved from distant historical antecedents.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of a second-year middle school science teacher's beliefs about science and science teaching and how these beliefs influenced—or failed to influence—classroom instruction. It illustrates how beginning teachers struggle to reconcile (a) conflicting beliefs about what is desirable, and (b) conflicts between what they believe is desirable and what is possible within the constraints of their preparation and the institutions in which they work. This teacher, for example, struggled to reconcile his view of science as a creative endeavor with his belief that students need to be provided with a high degree of structure in order to learn within the context of formal schooling. He also had difficulty resolving the conflict between the informal (“messing about”) type of science learning that he believed was desirable and the personal and institutional constraints he faced in the classroom.  相似文献   

金浩林 《天津教育》2021,(2):117-118
在新时期如何更好地传承传统文化,是教育工作者的重点工作内容。语文是一门重要的学科,在语文学习中,很多课文都是为了向学生传达传统文化的理念。那么在综合性学习过程中应该如何向学生更好地传达传统文化,在本文中,笔者将结合自己多年的教育经验,提出相应的教学方法,希望能够更好地引导青少年继承中国传统文化。  相似文献   

The collapse of communism in Russia in 1991 necessitated, among other things, the rewriting of school history textbooks, which had been dominated by Marxist-Leninist interpretations of historical events. The aim of this article is to evaluate the new postcommunist history taught in upper secondary schools, giving particular attention to how the models for Russian identity presented in the new textbooks redefine legitimate culture for students. Attention will also be given to the multiple perspectives on history that textbooks and other curriculum materials emphasize; these new methods contrast with the grand narrative that dominated the study of history before 1991.  相似文献   

高师院校英美文学教学面临的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英美文学作为人文学科的重要组成部分,在塑造个人价值观和审美观方面具有不可替代的作用。但近年来,英语专业英美文学教学面临着诸多问题。此研究就师范院校的英美文学教学应该怎样适应未来基础教育的需要进行了探讨,并根据笔者的教学经历有针对性地提出了一些解决办法。  相似文献   

Islamic education has always recognized spiritual and moral values as significant elements in developing a “balanced” human being. One way of demonstrating spiritual and moral concepts is through effective teaching methods that integrate and forefront these values. This article offers an investigation of how the authors’ teaching approaches integrate spiritual and moral values in tertiary/university curriculum subjects as part of the students’ spiritual and moral development.  相似文献   

根据《婚姻法》第三十八条第一款,探望权的权利主体只能是离婚后不直接抚养子女的父或母,协助义务人单指直接抚养子女的父或母。该条款对探望权主体范围的规定过于狭窄,这既违背了探望权的立法宗旨,又不符合我国国情。  相似文献   

This pedagogically-oriented study investigated cultural representations of Portugal held by 29 learners of Portuguese in a large public university in Malaysia. The main purpose of this study was to demonstrate how these representations could be employed for teaching the cultural component of the Portuguese language programme. During the content analysis, representations of Portugal provided by the respondents were divided into 11 categories. The study then assessed salience and favourability of each category of images. The findings revealed that the language learners’ representations of Portugal were for the most part positive. The images referring to Portuguese people formed the largest and most salient category. Overall, the students’ representations of Portugal tended to be simplistic and included ubiquitous stereotypes. A discussion of pedagogical implications arising from these findings concludes the article.  相似文献   

现代教育给班主任的工作带来了机遇——有望从疲惫不堪中解脱出来;也给班主任带来了挑战——更新教育观念,拓展教育内容,改进教育方法,不断提升自己的人格和修养。关注时代。放眼社会,放眼世界,学习再学习,把自己的知识更新再更新,这是现代教育给班主任提出的更高要求。  相似文献   

This paper describes research into the beliefs and practices established over time by teachers, who had been engaged in an innovative ‘mathematical investigations’ school program, based on the use of exploratory software. The theoretical framework perceives the teacher as an active mediator of innovation, constructing and reorganizing a personal pedagogy. Interview and detailed observational classroom data were collected and analyzed, synthesizing qualitative and quantitative interpretations of teachers' comments in the classroom. The results show that teachers refer to a variety of aspects of the learning situations in which they intervene rather than just the mathematical concepts and ideas. They adopt multiple roles in the classroom and are influenced by the values of the educational system. The ways in which these issues influence teaching and learning of the mathematical concepts at hand is considered. The nature of teacher beliefs and the ways in which they may influence their practice is questioned.  相似文献   

This article presents how unconventional teaching environments, such as the prison system, can participate in the elaboration of new pedagogical methods and, in the process, reveal the diverse responses of marginalized groups to the study of the law. Over the course of this article, I provide valuable insight about underexplored teaching techniques to academics seeking to open up their approach beyond traditional methods. Through this partially reflective piece, I relay my experience as a law instructor in a maximum security prison, and demonstrate how those who have bore the brunt of the law can still think critically about legal topics. I also support the idea that by taking in the perspectives of peripheral groups, legal educators will be led to use innovative methods to deliver legal knowledge. Essentially this article explores the intersection between legal pedagogy and the prison system to uncover a site previously neglected by conventional work on criminology and education. Pointing out how experiencing the law differently can shape individual interpretations of legal knowledge, I hope to situate learning within a larger criminological process.  相似文献   

基于维果茨基的经典著作《思维与语言》,深入梳理其关于科学概念的论述,逐一讨论科学概念的本质、形成过程以及发展规律,探讨维果茨基对科学概念发展的研究为教学带来的启示。维果茨基对科学概念和日常概念作出区分,开创性地指出二者是同一概念形成过程的两个方面。他结合儿童思维发展的特点,重点分析了科学概念的发展方式,指出儿童智力发展与学校教学之间的紧密联系,认为教学先于发展。教师教授科学概念时,儿童的高级心理机能尚未成熟,而是在互动教学中通过与所学概念不断建立内在联系而逐渐发展的。在这个过程中,儿童的主动性、教师的积极性和他们所处的社会环境共同构建了概念的发展,而这些教学概念和方法同时也为科学概念在儿童内部心理机能中的发展提供了有效的路径,不断深化人们对掌握概念和学科知识规律的认识。维果茨基对儿童科学概念的研究为教学研究注入了新的动力、开拓了新的角度,推动了社会建构主义理论的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines what science education might be able to learn from phenomenological religious education’s attempts to teach classes where students hold a plurality of religious beliefs. Recent statements as to how best to accomplish the central pedagogical concept of ‘learning from religion’ as a vehicle for human transformation are explored, and then used to appraise the historical research into how Charles Darwin’s responses to religious ideas influenced and were influenced by his scientific work. The issues identified as crucial for science educators to be aware of when teaching students Darwinian evolution are then outlined and, finally, suggestions are made to enable individual students to examine how their personal religious beliefs might interact with their growing understanding of Darwin’s evolutionary approach.  相似文献   

社会意识的历史继承性与社会遗传性共同作用促进了社会意识的发展。历史继承性与社会遗传性通过个人意识和群体意识的矛盾运动反映社会存在;通过社会心理与社会意识形式的矛盾运动传承社会意识;通过人的思维特别是抽象思维能力和人的社会化过程展现社会意识状态;并通过习育和教育的共同作用实现社会意识传承。研究社会意识的历史继承性与社会遗传性对民族、国家保持其独立性有基础性作用,关涉到民族文化的发展方向与国家的文化安全,也是构建国家意识形态之源。  相似文献   

This study examines an interactional view on teaching mathematics, whereby meaning is co-produced with the students through a process of negotiation. Further, teaching is viewed from a symbolic interactionism perspective, allowing the analysis to focus on the teacher’s role in the negotiation of meaning. Using methods inspired by grounded theory, patterns of teachers’ interaction are categorized. The results show how teachers’ actions, interpretations and intentions form interactional strategies that guide the negotiation of meaning in the classroom. The theoretical case of revoicing as a teacher action, together with interpretations of mathematical objects from probability theory, is used to exemplify conclusions from the proposed perspective. Data are generated from a lesson sequence with two teachers working with known and unknown constant sample spaces with their classes. In the lessons presented in this article, the focus is on negotiations of the meaning of chance. The analysis revealed how the teachers indicate their interpretations of mathematical objects and intentions to the students to different degrees and, by doing so, create opportunities for the students to ascribe meaning to these objects. The discussion contrasts the findings with possible interpretations from other perspectives on teaching.  相似文献   


Psychoanalytic theory postulates that an individual’s for gotten past can shape his or her behavior in the present. In psychotherapy, clients relive past conflicts and direct them toward their therapists in the present. This phenomenon, known as transference, is not limited to treatment considerations, but influences all interpersonal interactions. However, the professional literature has given minimal consideration to the importance of transference for understanding classroom dynamics. This and a companion article focus upon how transference shapes relationships between teachers and students by integrating narrative case studies with a literature review. However, the ideas and examples are thought to be relevant for all mental health and educational workers with children. The previous article provided an overview of transference concepts as they emerge in the context of clinical psychoanalysis and human development with implications for classroom life. This article centers on transference as it affects teachers and teaching, as it emerges through teachers’ behavior and their dreams, and how consultation and emotional education can become vehicles for professional education and personal change.  相似文献   

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