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牛顿力学在经典物理中是相当成熟的典范,在《自然哲学的数学原理》中牛顿用八个定义、四个注释、三个定律和六个推论建立了牛顿力学的公理化体系,但牛顿力学也是一直争论不休、不断发展和不断完善的科学。最近发表的《论接触体间牛顿第三定律的可演绎性》,断言牛顿第三定律不独立可由第二定律推演得出,以及早先争论的第一定律只是第二定律的特殊情况,第一定律中存在逻辑循环,第一定律不构成基础和独立的规律等等。于此,讨论牛顿运动三定律的各自独立性与内在逻辑自洽一致性。  相似文献   

In response to the authors, I demonstrate how threshold concepts offer a means to both contextualise teaching and learning of quantum physics and help transform students into the culture of physics, and as a way to identify particularly troublesome concepts within quantum physics. By drawing parallels from my own doctoral research in another area of contemporary physics—special relativity—I highlight concepts that require an ontological change, namely a shift beyond the reality of everyday Newtonian experience such as time dilation and length contraction, as being troublesome concepts that can present barriers to learning with students often asking “is it real?”. Similarly, the domain of quantum physics requires students to move beyond “common sense” perception as it brings into sharp focus the difference between what is experienced via the sense perceptions and the mental abstraction of phenomena. And it’s this issue that highlights the important role imagery and creativity have both in quantum physics and in the evolution of physics more generally, and lies in stark contrast to the apparent mathematical focus and lack of opportunity for students to explore ontological issues evident in the authors’ research. By reflecting on the authors’ observations of a focus on mathematical formalisms and problem solving at the expense of alternative approaches, I explore the dialectic between Heisenberg’s highly mathematical approach and Schrödinger’s mechanical wave view of the atom, together with its conceptual imagery, at the heart of the evolution of quantum mechanics. In turn, I highlight the significance of imagery, imagination and intuition in quantum physics, together with the importance of adopting an epistemological pluralism—multiple ways of knowing and thinking—in physics education. Again drawing parallels with the authors’ work and my own, I identify the role thought experiments have in both quantum physics education and in physics more generally. By introducing the notion of play, I advocate adopting and celebrating multiple approaches of teaching and learning, including thought experiments, play, dialogue and a more conceptual approach inclusive of multiple forms of representation, that complements the current instructional, mathematical approach so as to provide better balance to learning, teaching and the curriculum.  相似文献   

在普通物理学的力学部分 ,几个常用的定律和定理是 :牛顿定律、动量定理、动量守恒定律、功能原理、机械能守恒定律等 .它们反映了物体运动所遵循的基本规律 ,是解决力学问题的钥匙和原则 .其中最基本的或者最重要的是牛顿第二定律 ,其余各定律或定理都可以通过适当的转换而推导出来 .本文通过对牛顿第二定律的研究 ,找出力学基本规律的内在结构关系及各自成立的条件 ,从而有利于正确灵活使用各定律、定理解决有关物理问题  相似文献   

通过应用"力的概念测试"(FCI)对高一学生进行了测试和访谈,发现学生在运动学、牛顿第一定律、牛顿第二定律、牛顿第三定律、叠加原理和力的种类这六个维度的理解存在不少问题,绝大部分学生未能达到基本掌握牛顿力学概念的水平;对学生存在的主要问题进行了具体分析及教学反思,提出了以探究性教学为主要方式的概念教学建议。  相似文献   

牛顿第二定律和第三定律是中学物理的重要内容,很多学生在应用牛顿第二定律和第三定律时感到困难,常常会出现一些错误作法,一是混淆研究对象,二是分不清适用范围,在教学中注意培养学生使用定律的基本思路,让学生从概念上深入理解牛顿第二定律和第三定律,可以避免这些问题的出现。  相似文献   

牛顿第二定律在中学物理教学中既是讲解重点又是讲解难点,本文认为著名学者D.库尔茨提出的将F=ma改写成a=F/m的讲解法存在商榷,从该公式中对等号的正确理解、从公式的实际应用、从力与质量概念的逻辑发展三个方面分析,牛顿第二定律最适宜的表述形式应为F=ma。  相似文献   

The relationship between physics and mathematics is hardly ever presented with sufficient clarity to satisfy either physicists or mathematicians. It is a situation that often leads to misunderstandings that may spread quickly from teacher to student, such as the idea that mathematics is a mere instrument for the physicist. In this paper, we examine the historical construction of this relationship, with reference to the French philosopher Michel Paty, and we look briefly at its presence in the construction of thermodynamics. We then present the results of an empirical study on the way these relations are perceived among undergraduate students, in their last year of a university course on physics, in the discipline of Thermodynamics. The study points to significant relations between the students’ performance in terms of problem solving and the epistemic view they hold.  相似文献   

Thirty-four clinical interviews were conducted with Grade 10 students (15–16 years old) who had received four years of physics instruction. The interview's focus was to understand students' responses from their point of view and not solely from the physicist's angle. The results of the study confirm and deepen, on the one hand, findings from other studies concerning students' severe difficulties in learning the energy concept, the particle model, and the distinction between heat and temperature. On the other hand, students' qualitative conceptions in a new area—the second law of thermodynamics—are revealed. For instance, in the case of irreversibility (i.e., the idea that all processes take place by themselves only in one direction), most students came to conclusions similar to those of modern physicists. But their explanations of irreversibility are based on significantly different conceptual frameworks. The results of the study suggest that a mere enlargement of the traditional physics curriculum by the addition of ideas of the second law is not sufficient to familiarize students with these ideas. A totally new teaching approach to heat, temperature, and energy is necessary. In this approach, basic qualitative ideas of the second law should be a central and integral part from the beginning of instruction.  相似文献   

Newton’s experiments into the resistance which fluids offer to moving bodies provide some insight into the way he related theory and experiment. His theory demonstrates a way of thought typical of 17th century physics and his experiments are simple enough to be replicated by present day students. Newton’s investigations using pendulums were discussed in a previous paper. In this paper Newton’s theory of the resisted motion of falling bodies is outlined, his investigations into the resistance offered to falling bodies by water and the experiments of others into the resistance offered by air are described and some implications for teaching about the nature of science are discussed.  相似文献   


This study employed the interview method to clarify the underlying dimensions of and relationships between students’ scientific ontological and epistemic beliefs. Forty Taiwanese high school students were invited to participate in this study. Through content analysis of the participants’ interview responses two ontological dimensions including ‘status of nature’ and ‘structure of nature’ were identified and found to be associated with each other. The two epistemic dimensions ‘knowledge’ and ‘knowing’ aligned with past literature were also categorised. Besides five pattern variations in terms of the aforementioned four dimensions were recognised based on the students’ philosophical stances on their scientific ontological and epistemic beliefs. According to the Chi-square test results both dimensions of scientific ontological beliefs were significantly related to the two dimensions of scientific epistemic beliefs respectively. In general the students who endorsed a more sophisticated ontological stance regarding the status and structure of nature tended to express a more mature epistemic stance toward scientific knowledge and ways of knowing. The results suggest that the maturation of students’ scientific epistemic beliefs may serve as a precursor and the fundamental step in promoting the sophistication of students’ scientific ontological beliefs.  相似文献   

用传统的方法讲“牛顿第二定律”,学生理解上困难较大。通过探究式教学,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,可培养学生对物理学的热爱和群体合作品质。  相似文献   

大学物理实验是理工科学生必修的一门基础课程。本文分析了大学物理实验课程的现状,并介绍了科学思维方法教育在"牛顿环"实验中的具体应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a research-based teaching-learning sequence (TLS) that focuses on the notion of interaction in teaching Newton’s third law (N3 law) which is, as earlier studies have shown, a challenging topic for students to learn. The TLS made systematic use of a visual representation tool—an interaction diagram (ID)—highlighting interactions between objects and addressing the learning demand related to N3 law. This approach had been successful in enhancing students’ understanding of N3 law in pilot studies conducted by teacher-researchers. However, it was unclear whether teachers, who have neither been involved with the research nor received intensive tutoring, could replicate the positive results in ordinary school settings. To address this question, we present an empirical study conducted in 10 Finnish upper secondary schools with students (n?=?261, aged 16) taking their mandatory physics course. The study design involved three groups: the heavy ID group (the TLS with seven to eight exercises on IDs), the light ID group (two to three exercises on IDs) and the no ID group (no exercises on IDs). The heavy and light ID groups answered eight ID questions, and all the students answered four questions on N3 law after teaching the force concept. The findings clearly suggest that systematic use of the IDs in teaching the force concept significantly fostered students’ understanding of N3 law even with teachers who have no intensive tutoring or research background.  相似文献   

在校大学生与高校之间的法律关系,目前存在着民事法律关系说、行政法律关系说、特别权力关系说、教育法律关系说、混合法律关系说等不同观点,通过对这些观点的分析,笔者认为,在校大学生与高校之间的法律关系是一种混合关系,主体上是教育法律关系,其次在某些领域还存在着民事法律关系。  相似文献   

This is a case study of a physics undergraduate who claimed that he “uses physics to understand other subjects.” This statement suggested that this student could describe issues concerning the transfer of learning and especially instances of far transfer. Detailed instances of far transfer have been difficult to replicate in lab settings. Therefore, three interviews were designed to investigate this student’s claims about using physics to understand other subjects as a means to better understand far transfer processes. Transfer in this case study is defined as the personal construction of relations of similarity. Furthermore, I operationalize this definition of transfer via 12 aspects of transfer derived from the work of several contemporary researchers who study the transfer of learning. As part of this case study I also investigate the subject’s motivation for engaging in far transfer. Directions for future research are discussed which includes the need to study the role of personal epistemology in far transfer as well as a larger investigation of students who transfer broadly across school subjects.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of metaphors of nature, sustainable development, and neoliberalism in business education. The research underpinning this article focused on a shift in the language business students used in response to a critical course on the neoliberal economic model. Results of the examination of metaphors before and after this course suggest a change in these higher education students’ perceptions toward the recognition of culturally unique and ecologically sensitive ways of conceiving environment and human development. The study also shows that intervention courses can play a role in disrupting how university students view nature in relation to neoliberal economics, business practices, and social relations. It is argued that the alternative conceptions of nature and development help to inform and empower students about solutions to the sustainability challenges.  相似文献   

The idea of causality is central in science and has long given rise to debate among philosophers and scientists. While the tendency to avoid causality seems to have become dominant in science and philosophy, research in science education has shown the strong presence in common reasoning of causal explanations, often conceived as a ‘mechanism’ capable of accounting for physical transformations. Some researchers have proposed using this common causal reasoning as a basis for teaching–learning sequences, especially in electricity and mechanics. This paper analyses some features of causal reasoning used in physics by students, using questionnaires and interviews involving students and teachers. This study has shown three aspects which are related to one another: a confusion between efficient and contingent causes, between the conditions of occurrence of a phenomenon and the cause actually producing it; a tendency to ‘displace’ causes, skipping intermediate objects; and a difficulty in connecting local causes and global effects. The paper highlights the differences between common reasoning and scientific usage, and their effect on learning. In fact, these trends of reasoning must be taken into account in teaching: they should be considered not only as creating an obstacle to learning physics, but also as resources at the learner’s disposal.  相似文献   

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