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Pigeons and adult humans searched for a 2-cm2 unmarked goal in digitized images of an outdoor scene presented on a touch-screen monitor. In Experiment 1, the scene contained three landmarks near the goal and a visually rich background. Six training images presented the scene from different viewing directions and distances. Subsequent unreinforced tests in which landmark or background cues were removed or shifted revealed that pigeons’ search was controlled by both proximal landmarks and background cues, whereas humans relied only on the proximal landmarks. Pigeons’ search accuracy dropped substantially when they were presented with novel views of the same scene, whereas humans showed perfect transfer to novel views. In Experiment 2, pigeons with previous outdoor experience and humans were trained with 28 views of an outdoor scene. Both pigeons and humans transferred well to novel views of the scene. This positive transfer suggests that, under some conditions, pigeons, like humans, may encode the three-dimensional spatial information in images of a scene.  相似文献   

推进教育信息化一体化工程。创新省、市、县(市、区)、校四级信息化建设协调管理与联动机制。以农村教育信息化为重点,加快推进城乡教育信息化资源均衡配置,缩小城乡学校数字化差距。加快各级各类学校信息化基础设施建设,完成全省独立建制中小学信息化设施的标准化配置。  相似文献   

Rune Pettersson is manager of Technical Training for the Swedish R&D firmellemtel. In addition, he teaches at the University of Stockholm and at the Royal Institute of Technology, also in Stockholm.  相似文献   

“教育最优化”是人们在教育领域内努力追求“人的主观世界”最优解的过程 ,所求得的“最优解”只能是“主观满意解”。其基本策略有四 :提高教育者素质、从学习最优化入手、采取多级试验优化的方法和建立灵活应变的机制。  相似文献   

教育系统是信息应用最广泛的领域,从教育、教学、科研和办公自动化,每个环节都离不开信息技术,正由于信息的大量应用,因此教育系统数据安全、网络安全成为了教育领域的重要问题,所以本文就当前教育信息系统安全问题进行探讨,提出一些策略与建议。  相似文献   

高等教育的信息化对于高等教育的发展有着全面而深刻的影响。在这种形势下,很多高校都在传统管理模式的基础上开始发展新的信息化管理模式。为了更大程度提升已有的信息化管理水平,我们需要找到现存管理系统中的主要问题,然后根据问题的特点进行策略上的调整。本文从教务管理系统的软件、基础信息的准确性、完善相关信息制度三个方面分析了教务信息化管理中的缺陷,并为高校教务信息化管理水平的提升提出一点浅薄的意见。  相似文献   

高职高专计算机网络技术专业是相对成熟的IT类专业.对石家庄网络技术人才的需求状况和学生的就业岗位进行了分析,探讨了中高职街接的几个方面:人才培养目标及专业结构布局的街接,课程体系、教材及信息技术应用的街接,教育教学过程和评价模式的衔接及院校间、教师间的多向合作.  相似文献   

本文从静态角度分析了教务管理信息系统评价的基本组成要素:教务管理信息系统评价主体、教务管理信息系统评价对象、教务管理信息系统评价目标和教务管理信息系统评价指标体系。进而分析了教务管理信息系统评价要素的动态关系,提出了教务管理信息系统评价的综合评价模型。  相似文献   

媒介发展促使教学环境实现信息化,传播环境的影响、教育传播内部组织和运行变化的规律机制是当前教育传播研究的一个重要问题。媒介环境学将媒介作为环境研究的传统,表达的是媒体塑造人的思维、影响传播内容的观点,而常规媒体的数字化、基于Web2.0的交互媒体、移动媒体等新媒体在传播环境中的普及已使教育传播进入班级与网络传播交织的状态。基于这样的背景,本文描述了在信息化环境中通过动机激发与交互、开放与规范并举的资源建设、问题为中心的活动组织等教育机制。  相似文献   

教育实现信息化导致了教育思想、观念、内容、方式方法等重大变革。面对教育信息化所带来的挑战与机遇 ,文章提出了建立和完善教师终身学习体系 ,加强教师信息素养的培训 ,提高教师整体素质的策略的问题。  相似文献   

浅析信息时代的教育信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要是对信息时代的教育信息化的介绍,简析了信息时代教育发展趋势以及研究方向和目标定位,以进一步提高和规范当代教育信息化进程。  相似文献   

在教育过程中,人们获取、加工、储存、表达和传递教育信息的活动,就是教育信息活动。教育信息活动离不开教育信息技术。教育信息技术是教育领域所运用的信息技术,也是教育媒体技术在信息时代的新发展。  相似文献   

远程教育是一项大工程,如果设计、管理不当,会造成高投入、低产出的不良局面。文章在分析教育信息处理内容的基础上,探讨了教育信息处理在远程教育中的应用,指出其目标是通过教育信息处理加强远程教育中课程内容及学习环境的设计,增强远程教育中对学生学习情况的了解,提高远程教育的教学质量。  相似文献   

信息时代韩国技能大学的培养目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息时代的教育要充分关注学生的个性和差异,为产业界输送高技术人才的技能大学也是如此。韩国技能大学培养的多技能技术必须掌握一定的科学知识,拥有独立思考的能力和丰富的想象力,并具有独立设计、制作的行动能力和精巧的手艺。技能大学的培养方法,强调现场实践和理论教学相结合。  相似文献   

教育资源实现的共享,比起以往法定知识中的选择,其所参与的人群、所牵涉的力 量、所遵循的逻辑更为复杂,它拓展了“选择”的问题域,使得知识的建构过程从自上而下的权力 控制,拓展向自上而下的动员与自下而上的主动参与相结合的知识生产方式,原有的城乡二分的 分析模式拓展向贫富二分的分析模式。  相似文献   

人类的和谐共处和矛盾冲突的必然性、偶然性是2007年奥斯卡最佳影片《通天塔》的主题。在上帝创造了世界之后,整个地球只有一种语言和少量词汇。地球上的人类决定建造一座可以直达天堂的高塔。但上帝并不乐见于此。他决定将所有这些人划分成不同的种族,居住在不同的地方,讲的是不同的语言,因而使他们无法互相容易地沟通交流。在电影中,一次灾难情况的出现引出了不同种族、不同语言以及不同文化背景的个体之间的千丝万缕的联系并体现了人类的区别性和同一性。这部影片的和谐与冲突的主题也随之变得突出。语言作为人类的普遍沟通方式,也是影片用来揭示主题的一个重要因素。这部电影涉及了多个国家和不同的语言:英语、日语、墨西哥语、摩洛哥语,甚至还有聋哑人的手语。影片所使用的语言,以及各类人的表面沟通和错综复杂的关系体现人类思想相互沟通的重要性。  相似文献   


In this paper we describe the use of an interactive software package designed to raise issues and questions about the role of information technology within the primary classroom and to highlight the partnership aspects inherent within a teacher tutor/mentor approach to the supervision of school placements. Data were collected from a variety of people concerned in the exercise: teacher tutors, university liaison tutors and student teachers. These data concerned not only the efficacy of the materials themselves, but also the effect or impact of the exercise upon the school placement experience. A number of issues emerged from our exploration into this exercise revealing attitudes towards information technology in education. These concerned ownership of learning and questions of expertise, access to partnership and co‐professionality, staff and student attitudes towards information technology and towards partnership and implications for the future. Our data suggest that learning becomes powerful when the learner takes ownership. Information technology can enable the shift towards creator and is a powerful means of achieving that.  相似文献   

Beliefs about knowledge have been found to relate to a variety of student outcomes and to vary across educational domains and instructional contexts. However, there are limited data on students’ beliefs about information and truth, vis-à-vis knowledge (i.e., epistemic beliefs) and how these beliefs differ across instructional settings. Undergraduates from two educational contexts, in the USA (n?=?240) and the Netherlands (n?=?72), participated in this study. While students in the USA were enrolled primarily in lecture and discussion classes, students in the Netherlands followed a problem-based learning curriculum. Beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth and their interrelations were examined across these two contexts through graphical and written justification tasks. Results from this exploratory study indicate that Dutch students were more likely than American students to depict knowledge, information, and truth as subjective and to define knowledge and information as synonymous. Commonalities and differences associated with educational backgrounds are considered in relation to instructional implications.  相似文献   

Collis  Betty  Peters  Oscar  Pals  Nico 《Instructional Science》2001,29(2):95-125
This study of 550 persons, predominately education professionals, was designed to test an integrated theoretical model (the 4-E Model) for predicting the likelihood of the use of telecommunications-related technological innovations (in particular, e-mail, the WWW, and videoconferencing) in learning-related settings. The four Es in the model, derived from a series of previous studies (Collis & Pals, 1999), are environmental factors, effectiveness, ease of use, and (personal) engagement. The model was first tested using factor-analytic procedures on the results of a 54-item questionnaire adminstered via the WWW to a sample of 550 persons from 39 countries. Twelve factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.00 were extracted and latent variables were generated to correspond with the factors. The factors as interpreted by items with loadings <0.500 supported the 4-E Model, but indicated that the four theoretical e dimensions could be further expressed in terms of subaspects. In addition, a series of variables related to likelihood of use of e-mail, the WWW, and videoconferencing in educational settings was also subjected to a factor analysis, resulting in three latent variables representing the dependent variables for a causal model. The causal model linking the latent variables was tested using a series of LISREL analyses, one for each of the derived dependent variables. The results, which again supported the 4-E Model, showed a strong contribution of the environment subfactor relating to the organization, as well as the engagement subfactor relating to the individual's self-confidence with respect to technology use to the prediction of implementation success. Based on the results of the factor analysis and the model validation, six of the latent variables related to the 4-E Model were identified as key to implementation prediction. These variables were used in a series of analyses of key subgroups in the sample, relating to educational sector, educational role, to gender, and to age, in order to examine key discriminating variables. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications, including the development of a WWW-based instrument.  相似文献   

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