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一、重点单词过关1.arrive arrive是一个不及物动词,意为"到达",其后须加上介词at或in才能接宾语。arrive at后接较小的地方;arrive in接较大的地方。例如:We arrived at the station at about 11:00 last night.昨天晚上大约11点钟我们到达了那个车站。  相似文献   

1.日妞哪. serve是动词,意为“服待;侍候;招待’,,一般情况下后面接宾语。、例如: Nobody ean serve七万0 masters一人不能侍奉二主。She served us a ve刁good dinner.她招待我们吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。she serVed them with heer.她用啤酒招瘫们‘一公脚叫咖t一两而改是名词  相似文献   

1.urge urge用作及物动词,意为"力劝;催促;恳求;怂恿",通常指坚决、有力地劝说,含有不达目的誓不罢休的意味,语气很强,后面常接动词不定式。例如:I urged him to help me.我恳求他帮助我。  相似文献   

本单元要掌握的重点词语1.重点词汇:restroom,furniture,advan- tage,disadvantage,main,relaxation,journey, powerful,political,imagination,plain,fresh, hang,slide 2.重点短语:hang out,no longer,save  相似文献   

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1.询问和表达做事方式询问他人如何做某事通常使用how提问,how意为"如何;怎样"。回答做某事的方法通常使用"by+动名词"形式,by意为"通过;靠"等。例如:  相似文献   

1.researchresearch用作名词时,意为“调查,研究”。例如:After I had graduated I continued to de-vote myself to research.毕业后我继续致力于研究工作。He is doing research in ancient history.他在从事古代史的研究。What is the object of the research?这项研究的主题是什么?research的复数形式researches意为“研究工作”。例如:I have often thought of making researchesas Darwin did.我经常想要像达尔文一样做一些研究工作。【拓展】research用作动词时,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为“研究”。例如:The scientist researched the cause of thedisease.这位科学家研究了这种疾病的原因。He is researching into old English poetry.他正在研究古代英语诗歌。2.w orryworry用作名词时,既可用作可数...  相似文献   

1.belong①belong是不及物动词,后接介词to,意为“属于;归……所有”。例如:Over the telephone,he spoke in a voicethat did not seem to belong to him.在电话里,他的说话声音都变了。The bicycle belongs to Helen.这辆自行车是海伦的。Your question doesn’t belong to this dis-cussion.你的问题不属于这次讨论的范围。②belong to还可作“是……的成员”讲。例如:Which school do you belong to?你是哪个学校的?Tigers and cats belong to the same familyof beasts.虎与猫在兽类中属于同一种。Most of the seeds we eat belong to a largegroup called grains.我们食用的植物种子大部分都属于叫作谷物的一大类。【引申】belong的名词是belonging,常用作复数,作“财物;财产;行李”讲。例如:Are these your b...  相似文献   

1. homeless homeless是形容词,意为“无家可归的”,常用作定语,也可作表语。例如: There were many homeless people after the war.战后有许多无家可归的人。The child became homeless because he lost his parents in the earthquake.因为在地震中失去了父母,这小孩无家可归了。  相似文献   

一、生词过关1.prefer prefer是及物动词,意思是“更喜欢”。prefer的适用对象是两个可供挑选的项目。准确地说,prefer所表达的是在两个可挑选的项目中选择其一。实际使用中,prefer多与介词to连用,构成短语prefer...to...,表示“喜欢……胜过喜欢……”。to的前后可以为名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:Which does he prefer,apples or oranges?他更喜欢哪种水果,苹果还是橘子?I prefer English to Russian.我喜欢英语胜过俄语。She prefers going shopping to staying athome.和呆在家里相比,她更喜欢去购物。【拓展】在表达“喜欢……胜过……”的意思时,也可以使用“prefer 名词/动词不定式 rather than 名词/动词不定式”句型。例如:I prefer the life in the quiet countrysiderather than that in the noisy city.与喧闹的城市生活比较,我更喜欢宁静的乡村生活。She prefers to go...  相似文献   

一、生词过关1.tiring tiring是由动词tire变化而来的形容词,意思是“累人的;引起疲劳的”。例如:I had a tiring day.我度过了疲劳的一天。It was a tiring journey.这是一次累人的旅行。与tiring同根的形容词还有tired,意思是“累的;疲劳的”。He looked very tired.他显得很  相似文献   

一、生词过关1. invent invent意为“发明;创造”,主要是指发明世界上没有的东西。例如: Thomas Edison invented many things.托马斯·爱迪生发明了许多东西。Alexander Graham Bell invented the tele- phone in 1876.亚历山大·格雷姆·贝尔在1876年发明了电话。[拓展]invent,discover,look for,find, find out这几个词都有“发现”之意,但用法  相似文献   

used to后接动词原形表示过去习惯的动作或存在的状态,意为“过去常常”。如:  相似文献   

1.Have you watered the plants yet?你已经给植物浇水了吗?问:already和yet都有"已经"的意思,它们的用法相同吗?答:already和yet都是现在完成时的时间状语,already通常用于肯定句,而yet用  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1. win a prize获奖2. do a school survey做一个学校调查3. meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位严师的要求4. meet this group of friends遇到这群朋友5. score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球6. learn to play the keyboard学会弹电子琴7. be patient with sb.对某人有耐心8. work out the answer oneself自己找出答案9. guide sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事10. put in more effort更加努力  相似文献   

【短语小结】1.win a prize获奖2.do a school survey做一个学校调查3.meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4.score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球5.learn to play the keyboard学会弹琴6.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心7.guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事8.put in more effort更加努力9.look back at回首10.make a great big mess弄得一团糟11.keep my cool保持我的冷静12.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事  相似文献   

<正>[重点词组或短语]1. win a prize获奖2. do a school survey做一个学校调査3. meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位严师的要求4. meet this group of friends遇到这群朋友5. score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球6. learn to play the keyboard学会弹电子琴7. be patient with sb.对某人有耐心8. work out the answer oneself自己找出答案9. guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事10. put in more effort更加努力11. look back at回首  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.win a prize获奖2.do a school survey做一个学校调查3.meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位严师的要求4.meet this group of friends遇到这群朋友5.score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球6.learn to play the keyboard学会弹电子琴7.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心8.work out the answer oneself自己找出答案9.guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事10.put in more effort更加努力  相似文献   

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