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Seven themes emerged in a review of the literatureregarding the experience of North American re-entrywomen. The two most salient appeared to be linked tothe concept of transitions in adulthood and issuesrelated to self-confidence. The other five themes,sex-role stereotyping, discrimination, diverse careerpatterns, multiple roles, and the search for meaning,related to issues that are important in the careerdevelopment of women. These themes are discussed interms of their potential impact on women returning towork or to school. The article concludes withsuggestions for counselling, further research, andtheory development that more accurately reflects theexperience of women.  相似文献   

This study compared the concerns that prompted clinets to seek counselling at a South African and a North American campus. A further assessment of first-year student client concerns was done in order to establish the extent of the use of the counselling service in relation to the expressed needs of the first-year student population. Altogether 580 clients were surveyed and depression, family problems and anxiety/stress were listed as concerns by more clients than other personal concerns on both campuses.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty two Australian counselling psychologists responded to a mail survey seeking information about their theoretical orientation to therapeutic practice. The theoretical orientation self-ascribed most frequently was Cognitive-Behavioural (34%), followed by Psychodynamic (26%), Experiential (18%), Family Systemic (14%), and Eclectic (7%). Mean scores on the two dimensions of the Counsellor Theoretical Position Scale, Rational-Intuitive and Objective-Subjective, confirmed epistemological differences among the self-ascribed theoretical position groups. Almost all the counselling psychologists reported that they made use of some concepts and techniques from orientations other than their primary self-ascribed orientation, with 34% listing Cognitive-Behavioural and 29% listing Family Systemic as a secondary theoretical orientation. This finding is consistent with a reported trend toward theoretical integration among North American counsellors and psychotherapists.  相似文献   

The American counselling/psychotherapy outcome research documenting the effectiveness or brief, time-limited treatments is substantial, however, this appears to have had little influence on changing the views of practitioners. One respected researcher has concluded, for example, that a science/practice schism has developed where practitioners continue to believe that brief counselling is superficial and to underestimate the effects of their own shorter-term work. A study was undertaken to determine if counsellors at a large urban Canadian university counselling centre also had lower expectations of change for those clients who received fewer treatment sessions. It was found that the counsellors significantly underestimated treatment gains relative to their clients' reports, and that this discrepancy was greater for those clients seen for fewer sessions. Counsellor satisfaction was also lower with clients seen for fewer sessions. These findings suggest that, like their American counterparts, Canadian counsellors tend toward a practitioner bias against shorter-term treatment based on misconceptions about its efficacy.  相似文献   

Academic entitlement (AE) is increasingly associated with problematic behaviors and attitudes, including student incivility and endorsement of cheating. As research on this context-specific form of entitlement increases, no one has yet explored the rates of occurrence outside of North America. To investigate whether students at North American universities are alone in their endorsement of academically entitled beliefs and behaviors, we administered a bidimensional (entitled expectations and externalized responsibility) AE measure to university students in Saudi Arabia and the United States. Contrary to expectations, the Saudi Arabian students, particularly the women, reported on this measure higher levels of AE than the American students. However, in the Saudi sample, academic entitlement was associated with self-esteem and not with narcissism or independent self-construal. While these results challenge the assumptions that AE is an exclusive Western educational phenomenon, they also raise questions about the potentially different meaning of AE in non-Western cultures and the validity and reliability of AE measurement.  相似文献   

Holland's theory of career choice, which predicts a relationship between personality type and occupational preference and satisfaction, was tested in Dominica, a small and relatively underdeveloped Caribbean nation. Data from 101 14–16 year olds in their final year of schooling were consistent with Holland's ideas in some respects, but the close relationship observed between Social and Realistic categories contradicted theoretical predictions. Explanations for this finding, and wider implications for use of North American materials in Caribbean guidance and counselling programmes, are discussed.This research was conducted by the second author in partial fulfilment of requirements for the B.E.d. degree, University of the West Indies, under the supervision of the first author who also prepared the article for publication.  相似文献   

The expectancies that people of different cultures bring to counselling affect the outcomes of counselling. It was the purpose of this study to examine the ways that counselling students in two different countries, Thailand and the United States, perceived Counselling. The evaluative and potency scales of the Semantic Differential were used to compare the attitudes of these students related to Counselling, Counsellors, and Group Counselling. No significant difference were found in the ratings of the two groups of students on the evaluative scale for Counselling, Counsellors, or Group Counselling, but the American students rated the potency scales for these three variables significantly higher than the Thai students. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(11):287-289
This paper is a case study on three negative stereotypes that Chinese have about North American culture on the basis of the theory of Kluckhohn’ s Value System,Hofstede’ s Value Dimensions and Edward T.Hall’ s Model.This study is a qualitative study which is mainly based on analyzing.Then some good ways are provided to help Chinese people overcome some negative stereotypes about North American culture so that they can have a more accurate understanding on American people and American culture and communicate with Americans with less obstacles.  相似文献   

This paper presents research findings on childrens’ responses to migratory separation and later reunion in Caribbean families and the needs of these families when parents migrate and leave their children behind. Implications of this type of separation on children, parents and surrogate caregivers are discussed. The challenges that counsellors in both the ‘sending’ and host countries face working with this population are also examined and suggestions made for psychosocial intervention and guidelines for counselling in both societies. The need for culturally competent counsellors to work with the growing population of immigrants in North America and Europe is indicated.  相似文献   

评欧茨小说创作中的女性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧茨的小说以女性独特的审美视角塑造了一系列女性形象,通过女性形象抨击美国社会对妇女的重压,指出当代美国妇女面临的困境,并对否定女性的传统观念提出质疑和抗议。  相似文献   

In this study, examining the relationships among age, culture, training in the fine arts, the technical and aesthetic properties of drawings, and realized artistic giftedness, the researchers intermixed the juvenile drawings executed by critically acclaimed artists with artworks executed by contemporary North American and Chinese North American children. When judges from the North American culture and from the Chinese North American culture, blind to this mix, assessed the drawings, assessments made by the representatives of both cultures were more alike than they were different. Only the North American judges' assessments, however, suggest that the art students' life drawings were more technically and aesthetically successful, and more creative, on the average, than the non-art students' drawings. These judges also gave the juvenilia the highest scores in technical skill and the lowest scores in creativity independent of technical skill and aesthetic success. Conclusions and implications stress the role of technical skill in the development of artistic potential.  相似文献   

This preliminary report examines the role of formal assessment in the counselling process from a cross-national perspective. Counsellors and counsellor-educators from twenty countries were surveyed to determine the extent to which they use formal assessment procedures in counselling and the types of assessment instruments being used. Results indicated that many, but not all, counsellors use assessment instruments. In non-North American countries, there is some tendency to use instruments developed in the North American context, with or without modifications to test content and norms. This preliminary study suggests a perceived need for development of culture-specific assessment tools, and the implications for counsellor training of developing counselling and assessment skills with cross-cultural relevance.  相似文献   

One of the more pervasive and important innovations of adult education practice in the seventies can be seen in full blossom in the educational guidance and information centre, a service which specializes in counselling adults about learning opportunities. While most visible in the United States with some 300 centres, similar organizations now exist in many other countries; one European centre in fact predates the seventies and may have pioneered the concept. In 1978 and 1979, the author visited various communities in North America and Europe in search of models for counselling adults about new careers, education options and life goals. This paper describes four centres and discusses how they exemplify aspects of a variety of models for organizing counselling services.Paper presented at Ninth International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 1980.  相似文献   

本文着重论述美国妇女在两次战争中的出色表现。美国妇女以多种形式支持独立战争。她们或是成为随军人员或是同丈夫共同战斗 ,捐款捐物 ,照顾家庭生计。她们以行动证明了自身的存在价值。内战爆发后美国妇女更是积极热情地投身其中 ,成为女士兵、女护士和女情报人员。通过两次战争的洗礼 ,美国妇女的女性意识不断觉醒。她们不断地积累经验 ,努力争取自由和平等。美国妇女在两次战争中的贡献 ,有助于男性在一定程度上改变妇女观 ,使妇女的社会地位有所提高。当然 ,争取权利的道路并不平坦。她们曾经历了无数的挫折。但这并不能使她们放弃继续寻求平等的道路。为此 ,她们前赴后继 ,不断努力。本文通过分析美国妇女在两次战争中的贡献 ,来探讨她们当时为争取妇女的平等权利所做出的努力 ,及其对后来女权运动的影响。  相似文献   

Performance assessment projects have appeared on the landscape of higher education at public and independent universities in North American and Europe. This paper represents work in progress that develops a classificatory schema to critically compare these rational management initiatives along several dimensions, for example, conceptual underpinnings, governance, levels of aggregation, usage patterns, and the like. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these initiatives for organizational change and some lessons for institutional researchers in North American and Europe. Presented at the 1993 AIR Forum, Chicago, May 1993.  相似文献   

黑人文学是美国文学的一个重要分支,也是美国文学中最敏感的问题之一。美国的黑人女性背负着性别与种族歧视的双重压迫,美国黑人文学中的女性形象具有其独特的特征。本文试图循着历史的轨迹,对美国黑人男作家和黑人女作家的作品中的女性形象做具体分析,探讨美国黑人文学中的女性形象从"扁"到"圆"的发展过程。  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, despite apparent changes in the recent past, women remain underrepresented in nontraditional career areas. Society continues to exert forces which restrict women's motivation toward particular options. It is hoped that the Expectancy-Valence model presented here will help counselors in their efforts to broaden women's career and lifestyle opportunities.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August, 1985, and at the Career Theory Conference, University of Northern Iowa, May, 1986. Address requests for reprints to Linda Brooks, School of Education, CB# 3500, Peabody Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500.  相似文献   

何玉红 《海外英语》2011,(9):271+274
Cultural knowledge has some influence on successful inter-cultural communication.In order to help Chinese people communicate well with foreigners,this paper discusses some misperceptions of Chinese people about North American culture based on the data collected from several Chinese and American participants.And MK.Mayer’s model of basic values and Kluckhohn-Strodtotbeck’s model are adopted to analyze the reasons why Chinese people have such misperceptions.Based on the findings,three suggestions are provided to help Chinese to overcome some misperceptions with the hope that they can conduct a good communication with foreigners.  相似文献   

对谭恩美作品的文化思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
这里从化批评的角度,分析了谭恩美作品中母女双方的处境,试图说明无论是母亲还是女儿,她们都是不平等权力下的性别“他”以及种族“他”。尽管母亲的“讲故事”策略使母女关系从对抗走向和解,从分裂走向融合,但在产际生活中,华裔难于为自己构筑起一个统一的身份,华裔女性也难于成为温妮为女儿珍珠(为所有华裔女性)建构的真正意义上的“莫愁女”。  相似文献   

This paper presents a progress of the efforts by a department in a Nigerian University to introduce group counselling into near-by secondary schools. First, it reviews the traditional concept of guidance and counselling in Nigeria and compares this with the western concept, with emphasis on providing guidance/counselling to one individual at a time. The paper then discusses at length the group counselling programme that is used in various schools, mentioning findings on problems that adolescents are faced with. In a section devoted to evaluation, it was shown that Nigerian schools do need guidance counsellors. The last section discusses counselling techniques. Here is emphasised that, as counselling goes into Nigerian schools, there is a need to devise culturally viable techniques of handling issues and problems that are culturally peculiar to Africans.University of Ilorin  相似文献   

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