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This article describes the resumption and development of graduate education in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution, the death of Mao Tse-tung, and the rise of a new Chinese leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping in 1976–1977. Based on field research conducted in China in 1980 and 1981, statistical documentation provided by Chinese education officials at national and local levels, and other primary and secondary source material, this study explores admissions patterns and statistics, admissions requirements, examinations and the continuing controversy in graduate enrollment, the stress on enrollment in science and engineering specialties, the different types of institutions training graduate students, the graduate curriculum and academic dissertations, the new Chinese academic degree system and the methods for conferral of degrees, and teaching and research employment patterns. The study stresses the interrelationship of graduate programs and educational and political debate within China since the mid-1960s, and the important problems Chinese graduate programs and educational administrators face in continuing the development of graduate education.  相似文献   

Developments in Chines higher education since the creation of the People's Republic in 1949 are reviewed with special reference to the periods before and after the Cultural Revolution. Recent changes in admission policies the use of work experience, the linking of theory with practice, length of course, and teacher-student relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):151-157
Reforms of higher education in P.R.C. since the overall promulgation of the socialist market economy have impacted both the employment of graduates and the funding mechanism of higher education. All students are charged tuition starting from the academic year of 1995/96 and are “employed” rather than “assigned to jobs” after graduation. It is evident that market forces start to have a role to play in marketization of higher education in P.R.C. because it influences both the students' choices of disciplines leading to future career opportunities and the government's allocation of public spending in higher education. British universities are ahead of their Chinese counterpart in experiencing the impact of market forces on higher education. The framework of marketization of higher education in Britain will be discussed with considerations of unique characteristics of higher education in the P.R.C.  相似文献   

Around the middle years of this century, American progressive educators formulated a vision of general education for the secondary school that would afford all youth common opportunities to integrate and apply knowledge toward the resolution of personal-social problems. This progressive vision of general education was consistent with principles of the US common school ideal and predated the heyday of general education at the college level. This progressive vision of general education can serve today both as a conceptual tool to analyse and as a practical alternative to the national standards movement in the US. This vision of general education also provides common ground for deliberation among reconceptualist-social reconstructionist and progressive-experimentalist curriculum theorists.  相似文献   

Conclusions This new series of Chinese olympiads is admittedly experimental. Chinese educators are studying the results of these contests. Building upon this acquired experience, they hope to improve and expand such competitions in the future. New standards of mathematical excellence are now being established in the PRC and future mathematical olympiads will accordingly be more demanding. It appears evident that in the near future, a team from the People's Republic of China will participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad [10].  相似文献   

This report is an extract reprinted from the article “Science reborn in China” originally published inNature Vol. 274, 31 August 1978, and now reproduced in short-ened form by courtesy of the editor and with the kind co-operation of the author.  相似文献   

在改革开放之初的上个世纪80年代,高等学校的改革比较活跃,涌现出一批先进典型和优秀的教育家.1985年<中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定>,确定以教育体制改革为中心,将扩大高校的办学自主权、实行校长负责制作为主要任务,取得积极成效.重温这一历史,面向未来的教育改革需要继续解放思想,优先进行教育体制改革,落实高校的办学自主权,实行教育家办学.  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, the Chinese government introduced limited economic markets accompanied by educational reforms to counteract an internal brain drain. This article explores the effectiveness of four years of recruitment and enrolment reform in technical-professional higher education in meeting the objective.In view of the extreme scarcity of higher education places, the modest enrolment biases evident in the findings are unexpected. Through the recruitment reforms the planned proportion of students from the targeted marginal groups were enrolled. On the other hand, enrolment patterns showed aggravated social class reproduction at the upper and lower end of the stratification. Gender stratification in overall proportions was modest but strongly mediated by social class and subject choice. Though upper and middle class students were poised to gain greater socio-economic mobility than the lower class, nearly half of the latter would be upwardly mobile through technical-professional higher education (TPHE).The findings show that, though economic pull factors were in evidence, the recruitment reforms were effective in preparing a suitable pool of students to carry out macro-economic plans. The reforms advanced the historic function of technical-professional education-extending access to populations hitherto largely excluded.  相似文献   

It has been said that the one thing that remains constant in China is change. 1978 is the year in which Chinese mathematics educators re-instituted provincial and national mathematics competitions at the school level, after an absence of fourteen years. The objective of these competitions is to seek out mathematically talented youth, an objective which is consistent with Chinese efforts to revitalize scientific development and move towards achieving the Four Modernizations: Science and Technology, National Defense, Agriculture, and Industry. The reader is provided, in this article, with an overview to the nature of mathematics competitions now unfolding in China.  相似文献   

目前,我国高等教育的培养对象主要是“80后”的一代,笔者研究分析了“80后”成长的背莆和特性,阐述了对“80后”的评价,提出了高等教育相应的人才培养策略。  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China, in its attempt to achieve rapid industrialization and close its developmental gap with the Western world, has made mathematics a priority subject in its school curricula. Under the effects of the Great Cultural Revolution, the Chinese educational system has been completely reformed. The resulting reforms of mathematics teaching and learning have been particularly dramatic. This article examines those reforms, their background, philosophy, and particular relevance to the Chinese society.  相似文献   


This paper uses Basil Bernstein’s work on pedagogic discourses to examine a largely neglected facet of the history of vocational education – the liberal studies movement in English further education colleges. Initially, the paper discusses some of the competing conceptions of education, work and society which underpinned the rise and fall of the liberal studies movement – if indeed it can be described as such. The paper then draws on data from interviews with former liberal and general studies lecturers to focus on the ways in which different variants of liberal studies were, over time, implicated in inculcating certain forms of knowledge in vocational learners. Whilst it is acknowledged that liberal and general studies always represented contested territory and that it was highly variable both in terms of content and quality, the paper argues that, at least under certain circumstances, liberal studies provided young working-class people with the opportunity to locate their experiences of vocational learning within a critical framework that is largely absent from further education today. This, it is argued, can be conceptualised as an engagement with what Bernstein described as ‘powerful knowledge’.  相似文献   

新中国60年高等教育法治化进程可以比较清晰地划分为初步发展、曲折探索、全面推进、快速发展四个基本阶段,在确立依法治教方针、构建高等教育法律体系、实施依法行政、推进依法治校、形成多元化纠纷解决机制等方面取得了重大成就.与其他国家的高等教育法治建设相比,新中国高等教育法治化道路具有政府建构、宪法引领、坚持社会主义方向、法律与非法律手段并重等鲜明的特色.  相似文献   

伟大的革命历程奠定了中华人民共和国的历史和现实基础.中华人民共和国国威的主要内容和表现是:科学的理论指导,坚强的党的领导.团结奋进的人民,巩固的人民民主专政,强国之路的改革开放,不断壮大的综合国力,强大的国防力量,独立自主的和平外交,稳定的和谐社会.  相似文献   

文章根据我国现行无效婚姻制度的内容和立法状况,以2001年《婚姻法》修正案和相关的司法解释为基础,探讨了我国无效婚姻制度存在的优点和不足之处,并且针对以上所发现的问题,提出了一些个人的设想和立法建议,以期使我国现行的无效婚姻制度更加完善。  相似文献   

Article 1: The Regulations are laid down to promote the growth of special talents in science, raise the academic level of various branches of learning, and forward the development of education and science so as to meet the needs of socialist modernization.  相似文献   

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