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How to quickly and accurately detect new topics from massive data online becomes a main problem of public opinion monitoring in cyberspace. This paperpresents a new event detection method for the current new event detection system, based on sorted subtopic matching algorithm and constructs the entire design framework. In this p~per, the subtopics contained in old topics (or news stories) are sorted in descending order according to their importance to the topic(or news stories), and form a sorted subtopic sequence. In the process of subtopic matching, subtopic scoring matrix is used to determine whether a new story is reporting a new event. Experimental results show that the sorted subtopic matching model improved the accuracy and effectiveness ofthenew event detection system in cyberspace.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a rudimentary process intended to guide faculty in K-12 and higher education through the steps involved to produce video for their classes. The process comprises four steps: planning, development, delivery and reflection. Each step is infused with instructional design information intended to support the collaboration between instructional support staff and faculty to produce video that will be meaningful to students and support their success in a class. In outlining this approach, the paper also explores technological and pedagogical considerations related to each of these steps that can help faculty and staff determine how best to incorporate video into online classes. Finally, supported by research on best video practices and with examples from our own experiences as instructional designers and instructors, the paper outlines how these steps relate to four broad categories of video: introduce, model, explain/inform and feedback.  相似文献   

回归事实:用故事讲述新闻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻学的本质是故事,用故事讲述新闻是新闻回归事实的新取向。本文首先分析了新闻的本质是故事,然后阐释了用故事讲述新闻的意义,并从新闻采访和新闻写作两个层面论述了用故事讲述新闻的途径。应该说,用故事讲述新闻,在娱乐化的基础上提升了新闻的内涵,拓展了新闻的影响力,使新闻更具有魅力。  相似文献   


Accounting for front‐page news puts pressure on analytical resources, especially when news‐making is characterised by features such as overt political intervention in visual (photographic) and verbal (attribution) news data; explicit references to and investment in visual news to support political claims about news‐makers; and significant changes over time to a story, moving it from public scandal, through media disclosure to political defence. This article offers an account of how I tackled these analytical challenges in my research into the ‘children overboard’ affair in Australian newspapers.

The affair was generated from a false claim by Liberal Party ministers that asylum seekers threw their children overboard to coerce the Australian Navy into rescuing them. The story became front‐page news in October, 2001, helped to provide the Coalition with another term in office and greatly influenced public discourse about refugees and border protection. The article shows how I analysed semiotic resources such as voicing (in verbal news) and framing (in visual news) to track changes in this affair. It argues that political interventions in these semiotic resources (what I call ‘first‐order discourse') were pivotal in the management of news about asylum seekers. The article concludes by highlighting some implications of the methodology for critical analysis of multimodal news discourse.  相似文献   

近年来,故事类新闻节目在各类电视台层出不穷,受到电视观众和电视媒体的青睐。因为它符合了中国电视观众的收视心理需求和文化习惯。通过真实可信、以人为本和启发深入的故事化报道解决了电视新闻"新"与"旧"、"虚"与"实"、严肃与娱乐的矛盾问题。借助故事形式积极有效地引导舆论,完成宣传意图,达到教育目的,使真实的新闻宣传通俗化,严肃的新闻形式多元化。  相似文献   

公共场所视频监控网络部署日益完善,智能视频监控技术在安防、交通等领域作用越来越大。针对视频监控数据中的人类目标,提出一种基于计算机视觉的姿态识别方法。通过YOLO算法和AlphaPose模型完成对视频中人类目标检测识别以及姿态估计,在此基础上分析人体关节之间的角度对姿态分类的影响,从中提取有效的分类特征,构造并训练5层神经网络模型,完成对站、坐、躺最常见3种姿态分类。实验结果表明,训练得到的神经网络模型准确率达到85%以上,识别速率大约为每秒30帧,在安防监控、检测人员摔倒、疾病报警等方面具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

1 Introduction MPEG 4videocodingstandard providesobject basedfunctionalitiesbyintroducingtheconceptofvideoobject plane (VOP) .Withtheextractionofvideoobjectsandallocatingdifferentnumberofbitsordifferentframe ratesfordifferentobjects ,thestan dardcansupportobject basedscalabilitythatisusefulinmanypracticalapplications[1] .However,MPEG 4alwaysassumesthatthevideocontentstobecodedarewellrepresentedinvideoobjectswithoutmandatinganyspecifictechniques;sovideoobjectsegmentationbecomesanimportant…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide guidance on a process for including latent class predictors in regression mixture models. We first examine the performance of current practice for using the 1-step and 3-step approaches where the direct covariate effect on the outcome is omitted. None of the approaches show adequate estimates of model parameters. Given that Step 1 of the 3-step approach shows adequate results in class enumeration, we suggest using an alternative approach: (a) decide the number of latent classes without predictors of latent classes, and (b) bring the latent class predictors into the model with the inclusion of hypothesized direct covariate effects. Our simulations show that this approach leads to good estimates for all model parameters. The proposed approach is demonstrated by using empirical data to examine the differential effects of family resources on students’ academic achievement outcome. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

强化电视新闻的采制观念、准确把握电视立体信息传播的特点,在电视新闻采制过程中,遵循电视新闻采制规律,深入现场,以事实求是的态度,用镜头去记录,让画面来讲述,发挥电视现场纪实再现的优势做出好新闻,提升校园新闻质量。  相似文献   

为了解决视频图像在传输过程中产生运动矢量丢失问题,本文提出一种新的后处理差错掩盖算法。我们在DCT域进行边缘检测,把与丢失块相邻的图像块分为边缘块和平滑块,同时把丢失块周围的图像块运动矢量的大小和方向分成九类。结合边缘检测与运动矢量分类,我们提出一种加权运动矢量恢复算法。仿真结果表明对不同视频序列,此算法都能比传统的方法恢复出质量更高的图像。  相似文献   

In this column, the authors reprise recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses shortcomings in the news media coverage of childbirth issues. The authors demonstrate how to identify misleading claims in the media and highlight how childbirth educators can apply a common-sense approach and careful fact checking to help women understand the whole story.  相似文献   

In a flipped classroom model, learning of basic content is shifted before class while in-class time is used for concept application. Empirical and controlled research studies are lacking on the best strategies to provide the necessary pre-class content instruction. In this study, we tested three methods of pre-class content learning—interactive online tutorials, video lectures, and textbook-style readings—while holding the content and the in-class application activities constant. Identical introductory, non-majors biology classes were manipulated at both a public, open-enrollment institution and a private, highly selective institution. We found that video lectures offer a small advantage to overall student learning over interactive tutorials or textbook-style readings. Although our two populations differed in their ability to effectively learn from pre-class activities, through a student-centered flipped classroom approach, students at both institutions demonstrated equal learning gains by the final assessment. Potential reasons for some observed differences are suggested.  相似文献   

电视新闻摄像技术与技巧探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视摄像记者的拍摄水平和质量高低关系到新闻报道的成败。电视摄像记者在拍摄中必须遵循电视新闻在时间、空间和对象的三位一体拍摄原则,处理好摄像个性化行为特征与想象力对电视画面的影响。个性化行为特征和想象力通过思维发挥,能正确进行画面内容选择、画面构图处理、画面技巧运用和画面语言组织。追求电视新闻画面的质量和拍摄技术技巧,在采访拍摄中充分运用无剪辑拍摄意识,能应付各种突发性事件新闻拍摄,加快新闻播出速度,同时也给后期编辑制作提供方便。  相似文献   

方言类新闻节目的角色定位与创新论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以方言为载体和平台的新闻节目要定位于清晰明快并易于接受,节目内容要永葆创新保持活力。因此,要精心筛选节目内容,真实展现、深刻报道新闻事件,寓地方特色于节目之中。方言类新闻节目为了追求新闻的猎奇性和故事性,有时以纯粹的娱乐方式对新闻进行报道与解读,难免使新闻陷入低俗媚俗平民化的发展弊端  相似文献   

The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. It is mainly about a wife's unexpected response to the news of her husband's death. In this paper, the plot, main characters, and conflicts will first be illustrated, and the author will analyze this story from feminist approaches. We see clearly that women in that time did not have the right to choose their own marriages, and the main character is just one of the victims.  相似文献   

为解决海量数据导致用户信息过载问题,通过分析人民网、新浪网等网站的新闻网页数据,将传统方法与深度学习方法相结合,提出基于特征融合、CNN和GRU的多文档摘要方法(M-C-G)。首先对30种不同主题的新闻网页进行数据清洗,使用word2vec工具训练词向量模型,根据多种特征计算得到初步摘要结果;然后把8.3万条搜狐新闻语料文本数据输入带有CNN和GRU的Seq2Seq模型上训练;最后把初步摘要结果输入模型进行测试,得到最终摘要结果。实验结果表明,在ROUGE评测体系中采用该方法比现有方法准确率至少提高约2%,可有效帮助用户寻找有价值的文本信息。  相似文献   

电视新闻写作就是运用采访获得的事实素材,在一定的新闻主题统领下,结合画面,如实还原或评述事实.然而,我们在进行还原或评述事实时,就会发现:电视新闻的写作受到诸多因素的影响和制约,这些因素仿佛就像一只只无形的手,支配着记者的笔.文章从"采访决定"、"物我交融"、"四体合一"、"双重转换"、"镜头语言"等方面,探索其内在的规律与写作机制.  相似文献   

当前我国新闻报道的故事化趋向已经被业界所认可。但是这种趋向使新闻报道更具人情味、趣味性的同时,也使当前的新闻报道存在失实报道增多、流于浅薄、屏蔽重大社会事件、更易于渗入记者的主观情绪等隐患。  相似文献   

For quite some time, many EU and Italian Ministry of Education official documents have warmly suggested the introduction of the history and the philosophy of science in the teaching of science disciplines at school. Accordingly, there is a shared agreement between pedagogists and science historians about the efficacy of this approach towards an understanding of the current curriculum content and the Nature of Science. What is missing, at least in Italy, is a concrete fieldwork in the classroom to show the validity of these declarations. This essay is a report of the experience of introducing history and philosophy of science into junior and senior high school classrooms in Apulia (Italy). The aims of this project are: (a) to build a model of research involving high school teachers and university lecturers in the design and construction of teaching units that use the story of science and epistemology for teaching science and (b) produce evidence that this approach is effective in getting more interest from students in science. We relied on many schools for carrying out the historical-scientific teaching modules. The modules were carried out through the case study approach. In the first phase, the participating teachers were trained by University tutors on the modalities of this particular teaching approach. In the second phase, the teachers carried out the modules in their classes and finally these modules were presented in a conclusive conference. Moreover, we evaluated the efficacy of the intervention through specifically created agreement questionnaires.  相似文献   

Film and media courses appear well placed to exploit technology convergence in exposing students both to practical skills and to theoretical concepts. For the University of Cape Town's (UCT) large film and media studies courses, it is impractical simply to use the technology of professionals as this would typically be too expensive to purchase and time‐consuming to run. Our approach has been to develop activities that can run with large classes in generic computer laboratories and which simulate environments and tools of the real world. Two illustrative examples, emphasising writing skills in context, involve the production of a TV news story and the development of a proposal for an educational soap opera. Using these, we reflect on our experience of integrating practical skills into the curriculum of a traditional academic institution, where these skills have a lower status and must be sufficiently flexible to accommodate changes in the higher‐status academic components. This suggests that such flexibility has to be part of the design of practical interventions and that they should additionally aim to provide a challenge to some of the more theoretical aspects of these courses. While developing one's own interventions allows for some of this flexibility to be incorporated into the design, it remains difficult for academic departments to adopt these solutions as their own, thus requiring continued involvement of the original developers to adapt to changes.  相似文献   

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