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用于被动力/力矩再现的新型磁流变液阻尼器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了一种用于被动力/力矩再现的新型磁流变液阻尼器,该阻尼器能够在磁场的作用下产生连续变化的阻尼力/力矩.阻尼器的结构包括一个上盖和一个下盖,一个转子设置于上盖和下盖之间,转子与上下盖之间的间隙充满磁流变液,在磁场作用下其粘度变大时,转子相对于壳体将受阻尼力作用.阻尼力矩的模型主要由以下几部分组成:一是由磁场作用于磁流变液产生的力矩,二是由磁流变液的动力粘度产生的力矩,最后是由装置的摩擦产生的力矩.由动力粘度产生的力矩可以通过简单的方法进行计算,由摩擦产生的力矩可以通过实验测得,而由磁场产生的力矩则要通过电磁场的有限元分析得到.最后,对研制的阻尼器原型进行了性能实验,检验了设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper,a dynamic model on a rigid rotor-sliding bearing system with a SFD is established.The stability and bifurcation behaviors of the system are studied,on The basis of the differential equations of fluid momentum and mass continuity,the distribution pressure function is derived by taking oil film inertia force into consideration.Damping force, clearance excitation force,interference force of different frequencies and static load are also considered in the model,Finally,the governing equations of the stability and bifurcation behaviors of the system are solved by Floquet theory,Simulation of dynamic model shows that the rigid rotor-sliding bearing system can maintain stability and exhibit a Hopt bifurcation phenomenon in a certain range.  相似文献   

The L4 roof of Beijing Olympic International Conference Center is a long-span floor with a tuned mass damper system. The locations of dampers in the layout are not optimal theoretically. This paper is about the location optimization of the 74 sets of dampers on the floor. The main content includes the establishment of a 2D dot-matrix model for the structure, the optimal location combination searched by a genetic algorithm, and the optimal results for five working conditions by calculating the total weight.  相似文献   

Theoretical research on aggregative dynamic pressure damper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To broaden the frequency width and increase the damping coefficient of a dynamic pressure damper, we designed an aggregative dynamic pressure damper (ADPD). Combined with the advantages of traditional dynamic pressure dampers (TDPD), ADPD can not only increase the damping coefficient in wide frequency range for valve control system, but also absorb partial pressure pulsations and impacts in the low and high frequency fields. Based on the theoretical research and the analysis compared with TDPD, we concluded that the ADPD was superior to the TDPD in the middle high frequency field, and the main parameters influencing the performance of the damper were the damping stiffness, orifice flow coefficient, pre-charge pressure, and the volume of the damper accumulator.  相似文献   

A disc-type magneto-rheological fluid damper operating in shear mode is proposed in this paper, which is based on the special characteristics of the magneto-rheological (MR) fluid with rapid, reversible and dramatic change in its rheological properties by the application of an external magnetic field. The magnetic field of the disc-type MR fluid damper is analysed by the finite element method; the controllability of the disc-type MR fluid damper on the dynamic behaviour of a rotor system; and the effectiveness of the disc-type MR fluid damper in controlling the vibration of a rotor system, are studied in a flexible rotor system with an overhung disc. it is shown that the magnetic flux density of the disc-type MR fluid damper in the working areas can significantly change with the applied current in the coil; and that the dynamic behavior of the disc-type MR fluid damper can be varied by the application of an external magnetic field produced by a low voltage electromagnetic coil. The disc-type MR fluid damper can significantly change the dynamic characteristics of a rotor system, provided that the location of the disk-type MR fluid damper is carefully chosen. The disc-type MR fluid damper is a new actuator with good dynamic characteristics for rotating machinery. Project supported partially by the EC BRITE/EURAM program under BRPR-CT97-0544 IMPACT project and State Key Laboratory of Vibration, Shock and Noise, Shanghai Jiatong University  相似文献   

A disc-type magneto-rheological fluid damper operating in shear mode is proposed in this paper, which is based on the special characteristics of the magneto-rheological (MR) fluid with rapid, reversible and dramatic change in its rheological properties by the application of an external magnetic field. The magnetic field of the disc-type MR fluid damper is analysed by the finite element method; the controllability of the disc-type MR fluid damper on the dynamic behaviour of a rotor system; and the effectiveness of the disc-type MR fluid damper in controlling the vibration of a rotor system, are studied in a flexible rotor system with an over-hung disc. It is shown that the magnetic flux density of the disc-type MR fluid damper in the working areas can significantly change with the applied current in the coil; and that the dynamic behavior of the disc-type MR fluid damper can be varied by the application of an external magnetic field produced by a low voltage electromagnetic coil. The disc-type MR fluid damper can significantly change the dynamic characteristics of a rotor system, provided that the location of the disk-type MR fluid damper is carefully chosen. The disc-type MR fluid damper is a new actuator with good dynamic characteristics for rotating machinery.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONElectro rheological (ER ) Magneto rheologi cal(MR)fluidisakindofcontrollablefluidwhoserheologicalproperties,especiallyapparentviscosity,canbedramaticallyandreversiblyvariedinafewmillisecondsbytheapplicationofanexternalelectrical magneticfield…  相似文献   

This paper emphases on analyzing and investigating the mechanical behavior of electro-rheological fluid (ERF) semi-active damper. Theoretical model was developed to describe the relationship between electric field and the resistance force of ERF flowing through two parallel plane electrodes. In the model, the pressure drop along electrodes was supposed to consist of two parts: one related with viscosity and the other related with dynamic yield shear stress. The concept of yield stress influence factor was developed in  相似文献   

设计制作了基于磁流变液体阻尼器的半主动控制减振系统。首先设计振动控制系统的模型,并且根据设计模型,对构件进行加工制作,得到减振控制系统实物,然后通过实物模拟实验对其振动控制效果进行验证。振动控制实验结果表明,该系统对结构振动的控制效果很显著。通过实验,使学生了解磁流变阻尼器的在实际工程中的应用,将理论与实践相结合,激发学生们的兴趣和积极性。  相似文献   

电流变液阻尼器的密封是阻尼器设计中的关键技术,该文利用在流体机械中的应用较多的螺旋密封,并对其作用原理和设计方法进行研究和论证;通过Matlab优化工具箱软件进行参数的最优化,从而得到一种对各种参数均进行优化的完整方案。  相似文献   

The magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper-based semiactive control systems have received considerable attention for protecting structures against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high winds. In this paper, a novel modal controller using wavelet packet transform (WPT) is proposed for the vibration control of distributed structures. In the proposed control system, the WPT method is utilized to decompose the acceleration measurement and select the modes containing most of the WPT energy component as the dominant modes. Then, a modal controller is designed to control the dominant modes and the optimal active control force is solved. Finally, Clipped-optimal con- trol law is adopted to determine the voltage applied to each MR damper. A Kalman-filter observer, which estimates the full controlled modal states from local accelerometer feedbacks, is designed for rendering the controller to be more applicable to distributed structures with a large number of degrees of freedom. A numerical example of a stadium roof structure installed with MRF-04K damper is presented. The effectiveness of the controller is evaluated under both Tianjin and El Centro earthquake excitations. The superior performance and adaptability of the controller for versatile loading conditions are demonstrated through the comparison with traditional truncated modal controller.  相似文献   

Fluent作为计算流体动力学(CFD)常用的商用软件,它可以对包含有流体流动和热传导等相关物理现象的系统做出分析,特别适用于极其复杂问题的流场.文中首先根据所设计的减振器建立数学模型,求出阻尼力的计算公式,接着采用GAMBIT软件建立减振器模型,并在Fluent中导入该模型,设置相关的参数及边界条件对该减振器进行数值分析.然后对结果进行分析,进而与理论模型的结果进行比较,最后对该减振器的性能进行了总结,并对其结构提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOneofthemostimportantperformanceparameterofautomobilesisthecushioningability.Soallkindsofvibrationdampersareassembledinvehicles,amongwhichthefullest-blownoneisthehydraulicdamperworkingthroughreciprocatingmovementofhinderedpistoninahydrauliccylinderabsorbingvibrationwithself-containedspring.Butsuchkindofdampercannotchangewiththechangeincharacteristicsofavibrationsource(suchasamplitudeofvibrationandphase),lackingofenoughself-adaptingability.Magnetorheologicaldamperfluid(MRF)isaty…  相似文献   

针对传统汽车座椅舒适性较差及半主动座椅耗能大的缺点,提出了1种基于压电结构的馈能式磁流变半主动座椅悬架的设想,分别建立了基于1/4车辆的三自由度座椅悬架模型和压电悬臂梁能量回收模型,通过试验得到磁流变座椅减振器的力特性曲线。对馈能特性进行仿真和试验,仿真结果表明,汽车行驶车速为60km/h时,单个压电悬臂梁的馈能功率为0.704 6W,总馈能功率为46.79 W,馈能效率为29.74%,试验结果表明,单个压电悬臂梁馈能功率为0.546 5 W,验证了馈能结构的可行性。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Microactuators are the key devices of micro-electro-mechanical system( MEMS) . For many MEMS devicessuch as switches , optical attenuators , pumps andvalves to function, microactuators are required . Mo-tion of microactuators can be achieved by several kindsof actuation mechanisms . Electrostatic ,piezoelectric ,magnetostrictive, magnetic ,thermomechanical actua-tors have been reported[1-5].Among the different actu-ation principles ,the electrostatic actuationis predomi-nant…  相似文献   

研究带章动阻尼器航天器的非线性动力学特性.应用第二类拉格朗日方法建立航天器动力学方程,并对稳定性进行了分析;应用四阶Runge-Kutta法进行数值模拟,发现激励力矩增大时系统由倍周期运动变为混沌运动.  相似文献   

被动句在英语里是一种常见的语法现象,而在汉语的使用却受到限制。本文对英汉被动句进行对比研究,认为在英语中结构被动句远远多于意义被动句,而在汉语中却恰恰相反,因此在翻译中要进行适当的转换。  相似文献   

针对金属构件裂纹快速拓展导致构件突然断裂等问题,为了对活性缺陷进行检测或对缺陷的损伤程度进行评估,提出了1种将电磁超声换能器(electromagnetic acoustic transducer,EMAT)电磁加载装置应用于电磁声发射的检测方法,并构建了具有输出激励信号、数据采集、信号处理、数据存储等功能于一体的虚拟仪器;搭建了完整的实验系统,进行铝板和钢板试件的检测实验,采集声发射信号。通过对比人工缺陷、通孔和完好板材的信号,证明了使用EMAT可有效进行电磁声发射检测,在提高EMAT的检测能力的同时也使电磁声发射的检测方法易于工程应用。  相似文献   

根据磁性液体的超顺磁特性,提出了一种调谐式磁性液体减振器。该减振器由非磁性液缸、电磁线圈和磁性液体构成,通过电磁线圈施加外部磁场,改变非磁性液缸内磁性液体的固有晃动频率,使其能在较宽的频率范围内达到最佳减振效果。根据磁性液体的伯努利方程和连续性方程得到磁性液体固有晃动频率的表达式。实验验证了该减振器在不施加外部磁场时相当于传统调谐液体阻尼器,当外部振动频率变化时,可以改变外加磁场使得减振器的减振效果不会随着外部振动频率的变化而降低。同时还发现,外加磁场不仅能通过改变频率来增强减振效果,较大的磁场也会使得减振效果略有提升。  相似文献   

针对磁流变半主动减振系统的力学模型进行了验证,分析了半主动减振系统在不同激励频率和激励幅值下的响应特性。结果表明:修正的Bingham模型能很好地反映磁流变阻尼器的力学特性;半主动减振系统的减振效果明显优于被动减振系统的减振效果。  相似文献   

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