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刍议跨学科研究界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于文化背景的不同,在对于什么是跨学科研究问题上中外学者间的差异很大,本文在阐释国内外学者对跨学科研究问题认识基础上,针对国内目前认识上的误区,对跨学科研究提出了“我见”,并在调查分析的基础上,对我国目前自然科学体系内部跨学科研究活动进行了分类。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨期刊引证指数(Journal Citation Indicator,JCI)的文献计量学特征及评价应用。【方法】 系统梳理JCI设计理念及相关理论,从InCites-JCR采集相关数据,对JCI进行实证研究。【结果】 与影响因子相比,JCI对引证时间窗口、文献类型、被引频次计数方法等设计更加合理,并且对被引频次按照学科、出版年和文献类型进行了标准化处理,能够更加合理地用于学术期刊影响力评价,尤其是期刊的跨学科评价。【结论】 JCI应用于学术期刊影响力评价具有明显的优越性,其设计体现了跨学科评价理念,能够较为客观地反映我国科技期刊的发展情况。  相似文献   

在当前利用科学计量学工具对研究人员的科研评价中,由于采用的基本是一种基于学科分类的评价方法,这使得交叉科学研究人员处于相对不利的地位。本文以交叉科学研究人员代表钱学森为典型案例,将其与专业领域作者的被引指标进行比较。为解决这一问题,文章最后提出了新的"学科扩散因子"的指标。  相似文献   

联机分析处理技术在研究生教育评估中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
瞿斌  王战军 《科学学研究》2003,21(6):642-646
本文概述了联机分析处理技术的定义和特征,并研究了应用它来构建研究生教育评估联机分析处理系统的若干关键性问题———系统结构设计、数据组织方式选择、系统数据模型设计等等,另外还给出了一个分析实例。  相似文献   

This study provides quantitative evidence on how the use of journal rankings can disadvantage interdisciplinary research in research evaluations. Using publication and citation data, it compares the degree of interdisciplinarity and the research performance of a number of Innovation Studies units with that of leading Business & Management Schools (BMS) in the UK. On the basis of various mappings and metrics, this study shows that: (i) Innovation Studies units are consistently more interdisciplinary in their research than Business & Management Schools; (ii) the top journals in the Association of Business Schools’ rankings span a less diverse set of disciplines than lower-ranked journals; (iii) this results in a more favourable assessment of the performance of Business & Management Schools, which are more disciplinary-focused. This citation-based analysis challenges the journal ranking-based assessment. In short, the investigation illustrates how ostensibly ‘excellence-based’ journal rankings exhibit a systematic bias in favour of mono-disciplinary research. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications of these phenomena, in particular how the bias is likely to affect negatively the evaluation and associated financial resourcing of interdisciplinary research organisations, and may result in researchers becoming more compliant with disciplinary authority over time.  相似文献   

日本的科技水平能够长期走在世界前列,这和其具有较为完善的科研评价制度密不可分。日本就科研评价颁布了专门的法律,不同层次的评价法律有力的推动了日本的科研水平的提高,本文对日本有关评价的不同层次法律法规提出的背景、内容进行了分析。研究发现,第一,日本科研评价法律涉及面广,体系完备。第二,由法律基础长期推动而形成的评价文化在科技界被广泛认同。第三,完备的法律体系、广泛认同的评价文化保证了科研评价的客观公正性,提高了科研成果的水平。  相似文献   

周建中  李晓轩 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):500-504
借鉴国内外相关机构开展学科评价的理论与方法,选择国家自然科学基金资助的心理学学科领域开展评价,分析我国心理学学科的资助情况、论文产出、资助管理以及发展战略等方面的现状与问题,并提出相应的政策建议。在心理学学科评价案例研究的基础上,提出我国学科评价存在的问题,探讨学科评价的理论与方法,并就我国如何开展学科评价提出建议。  相似文献   

The Internet is becoming an increasingly important and pervasive channel to market for many organisations. Despite its importance, and the continued pressure to justify IT expenditure, few organisations undertake comprehensive channel evaluation. Market leading evaluation firms provide technical and operational metrics for their clients such as the number of hits per page and site response times, but more sophisticated concepts such as user value and long-term business benefits remain underexplored in practice. In contrast, there is a growing academic literature on channel evaluation. Many frameworks and metrics have been proposed recently. This paper brings theory and practice together by synthesizing existing frameworks proposed by academics with those used by the market leaders in Internet channel evaluation. The resulting framework has two levels—a business- and a user-level. The framework is validated by Internet consultants, channel managers and channel users in three different sectors: retail, financial services and higher education. The framework is refined following the validation in response to the need for a simpler, more usable set of metrics. The outcome is a framework split into three “sets”. Set A constitutes the foundation stone of an Internet channel evaluation programme and consists of a core set of objective user-level metrics. Set B contains a further set of more sophisticated user-level metrics. Set C addresses business-level metrics, which enable the long-term contribution of the Internet channel to be evaluated.  相似文献   

张光进  廖建桥 《科研管理》2007,28(5):163-169
本文通过一个准试验研究,验证了以第三层次学科目录作为划分同行标准的相对有效性;并比较分析了以此标准划分的同行和非同行对自然科学类和人文社科类科研申请评价效果的差异;研究还验证了源于"棋局试验"的系统优劣评判思想并不适宜于科研申请评价,进一步证明了专业性同行在科研申请评价中的关键角色。  相似文献   

科研评价以科研表象为基础。在提高研究系统的表象质量的过程中,无法避免与这些研究系统迥异的接收系统为指标赋予意义。由于决策影响到所要探究的系统,这种结构产生的张力正在推动"二战"以来科学指标的进一步发展。本文从历史的角度讨论了科学指标的出现和所涉及的方法论问题,介绍了欧盟在跨国层次上的政策协调以及因特网作为全球交流的媒介而带来的新的发展动向。科学、技术和创新政策在不同层次上以不同目标日益发展,有望对评价话语加以区别。  相似文献   

王文平  刘云  何颖  谭龙 《科研管理》2015,36(3):127-137
基于中国学者在生物技术与应用微生物学、电子电气工程、数学、医学、神经科学、物理学等6个重要研究领域发表的SCI论文,分别将国际合作论文和非国际合作论文作为研究对象,构建论文跨学科研究程度的测度指标,评价国际科技合作对推动跨学科研究的影响程度及中国与世界跨学科研究程度的差异。结果表明:国际合作促进了跨学科的研究;但国际合作推动跨学科研究的程度受研究领域的影响,新兴的、应用性较强的研究领域的跨学科研究程度较高;国际合作论文的跨学科研究程度逐渐提高;中国在多个研究领域的跨学科程度低于国际平均水平。  相似文献   

Much past research on commercialization activities by university scientists and engineers has focused on the role of resources in the extra-organizational commercialization environment, such as the availability of venture capital funding. By contrast, our theoretical and empirical interest was in intra-organizational dynamics impacting the context in which scientists and engineers work. Drawing upon organizational psychology literature on the construct of organizational climate, we posited that researchers working in an intra-organizational climate that supports commercialization and encourages intra-organizational boundary-spanning will be more likely to produce invention disclosures and patents. Our data from 218 respondents at 21 engineering research centers was both multi-method (i.e., qualitative data from interviews, longitudinal archival data, and survey data) and multi-level. Our results showed that an organizational climate characterized by support for commercialization predicted invention disclosures one year later and an organizational climate characterized by boundary-spanning predicted patent awards two years later.  相似文献   

高等教育评估中“第三方评估”的历史与发展模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章鸣 《科技与管理》2008,10(3):126-128
我国现行的高等教育评估以教育行政部门的组织进行为主,而社会力量参与高等教育评估被称为“第三方评估”。在回顾分析第三方评估历史发展的基础上,提出来了第三方评估合理的组织模式,供评估组织者在形成第二轮本科评估模式时参考,以期进一步提高高等教育水平。  相似文献   

科研机构创新文化建设评价方法研究与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以中科院三次创新文化建设评价为案例,围绕着中国科学院创新文化建设的评价方法进行了深入探索,发现创新文化建设评价工作是一项复杂的系统工程,既需要理论指导,又要在实践中不断探索,评价方法可根据评价目的的不同,采取单项评价或综合评价。通过研究本文提出了创新文化建设三维评价模型。  相似文献   

公共科研机构绩效评价的指标与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以科学技术部颁布的《科学技术评价办法》(试行)为依据,参照STI评价指标体系,结合中国科学院研究所评价实践,借助系统分析方法,构建了公共科研机构绩效评价指标体系,并提出用The il不均衡指数确定指标权重,采用优属度矢量模型对公共科研机构进行绩效评价的量化方法。  相似文献   

系统阐述了芬兰坦佩雷大学科研评价的目的与动机、评价组织、评价标准、评价过程以及对科研评价的评论。从中得到以下启发:科研评价重在发展;评价对象不限于出版物,质与量并重;专家组的国际化与评价标准的国际化同样重要;积极与评价对象沟通,促进科研评价的民主性;评价结果前期要保密和后期要宣传等。  相似文献   

在调研科研院所开展科技创新能力评价的基础上,阐述了国防科研院所的特点及其科技创新能力内涵;以中国工程物理研究院为样本,围绕国防科研院所"一分为二"的科技创新能力结构要素,提出了从共性能力与核心能力两个方面开展评价的思路;以"抓住核心能力、注重科技创新能力整体提升"为宗旨,提出了"两个体系、三个阶段"的评估办法,为国防科研院所部署开展科技创新能力评估提供一定的参考或指导。  相似文献   

科学基金遴选中非共识研究项目的评估研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在科学基金的遴选中 ,应用同行评议的方法 ,通常难以遴选出非共识项目中有创新性的项目。为此 ,本文提出用项目整体非共识和指标非共识度作为专家判断项目创新性的定量辅助依据 ,从而形成以定性质量判断为主、定量数据为辅的针对非共识研究项目的评估方法。此方法在实际评估工作中得到较好的应用  相似文献   

Biomedical researchers often work with massive, detailed and heterogeneous datasets. These datasets raise new challenges of information organization and management for scientific interpretation, as they demand much of the researchers’ time and attention. The current study investigated the nature of the problems that researchers face when dealing with such data. Four major problems identified with existing biomedical scientific information management methods were related to data organization, data sharing, collaboration, and publications. Therefore, there is a compelling need to develop an efficient and user-friendly information management system to handle the biomedical research data. This study evaluated the implementation of an information management system, which was introduced as part of the collaborative research to increase scientific productivity in a research laboratory. Laboratory members seemed to exhibit frustration during the implementation process. However, empirical findings revealed that they gained new knowledge and completed specified tasks while working together with the new system. Hence, researchers are urged to persist and persevere when dealing with any new technology, including an information management system in a research laboratory environment.  相似文献   

Recent research call for action on digital sustainability research could potentially contribute to achieving United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In this opinion piece, we specifically focus on artificial intelligence (AI) as a technology that could help achieve digital sustainability. We identify six dimensions related to AI grounded in past literature: sensemaking, relationships among actors in the supply chain, green creativity skills, metrics, strategies, and AI tool improvement. We conceptualize several propositions for these six dimensions, highlighting the nuances associated with AI for digital sustainability to provide clear directions for future research.  相似文献   

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