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Given that biomedical innovation involves intense collaboration across disciplines, occupations and organizations, a nation's integrative capabilities (the ability to move between basic science and clinical development) and relational capabilities (the ability to collaborate with diverse organizations) have been identified as crucial. This paper deploys qualitative analysis of biomedical innovation in the UK and US to identify mechanisms influencing innovation at the project level through which these macro level capabilities may have effects. From this a propositional framework is developed that helps explain the likely impact of such capabilities for characteristically different kinds of innovation projects at the micro level.  相似文献   

水权转让中自主协调与合作路径分析——以新疆地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有对水权转让研究强调经济属性的存在,通过市场、行政、或两者结合的途径促进转让,其本质都是外部规制的方式推动转让实现。在外部化的状态下导致转让的交易成本较高,主体间利益冲突严峻,一味通过补偿和行政管制无法根除主体间的矛盾。本文从集体行动选择理论出发,选取新疆地区作为研究区域,提出基于共同愿景的自主治理及合作路径。通过主体参与式的多中心合作实现集团内部自我实施,达到提高水权转让效率和区域利益的目的。进而对行动理论模型进行定量分析验证,与传统模式比较以验证其有效性,突出政府参与下的多中心自主合作模式的优越性。在尊重我国国情的前提下,对水资源管理与配置领域提出一种新的实现途径。  相似文献   

A variety of academic studies argue that a relationship exists between the structure of an organization and the design of the products that this organization produces. Specifically, products tend to “mirror” the architectures of the organizations in which they are developed. This dynamic occurs because the organization's governance structures, problem solving routines and communication patterns constrain the space in which it searches for new solutions. Such a relationship is important, given that product architecture has been shown to be an important predictor of product performance, product variety, process flexibility and even the path of industry evolution.We explore this relationship in the software industry. Our research takes advantage of a natural experiment, in that we observe products that fulfill the same function being developed by very different organizational forms. At one extreme are commercial software firms, in which the organizational participants are tightly-coupled, with respect to their goals, structure and behavior. At the other, are open source software communities, in which the participants are much more loosely-coupled by comparison. The mirroring hypothesis predicts that these different organizational forms will produce products with distinctly different architectures. Specifically, loosely-coupled organizations will develop more modular designs than tightly-coupled organizations. We test this hypothesis, using a sample of matched-pair products.We find strong evidence to support the mirroring hypothesis. In all of the pairs we examine, the product developed by the loosely-coupled organization is significantly more modular than the product from the tightly-coupled organization. We measure modularity by capturing the level of coupling between a product's components. The magnitude of the differences is substantial—up to a factor of six, in terms of the potential for a design change in one component to propagate to others. Our results have significant managerial implications, in highlighting the impact of organizational design decisions on the technical structure of the artifacts that these organizations subsequently develop.  相似文献   

While the importance of knowledge management is increasingly acknowledged, many firms do not fully understand the significance of innovativeness in relation to knowledge management and firm performance. Consequently, the objective of this article is to investigate innovativeness and its relationship with knowledge management and organizational performance in an under-examined industry sector and country context. The study methodology was survey-based and took place in the hospitality industry sector in Lesotho, Africa. Findings highlight the importance of knowledge management practices as an important driver of firm performance, where the results emphasize the positive mediating effect of innovativeness on the relationship between knowledge management and firm performance. The study has important practitioner and policy implications, where it is recommended that knowledge management be utilized in conjunction with innovativeness so as to positively influence firm performance. The article delivers a novel contribution to the literature in terms of establishing empirical associations between knowledge management, innovativeness and firm performance in an emerging country context.  相似文献   

This paper examines how funding patterns, career pathways and collaboration networks influence scientific recognition. We analyze these institutional factors in the early and middle phases of academic careers through comparison of a group of researchers recognized as creative by their peers with a matched group of researchers. Measurement of scientific recognition is based on survey nominations and research prizes in two growing, laboratory-intensive research domains: nanotechnology and human genetics. Curriculum vitae data is used to compare researchers based in the United States and Europe. In the early career model for the United States, we find that scientific recognition is associated with broad academic education, fast completion of PhD, and a record of independent postdoctoral research, while in Europe these factors are much less prominent. The mid-career model suggests that both in the United States and Europe fast job promotion within academia is a strong predictor of future recognition. However, there is a clear divide across the Atlantic regarding other mid-career factors: work experience inside and outside academia, research leadership, external grant income, and prizes from professional associations are connected to scientific recognition in the United States, but are less influential in Europe.  相似文献   

行业转型和大数据驱动的创业环境使得信息这一机会要素在创业实践中变得越来越重要。以往研究大多关注信息因素对创业行动的影响,却较少关注特定情境下创业行动对信息的作用。基于苹果应用商店这一重要平台来收集创业者的行为数据,试图研究互联网情境下两类创业行动(快速行动和多重改进)、信息获取和新创企业绩效之间关系。研究结果表明快速行动和多重改进均促进了信息获取,并且信息获取在两类行动和新创企业绩效之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

产业集聚对高技术产业创新具有重要影响。本文在开放式创新的背景下,整合集聚经济理论、资源观理论和制度理论三种理论视角,以中国高技术产业为研究对象选取了221个样本,对产业集聚程度和创新的关系进行了探索。研究发现,在不同的集聚程度下,产业集聚对创新的影响存在区别:集聚程度较低时,专业化集聚有利于创新,而多样化集聚抑制创新;相反,集聚程度较高时,专业化集聚不利于创新,而多样化集聚促进创新。此外,企业开放式的创新战略能够有效提高多样化集聚对创新绩效的影响。  相似文献   

吴晓云  张峰 《科研管理》2009,30(6):120-127
摘要:鉴于以往全球营销理论研究的局限,本文将服务营销“7p”范式与全球营销战略基本观点相结合,富有创新性的构建了服务性全球营销战略二阶因子及其前置因素关系模型,并运用220家服务性跨国公司在中国分支机构的样本数据进行了实证检验,由此对服务性跨国公司在全球市场的营销活动布局和规划给出了相关管理建议。  相似文献   

王晓娟 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):874-879
 集群中知识的流动具有选择性和不对称性特征,集群企业并不能均等地共享“产业空气”带来的溢出效应,进而形成了企业间创新绩效的差异。实证研究显示,集群知识网络开放度、网络中心度、关系质量和关系稳定性对集群企业创新绩效均存在正向影响;而知识网络规模与关系强度仅对集群的中小企业创新绩效存在正向影响,对大企业的创新绩效的影响则并不显著。  相似文献   

影响创业导向与企业绩效关系的因素因研究情景不同而差异甚远。目前,大多数研究结论以西方国家为背景,其结论在我国的适用性仍有待验证。以我国工业设计服务业为特定的研究对象,通过引入恰当的调节及中介变量试图打开创业导向影响企业绩效的"黑箱",探讨创业导向对企业绩效影响的路径与效果,旨在为我国工业设计服务企业的战略制定和产业政策导向提供建议。  相似文献   

Studies of the effectiveness of collaborative research partnerships between industrial and academic institutions rarely focus on understanding success as perceived by those involved in the research activities. We explore the extent to which three classes of potential success factor are correlated with perceived collaborative research success; supervisor characteristics, project management characteristics, and communication characteristics. Findings are based on a questionnaire-based survey of 348 doctoral students supported by the UK Research Councils’ Engineering Doctorate (EngD) and Co-operative Awards in Science & Engineering (CASE) schemes. Conclusions describe how the experience of collaboration as a process influences and how successful students consider the collaboration to be for themselves and the collaborating institutions.  相似文献   

In the defence industry the recent development of a ‘market for technology’, the creation of new European high-technology companies as well as transformations in government agencies have driven firms to reposition their technological and organizational skills. Our objective is to show that the transformations that have occurred in the past 10 years have not only redefined skills and the organization of production, but also have given a more strategic place to knowledge management (KM) practices. We provide a contextual and historical overview based on qualitative interviews, in order to better understand the relation between KM and innovative behaviour in this industry. We build an original industrial and technological database comprising various samples that provides quantitative information concerning KM and innovative practices. The results of the statistical analysis reveal the specificity of firms in this industry. Taking account of the size of these firms and their technological intensity, we show that the behaviour of defence industry firms in terms of KM practices, differs from that of other firms. This is evident from their technological performance, and innovation and patenting intensity. This structural tendency is explained as an innovative behaviour in the French national innovation system rather than merely a ‘trend’.  相似文献   

以战略管理理论中竞争优势来源的经典观点为依据,提出并分析了质量管理可以通过知识转移这一中间变量对企业绩效实施影响的逻辑路径,由此构建了质量管理与企业绩效关系的全模型。通过实证研究得出:质量管理实践对于知识转移具有显著影响作用以及传统路径和知识路径之间交互作用并不显著等主要结论。研究的主要意义:从内在逻辑解释了质量管理能够与创新活动相协调的理论依据,发展并完善质量管理与企业绩效关系模型,知识路径的存在为质量管理与知识管理两大实践体系的相互整合提供理论基础,也成为企业开展质量管理活动重要的决策依据。  相似文献   

杨智  刘新燕 《中国软科学》2006,2(11):88-100
近十多年来,国外学者就市场导向与企业绩效间的关系进行了大量的实证研究,但研究结论出现了一些分歧,至今没有形成统一的结论。本文将组织学习和营销创新作为中介变量,构建了一个市场导向与企业绩效间关系的整合模型,并以中东部五省市110家企业为实证样本,对模型进行了实证检验。研究发现,组织学习和营销创新对于市场导向与企业绩效间关系具有完全中介效应,这为两者间的关系提供了一种新的解释。  相似文献   

Jackie Krafft   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1687-1706
The process by which knowledge is created, accumulated and eventually destroyed appears crucial to many industrial dynamics patterns, since it shapes the profile of evolution of industries by favouring the entry of new companies, the co-existence of incumbents and new entrants and, eventually, their selective or joint exit over time. Though problematic, and all too often neglected, the connection between two nodes of interest, Industrial Dynamics on the one hand, and Knowledge Dynamics on the other hand, thus appears as a promising field of research. On the basis of a case study in the info-communications industry, we start by emphasizing that this field of research has direct importance at the empirical level. Knowledge dynamics can create specific models of evolution among firms at the local level, such as non-shakeout patterns within the cluster, which significantly differ from more global patterns of evolution in the info-communications industry, now generally oriented towards trends of decline and bust. We further argue in favour of the development of Knowledge-Based Industrial Dynamics, an approach that lies at the interface of industry and knowledge dynamics, and which can explain how a cluster may decrease the barriers to knowledge of clustered companies and, further, create a specific knowledge dynamics that is able to shape the industrial dynamics. Finally, we document how this process of knowledge dynamics was collectively implemented in our case study on the info-communications cluster and decompose the mechanisms that led to a local non-shakeout pattern of industrial dynamics. We conclude with some remarks on the policy implications.  相似文献   

选取三家技术型初创企业作为研究对象,基于横向比较与纵向分析相结合的归纳式跨案例研究方法,依据“假设检验行动→商业模式创新→战略柔性”的逻辑构建三者之间的理论模型。研究表明:创业者综合使用多种假设检验行动有助于提高初创企业可行商业模式的有效性;初创企业在不同环境活力水平以及扮演不同角色情况下采取的商业模式创新策略不同;当初创企业所处的环境活力越来越高且在行业中所扮演的角色由被动适应转化为主动影响时,商业模式创新的侧重点将由增强反应型战略柔性逐渐转变至增强前瞻型战略柔性。研究结论丰富并拓展了创业情境下商业模式创新和战略柔性研究,对于初创企业的成长实践具有重要启发意义。  相似文献   

This paper proposes and tests a three-dimensional model of public support design as a framework to compare public incentives for innovation in firms through time and across countries, and consequently to compare forms of policy alignment of innovation objectives in an economy. Using data on 149 French and British policy programmes from the early 1980s to 2002, this paper shows that policy-makers implement programmes within a different three-dimensional design space in order to align several distinctive objectives and consequently strengthen the impact of governmental measures. Moreover, as the objectives of the national players and policy-makers evolved, the portfolio of innovation policies also evolved in their separate ways. Nevertheless, some similar trends are also observed.  相似文献   

成力为  邹双 《科研管理》2019,40(7):215-223
准确评估风险投资的进入时间、技术偏好对创业企业创新绩效的影响,对我国风险投资发展、指导未来我国产业结构转型升级具有重要意义。本文与进入创业企业的时间联系,考虑其技术偏好,构筑了“风险投资进入时间--技术偏好--创业企业创新绩效影响”逻辑链条;并以2009-2012年创业板制造业企业为例,采用PSM方法,分析了不同时间进入的风险投资的技术偏好及其对创业企业创新绩效的影响得到:上市前1年内进入的风险投资的技术偏好不显著,对创业企业创新绩效的动态促进作用不显著,无论是突破式创新还是渐进式创新;上市前1年以上进入的风险投资的技术偏好显著,对创业企业创新绩效存在显著的动态促进作用,但随着时间推移,对创业企业创新绩效的影响程度越来越小,且对渐进式创新影响的持续性和程度大于突破式创新。  相似文献   

The evolution of the industrial cluster has long been a comparatively difficult problem due to its complexity and the differing particularities of individual clusters. Based on a study of two clusters, this paper draws some logic and ideas from complexity theory and develops a generic framework to explain cluster self-organization. We present the cluster as a complex adaptive system (CAS) that experiences self-organization through four critical features: landscape design, positive feedback, boundary constraints, and novel outcomes. We then use this framework to analyze two clusters from the ICT sector within China's transitional economy. Finally, the paper draws out a few implications for our understanding of cluster development processes. In particular, we stress the importance of both path-dependence (due to initial conditions) and the unpredictability of developmental paths (due to the uniqueness of each cluster).  相似文献   

因准确测度风险投资对初创企业的处理效应存在较大技术难度,风险投资是否有助于改善初创企业的生存环境这一问题尚未形成足够共识。借助大量P2P网贷平台倒闭这一难得的准实验机会,首次系统评估风险投资对P2P平台生存状况的处理效应,为客观认识风险投资对创业企业的影响提供了来自中国微观层面的最新证据。实证结果显示,总体来看,获取风险投资有助于改善被投企业的生存状况。具体地,倾向得分匹配法显示,平均来看,获得风险投资的P2P平台死亡率比未获得风险投资的P2P平台低14%,而存续期长913个月。这种差异在剔除内生性偏误、选择性偏差后依然存在,且在不同的匹配方法下均是稳健的。广义倾向得分法进一步揭示,风险投资额对企业生存状态的影响是非线性的,即通常1000万元以上的投资额才能有效延长P2P平台的生存时间,且风险投资额越高,对P2P平台的生存状况的改善越明显。影响机理模型显示,风险投资会通过提供社会资本、提供声誉、提供资金三种途径改善被投企业的生存状态。需要指出的是,因为筛选效应的存在,风险投资更多地发挥着“锦上添花”而非“雪中送炭”效应,不可盲目夸大风险投资的作用。本文初步揭示了风险投资在初创P2P平台存活和行业演进中的作用,为客观认识风险投资对创业企业的影响提供了微观层面的经验证据。  相似文献   

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