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Knowledge management (KM) has often been claimed to be an essential ingredient in building competitive advantage. Yet, KM adoption is relatively slow, especially in the Malaysian context. Most organizations are unsure if the promised performance improvement is just a passing fad. This study intends to provide empirical verifications to support the link between KM practices and performance outcomes for organizations. Responses from 180 knowledge-based organizations were analysed. The analysis indicated that knowledge acquisition and knowledge utilization positively influenced strategic and operational improvement in organizations, whereas the positive effect of knowledge dissemination was only evident in the case of strategic improvement. Organization size had some interesting moderating impact on the tested relationships.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the relationship between firm value and patent-based indicators of inventive activity has changed over time. We use data from more than 33,000 mergers and acquisitions deals between 1985 and 2007, and distinguish between American (USPTO) and European (EPO) patents. Our results indicate that over time EPO patents have become the dominant indicator of innovative activity, while USPTO patents have no effect on firm value near the end of the sample period. The results are robust to controlling for citations and are especially strong for small firms, for firms operating in the drug and chemical industries, and when target and acquiring firms operate in different industries or countries.  相似文献   

This study identifies relevant innovations and discusses value creation in the aviation industry between 2000 and 2019. Aviation experts with experience in innovation were selected and invited to complete a survey identifying the leading innovations in the industry. This study contributes to recent aviation history by offering a list of innovations and a discussion of technological path dependency and value proposition with examples. This overview is helpful to academics and practitioners to verify how these innovations have shaped the industry worldwide, making it more efficient, agile, sustainable, and safe. The innovations selected comprise consolidated technologies and emerging advances introduced in the timeframe proposed. 33 innovations primarily related to incremental and technical typologies that add value to products were mapped. In addition, this study provides insightful findings by classifying the value created for the aviation sector into five innovation clusters: (1) aircraft technology, adding value in terms of efficiency and sustainability; (2) innovation in passenger services, creating more personalized services and enhancing the customer experience; (3) innovation in flying, adding value in terms of safety and the security environment; (4) business and operational management, improving procedures and revenue; (5) and general applications, adding value in terms of Aviation 4.0 (increases in automation and data exchange, including cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IOT) and cloud computing).  相似文献   

跨学科创新团队是当代知识生产的重要组织形式。基于行动者网络和知识网络理论,构建了“物质网-知识网-文化网(M—C—K)”耦合的行动者网络模型和跨学科创新团队“M—c—K”群体行动者网络模型,分析了跨学科创新囱队知识生产的“M—C—K”网络协同进化机制,论述了跨学科创新团队知识生产的过程、形式和动力。  相似文献   

The 2004 annual work con- fe re nc e of the Chine se Academy of Sciences (CAS) isheld at an important moment. It comeswhen formulation of the State Medium-and Long-term Plan for the Developmentof Science and Technology (S&T) hasbegun in an all-round way and when theseventh year has just begun for the trialimplementation of our KnowledgeInnovation Program (KIP) and we areworking hard to planthe developmentof CAS in the future. Here isthe theme of our conference: Taking …  相似文献   

This article considers the role of domestic knowledge capabilities for developing countries and emerging economies, and in particular in the build-up of their national systems of innovation. Using bibliometric methods, we describe the geographic sources of knowledge and the users of Brazilian research in 2005–2009, and analyze the roles of domestic and foreign knowledge bases in it. Our results suggest that increasing reliance on domestic sources of knowledge is a feature of Brazil's improved science and technology capabilities. The ascendancy of Brazil's research informs us about the unfolding re-organization of global research, too, underlining nascent South-South knowledge flows, the prevailing relevance of EU research, and the relative decline of US research for Brazilian knowledge creation.  相似文献   

This research aims at deepening the understanding of the effects of information systems on supply chain operations, and to find the level and direction of the relationship between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Knowledge Management (KM) in the context of operational and financial performance. Essentially, this study emphasizes the explanation of the complementary relationship between ERP and KM. Therefore, the mediating effect of KM is also analyzed. Using a survey method, 163 responses are collected from Turkish manufacturing companies which operate in a variety of industries. A structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to test both the reliability and validity of measurement and the structural path model. The results show that ERP has no significantly positive effect on operational performance, but it is a precedent of KM. Moreover, results also show that KM affects operational performance positively and it has a mediating effect for the relationship between ERP and operational performance. Lastly, the path analysis shows that operational performance is positively associated with financial performance.  相似文献   

目前协同机制在知识创新过程中越来越表现出突出的作用,为了更有效地实现组织的知识创新,将协同机制引入科研团队知识创新系统。首先根据国内外创造力理论和知识创新相关文献分析以及不同科研团队案例调研,构建了科研团队知识创新系统,论证该系统具有复杂系统特性。此复杂系统具备应用协同机制的条件,据此建立了科研团队知识创新体系的协同机制应用模型,并对其静态特性和动态效应进行了分析,最后通过某科研团队的案例分析,即在整个科研项目过程中实施协同管理,观察协同机制在各个子系统中的具体实施和实际应用,并验证研究内容。  相似文献   

This study reports on knowledge gain, examined through three separate measures (free recall, comprehension and recognition) among high- and low-education groups who used two types of news media (newspaper vs. online) to consume two kinds of news (public affairs vs. entertainment). Results (n = 123) confirm the knowledge gap and validate concerns about the digital divide. Yet three different knowledge acquisition measures generated dissimilar findings: strong education effects for free recall, strong media format effects for recognition, and strong interaction effects between education and media format for comprehension. The implications of these inconsistencies are considered for measuring knowledge gaps in future research.  相似文献   

Coopetition, i.e., cooperation between competing actors, has become a pervasive strategy for innovative firms. The primary focus of studies investigating coopetition centers on inter-firm relationships, highlighting the benefits, limits and configurational patterns of cooperative relationships between competing firms. Only a small, emerging group of studies seeks to extend the concept to the intra-firm level, stressing the existence and effects of competition and cooperation between units that are part of the same organization. This paper contributes to this latter group by investigating the effects of internal coopetition on knowledge and innovation sharing and highlighting the fundamental role of knowledge brokers in managing the resulting tensions. Based on a qualitative case study of the video game publisher Ubisoft, we stress how the tensions raised by internal coopetitive settings limit knowledge sharing between units, and we analyze the mechanisms through which the knowledge broker helps to overcome these limits. We identify three main functions of this knowledge broker that allow the promotion of knowledge and innovation transfer to occur between coopeting units: (1) protecting the unit’s competitive advantage by introducing a lagging principle in the transfer process, (2) reducing sharing costs by standardizing innovative solutions, and (3) enhancing awareness of and trust in innovative solutions by centralizing knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role, patterns, and characteristics of knowledge co-creation in a cross-border context and develops a theoretical framework to guide empirical exploration of the value of cross-border knowledge. The empirical results reveal an upward trend in the share of cross-border knowledge and show that cross-border knowledge is of higher quality than within-border knowledge in terms of having more forward and backward citations, more claims, and a shorter technology cycle time. Our study also reveals pronounced differences in knowledge co-creation patterns between the triad regions: Japan, Europe and the United States. Moreover, the analysis of three cases, IBM, Hitachi, and Bayer, demonstrates that instead of focusing on conflicts of interest, such leading firms cooperate with foreign competitors to address technological challenges and opportunities, penetrate foreign markets, defend their positions, and advance technological innovations. Overall, our findings provide new evidence regarding the importance of cross-border knowledge co-creation.  相似文献   


Much knowledge is diffused by the exchange of property rights in intangibles. But tacit knowledge, not being subject to property rights, is instead diffused by migration of knowledgeable individuals between firms. The law impacts significantly on this diffusion mechanism, in particular those rules that determine the use individuals may make of their tacit knowledge after migration to a different firm. The general principle underlying the relevant law is that individuals are free to migrate with all their tacit knowledge. Nonetheless there are some narrow exceptions to this principle. That these exceptions remain narrow and carefully policed by the courts is important because imposing too many restraints on use of tacit knowledge post‐term would have a negative impact on real innovation.  相似文献   

While economies in the industrialised World have become increasingly knowledge driven and service based, much of the work on capturing and measuring business value is still constrained and steeped in the thinking of the manufacturing era. One area that is more susceptible to measurement is the field of technology based or enhanced services. This case analysis seeks to explore how a service operator, such as an international airport, can gauge value from investment into IT. We examine how the airport operator combines a variety of accounting techniques and other tools to capture value from their IT investments. We explore how the operator could improve their measurement of business value derived from their IT investment. One observation of practice is that value capturing tools and techniques are used in parallel rather than ‘in sync’. Drawing on the notion of user innovation, we argue operators should embrace a systemic approach in adapting and modifying measuring regimes to accommodate service based innovation.  相似文献   

Stress and depression detection on social media aim at the analysis of stress and identification of depression tendency from social media posts, which provide assistance for the early detection of mental health conditions. Existing methods mainly model the mental states of the post speaker implicitly. They also lack the ability to mentalise for complex mental state reasoning. Besides, they are not designed to explicitly capture class-specific features. To resolve the above issues, we propose a mental state Knowledge–aware and Contrastive Network (KC-Net). In detail, we first extract mental state knowledge from a commonsense knowledge base COMET, and infuse the knowledge using Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) to explicitly model the mental states of the speaker. Then we propose a knowledge–aware mentalisation module based on dot-product attention to accordingly attend to the most relevant knowledge aspects. A supervised contrastive learning module is also utilised to fully leverage label information for capturing class-specific features. We test the proposed methods on a depression detection dataset Depression_Mixed with 3165 Reddit and blog posts, a stress detection dataset Dreaddit with 3553 Reddit posts, and a stress factors recognition dataset SAD with 6850 SMS-like messages. The experimental results show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art results on all datasets: 95.4% of F1 scores on Depression_Mixed, 83.5% on Dreaddit and 77.8% on SAD, with 2.07% average improvement. Factor-specific analysis and ablation study prove the effectiveness of all proposed modules, while UMAP analysis and case study visualise their mechanisms. We believe our work facilitates detection and analysis of depression and stress on social media data, and shows potential for applications on other mental health conditions.  相似文献   

Technological progress in an industry is enabled by the collective R&D efforts of suppliers, users and research organizations. In this study, we explore how the pattern of R&D collaboration within the industry community evolves over the technology life cycle. We propose that as the technology evolves from an initial emergence stage to subsequent stages of growth and maturity, there is a corresponding change in the opportunities and challenges confronting industry participants. This results in a shift not only in the relative propensities for internal and collaborative R&D, but also in the distribution of the different types of collaborative interactions involving research organizations, suppliers and users. The context for the study is the global semiconductor manufacturing industry from 1990 to 2010. During this period, the industry experienced exponential technological progress that was fueled by the deep ultraviolet (DUV) manufacturing technology. We draw upon a comprehensive archival dataset of more than 12,000 articles presented in industry technical conferences to analyze the pattern of collaborative R&D during the emergence, growth and maturity stages of the DUV technology. The observed trends in the semiconductor manufacturing industry point to intriguing shifts in the efforts and interactions among suppliers, users and research organizations as they collectively push the technology envelope forward.  相似文献   

This paper explores the possible job creation effect of innovation activity. We analyze a unique panel dataset covering almost 20,000 patenting firms from Europe over the period 2003–2012. The main outcome from the proposed GMM-SYS estimations is the labor-friendly nature of innovation, which we measure in terms of forward-citation weighted patents. However, this positive impact of innovation is statistically significant only for firms in the high-tech manufacturing sectors, while not significant in low-tech manufacturing and services.  相似文献   

As economies become more knowledge intensive it has become evident to most organizations that knowledge is a valuable resource. This is particularly true in academic organizations, which have the generation and dissemination of knowledge as their principal mission. This research assesses whether path-dependency exists in relation to cultural expectations of knowledge generation and sharing in knowledge intensive organizations. This paper adopts a constructivist approach facilitated by focus group discussions which were conducted in two UK universities, one Russell group university and the other a post-1992. Institutional culture and path dependency play a major role in the willingness of institutions to generate and share knowledge. Each institution exemplified a distinct path-dependency that underpinned cultural expectations but in each case internal and external factors were necessitating changes regarding knowledge sharing and generation which affected individual perspectives and organizational structures. The paper concludes by purporting that certain universities display critical junctures and cultural transformation in terms of knowledge generation, dissemination and sharing.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of firms’ innovation success, using the firm-level data from the Japanese National Innovation Survey. We focus on the relationship between organizational and human resource management practices for research and development (R&D) and product/process innovation. We find that interdivisional cooperation/teams and the creation/relocation/integration of R&D centers are positively associated with both product and process innovation. Having board members with an R&D background is positively associated with product innovation, implying that top-down R&D decision-making may be important for firms to introduce new products. Among the factors examined, personnel assessment reflecting R&D outcomes appears to have an especially strong relationship with product innovation. Moreover, the positive relationship between the creation/relocation/integration of R&D centers and innovation success suggests that drastic organizational changes can work as a clear signal of firms’ determination to pursue an innovation-oriented strategy and help to accelerate innovation success.  相似文献   

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