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1.The only language is easy to learn is the m other language.A.which B.that C.w hose D.it2.D o you still rem em ber the day I first cam e to Beijing?A.which B.that C.w hen D.w here3.Im going to visit the school m y m other taught physics ten yearsago.A.where B.that C.w hich D.w hat4.—H ow do you like the cake?—Its quite differentfrom I had last m onth.A.that B.w hich C.the one D.the one w hat5.The N ile,electricity is produced,no longer destroys villagesand crops.A.which B.from w h…  相似文献   

1.W e leave to your judgm ent you should do it. A .this;that B .it;that C.it;w hether D .that;if 2.The old m an always thinks of he can do m ore for the people. A .what B .how C .if D .w hatever 3.I don tdoubt the scientists will soon find a way to get ri…  相似文献   

1.①Istillrem em berthe days Iworked with the farm ers.②Istillrem em berthe days Ispentwith the farm ers.A.which B.on which C.when D.what2.①W e were on the way itbegan to rain.②Idon蒺tlike the way you speak to yourparents.A.when B.that C.who D.which3.①The teacherdidn蒺tknow the reason she was absentyesterday.②The teacher couldn蒺tacceptthe reason she explained yester鄄day.A.how B.why C.that D.who4.①Is this school you evervisited?②Is this the school you everstudied?③Is this the …  相似文献   

1.We still remember the day we spent doing the experiment.A.when B.which C.what D.on which2.The house Lu Xun once lived is over there.A.where B.which C.that D.when3.From time to time we must look up the words.A.we don$t know their meaningsB.which we don$t know the meaningsC.whose meanings we don$t knowD.meanings of which we don$t know4.Is this book you want?A.that B.which C.the one D.one that5.Finally,the thief handed everything he had stolen to the police.A.which B.what C.whatever D.…  相似文献   

1. His illness has not developed to the point you know nobody and no medicine can cure it. A. where B. which C. that D. what 2. Li Ping, home to see your mother; it is said that she is serious- ly ill. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go 3. Once , the book wh…  相似文献   

1.W e m etsuch a difficultproblem none ofus could work out.(work后面加it)A.that B.w hich C.and D.as2.This is one of the film s that greatly interested us.(one前面加the或only)A.has B.is C.are D.have3.Is this the m useum they are going to visit tom orrow?(去掉the)A.where B.that C.there D.the one4.H e s very tall,we allknow it.(去掉it)olenA.and B.that C.as D.this5.I saw the sam e film you lastw eek.(you后面加did)A.as B.w hich C.that D.×6.fail to finish the task should be criticized.(fail…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 选择填空 1.M any boys and girls are m ade what they’r not . A.to do;interested B.to do;interested in C.do;interested in D.doing;interested 2.─H ello。W ould you like to go to the concert with m e tonight? ─I’m sorry,I can’t.M other won’t m e to go out in the evening. A.let B.allow C.offer D.ask 3.Don’t buy things in a hurry.Only when prices can you see which is m ore expensive and which is cheaper. A.are listed B.are list C.list D.will be listed 4.M any restaurants,especially…  相似文献   

1. he was chosen m ade us happy , but he chose from the presents m ade us angry. A.W hat ; what B .W hat ; that C .That ; that D .That ; w hat 2.Y esterday we heard the news our team had w on the m atch , but we did nothear the bestnews excited everyone. A .that ; which B .that ; that C.which ; that D .which ; which 3.They asked her with her. A .whatw as the m atter B .w hatthe m atter was C.whatwas wrong D .both A and C 4.M rW ang is no longer he w as two years ago.W e don蒺tknow happ…  相似文献   

AShcoloFirendfoEnlgsih1.The car ran into a crowd of middle school students,____to hospitalimmediately.A.two of whom sent B.two of them sentC.two of whom are sent D.two of them sending2.He reached London in1996,____,some time later,he became afamous actor.A.where B.when C.which D.that3.———Is that the small town you often refer to?———Right,just the one____you know I used to work for years.A.that B.which C.where D.what4.Have you taken down everything____Mr.Smith has said?A.which B.…  相似文献   

1.This is the departm ent_______ M rSm ith hasserved for30 years.A . in which B.what C .forwhich D .w hom2.Idon蒺tlike _______.A .young m en sm oke B .young m en sm okingC.young m en蒺ssm oke D .thatyoung m en sm oke3.W as itLondon _______ M arx m ade the base forhis revolutionary work?A .w here B.in which C.which D .that4.In the end they had to _____ to youropinion.A .give up B .give away C.give off D .give in5.So eagerly _____ to konw the resultofthe com petition thatshe wouldn蒺tgo …  相似文献   

Unit 8 First aidⅠ.单项填空1.IfI hadn tstood under the ladderto catch you when you fell,younow.A.wouldn tbe sm iling B.couldn t have sm iledC.won t sm ile D.didn tsm ile2.I tried hard to get som e inform ation about the new technology out ofhis m outh,but he rem ained.A.quiet B.secret C.silent D.calm3.—She is badly hurt.W hatshall we do to her?—and m ake a telephone callto the num ber of120.A.Leave her and go hom e B.Leave her by herselfC.Leave here where itis D.Leave her where she …  相似文献   

1.①Tom is a student Ithink is diligent.②Tom is a student Ithink(to be)diligent.A.who B.what C.which D.whom2.①Itwasthe trainingthathe had asayoung m anm ade him such a good engineer.②m ade him such a good engineer was the train-ing thathe had as a young m an.A.what(W hat)B.that(That)C.which(W hich)D.whoever(W hoever)3.①One ofm en held the view the book said wasright.②O ne ofthe m en held the view the theory wasright.A.which B.that C.what D.thatwhat4.①Ifind to learn English.②Ifi…  相似文献   

1.——Which subject do you like?——I____English to Chinese.A.like B.prefer C.hope D.enjoy2.——What do you think____the new film?——I like it a lot.A.up B.over C.out D.of3.I like the new teacher____came here the day before yesterday.A.whom B.who C.which D.where4.I hope to visit places____are very beautiful and interesting.A.where B.that C.who D.when5.——Where have you been?——I have been to____.A.anywhere warm B.somewhere warmC.warm anywhere D.warm somewhere6.——What should I d…  相似文献   

1. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town____ he grew up as a child. A. which B. where C. that D. when 2.____we can't get seems better than____we have. A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what 3.____we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where  相似文献   

U nit1M aking a D ifferenceⅠ.单项填空1.I failed in the finalexam inations lastterm and only then the im-portance ofstudies.A.I realized B.I had realizedC.had I realized D.did I realize2.Som etim es itw as a bitboring to work there because there wasn talwaysm uch to do.A.such B.that C.m ore D.quite3.I can lend the m oney to you,but you m ust that you ll pay itback in due tim e.A.engage B.im agine C.scan D.predictolden4.W e wanted to get hom e before dark,but it didn t quite asplanned.A…  相似文献   

1.H e’s in good health.Every m orning hefor a walk in the park.A.shall go B.doC.will go D.is going2.—W ould you open the door,please?—Yes,I.A.will B.do C.would D.can3.W henever I was in trouble,shecom e to m y help.A.was used to B.wouldC.always D.should4.H elp m e with the heavy box,you?A.don’t B.will C.do D.shall5.—he open the window?—Yes,please.A.Shall B.W illC.Ought D.W ould6.You that article yesterday?A.should finishB.would have finishedC.should have finishedD.ought to finish7.W hy did you keep it a sec...  相似文献   

1.—W here is G eorge?H e said he would m eetm e here at3o clock.—H e seem s with M r Brow n in the office.A.to talk B.to be talkingC.to have talked D.talking2.Itw as so large a room thata hundred people looked in it.A.losing B.lost C.to lose D.having lost3.I tried hard to get som e inform ation about the new technology out ofhis m outh,but he rem ained.A.quiet B.secret C.silent D.calm4.A m erica w as was first called“India”by Colum bus.A.that B.w here C.w hat D.the place5.The flo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1.—H ave you watered the plants ? —Yes,I have watered them . A.already;already B.yet;yet C.already;yet D.yet;already 2.—Are you ready,M ike? —No,I the refrigerator yet. A.haven’t cleaned out B.hadn’t cleaned out C.am not cleaning out D.can’t clean out 3.Today I have chores to do,so I’m busy. A.too m uch B.m uch too C.too m any D.m any too 4.—H ow long you here since you last saw her ? —For about a year. A.have;com e B.have;been C.did;com e D.were;com e 5.W e rea…  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hatare they?B:They are playing basketball.A:W hatare you to do?B:Im going to playing football.2.A:W hats the w eathertoday?B:Its very cold.A:W ill it be a littletom orrow?B:N o,itw illbe m uch colder.3.A:W here are you going?B:W e re going to the.A:W hatare you going to do?B:G o.4.A:Excuse m e,wheres the near-esthospital?B:W alk this street,andtake the second turning onthe.A:Thank you.5.A:were you not here yes-terday?B:Because m y m other was …  相似文献   

1.It so nice a day,lets go outfor a walk.A.is B.has been C.being D .was2.The m an in the chair asked m e to .A.seated;seated B.sitting;sittingC.seating;seat D .seated;be seated3.—A re you a three-good student?—No,butI do wish .A.to B.so C.to be D .×4.Ican thave you such things aboutm y girlfriend.A.say B.saying C.to say D .said5.You have no business to m e the way you did yesterday.A.abouttalking B.talkingC.talked D .on talking6.W hom would you ratherhave with you,him or m e?A.to …  相似文献   

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