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Tom, Tim and Jim are three little pigs and they are brothers. They want to make their new houses. Look, Tom's new house is not strong, but he feels happy in it. Tim's house is not very strong but he thinks it's OK for him to live in it. Jim lives in his new house. It is very strong. There's a big bad wolf.  相似文献   

go jump in the lake
To go away and quit being a bother.
John was tired of Tom's advice and told him to go jump in the lake. (John was tired of Tom's advice and told him to go away and quit bothering him.)  相似文献   

"Tom, what's the matter with your brother? "asked the mother in the kitchen. "He' s crying."
"Oh, nothing, Mum," replied Tom. "I'm eating my cake. He is crying because I won't give him any."  相似文献   

A little sheep is eager to have beautiful shoes.He looks like a gentleman On his birthday,his father gave him a pair of shoes. "I have four feet, but there is only one pair of shoes," the little sheep says.  相似文献   

A Tom is a lazy boy. He is not good at his studies at school. His mother is very worried about him.This day, Tom comes home from school. His mother says to him, "Give me your exercise book. Let me have a look.""Yes, mum."Tom passes his exercise book  相似文献   

Tom became a college student. Several weeks later, his parents decided to visit him. His mother was careful to call him a few days in advance to "warn "Tom that  相似文献   

A Lazy Bee     
一、故事内容 There are two bees. One is Jack, and the other is Tom. One sunny day, Jack is working, but Tom is sleeping. So Jack says to Tom, "Tom, Tom, get up. It's sunny. It's warm. It's time to work." Tom gets up and says, "It's sunny and warm today. It's time to play." One day, it's cloudy. It's cool.  相似文献   

Tom's Dream     
Tom's father is a doctor,and ever since Tom was a little boy hisparents have wanted Tom to become a doctor too.Tom,however,wouldrather be an artist.All his life Tom has loved to draw and paint.Peo-ple say that he is very talented.Tom's parents say it would be foolish for Tom to become an artist.His father tells him that doctors help people and artists don't.His mothertells him that artists don't make enough money to support themselves.  相似文献   

Do you know all the laws in your country? What about America? America has some incredible laws. Do you know that in the state of Alabama it' s illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs? Yes, that's it. You are prohibited from taking your pet donkey and placing him in the bath in order to wash him. This is the start of a new mini-series on some of America's dumbest laws. Here are some from Alabama, Alaska and Arizona (US English spelling)  相似文献   

(A) One day Tom's mother looked at Tom's shoes and said,"Tom, look at your shoes. How dirty they are!You must clean them." "Oh, Mum, but I cleaned them only yesterday," said the boy.  相似文献   

1. There' s a new employee just arrived in the office. What do you say to him? a) Here, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone. b) I' m the boss here and don't forget it, Now go and make some teat2. A junior colleague comes to you for help understanding a document. What do you say?  相似文献   

Just for Fun!     
1.Tom has a black eye. Tom is a good student. One day he goes home with a black eye. His mother looks at him and ask," What s wrong, Tom?"[第一段]  相似文献   

A man called Zhang bought a new bed.He paid a lot of moneyfor it and he wanted to show it to all his friends.But he did notknow how to show it to all his friends.Then,one day,he thought of away.He told everyone that he was ill and he stayed in bed.In awhile.his friends came to visit him.They all went into his bedroom.One of them,a man called Wu,had just bought some new shoes andhe was very proud of them.Sitting next to Zhang’s bed,he lifted uphis feet and put his shoes on top of the bed so that Zhang could seethem.After a few minutes of nobody saying anything,Wu said,“Well,what’s wrong with you?”  相似文献   

冰洋 《高中生之友》2016,(Z2):57-58
A:Tom’s Troubles Tom is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has troubles.Some elder boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.Tom is very unhappy and he doesn’t know how to do and what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.Everyone needs friends.Because of friendship,we’ll be a special and better man.  相似文献   

冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(Z3):57-58
A:Tom’s Troubles Tom is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has troubles.Some elder boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.Tom is very unhappy and he doesn’t know how to do and what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.Everyone needs friends.Because of friendship,we’ll be a special and better man.  相似文献   

Forrest Gump     
Forrest: Hello. My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. You wanna chocolate. I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always said “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.” Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.  相似文献   

It was October 1.It was Tom's birthday.Hesaw a card on the table when he came back home.It said,“There is a present for you,Tom.L ook forit in your room.”Tom ran to his room,His parentswere watching him and smiling.On His bed he sawa new red box.He thought,“My presentmust be init.”He opened it.There was nothing but a card init.He took it out and read,“Dear Tom,I am yourpresent.My first letter is in the word‘pear’,butnot in the word‘bear’.My second letter is in‘tell’but not i…  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Tom is a very old man.After dinner,he likes walking in the street.And he goes to bed at seven o’clock.But tonight,a car stopped at his house.A policeman helps him get out.He tells Tom’s wife,"The old man couldn’t find his way in the street.He asked me to take him in the car."After the policeman leaves there,his wife asks,"Tom,you go to  相似文献   

1.Tom lived in a one—parent family(单亲家庭).He’S got only a father who WaS silent(沉默寡言的).Tom didn’t think his father loved him.Inreturn.he had never said“I love you”to his fatheras other children would do坳their fathers. 3.One day.Tom told hisfather that he wou]d die for thebeggar.His father said,“Let’Sinvite him to live together WithHS.” 2.Howevet,Tom did lore someone。That’S a beggar(乞丐)at the corner of thestreet where Tom’S family lived.ToIn spentmost of his spare …  相似文献   

Do you remember the story about Tom?Which Way does he choose?Now.I will tell you the answer. A:Tom decides to wait and asks them to play with him.But Alex and John keep playing with their trucks.They don't invite Tom to play with them.How sad Tom is!  相似文献   

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