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纺织品和服装行业是中国出口贸易出口的优势行业,也是有关进口国大行贸易保护主义的重点领域。WTO对中国纺织品出口的严格制约,《纺织品与服装协议》的“漏洞”及其它国际因素的影响是中国纺织品扣服装出口贸易摩擦的主要原因。分析这些原因,有助于规避大量贸易摩擦的产生。  相似文献   

简要地介绍了无线传感器网络不同于传统网络的特点,将现有传感器网络路由协议分为平面路由协议和分层聚类协议两类,并对其中典型的路由协议进行了分析。最后结合该领域当前研究现状,指出了路由协议未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

首先对IPX协议结构进行了分析,在此基础上,论述了利用IPX协议实现数据通信的工作原理,最后以一个实例说明IPX协议在数据通信中的应用。  相似文献   

纺织品是我国一个重要的支柱产业 ,其产值约占中国工业总产值的 1 / 6,就业人数达数百万。自 80年代以来 ,纺织品出口总额一直占全国出口总额的 2 5 %以上 ,是我国最大的出口项目。青岛是我国的纺织工业基地 ,在我国的纺织品出口总额中 ,青岛一直占有较大份额 ,产品远销欧美、东南亚各国 ,纺织品加工、出口成为青岛地区的一项重要的出口创汇产业。自 90年代以来 ,随着国际贸易中纺织品贸易保护主义日益严重 ,发展中国家纺织品出口竞争激烈化 ,我国的纺织品出口受到严重挑战 ,外贸出口额连续下降 ,国际市场占有量减少 ,大量出口纺织产品积压 …  相似文献   

吴春梅 《柳州师专学报》2004,19(3):102-104,107
PPP协议(Point-to-Point Protocol)是目前广域网上应用最广泛的协议之一,PPP是为在同等单元之间传输数据包而设计的链路层协议。本文通过对PPP协议进行剖析,分析了PPP的基本原理,并简单介绍了PPP的连接过程。  相似文献   

后配额时代中国纺织服装业的对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国是所有纺织服装出口国中受限国别、类别最多的国家 ,且中国的配额基数是依据设限前对欧美的出口业绩而确定的 ,配额数量较低。2 0 0 5年取消配额限制后 ,我国纺织品服装市场将扩大 ,出口量增多。但是反倾销、纺织品特别保障措施、技术标准和社会条款将可能成为欧、美等发达国家在纺织品服装配额取消后新的贸易壁垒。“后配额时代”的机遇与挑战并存。中国纺织服装业只有提高产业竞争力 ;遵循多赢原则 ,加强与各国同行及相关产业之间的合作 ;加快认证步伐 ,积极参与国际诉讼 ;建立适应国际竞争的产业服务体系 ;以健康的心态面对贸易摩擦和争端 ,才能成为正直地纺织品出口强国。  相似文献   

目前,Intemet的各种应用正在迅速普及,然而Intemet当前使用的IP协议版本——Ipv4因为自身的各种缺陷已举步维艰。为了解决Ipv4存在的问题。IETF从1995年开始着手研究开发下一代IP协议,即Ipv6。通过对其优点和主要特点的归纳,并从网络安全机制研究的角度出发,着重对Ipv6网络安全协议的相关内容:Ipv6头部扩展头部、地址类型及表示方法进行分析。  相似文献   

采用协议分析的方法,通过对地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol,ARP)的工作原理和数据帧格式的分析,直观地展示了ARP协议的工作过程、协议存在的漏洞以及协议漏洞可能引起的缓存篡改行为,并给出了防止ARP缓存篡改的方法。  相似文献   

解析SSL握手协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SSL协议是网络安全的重要协议,被广泛应用于安全数据传输与互联网交易中.它分为记录层协议和握手协议.握手协议允许服务器和客户端相互认证,在传输数据前协商加密算法和密码密钥,本文就握手协议的原理加以解析.  相似文献   

仲裁协议是仲裁的基石。仲裁协议效力是仲裁法律制度中的重要内容。本文根据我国仲裁法的规定,结合仲裁实践中关于仲裁协议效力易发生的争议,对于仲裁协议的形式、无效仲裁协议、有瑕疵的仲裁协议效力的认定、仲裁协议效力异议的提出等问题进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

阿坝师专职教发展,已是当务之急,更是长远之计。文章根据阿坝师专的实际和特点,提出以市场为导向,发挥优势,强化特色,稳步发展,以满足民族地区社会和个人日益增长的对教育多元化的需求。  相似文献   

阿坝师专职教发展,已是当务之急,更是长远之计。文章根据阿坝师专的实际和特点,提出以市场为导向,发挥优势,强化特色,稳步发展,以满足民族地区社会和个人日益增长的对教育多元化的需求。  相似文献   

In an effort to establish a baseline of technology competency among our entering education students, our College of Education began implementing the Assessment of Technology Competencies (ATC) in Fall 2003. This performance-based assessment evaluates word-processing, presentation, spreadsheet, graphic/drawing, and Internet skills. Although students are not required to pass the ATC, failure impacts their final grade in an Introduction to Education course. This paper explores the impact this assessment has had on the students' use and development of technology in subsequent courses. Student perceptions of the ATC and its impact were elicited through a self-reported survey administered in a junior-level education course. Results indicate that the ATC has facilitated technology use among the participants. Respondents also revealed that their high school experiences with technology adequately prepared them for passing the ATC, despite the fact that most students are unable to pass the ATC in the first attempt.  相似文献   


Scholars studying the global governance of education have noted the increasingly important role corporations play in educational policy making. I contribute to this scholarship by examining the Assessment and Teaching of twenty-first century skills (ATC21S?) project, a knowledge production apparatus operating under cognitive capitalism. I analyze how ATC21S gains symbolic power and authority as it defines what counts in education through three key processes: (1) By legitimizing and disseminating new knowledge about twenty-first century skills; (2) By implementing this knowledge concretely in schools and (3) By embedding this new knowledge within a global alliance. I suggest that the knowledge produced by ATC21S in calculating and measuring twenty-first century skills contributes to the capture of living labor and its reproduction for the knowledge economy through the school system.  相似文献   

通过对武钢股份质检中心员工结构及生产背景的分析,就如何搭建平台,促进团队学习以及完善操作人员培训激励机制进行讨论。由此形成良好的团队学习氛围,催生了一支由工人技师组成的专业技工队伍,为质检中心全面实现"科技质检"奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

以某型号数控加工中心为例,介绍了与其自动换刀功能相关的刀库和换刀机械手、气动系统、液压系统、电气系统的结构,并结合上述各部分结构描述详细说明了换刀动作原理及其控制过程。  相似文献   

以深圳职业技术学院汽车电子产品检测与鉴定技术公共服务平台(简称ATC平台)为例。通过瞄准国家战略新兴产业,合力打造政、产、学、研、测、认、用一体化的国家、省、市北斗卫星导航产业联盟.协同北斗产业联盟,进行北斗、车联网应用产业化推广和产业转型升级活动,共同构建产学研用协同育人的平台.将创新和应用研究融入ATC平台协同育人的“创新型制作、项目课程、毕业作品”三创课程体系,进行“创意、创新、创业”三创人才培养,探索中国高等职业教育复合式创新型应用人才培养模式.  相似文献   

The safety and efficiency of air traffic are significantly affected by adverse weather. This holds especially in terminal maneuvering areas (TMA) where, in addition to the impact of weather itself, potential weather avoidance routes are strongly restricted by air traffic regulations. A weather avoidance model DIVMET has been developed which proposes a route through a field of developing thunderstorms. Air traffic control regulations have not been included in it at this stage. DIVMET was applied to the TMA of Hong Kong International Airport as air traffic control (ATC) there has become interested in improving the controller’s work load, especially for managing incoming traffic by avoidance route simulations. Although visual inspection of simulated avoidance routes by ATC was satisfactory, a quantitative validation of simulated with real observed routes was also carried out. Two real adverse weather situations with thunderstorms within the TMA of Hong Kong and with heavily distorted traffic were chosen. The main objective prior to any validation, however, was to identify routes which are solely impacted by weather but do not show any signs of regulation. Route selection was done on the base of flight position data. Landing flights were selected and deviations from standard approach routes were analyzed. As a result, the majority of 272 flights were found to be affected by both weather and regulations (60%), highlighting the challenge for air traffic controllers to manage landing traffic under adverse weather conditions safely and efficiently. Only a few weather-affected flights (7%) were not regulated and could be used for validation. DIVMET simulation routes were presented to local air traffic controllers who confirmed them as potential and realistic avoidance routes. DIVMET weather avoidance route simulations within a TMA appear to be helpful but further model development has to incorporate traffic regulations, to include holdings, short-cuts, and slow-downs.  相似文献   

目前大多数E-learning支持系统基于内容对象设计,由此造成的学习者控制、网络迷失和认知超载等问题已成为制约E—learning发展的瓶颈。本文借鉴“工作流”的理念,结合学习活动的流程化特性,提出了“学习流”的概念,并建立了学习流的数学模型——ATC模型,在此基础上分析了学习流的构成要素和控制策略设计,试图为E—learning系统的设计和开发提供新的思路和视角。最后简要介绍了本研究开发的基于“学习流”理念的管理系统功能架构,该系统已于2006年成功地应用于一项由教育部主持的面向全国的教师培训项目。研究结果表明,学习者对于“学习流”管理系统支持下的培训有着很高的评价和认同度;采用基于“学习流”的方式组织和管理学习活动,可以大大提高系统的易用性和学习活动的组织效率,避免学习者网络迷航,从而为实施有效教学、促进有意义的学习创造了条件。  相似文献   

用ASP技术开发了网上ATC模拟考试系统,重点介绍了系统工作流程、数据库结构、VB—Script代码编写和容错性的实现方法等。  相似文献   

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