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随着全球环境问题的日趋恶化,生态危机备受世界各国的关注,人类开始重新审视自身和自然的关系,并因此产生了与教育密切相关的生态道德问题,生态道德教育也因此应运而生。将生态道德教育纳入德育体系,使得如何处理人与自然的关系成为新的教育内容,两者的相辅相成必将为人与自然和谐共存,社会的可持续发展提供更好的保障。  相似文献   

海德格尔天地神人四重奏思想的提出,得益于他对整个时代状况的分析和人类存在的重新审视,得益于他对科技本质的精辟阐释。他在对技术本质的批判过程中,逐渐孕育出了世界的四重结构这一思想,用以揭示技术时代对存在的遮蔽,克服技术本性对人的束缚和支配,使人从技术世界中逃避存在、背离存在的主体,蜕变为存在的守护者,栖居于由天地神人构成的四重世界中。  相似文献   

Summary Fostering an understanding and appreciation of the natural world should be one of the major goals of an early-childhood education program. This goal becomes increasingly important as the lives of young children tend to be more and more separate, or distant, from the world of nature. Most children spend relatively little time outdoors and have few opportunities to explore the world of nature. While children in early childhood programs should have quality time outdoors every day, they should also be given a wide variety of opportunities to learn about the natural world through the experiences they have while inside the classroom. Teachers can do many things to bring the outdoors in and, in the process, to make “learning about the natural environment” a more integral part of what children do and experience throughout the day.  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of early adolescents' environmental involvement based on a study with 10–13‐year‐olds. Drawing from literal and metaphorical interviews, a visual survey and visual maps, the study points to the dimensions of environmental involvement: connectedness, engagement with the environment, questioning, belief in capacity, taking a stance and strategic action. Children's agency runs across the dimensions, as children intentionally and strategically figure their way through significant life influences, beliefs towards nature and age‐defined barriers. Of interest is what the sources of environmental involvement are, as well as how a child interacts and engages in situations and with resources at hand. Along with awakening to the natural environment, children are discovering themselves and carving a place in the world.  相似文献   

This article attempts to visualise the way in which children and young people think about a specific topic, namely the environment. The aim is to make the thinking of children and young people available and to interpret the meaning of their thoughts about our environment. The theoretical roots of the study are to be found within the phenomenology of the lifeworld. The study is based on empirical material consisting of drawings produced by 109 children and young people, combined with subsequent oral comments. During the drawing analysis different structures and patterns gradually crystallised, and eventually four different themes emerged, consisting of thoughts which focus on the following: the good world, the bad world, the dialectics between the good and the bad world, and symbols and actions protecting the environment. It can be stated that the results which emerged, in the form of the thoughts of the children and young people on the environment, reflect a thinking characterisedby many nuances, such as clean and unspoilt nature in different manifestations, the need for human beings to use nature for recreation and well-being, environmental destruction in different forms, and direct or indirect ways of taking care of the prevailing environmental situation.  相似文献   

Many barriers restrict children’s access to nature resulting in negative consequences, including a lack of opportunities to learn and engage with the natural environment. Fortunately, environmental education programs offer participants an opportunity to counteract these challenges. While the benefits of environmental education as measured by pre-determined outcomes are well documented, research focused on participants’ perceptions and preferences related to their environmental learning experiences continues to be under-represented in the literature. Using a pre-/post-test survey approach, this study aimed to explore how an earth education summer camp, Sunship Earth TM, contributed to participants environmental learning experiences. Results suggest that Sunship Earth TM provides children with various EL opportunities that help to increase their understanding of some ecological concepts. Results also suggest that this learning experience may have helped to broaden participants’ understanding of environmental issues and actions, as well as enhance feelings of care, interest, and responsibility towards the environment.  相似文献   

闫伟 《惠州大学学报》2009,(1):21-24,104
海德格尔认为尽管技术的本质是集置,技术在摆置和促逼自然的同时,也摆置和促逼着人,但在技术那里,仍有存在在。只有存在在,技术才在。技术,也属于存在自我运作的领域,在它那里有着存在的现身。技术与艺术/诗在生活世界中并行不悖,因此人若要在大地上诗意的栖居,就必须既需要艺术/诗,也需要技术来为人类服务,如此,人才有可能建设一个和谐的地球,这一人类共同的家园。  相似文献   

人地关系与环境伦理   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
全世界面临着人口、资源、环境和发展等一系列问题和严峻挑战。我们要反恩人类社会发展的经验与教训,正确认识人地关系,协调处理好人与自然的关系。树立正确的环境伦理观念。这是贯彻实施全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观.建设和谐社会的重要前提。人类是地球自然界的一部分.应当以尊重自然及其内在价值为基础来规范人类的实践活动,构建新时代的文明发展模式。环境伦理与可持续发展观在形成和社会功能上有密切的联系。要实施可持续发展战略,必须十分重视环境伦理的研究、教育和实践。实现人与自然和谐的可持续发展是政府和社会公众的共同责任。环境伦理在区域可持续发展中涉及的应用领域很广,要重视地球系统科学知识的宣传普及,提高公民和决策者的环境意识与可持续发展的伦理观念。  相似文献   

With growing disconnection from the natural world, educators who work in the outdoors need to philosophically rethink their modus operandi. Past efforts by adventure and outdoor educators to promote connection with nature have often centred upon risk-centric approaches incorporating adventure-fuelled and high-adrenalin activities. This paper explores how the Arts may be incorporated into ecopedagogies, and what creative work can reveal about the nature of communication with the environment. ‘Touched by the Earth’ is a year-long place-based enrichment programme using multi-modal creative methods with young adolescent participants. Our research addressed the following questions: what does it mean to be ‘Touched by the Earth’; and how can the Arts amplify a personal relationship with the environment? Data were collected through interviews as well as student-generated material such as artefacts, video and photographs and field observation. Our findings indicate the crucial role the Arts can play in embodied and multi-sensory learning for participants, which in turn nurtures greater nature awareness and attachment. This transformation may, in fact, be termed ‘love’. We conclude that place-based, interdisciplinary and immersive modalities galvanise a deeper appreciation of the natural environment.  相似文献   

蒙台梭瑞教育是意大利教育学家玛利亚·蒙台梭瑞在对孩子童真天性的科学研究中发展而来的被目前世界上公认的最优秀的幼儿教育模式之一。蒙台梭瑞认为遵从孩子自然个性而进行教育的原则是注意观察、尊重个性、迁就环境。目前在美国有许多蒙台梭瑞组织,各蒙台梭瑞组织间能够相互协调与全面合作。  相似文献   

孔颖达恢复汉人以象数解易的传统,以"元气"①释易之太极。天(阳气)地(阴气)交感,产生了万事万物、人伦社会,二者共同构成了生生不息的大化流行。感应之道遍布于宇宙万物的各个层面。心物彼此感受对方的节奏和生命。人心感万物所生的念虑之情在自然而然的本性的指引下成为审美之情,生生之宇宙由此而成为人情化、审美化的宇宙。  相似文献   

This article presents an Environmental Identity Development model, which considers the progression of young children’s self-cognitions in relation to the natural world. We recontextualize four of Erikson’s psychosocial stages, in order to consider children’s identity development in learning in, about, and for the environment. Beginning with Trust in Nature vs. Mistrust in Nature, we argue that cognitions of comfort in the natural world vs. discomfort, provide the foundation for healthy environmental identity development. This trusting bond/relationship with nature allows children to gain Spatial Autonomy through collectively or independently creating their own sense of place in nature vs. feelings of doubt or Environmental Shame. As children progress, they gain Environmental Competencies, creative innovations to use the environment for both personal and social purposes vs. separation from nature or Environmental Disdain. Such competencies promote children’s agency in exercising Environmental Action, applied care/ethics aimed at building a sustainable future, as opposed to behaviors that cause Environmental Harm. Young children’s environmental identity develops in diverse ways and in distinct sociocultural and geographical contexts. Caregivers/educators play a unique role in recognizing and supporting the needs of individual children as they progress towards healthy environmental identity development.  相似文献   

Maureen Walsh 《Literacy》2003,37(3):123-130
What does the ‘reading’ of pictures reveal compared with the reading of print? The researcher examines aspects of visual literacy through the responses of young children to two picture storybooks. The findings emphasise how images can evoke different levels of response. The study confirms that we need to reconsider the nature of reading and reading education in an environment where words and print are no longer the dominant medium. Examples of responses are shown from children who are native speakers of English, as well as from children for whom English is a second language.  相似文献   

波普尔所彰显的是具有自主性的文化,作为传统意义的认识主体——人在彰显中被消解了。在没有主体的认识世界里,人不再是主宰者而是一位参与者,人必须皈依其生存的环境才能重新认识自己,认识世界,认识人与自然环境、文化之间的关系,进而积极的参与地球生态环境的维系。这大概就是三个世界理论的生态关怀意识的真正体现。  相似文献   

Due to the pervasive nature of computers in all areas of our society, it comes as no surprise that they are creeping into the world of preschoolers. The issue is no longer whether or not it is appropriate to use computers with very young children, but rather how they can be used effectively with them.Janet Fowle McLanahan is an Associate Professor and Chair of Early Childhood Education at North Shore Community College in Beverly, MA.  相似文献   

童本作文教学,是以儿童的"生存、生活、生长、生命"为本位的作文教学。田园背景中的童本作文教学,必须着力让农村儿童学会用自己的眼睛观察、审视、聚焦自己"生"之环境,必须着意让农村儿童学会用自己的心灵触摸、体验、感悟自己"生"之态势,必须着重让农村儿童学会用自己的语言表述、描绘、记录自己"生"之色彩,进而更好地保护农村儿童天性、激发农村儿童灵性、生成农村儿童个性。  相似文献   

幼儿主要通过听、看、闻等方式接触世界,了解世界,逐渐丰富自身对世界的认知。幼儿园创设良好的自然角环境有利于提高幼儿的多种能力,对激发幼儿自主探究的欲望有重要的意义和积极的影响。幼儿教师应合理利用自然角提高幼儿的观察、记录、思考、理解等能力,激发幼儿对自然界的好奇,帮助幼儿认识世界。  相似文献   

客家风水文化中“天人合一”的自我观以及和谐整体的环境观,把个体视为周围环境的一部分,把自然界(现实环境)视为人类的朋友,而不是人类崇拜或者征服的对象。客家风水文化的这种整体和谐的环境观有助于人们学会如何更好地作自然的朋友,营造健康快乐的心理环境;研究它对中国古代心理思想的挖掘以及当代环境心理、生态心理学等学科的发展都有着一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Learning takes place in various spaces through human and nonhuman interactions. Considering the urgent need for rethinking how humans relate to nature, in this article we present a MA level course in the context of art, craft and design to discuss how learning with the natural environment approach can impact learning experiences. We introduce walking with nature as a creative method that fosters students’ ability to let the environment actively shape their creative events. The encounter with nature-based materials in their different forms and following the material's flow provides students with a foundation for their creative processes. This study proposes that walking can facilitate the entanglement between the student's knowledge and encountered materials, generating an emotional and dialogical relationship with the natural environment that contributes to a holistic learning experience. We propose that such an experience can help in comprehending the importance of the caring actions we need to take and maintain towards the nonhuman world.  相似文献   

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