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一、研究背景团体辅导作为一种心理辅导方法已在欧美及亚洲等地得到了广泛的应用和发展,由于团体心理辅导具有教育、发展、预防和治疗的功能,多年来它在学校教育中所发挥的作用越来越显著。在我国台湾,团体心理辅导已被普遍认为有助于青少年学生健康成长,许多学校针对学生的不同需要,拟订适宜的团体辅导计划,以满足学生学业进步、环境适应、习惯养成、人格成长、交友等需求。研究表明,团体辅导在学校教育中有着广泛的应用领域,有专家预言,学校心理素质教育将朝着以团体辅导训练为主,个别心理辅导为辅的趋势发展。目前,团体辅导这种心理辅导…  相似文献   

施静娟 《考试周刊》2007,(47):140-141
学校心理辅导与教学工作并列被喻为现代学校的两个轮子,在某种意义上,学校心理辅导已成为现代学校的一个重要标志,它对中小学生的健康成长和学校教育改革有重要作用。做好学校心理辅导可以通过建立学生个性化心理档案、开设学校心理辅导课、建立心理辅导营、进行个别心理辅导、引导家长协同配合和参与等方式来进行,以达到充分开发每一个学生的潜能,使每一个学生的心理达到较高的健康发展水平。  相似文献   

学校心理辅导的偏差及其纠正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国学校心理辅导虽取得了一定的成绩,但也出现了一些偏差,如医学化、个别化和形式化的倾向,纠正这些偏差首先在于对学校心理辅导的正确认识.学校心理辅导的意义在于"助人自助",它应面向全体学生,以发展性辅导为主;学校心理辅导的实施有多种形式,如开设心理辅导活动课程、进行学科渗透以及个别咨询和团体咨询等.  相似文献   

本研究以10名来自农民工唇腭裂已修复患儿为研究对象,对其进行为期7天的术后心理辅导.综合采用团体辅导、个别咨询辅导方式,并对个别成员进行了家庭治疗.经过一周的心理辅导,唇腭裂儿童的心理健康水平有了明显提高.心理辅导与个体心理辅导的相结合的方式是一种较为有效地心理建设模式.  相似文献   

心理活动课是学校心理健康教育的主要途径之一,对学校心理健康教育起着重要的推进作用。心理活动课设计的要素包括辅导主题、辅导目标、辅导过程、辅导方法、辅导素材和效果评价手段等。  相似文献   

学校班主任开展心理健康教育要通过面对面开展班级心理健康教育,加强班集体健康心理氛围建设,帮助学生解决心理困扰;要对部分学生开展心理辅导,实施小组心理辅导和个别心理辅导,增强发展自我的能力和潜力。  相似文献   

班主任心理辅导模式的理论研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学校心理辅导包括发展性心理辅导与矫治性心理辅导,班主任心理辅导属于发展性心理辅导模式。发展性心理辅导有三个要点:面向全体学生;促进学生的人格健全发展;促进学生的个体潜能发挥。学校心理辅导是德育的组成部分和现代教育的重要内容。与理论内涵对应,班主任在涉入心理辅导领域时,也要涉入德育领域和教育领域。因此,班主任应具备三种角色的品质:教育内涵的教师、德育内涵的班主任、心理辅导内涵的心理辅导员。  相似文献   

本研究通过对不同学习心理状况的小学生进行学习心理辅导,帮助他们开发自身学习潜能,掌握学习方法和提高学习适应性。实验结果表明,对教师进行培训,转变教师的教育观念、开设学习心理辅导课、在学科教学和班主任工作中渗透学习心理辅导、有效开展团体学习心理辅导和个别心理咨询是帮助小学生提高学习能力的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

团体心理辅导作为与个别心理辅导相并列的心理辅导形式,在提高大学生心理健康水平,促进人格健康成长方面具有自身独特的功能优势、技术优势、效率优势和成效优势。因此,在高校中有针对性的引人团体心理辅导的理念、方法和技巧,对大学生心理健康教育工作有重要的意义。  相似文献   

发展性班级心理辅导是以班级为单位、以学生发展为目标的一种团体心理辅导.有专家预言,学校心理素质教育将朝着以团体辅导训练为主,个别心理辅导为辅的趋势发展.  相似文献   

如何有效地开展网络心理咨询是当前许多高校心理健康教育工作者面临的一大难题。文章结合中南林业科技大学开展网络心理咨询的经验,阐述实时网络咨询、校园BBS咨询、留言本咨询、电子邮件咨询这四种主要服务形式的优势和具体操作办法,并针对开展过程中出现的问题提出应对措施。  相似文献   

Interest in career development and career counseling is growing in Korea. Nevertheless, neither the research nor the literature adequately address the question as to what applications can be cross-culturally transferred from career counseling centers in the United States to Korea. This study qualitatively examines the practice of career counseling in seven university career counseling centers in the United States in a search for concepts and methods that may be cross-culturally applied to Korean universities. Nine categories of data emerged in our qualitative analysis of information gathered: (a) types of systems; (b) staff; (c) services provided; (d) career assessments; (e) alumni networks; (f) workshops and outreach; (g) publicity; (h) information technology; and (i) facilities. Applications and ideas for the Korean context, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Using cluster analysis, we identified two types of career counseling clients: (a) Clients with moderate levels of career-related distress, discomfort, and uncertainty and (b) clients with high levels of career concerns, personal distress, and stigma about career counseling. The more distressed group expressed lower evaluations of a career counseling session and perceived their counselors as providing fewer action-oriented counseling skills than the less distressed group. No differences emerged in terms of client's perceptions of the therapeutic relationship. The practical implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study of 681 school counselors in Israel examines how counselors allocate their time between counseling tasks and whether their role behavior can be characterized according to distinctive profiles. Three distinctive profiles of role behavior were identified: The traditional profile (40% of the sample), in which individual counseling to students was prominent; the prevention profile (20% of the sample), in which a guidance curriculum with an emphasis on prevention programs was preva1ent; and the balanced profile (40% of the sample), in which the time devoted to the main counseling responsibilities is allocated in relatively equal proportions. Three variables were found to affect the profiles: the school setting (i.e., level), the principals expectations from the counselor and the counselors personal preferences. The findings of this study can contribute to the effort of defining and clarifying the role and function of school counseling in Israel and other countries.  相似文献   

加拿大学者瑞比创制的"自由交谈"等四阶段哲学咨商方法,与儒家哲学"克胜收摄"的启发式咨商方法,两者虽然具有中西哲学起始点与展现场域的差异,但是在助人工具、咨商方法和历程等方面亦有其功能之相通互补之处。比较和分析这两种哲学咨商方法,开展哲学咨商实务的个案成效差异之验证性探究,不仅有助于我们理解中西哲学各自的助人精髓,更利于我们汲取中西哲学咨商方法的精华,推进当代哲学咨商工作的发展。  相似文献   

The introduction of school counseling services into traditional communities that are unfamiliar with counseling is a complex multidimensional process that involves considerable ideological tensions, disputes and obstacles... This paper considers the different trajectories of the recent development of counseling services within two distinctive minority groups in Israel-Arab and the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities. The dynamics of the change process for these traditional communities within the current Israeli social–political context lends support for the advancement of the international counseling community’s vision to promote human welfare and fairness as well as the healthy development of children and youth within diverse cultural contexts. The paper is based on a Keynote address, IAC Conference: Jamaica, April 2004.  相似文献   

本研究设计了“中小学心理辅导现状调查问卷(校长问卷)”,通过对浙江省8个地区148所中小学的抽样调查,对当前中小学心理辅导的现状作了研究,并对影响心理辅导效果的因素进行了相关研究。研究表明:(1)大多数中小学校长对学校开展心理辅导只停留在思想认识上,而在具体实施时,表现得不够重视;(2)学校为心理辅导建立专门的管理体系、每年一定经费的投入、配备一定数量的心理辅导教师、对教师进行专业培训、采取多种辅导形式等五方面因素与心理辅导的实际效果均有显著相关;(3)在经费投入与教师培训方面存在着城乡差异。  相似文献   

网络心理咨询是心理咨询师与当事人使用电子邮件、聊天室或网络视频设备,进行远距离的同步或异步的互动。随着网络的普及,网络心理咨询正日渐被大众接受。网络咨询与面对面咨询相比具有方便快捷、成本低廉、资料易存、匿名虚拟的优势,但也存在一些法律伦理和疗效方面的争议。网络即时视频心理咨询与其他网络心理咨询的形式相比具有独特的优势,效果良好,具有非常广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

The article examines the construct of happiness within the context of counseling and holistic health (body, mind and spirit). It discusses happiness as a goal of counseling as reflected in selected counseling theories that focus on humanistic principles, holistic health, positive psychology, personal growth and the client’s intentional choice-making in life. Moreover, the article considers within-cultural and cross-cultural implications of happiness, and presents recommendations for counseling professionals who counsel clients or train future counselors.  相似文献   

The present study explored the use of counseling among counselor trainees and the characteristics of consumers and nonconsumers. Approximately 61% of those surveyed (n = 85) reported that they had received counseling, with the majority being mental health counseling trainees. Nonconsumers (n = 54) indicated that they coped with problems in other ways but would consider counseling if they experienced trauma.  相似文献   

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