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为了解沙头角湾海域底质的环境状况,通过对沙头角湾海域底泥采样监测,对沉积物样品进行分析,发现沙头角湾底质受到重金属污染,沙头角湾底部淤泥应进行清淤、转运的污染治理措施.  相似文献   

粤西雷州地区民间歌曲雷歌用当地的雷州方言歌唱了人们生产生活的方方面面,既叙事记实,又表情达意。凝聚了历代雷州人民的情感,浓缩了粤西大众的智慧。是广东四大方言歌之一。千百年来,受到当地人民的普遍欢迎。本文在民俗学的视野下,从生产、饮食、婚俗、节日以及精神信仰等几个方面对雷歌进行了观察和分析。以期对雷歌研究和雷州文化的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

雷州师范专科学校党委和行政领导部门相互配合,加强师生的思想政治工作,逐步建立和完善工作机制,探索一条有新意、有实效的路子,受到有关方面的好评。雷州师专党委在进行师生思想政治教育中,既克服软弱无能、放任自流的弊病,又摒弃空洞  相似文献   

论粤西雷歌文化构成的多元性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷歌流行于粤西雷州半岛,2008年入选国家级非物质文化遗产名录,是雷州文化的重要代表之一。随着雷州文化的形成和发展,雷歌不仅承袭了闽南文化的印迹,又受到中原文化的浸润,是土著文化与闽南移民文化、中原汉文化等相互碰撞、渗透、融合而成的多元性再生态民歌。  相似文献   

莱州湾是渤海的三大海湾之一。从古至今,莱州湾的鲐鱼资源变动就十分明显,显著特征是时有时无。其主要原因为鲐鱼不适宜在浑浊的海水里生存。黄土高原的水土流失导致了黄河泥沙含量的提高,而黄河注入到渤海中则影响了莱州湾海水的透明度。近几十年来,莱州湾还受到了沿岸的工业污染和地上河流的陆源污染,这使得莱州湾的海洋环境更加恶化。现如今,多种因素交织导致鲐鱼基本上在莱州湾消失了。  相似文献   

深圳沙头角湾海域底栖生物分布状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对深圳沙头角湾海域底泥监测,了解沙头角湾海域底栖生物分布状况,判断沙头角湾和沙头角河底泥的污染状况,为沙头角湾底部淤泥的清理提供监测依据。  相似文献   

对湛江港与霞山城区经济发展进行相关性分析,在湛江港资源优势与发展制约因素分析的基础上,提出了构建以港口为核心的现代物流系统战略、以增强湛江港对霞山地区经济的拉动作用,并推动区内经济结构的调整与整合。  相似文献   

雷州话属于广东四大方言之一,有着悠久的历史,分布较广,持语人数量较多。雷州话源自闽语系的闽南语,在承袭闽语大部分语言特点的基础上,历史的变迁也赋予了雷州话独具一格的特征。学术界在雷州话对第二语言学习的迁移方面已有部分研究。本研究通过探究雷州话和英语的差异,以及雷州话在汉英翻译中可能产生的正、负迁移,进一步探索在汉英翻译教学中应当采取的策略,以提高学生的翻译质量和汉英双语转化能力。  相似文献   

林为强 《职业技术》2015,(4):126-128
文章以湛江市雷州傩舞“走长怅”为研究对象,通过文献资料法、实地考察和对比分析等方法,揭示现在湛江雷州傩舞“走长怅”的发展现状,提出雷州傩舞“走长怅”需要当地政府的挖掘、保护与传承等对策,使雷州傩舞文化在历史长河中更加源远流长。  相似文献   

莱州湾、胶州湾分别处于渤海、黄海,是两个半封闭的内湾,由于两湾水体交换能力弱和长期受陆源排污影响,近二十年来海洋生态环境不断恶化,成为山东近岸海域污染的“重灾区”,也是山东建设生态省的两大顽疾。  相似文献   


The Watershed Learning Center (WLC) was developed by the Brandywine Valley Association (BVA) to provide outdoor environmental lessons to schools on their own properties or on sites close by. Teachers are trained to take over the lessons by observing BVA instructors and attending workshops. The program was evaluated to discover how the WLC was introduced and expanded in the schools, the program's impact on students, and the effectiveness of the teacher training for program take-over and continuation. The accomplishments and challenges of the WLC program are described and insights provided that can serve as a model for replication.  相似文献   

以自编的“环境行为问卷”为研究工具,以桃园某国小全体五、六年级学生为研究对象,以问卷调查法收集资料,再用t考验、单因子变异数、皮尔逊积差相关、多元回归做统计分析,研究结果均指出学童参与打扫行为的表现是正向且积极的,而打扫行为与环境行为间亦有很高的相关性,打扫行为与环境态度可决定学生环境行为的强弱指标.由此看出,学校环境教育方法与内容得当,会对环境行为的养成有极大帮助.  相似文献   

从普遍设定义务的角度谈环境权的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于环境权的保障和实现问题的探讨,学者们"仁者见仁,智者见智"。主要有两类代表性的观点:一类观点认为环境权应该通过立法确认宪法环境权,并将其具体化为法律规定的各项权利,同时建立和完善环境保护诉讼、环境纠纷解决机制等措施来实现;另一类观点则认为:环境权的实现,需要在法律上普遍设定义务,依靠各义务主体主动履行义务现。本文就是对第二类的观点深入探析,希望就如何具体分配义务主体的义务,并如何监督其履行义务提出自己的一些初步建议。  相似文献   

高校环境法律素质教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分。以共生进化理论和替代转换理论为基础,着重分析我国高校环境法律素质教育存在的主要问题,提出必须尽快完善环境法律知识教育、突出环境法律意识教育、重视环境法律行为教育等对策,以此帮助大学生正确认识人与自然之间的关系,并正确行使环境权利,认真履行环境义务。  相似文献   

The present study was based on the premise that environmental knowledge can drive environmental behavior only if it arouses environmental emotions. Using a structural equations modeling approach, we tested the direct, as well as the indirect (mediated) effects of knowledge on behavior and assessed the mediating role of environmental emotions. We found that knowledge is an important but distal variable, whose significant effect is fully mediated by emotions. The high explanatory power and good fit indices of the model supported and validated the important role of emotions in the learning process.  相似文献   


The author predicted that Zoo Atlanta visitors who had interactive experience with the zoo's elephant demonstration and bio-fact program would be more likely to actively support elephant conservation than those who simply viewed the animals in their exhibit and read graphics. The survey instruments used in this research consisted of 25 closed-ended questions, petitions, and conservation-action solicitation cards. A random sample of 471 zoo visitors was selected, and 350 individuals completed the survey, signed petitions, and took solicitation cards. The overall return rate of the solicitation cards was 18.3%; the return rate was higher for visitors who had higher levels of interaction with the elephant exhibit. The return rates by experience were highest—29.7%, high—20.3%, undetermined—14.8%, low—14.3%, and lowest—11.6%. For the five categories of experience, the distribution of return rates was not random, χ2(4,N = 64) = 9.88, p < .04.  相似文献   

经济全球化对我国环境的影响及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济全球化,既可以通过扩大资源国际需求增加环境压力,助长污染产业转移,也可以通过国际资本和技术流动增加解决环境问题的可能。我国在参与经济全球化进程中,应积极利用国外资源,减轻国内资源与环境的压力;制定适当的环境政策,在成为世界工厂的同时避免成为世界垃圾场;强化产业政策的环保导向,提高与环境有关问题的市场准入标准。  相似文献   

我国环境伦理学的进展与反思   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国环境伦理学在短暂的时间里虽然发展迅速,但是在实践基础和理论准备不充分的情况下起步的;虽然密切关注国外理论动向,但是缺少自己的话语和理论基点;虽然重视理论体系的自洽和逻辑的圆通,但却失之于对实践向度的关注。我国环境伦理学的未来发展所要解决的问题是:应当具备“大环境伦理学”与“小环境伦理学”的双重视野,着力构建环境伦理学的社会价值支持系统,寻找从理论走向实践的路径和机制。  相似文献   

The recognition of the key role and moral responsibility of higher education institutions (HEIs) in cultivating the environmental literacy (EL) of their students is growing globally. The current research examined the contribution of HEIs to their students’ EL by focusing on an Israeli college as a case-study. A survey was conducted among a representative sample of 1147 students from all departments in four phases of their academic studies. A moderate level of EL was found. The college’s green agenda attracted more pre-environmentally literate students, but its contribution to the development of students’ EL throughout the learning years was minor. Variation in pro-environmental behavior was better explained by students’ environmental values and attitudes than by their environmental knowledge. It seems that a combination of knowledge, values, and attitudes is needed in order to instill EL among students in HEIs. Commitment to environmental education must be translated into effective contents (what) and ways of teaching and learning (how) EL, which should be adapted to the varied populations of HEIs’ students in the various faculties and departments. Some recommendations are detailed.  相似文献   


This article discusses an analysis of abstracts of Brazilian theses and dissertations on environmental education from a database organised and maintained by a group of researchers in the EArt Project (www.earte.net). In presenting extracts of key trends in this dataset, our aim is to provide a snapshot of the many possible approaches to, and histories of, Brazilian environmental education research. The data also allow us to raise some questions that explore possible ‘blank spots’, ‘blind spots’ and ‘bald spots’ in Brazilian research on environmental education. Given the temporal development of the research field since the 1980s, we illustrate these ‘spots’ by exploring data related to epistemological and methodological diversity, from the viewpoint of knowledge areas as well as the graduate programmes that have been developing research on environmental education. Finally, we draw a picture of the methodological trends that have been privileged by Brazilian researchers, and pose questions as to what is needed in shaping an agenda for research on environmental education in Brazil into the future.  相似文献   

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