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Research on education in the developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Developing countries are in a major educational crisis. Educational opportunity has expanded but quality has been sacrificed. In some instances the quality of education has become so low that one might do well to question whether the costs of expansion do not outweigh the benefits. Research on education has not prepared the developing countries to meet the crisis at hand. The article mentions three examples—in pedagogy, in curriculum and in ‘deschooling’ theory—where educational research has not been helpful. On the other hand, the article points to several areas where there has been useful work, and where new work might make a substantial contribution in the years ahead.  相似文献   

2004年中国现代文学研究扫描   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结海外汉学乃至整个西方文化影响的经验教训,这成为现代文学研究的前沿问题。2004年的主要进展表现在:历史意识愈加清醒;台港文学被自觉地纳入中国现当代文学范畴;通俗文学研究在争鸣中向前推进;寻绎现代文学与外国文化、外国文学的联系,翻译文学的价值愈益看重;经典重读多有收获;现代文学的史料学、文献学问题得到认真关注;文化研究进一步推向深入;学风问题引起高度重视。  相似文献   

新中国成立六十年来,我国的教育事业有了很大的发展,主要取得了以下几个方面的成就:基本普及了义务教育,全民受教育水平大大提高;高中阶段教育成就显著,基本建成了结构较完整、专业较齐全的职业教育体系;高等教育已经进入了大众化阶段,为社会主义建设培养了大批专门人才;高等教育的管理体制改革取得了重大成就;注重扶持西部地区教育,区域之间教育协调发展;现代远程教育有了较快的发展。  相似文献   

在学科发展过程中,中国的高等教育学有一种将学术研究贴上国家标签的符号诉求。预设“国家语境”、提炼“中国经验”并形成可推广的“中国模式”便成为学科建设的主要方向。遗憾的是,高等教育学在寻找“中国模式”的过程中一直使用他者视角,其本土化历程没有离开“精英主义”取向,并造成了知识生产的内卷化。学科需要从高等教育与社会的互动中记录更全景化的“中国体验”,更需要将自身作为方法,重获“第一原理”。  相似文献   

实施素质教育 ,要加强学习 ,提高对素质教育的认识 ;要建立一支高素质的教师队伍 ;要创设素质教育的良好氛围 ;要狠抓课堂教法研究与改革 ;要彻底实行因材施教 ;要为培养学生综合素质与能力搭设多种大舞台  相似文献   


It has been shown that the interview has an important role to play in selection provided that it has been adequately planned. If the interviewer has decided what he wants, what to look for, and how to find this, the interview procedure used can be adapted to suit the requirements of the employing organization.

Despite the criticisms of the interview, the critics have not as yet, in the author's opinion, offered any satisfactory alternatives. This they would be able to do, perhaps, when employers become willing to employ staff without face to face contact. ‘The value of the interview—of “the meeting face to face”—has’ in Oldfield's [28] opinion ‘grown rather than diminished’ because it provides a ‘contrast with a background of uncommunicative correspondence’.  相似文献   

2007-2012年是辽宁省高等教育由“数量”向“质量”过渡的关键历史时期。这期间,辽宁省高等教育机构发展迅速,高等教育招生总规模适度增长,高等教育在校生规模逐年扩大,高等教育毛入学率快速提升到48.0%。与此同时,高等教育结构调整也取得显著成效,研究生、普通本、专科生培养比例日趋合理。在师资队伍方面,普通高校的生师比略有下降,师资紧张状况得以缓解,师资队伍的学历水平进一步提升,专业技术职务结构进一步优化,高职(专科)院校双师型教师比例显著提高;在办学条件方面,在总量保持持续增长的同时,地方属高校生均办学条件不断得到改善。本文通过基础数据统计分析,以期能为各级教育行政部门和高校在发展战略研究方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Jill Chaney's first book was published over ten years ago, and since then she has produced eight more novels. Five of these have the young child in mind as reader, but her most interesting work lies in the four books she has written for teenagers,Half a Candle, Mottram Park, Return to Mottram Park, andThe Buttercup Field. She is a writer whose books are not widely known, and the purpose of this article is to examine some of the themes in her work and to suggest that what she has to say to young people deserves more attention, both from teachers and teenagers themselves, than she has received up till now.David has had three books for children published,Storm Surge (Butterworth),Quintin's Man (Dobson) andThe Missing German (Dobson). These are to be followed in 1977 by four more stories,The Spectrum (Dobson),Landslip (Hamish Hamilton),The Ferryman (Dobson), andRisks (Pyramid). He has also written articles on Penelope Lively and Penelope Farmer forThe Horn Book, and an essay on Philippa Pearce which appeared inChildren's literature in education. His novelQuintin's Man is to be published by Nelson in the United States this year.  相似文献   

近10年来,湖南省经济管理类本科专业和专业点增长较快,专业规模不断扩大;教师队伍绝对数量增加较快,相对数量不足,队伍的职称结构得到改善,整体素质有待提高;生源质量稳步提升;培养质量和就业状况良好。针对这一现状,教育行政管理部门应加强宏观研究和宏观指导、稳定经济管理类本科专业的规模比例,高校应重视教师队伍建设、深化教学改革,不断提高经济管理类本科专业的人才培养质量,以满足经济社会的需求。  相似文献   

语境有多种功能:从语言表现一般意义的特点看,有生成和解释的功能;从语言表现深层意义的特点看,有暗示和引导的功能;从语言表现多重意义的特点看,有创造和过滤的功能;从语言与语用主体相关性的特点看,有协调和转化的功能;从语言使用的精简与表义的非对称的特点看,有省略和补充的功能。  相似文献   


Because of its prominent role, football has the potential to positively impact a university in several ways. Previous research on college athletics has focused on the financial impact of athletic success on institutions (e.g., donations). This research examines the marketing capabilities of college football by measuring alumni perceptions of a large southeastern university's move to NCAA Division IA football. A total of 297 alumni participated in a telephone survey. A high percentage of alumni believe IA football is prestigious and that the move to IA has influenced game attendance intention. Alumni believe the university's image has been positively influenced by the move to IA, and 21% believe the perceived value of their college degree has been enhanced by the move to IA. Findings from this study can aid universities in understanding the importance of football to alumni and how athletics can keep alumni connected with their alma mater.  相似文献   

关于高校师德建设问题的研究可以归纳为七个派别,他们都有着自身的建树,但也值得进一步推敲、完善.历史派的贡献在明确教师的职责方面;应然派在高尚的道德诉求为价值依归等领域有着闪光之处;实然派的优点在于现实可行性上;适然派主张适然样态既有现实性又涵盖了较高的价值诉求,但如何做到?教师执业的规范、度量如何划定?尚待进一步研究;比较派在借鉴西方的信息、先进思想方面有可取之处;综合派集其他四派之精华,但未能找到师德的理想样态和合理考核体系,以及大体阈值;国外的研究重“才”而轻“德”,不适合我国国情.故该课题有待深入研究.  相似文献   

In many European languages, the words ‘assessment’ and ‘evaluation’ are synonymous, but in English the two terms are used differently. Educational ‘assessment’ is learner-focused and part of professional pedagogy, relating directly to the accountability of practitioners and schools to learners and their families. Educational ‘evaluation’ is understood to be a parallel and linked process, relating to the quality of national policy and of provision and practice in establishments, part of accountability to the wider public. In Scotland, assessment policy has been focused on aligning ‘assessment for learning’ and ‘assessment for accountability’ for nearly a decade and policy guidance has been based on the principle that formative and summative uses of information can apply as well to system evaluation as to school-based assessment. Self-evaluation has been increasingly emphasized, promoting better understanding of the role of continuous review in supporting and improving education. In theory, the two processes of assessment and evaluation should align without difficulty as ‘intelligent accountability’ and together should act as a powerful driver for improved educational outcomes. However, achieving alignment in practice, which requires good professional relationships and mutual trust in different communities of practice, as well as shared understanding and expectations, has proven to be very hard to achieve. This article will show the progress that has been made with alignment; indicate where there have been difficulties and why; and suggest that several important factors need to be acknowledged if alignment is to be achieved.  相似文献   

全国教育科学“十一五”规划学科发展调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
十一五期间,全国教育科学规划课题研究以育人为本的素质教育研究影响全社会,教育公平研究取得重大突破,教育质量研究不断深入,终身教育体系和学习型社会研究具有前瞻性,国际教育竞争力研究受到关注,教育改革理论研究受到空前重视。在重大现实问题研究方面,基础教育课程与教学改革研究继续深入,农村教育问题研究成为热点,高等教育大众化时期大学生就业问题研究持续增多,增强职业教育吸引力研究逐渐兴起,学前教育发展研究备受重视,民族教育研究不断拓展,德育和心理健康教育研究继续发展,教师专业发展研究更加关注实践。总体上,通过不断完善教育科研管理体系,研究质量逐步提高,社会影响不断扩大,优秀科研团队日益壮大,有力促进了教育科研的协调发展。同时,也存在低水平重复现象突出,研究主题不系统,研究内容不深入,研究结论缺乏数据支撑,研究成果理论与实践相互脱离等问题,需要大力提升教育科研水平,进一步创新教育科研管理体制。  相似文献   

Post-Sputnik science curricula stress the importance of teaching science as scientists might practice it. This has been vividly illustrated in the laboratory-oriented curricula generated in the past ten years. Even more important has been the emphasis on applying learning theories to their construction. The American Association for the Advancement of Science has implemented the ideas of Robert Gagné in order to develop Science—A Process Approach. Jean Piaget's theory of intellectual development has been integrated into the Science Curriculum Improvement Study. It has been the investigator's observation that many teachers who use the newer science curricula fail to utilize to the fullest the methods implicit in a development theory; consequently, the objectives which include the products as well as the processes of science may not be achieved. This paper will report on an investigation of two types of postlaboratory discussion strategies and their effects on sixth grade children's learning of some science principles. The effects these discussion strategies had on the learning of four science processes are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

《History of education》2012,41(1):25-39
History of Education has published a steady stream of papers on the history of secondary education over the first 40 years of its existence. This corpus of research has been generated in the context of renewed interest in the history of secondary education that has been stimulated by developments in social and historical inquiry as well as by the contemporary onset of intensive reform of secondary education in many countries. History of Education has made a distinguished contribution to this new literature, especially in relation to an understanding of the secondary school curriculum, elite forms of secondary education, and increasingly in relation to secondary education for girls and secondary education policy. Some other key themes and topics have been generally less to the fore and require further detailed investigation.  相似文献   

Throughout his career, Andy Hargreaves has continuously pushed the boundaries of knowledge and practice in the field of educational change. He has broken new ground so often that I have come to think of him as a “frontier man.” Andy has also been a generous mentor to colleagues and students enhancing the level of scholarship and expertise in his field. His pioneering work around the culture of teaching and school change has resulted in brilliant treatises that have prompted reflection and action among educators over the years. In this tribute, I reflect on Andy’s work over the 25 years that I have known and collaborated with him as a friend and colleague highlighting his contributions to the field of educational change as a researcher, writer, teacher, and a highly respected consultant.  相似文献   

农村学校布局调整的十年走势与政策议题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十年来,中国农村经历了历史上力度最大的学校布局调整。从宏观背景上看,教育管理体制变革为农村学校布局调整提供了制度空间,教育由普及向提高转型为农村学校布局调整提供了政策语境,农村城镇化发展为农村学校布局调整提供了战略预期,农村生源总量减少为农村学校布局调整提供了客观依据。从演进趋势上看,学校数与在校生数减少不同步,学校减幅远远大于在校生减幅;学校规模和班级规模同步扩大,县镇大规模学校和大班额问题突出;教育城镇化发展与村庄学校消失并行,学生上学距离变远且寄宿低龄化。农村学校的撤并引发了程序正义、学校规模与机会公平等政策议题。  相似文献   

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