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Romeo and Juliet is one of the best known and best loved of Shakespeare's plays. The play sings the praises of unswervingly loyal——Shakespeare loves this metrical——expensive song. It conforms rather to the simplest,most basic definition of the termtragedy. Called it a tragedy,it's according to the love of Romeo and Juliet and the death of them. But maybe we want to know more about their love than the tragedy.  相似文献   

(续上期)8、 I won't go to the Great (Walltomorrow). It will rain.9、 she left school in 1990. Later she studiedFrench at college.10、 He is over fifty years old. He studiesEnglish very hard.五、选择题,圈出正确答案1, John is—— university student.a an b a c /2、 Today we went to—— middle school. Atfirst we had—— meeting with——teachers.Then we went to—— school factory.a the, a, /,the b a, a, /, the c a, a,the, the  相似文献   

Verizon makes a new vow to marry phones to the PC It's one of the most maddening(发狂的) features of all the technology in our lives. There are so many gadgets (小玩意) to connect us—cell phones, e-mail, land-line phones—yet most of the gadgets aren' t connected to each other.  相似文献   

1. Many people watch the news on television themseleves the trou- ble of reading the newspaper. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 2. —Why did you return to the shop? —I left my friend there. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits 3. The car burns more fuel, but all things into consideration. ItCs still a good car. A. taken B. having taken C. taking D. to take 4. When I went in, he was lying on the floor at the ceiling. A. to stare B. stared C. was staring D. staring 5. —Do you h…  相似文献   

This statement is used——sometimes humorously, sometimes sarcastically——to say, "I'm not going to tell you," or"I'm not going to answer that question." "I know the answer to the riddle but my lips are sealed.  相似文献   

一、听力(略)(30分)二、单项选择(15分)1.—Where is Wu Dong? —I think he's still in bed ,but he might just be in sitting room. A. /,a B. a,the C. the,the D. the, /2.It has nothing to do with them.They knew nothing about the matter I told them. A.until B.when C.since D.unless3.—Don't forget to write to your parents. —I to them as soon as I in Hongkong. A.will write…arrive B.w…  相似文献   

—Does your brother intend to study German?—Yes,he intends__.A./ B.to C.so D.that答案是 B。to 是代替不定式的不定式符号。为了避免整个不定式的重复,我们常只保留 to。常见的可使用 to 替代不定式动词例释如下。1.—Did you buy the dictionary?—No,I meant to,but the shop was shut.  相似文献   

In recent years,the trend of many English-speaking people has been to addressothers by using the first name——Tom,Michael,Linda,Jane,etc.——rather thancalling the person Mr.Summers,Mrs.Howard or Miss Jones.This is especiallycommon among Americans,even when people meet for the first time.This applies notonly to people of roughly the same age,but also of different ages.It is not a sign ofdisrespect.It is not at all uncommon to hear a child calling a much older person——Joe,Ben,May,Hele…  相似文献   

【集中地】 Ⅰ.Talk about future intentions 1.—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a basketball player. 2.—H ow are you going to do that? —I’m going to practice basketball every day. 3.—W here is Cheng H an going to m ove? —H e’s going to move to New York. Ⅱ.Ask for perm ission 1.—Could I please use your com puter? —Sorry.I’m going to work on it now. 2.—Could I please go to the movies? —Yes,you can. 3.—Could you take out the trash? —Yes,sure. Ⅲ.D…  相似文献   

张英 《海外英语》2006,(12):10-11
This is the season for giving advice to graduates asthey enter the workplace.Instead of listening toyet another recitation of the usual admonishments2to“change the world”,“carpe diem”3,or“wear sunscreen,”4those graduates—unless they are already trapped on5the nonpaying internship6hamster wheel7—need tohear how to manage their paychecks.College graduates may thank mom and dad,topleft,for helping with tuition,but they still need adviceon how to handle a paycheck.Small steps—packingyour …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. — ____ CDs do you have,Dennis? —Sorry,I can’t remember the number. A. Which B. What C. How many D. How much 2. —Jason,I want to know the sports news. Go and ____ the TV,please. —OK,dad. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn over 3. —Could you please _____ it again? —Sorry,I won’t . A. not do B. don’t do C. not to do D. to not do 4. —Which is ____ season in Zhengzhou? —I think it’s autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 5. —Could you please g…  相似文献   

I'm going to clean the pasture spring.I'll only stop to rake the leaves away(And wait to watch the water clear,I may),I shon't be gone long.—You come too.  相似文献   

.单项选择1.We hepled the farmers the harvistthe farm last week.  A.on;with     B.to;in  C.in to D.with;on2 .It's dangerous to skate on ice.  A.heavy B.thin  C.thick D.strong3.— Can you come to the evening party? — .  A.Yes,I'd love to  B.I hope you'll do well  C.I'm very busy  D.I don't like it4 .We went for walk after supper.  A.some  B.the   C./   D.a5.— May I speak to Ann,please? — .  A.I'm not Ann  B.One moment,please  C.Certainly not  D.L et me tak…  相似文献   

A precise aperture measuring system of small deep holes with capacitance sensors is presented. Based on the working principle of non-contact capacitance sensors, influence of the edge effect of gauge head is studied, and one capacitance sensor for measuring the aperture of the small blind holes or through holes is introduced. The system is composed of one positioning device, one aperture measuring capacitance sensor, one measuring circuit, and software. This system employs visual CCD and two-dimensional micro-adjusting mechanism to realize the precise positioning. By LabView software this system is controlled to run automatically, to carry out calibration and automatic data collection, and to make data import into the database directly. Experiments proved that the diameter measurement range of the system can be 1.8 mm—7 mm, the resolution can be up to 5 nm—10 nm, the repeatability measurement standard deviation can be 0.05 μm—0.1 μm, and the measurement uncertainty can achieve 0.15 μm—0.3 μm. So the measuring system can realize the nanometer-level measurement.  相似文献   

Unit 6 Good manners Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. Do you know the boy our headteacher? A. talked to B. talking to C. is talking D. is talking to 2. —I!m sorry, but I didn!t mean out your secret. —But you know, letting out one!s secret means one!s feelings. A. to let; to hurt B. letting; hurting C. to let; hurting D. letting; to hurt 3. Seeing the sun above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy. A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising 4. My sister advised me that I accept the invitat…  相似文献   

周东妮  杨雪霁 《海外英语》2014,(11):215-216
Hills like White Elephants is one of the masterpieces of Ernest Hemingway. The story bears an open ending. This paper attempts to analyze the heroine-Jig's psychological fluctuations, and her three emotional stages to support the author's interpretation on the end of the story—the heroine's final decision is to have the baby born.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—W hat’s population of thiscity?—It has population of onem illion.A.the;the B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the2.—The plane is due to take off at7:50from the airport.—w e fail to arrive there intim e?—Try to take another flight then.A.W hat if B.A s ifC.E ven if D.O nly if3.There are so m any books for m e to,so I can’t decide which one to.A.choose;chooseB.choose;be chosenC.choose from;chooseD.choose;choose from4.—you got in t…  相似文献   

1.[eit]They——apples yesterday.2.[aint]——Wang’S books——in the box.3.[blu:]He had to put on his——coat because the wind——hard.4.[bai]I’m going to——a book——bike.5.[f :]He bought——pencils——his son yesterday.6.[’fa: ]Her——is too tired to walk——.7.[hi ]I——he will come——tomorrow.8.[hai]——,Lucy!Can you see the——mountain?  相似文献   

1.—H ave you ever visited the m useum?—Y es,Ive visited it tim es.A.few B.several C.m uch D.any2.—M ay I speak to M iss G ao?—Im sorry,she isn t here.A.a m om ent ago B.just a m om entC.at that m om ent D.atthe m om ent3.There a big tree in front of the house.A.used to have B.used to beC.is used to have D.is used to being4.Please the new pictures and take dow n the old ones,becauseN ew Y ear is com ing.A.putup B.put dow n C.putoff D.putaway5.—Li Lei likes doing eye exercise ever…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.—What a film!—Wonderful!I've never seen__one.A.a most moved B.a more movingC.the most moving D.the most moved2.We have examined all the books in the library.__that theory.A.pointing to B.referring to  相似文献   

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