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梁进 《教师》2013,(27):5-7
在爱丁堡许多年,傲然于爱丁堡西北的Fettes College始终让人觉得敬而远之,不仅是因为那个在山坡上的古堤主楼古朴典雅、气势非凡,以中学的身份可以叫板任何名胜古迹,而且传说中这里出了许许多多各行各业像英国前首相汤尼·布莱尔那样的名人。每次经过,  相似文献   

贾晓华 《数学教学研究》2009,28(5):F0002-F0002
美国大学入学委员会(College Board)是一个1900年创建的非盈利性组织,主要为高中生提供大学入学指导、测试、奖学金申请、注册和教学等服务.大学入学委员会于2006年颁布了《为了顺利完成大学学业的标准——数学与统计》(College Board Standards for College Success:Mathematics and Statistics)(以下简称“数学与统计标准”),详细阐述了学生在中学6—12年级应该达到的数学学习目标.  相似文献   

英国College的备课、听课和评课制度述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合对英国多所学校的实地考察,本文对英国College(学院)的备课、听课和评课制度进行了评述.英国College已经形成了一套较为行之有效的校本教研的常规管理机制,其主要特点是以学习者为中心,以促进教师专业发展和学生素质提高为根本目标.这对新课程背景下的我国基础教育校本教研机制的重建,无疑具有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

胡继飞 《现代教学》2008,(7):154-155
笔者经过对英国多所学校的实地考察,对英国College(学院)的备课、听课和评课制度进行了一定的考察。英国College(学院)现已形成了一套较为行之有效的校本教研的常规管理机制,其主要特点是以学习者为中心,以促进教师专业发展和学生素质提高为根本目标。  相似文献   

罗满南 《教书育人》2005,(10):50-52
我们在英国华威大学总共学习11周,其中有两周学校安排我们到考文垂(Coventry)和列明敦(Leamington)两地的中小学去考察。我和另外四个人组成一个小组,去了考文垂的两所中学:Blue Coat和Coundon Court school and Community College.另外对列明敦的一所小学作了一个下午的访问。BlueCoat是一所教会学校,宗教色彩很浓;Coundon Court school and Community College既有中学又有社区学院。  相似文献   

在对英语专业学生使用的精读课本“College Engilsh”第一二册的优、缺点进行分析的同时,讨论了该课本是否仍然适用于当前英语教学。讨论的着重点在词汇以及课文的可读性、听、说、读、写的训练及测试等方面。  相似文献   

在英语教学实践中,深感有些学生在分辩近义词时有较大困难,为帮助学生提高分辩的能力,我结合《College English》BookⅡ教学,将部分易混淆的近义词分别举例分析.一、surprise,shocksurprise一般用语,表示突然或出乎意外的事而“使震惊”.如:1、I am surprised that you should think this way.你居然这样想,我实在想不到.2、He was surprised to receive a letter from a friend he had not heardrom for years.他对收到多年不通信的朋友的来信感到惊奇.  相似文献   

With further reforms carried out in college English teaching to non-English majors, the compilation of college English course books is causing great concern among administrators, professionals, and teachers as well. The article makes a general analysis of the widely used "College English" Series (Integrated Course, new edition) . Much is discussed about its guiding principles and theoretical bases, its framework and specific features. Written in accordance with the College English Syllabus (revised edition), this course book not only preserves the essence of traditional English language teaching and textbook writing, but also adopts the latest developments of theory and practice in foreign language teaching.  相似文献   

罗满南 《广东教育》2005,(12):50-51
近期,深圳市教育局组织了为期三个月的英国教育管理培训。我们一行35人在华威大学学习了11周,其中两周我们考察了考文垂(Coventry)的两所中学.Blue Coat和Coundon Court School and Comunity College,还访问了列明敦的一所中学和华威郡的一所特殊教育学校。  相似文献   

<正> This paper is a report of an empirical study of the washbaek effects of CET-4 on College Englishteaching and learning in ordinary teacher's colleges.The results of the study show that the skills,the activities andthe materials used in test preparation classes were solely consistent with those required in CET- 4;and that thenature of the impact of CET-4 on a variety of aspects of College English teaching and learning is both positive andnegative,but there are far more positive effects than negative ones,and,as a whole,the CET-4 can effectivelypromote the teaching and learning of College English.  相似文献   

QI Yan  LUO Min 《海外英语》2013,(1):115-116
By using 162 third-year science students from the Independent College in Shandong University of Science and Tech nology,this paper investigated the relationship between their metacognitive ability and their CET4 score.The results indicated that their metacognitive ability,and the three subcategories have positive significant correlations with the students’CET4 score.  相似文献   

我们中学数理化教师代表团一行五人,在中央教育部的组织领导下应英国文化委员会的邀请,于1980年9月去英国考察三周有关中学数理化教学的情况。我们先后在英格兰的伦敦、利兹,苏格兰的丹迪、格拉斯科、爱丁堡等地参观了三所中学、三所高等院校、四个“中心”以及一个科学博物馆;访问了英国文化委员会、教育科学部、女王督学团、学校理事会、利兹教育局、  相似文献   

Every autumn, as families across the United States get ready to send their kids off to college, the economics of higher education receive renewed attention. College is expensive and becoming more so in the US.The situation raises two questions: Why does it cost so much, and how can students and their families afford it?Several studies published in the past few weeks reflect on these questions. The findings provide comfort to poor families.  相似文献   

新的中学《历史课程标准》中强调,历史教学要“使学生了解历史文化并学会总结历史经验教训,继承优秀的文化遗产,宏扬民族精神;学会用马克思主义科学的历史观分析问题、解决问题;学会从历史的角度去了解和思考人与人、人与社会,人与自然的关系,进而关注中华民族以及全人类的历史命运……培养学生健全的人格,促进个性的健康发展”,在这种理论的指导下,笔者认为中学历史教学应当重视“探究—体验—感悟”三方面.  相似文献   

迪内学院(Diné College,前身是Navajo Community College)作为美国第一所部落自治学院,是美国规模最大、影响力最广的部落学院,它的成就离不开使命宣言的逐步发展与完善。使命宣言作为富有生命力的目标系统,起着决定性的引导作用。迪内学院使命宣言发展历经了探索、适应、不断革新的过程。以历史的视角分析1968—2016年之间迪内学院使命宣言的演进过程,以期了解使命宣言对迪内学院的发展产生的影响。  相似文献   

To better carry out English Language teaching,freshmen of Turfan Vocational and Technical Colleges of 2019 Vocational College of Nursing are taken as the research objective.By understanding the current situation of students'learning,we can provide a practical basis for targeted English Language teaching and provide directions for future teaching of the language.  相似文献   

With the development of the society, College English has been attached Great importance college English teachers as well as English educational scholars have made great attempts to find out the most scientific way of teaching. By studying some major English teaching methods which have greatly influenced China college English teaching and the current situation of college English teaching, this paper presents an integrated approach, which is expected to be a great help to college English teachers.  相似文献   

With the development of the society, College English has been attached Great importance college English teachers as well as English educational echolans have made great attempts to find out the most acientific way of teaohing. By studying some major English teaching methods which have greatly influenced China college English teaching and the current situation of college English teaching, this paper presents an integrated approach, which is expected to be a great help to college English teachers.  相似文献   

我们在英国华威大学总共学习11周,其中有两周学校安排我们到考文垂(Coventry)和列明敦(Leam ington)两地的中小学去考察。我和另外四个人组成一个小组,去了考文垂的两所中学:Blue Coat和Coundon Court school and Com m unity College,另外对列明敦的一所小学作了一个下午的访问。BlueCoat是一所教会学校,宗教色彩很浓;CoundonCourt school and Com m unity College既有中学又有社区学院。两所学校从学校管理到教育教学质量都不错,在整个英格兰都算是不错的学校。我们参加了两校的课前年级集会(A ssem bly),深入课堂听课,与任课老师、…  相似文献   

We arrived at Zhaotong Teacher's College in September 1996. We were teaching oral English and listening comprehension, as well as British and American culture. The students were afraid of us, they did not dare to speak to us in or out of the classroom, and although they had many questions about our homeland, lifestyle and culture, they never asked them. Now, 8 months later, everything is different. We have tried to create an English environment in the English department by giving all  相似文献   

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