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胡锦涛的清华校庆讲话,指出了文化传承创新与崇尚科学教育的目标和路径,同时也概括了对称化教育的理论模式。实现集约型教育要求的生产最大的教育信息量、营造最大的教育信息势的有效路径恰恰就是对称化教育,因为对称化教育要素差别最大、联系最紧,才能生产最大教育信息量,营造最大的教育信息势,从而使受教育主体有效地识别成长过程的不确定性,规避风险把握成长。  相似文献   

势科学理论基础上,按照集约型教育”信息量最大作用量最小”的教育教学原则,依据理工类知识的内容特征,提炼出“线性”、“叠加”、“对称”、“变换”及“作用量原理”这些包含巨大信息量而具有方法论价值功能的概念或”知识单元”,结合具体专业教学,探讨了理工类学科教学改革的理论和实践.  相似文献   

宇宙演化与社会发展是由不同层次上的势推动的。真空势推动了宇宙暴涨,量子势是量子化的唯一缘由,化学势、生物势是化学反应和生物成长的根本动力,而信息势则是素质成长和教育发展的动力之源。信息量与信息势是等价的,集约型教育就是"信息量最大作用量最小"的教育,由于对称性元素产生最大的信息量,所以,集约型教育即对称化教育,对称化教育产生对称化素质形成素质的和谐结构,包含最大素质信息量,具有最好的就业竞争力。势科学理论将社会科学与自然科学在基本的逻辑层次上统一起来,为各种学科交叉研究和通识性教育提供了可操作的指导原则,为教育学理论的重建开辟了新的研究路径。  相似文献   

集约型教育即"信息量最大、作用量最小"的教育,其核心是对称化教育,目标是对称化素质。对称化教育一方面根植于系统成长和运行的对称化机制,另一方面,对称化教育要素差别最大,联系最紧,产生最大的教育信息量,营造最大的教育信息势。由于教育学理论普遍的逻辑缺失,没有在信息相互作用的内在机制中研究人才成长的根本规律,所以西方教育学也不可能提出完整的集约型教育理论,但西方文化和社会生活的个性化和民主化意识,使得西方教育成功的有效路径就在于潜移默化地实施了集约型教育的逻辑。  相似文献   

教育过程由于教育理论的逻辑缺失带来了种种误导和风险。势科学基础上的信息势概念揭示了教育过程信息相互作用的动力学本质,因而,规正教育路径的有效方法,就是在教育过程中“学校的专业设置和运行、专业的学科设置和运行、学科的教材组织和编撰、课堂的教学设计和演讲、组织的教师结构和匹配、教师的知识结构和学习路径”方面,生产有效信息量、营造教育信息势。  相似文献   

教育信息势是教育和学习过程的唯一推动力。信息即负熵即有序即梯度即势,所以,有效信息量与信息势是等价的。无论教育技术的“媒体派”还是“学习派”,其理论研究的主旨就在于生产更多的信息量、营造更大的教育信息势。论述了在教育信息势推动下,产生的学习“情感势”与“意识流”的非平衡非线性作用如何形成知识的有序结构、进而形成智慧素质和能力,以及“信息人”六维信息势(货币信息势、权力信息势、知识信息势、情感信息势、艺术信息势和虚拟抽象信息势)的能力本质。在教育和学习过程中,势科学理论的逻辑抽象比建构主义理论的形象描述更加具有可操作性。  相似文献   

教育信息势是教育和学习过程的唯一推动力.信息即负熵即有序即梯度即势,所以,有效信息量与信息势是等价的.无论教育技术的“媒体派“还是“学习派“,其理论研究的主旨就在于生产更多的信息量、营造更大的教育信息势.论述了在教育信息势推动下,产生的学习“情感势“与“意识流“的非平衡非线性作用如何形成知识的有序结构、进而形成智慧素质和能力,以及“信息人“六维信息势(货币信息势、权力信息势、知识信息势、情感信息势、艺术信息势和虚拟抽象信息势)的能力本质.在教育和学习过程中,势科学理论的逻辑抽象比建构主义理论的形象描述更加具有可操作性.  相似文献   

《信息人教育学——势科学与教育动力学》是李德昌先生的一本新著.根据对信息人假设的观点,信息人的信息需求表现在货币、权力、知识、情感、艺术和虚拟抽象等六个维度上.在信息社会的开放系统中,势=差别×联系,管理的本质即产生更多管理信息,营造更强管理势.教育的关键在于通过非线性、集约型教育生产更多教育信息量,营造更强教育信息势.创新是系统信息势达到阈值时发生的非平衡相变和非线性分岔.  相似文献   

个性化是信息化社会人才竞争的基本战略。但是个性化是如何形成的,一对一教育、导师制教育能培养个性化吗?为什么宇宙万物都是个性化的,同一个太阳普照大地,连两片一样的树叶都找不到?本文将在势科学理论基础上,进一步研究信息相互作用机制,探讨人才个性化的内在规律和基本路径。  相似文献   

老子说“势成之”,毕达格拉斯说“万物皆比例”,两个东西方文明大师毫不相干的坦言在势科学的概念下得到了统一。势=差别×联系=差别+距离,所以,势=梯度=斜率;导数=比例。势科学理论的意义不仅在逻辑的层面上将自然科学与社会科学真正统一起来,为填补教育学理论的逻辑缺失开辟了新途径,而且从根本上揭示了人才学习成长和创新及创业的动力学机制。  相似文献   

学校科研管理的有效激励机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢青 《教育学术月刊》2005,(6):27-28,62
激励机制是现代管理实践中提高管理效能的一项重要内容。在学校科研管理工作中积极推行激励机制,是确保科研工作规范、有序、健康发展和提升科研管理效益的基本手段,也是长久激发科研人员的内在工作动力及释放其创新潜能的必要条件。  相似文献   

应用任务驱动法并结合教学实践,对现代教育技术课程的实验教学方法进行了探索,在如何构建教学过程,培养学生协作能力和提高学习效率等方面进行了着重探讨。  相似文献   

Six beginning primary school teachers pioneering the Interactive Teaching approach to science were studied in their first year of teaching. Interviews with the beginning teachers revcaled that they faced several obstacles to the implementation of the interactive teaching of science. These included lack of collegial support, lack of feedback on their teaching, difficulty assessing the learning of their pupils, and the differences between the culture of learning of the alternative science pedagogy and that of their pupils. By the end of the year, teachers had reconstructed the alternative science pedagogy in ways that reduced these difficulties. The interviews also provided evidence that ongoing support by teachers and teacher-educators versed in the alternative pedagogy can make beginning teacher's implementation of the Interactive Teaching of science less difficult. Specializations: physics education, beginning teachers. Specializations: misconceptions, assessment.  相似文献   

Amidst major new initiatives in research that are beginning to address the pedagogic dimension of building capacity in social science research methods, this paper makes the first move to apply the lens of inclusive pedagogy to research methods pedagogy. The paper explores the ways in which learning social science research methods is hard and may be anxiety-provoking, which has sometimes led to a deficit discourse in which learners are positioned as ill-prepared and fearful. Learners can then be blamed for being hard to teach when an inclusive pedagogical lens would support a more asset-based discourse. Nonetheless, the authors argue that without traditional deficit-based solutions of the remedial class, special needs label or special teacher within the methods learning environment, methods teachers have developed their own responses. These pedagogic responses, elicited from the authors’ research using methods of expert interviews, focus groups and video-stimulated dialogue, address challenges associated with the learner, the learning material and the teacher’s context. The paper differentiates between practical solution-focused strategies and more holistic approaches. The authors illustrate how methods teachers reach out to diverse learners and they conclude that data and standpoints are used in inclusive teaching to make connections and to support learning.  相似文献   

This paper describes the structure and unique features of an inservice training course for science teachers (Pädagogik und Fachdidaktik für Lehrer, PFL). The course is based on the view that most issues of classroom practice are at the same time issues of pedagogy, methodology and subject knowledge. Therefore, the close connection between the participants' work required during the course and their teaching situation is most important: the teachers selected issues of direct concern to their daily work, performed research on these issues by methods of action research, analysed their findings, took appropriate action and documented the process in written form. They were supported by a team of mentors. A preliminary evaluation indicates a high degree of satisfaction of the participants and provides suggestions for the improvement of initial teacher education. In the PFL-project inservice science teacher education is considered not only an opportunity for professional development of individual teachers, but also a contribution to the development of science education and—in a larger context—school development.  相似文献   

In this article, we authors and feminist science and teacher educators share assignments we developed and used in our undergraduate and graduate teacher education classes. We designed these varied assignments to help students feel comfortable with science, to begin to understand and critique the many ways science has been narrowly and powerfully shaped and has marginalized significant groups of individuals, and to begin to deconstruct scientific knowledge and construct alternative views of science and science education that are gender and culture sensitive. We also challenged them to use what they were learning to develop pedagogical strategies that would be inviting to their own students. The focus of the article is our students' reactions to these assignments and how these reactions—both inviting and resisting—informed us about their notions of science, of teaching, of themselves as learners, and of the social context in which they would teach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 897–918, 1998.  相似文献   


This article considers how teachers working across three countries can create a collaborative writing environment in their classrooms. It reports on the first phase of a research programme conducted by university lecturers in the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, investigating ways of developing teachers' expertise in the linking of information technology (IT) and pedagogy. It examines writing practices in the secondary classroom, in particular focusing on collaborative writing, and explores how this can be extended and developed through the use of IT. The research operates at three levels of collaboration: first, between the researchers involved; secondly, between teachers sharing their pedagogical expertise; and thirdly, between school students engaging in writing across the limits usually imposed by time and space. A fundamental hypothesis is that experienced and capable teachers of writing in different countries can extend their pedagogical skills through working together. Such collaboration between both teachers and school students has only recently become a possibility as a result of wider access to the Internet and the World Wide Web, on which it is eventually intended to publish results of the research, including examples of student work.  相似文献   

Observations of pupils‐in‐action whilst carrying out investigations indicated that there was plenty of social and cooperative exchange. There was, however, infrequent discussion regarding the planning of experimental approaches, predicting outcomes, consideration of the meaning of evidence and evaluation of task solutions. These observations informed the nature of interactive in‐service programmes developed in Keele University Education Department. Professional development was designed to purposely illustrate a wide repertoire of pedagogic strategies that focused around these issues to support cognitive development of pupils. The interactive nature of the in‐service training was shown to affect widespread ‘change in teachers’ practice. These teachers, involved in experiential in‐service, reflected that they intervened more regularly in children's learning. Their engagement in in‐service training as learners in problem‐solving situations resulted in conceptual shifts in understanding the learning processes their pedagogical transformations could affect. The impact of this changed praxis on pupils' learning in investigational situations was studied after in‐service intervention. These findings were compared with the performance of pupils of the same year group carrying out the same investigations before in‐service intervention. The more interactive nature of the teachers' changed pedagogy appeared to affect change in the way pupils themselves interacted and learnt from and with each other. Explicitly sharing subjective views through exploratory talk was found to be important to affect learning through social interaction.  相似文献   

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