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The peculiar representation of Zhou Enlai phenomenon: Zhou Enlai, a man who gave lots of love and received love at most; He's a man whose image was much more powerful after the death. He's a man who made the adversaries reconciled; He's a man who opposed to become an icon but actually be an icon. The significant features of Zhou Enlai phenomenon: "a never-fall doll"--won a great many votes as a conciliationist. His fellows--Zhou Enlai never belongs to any faction, but massive and leisure people follow him. The connotation of Zhou Enlai phenomenon--The "story", "spirit", and "influence" of Zhou Enlai make the charm, wisdom and style of Zhou Enlai. The essence of Zhou Enlai phenomenon: the combination of love return, mental prospect and reality expectation.  相似文献   

"I used to freeze the time and said 'I love you' for thousand times when you didn't know. I feel it the way that if l say it in the river of time, it will flow as time flows and eventually vanishes. So instead, I said it when time was frozen. I love you, Cheon Song-yi. I love you." Spend less than one second to figure out its origin? Know exactly in which episode the line is? You must be a straight-A fan of the drama!  相似文献   

周时娥  张雯 《海外英语》2011,(13):278-280
The women of the 1930s in the Chinese TV serials deduct inspiring stories.They play different roles in the big wealthy families such as mothers-in-law,daughters-in-law,and maidservants.There are unceasing conflicts between these women,because of their struggle for men’s love,wealth or social position.The theme of their stories is always about fertility,love,kindness and evil,with the ending being either comic or tragic.The stories of various kinds of women of the 1930s in the Chinese TV serials decorate and enrich the lives of many of us latecomers and their names are passed on from generation to generation.  相似文献   

The Red Thread by Nicholas Jose mirrors the famous Chinese literary classic,Six Chapters of a Floating Life by Shen Fu and gives a second chance of life for Shen Fu and Yun.Destined to be attached to the Chinese classic,Shen Fuling and Ruth change their destiny as the incarnations in their protection of love and life.The co-existence of two love stories beyond time and space illustrates a quest for beauty,love and the affirmation of life in common.  相似文献   

Xiaoge  DD 《海外英语》2009,(6):58-59
Last time we talked about baby animals such as pups of dogs, kittens of cats, chicks of chickens, and ducklings of ducks. As I sat down to write this column, I saw some of my old squlrrelsI friends sneaking into my backyard and climbing onto the bird feeder2 to steal bird food again. They are cute but can also be a big headache, because they scare the birds a way and they eat a lot. They can finish within an hour the monthly supply that I put out for the birds. These squirrels must also be taking some of the food back to their babies, and I am wondering--what are baby squirrels called? Ah, they are called--are you ready-- pups or kittens, just like baby dogs and cats.  相似文献   

They are Big Bertha and Tiny Tina, a couple of piglets. They may look and act differently (hence, their names), but these oinkers are identical. They are the newest cloned animals from Texas A&M University, which with their births leads the academic pack in the number of species cloned. And the fact that animals with the exact same genes can be different sizes and have different character traits may be just the first of many things that scientists hope can be learned from these little pigs.  相似文献   

With the help of English Journal For Middle School Students, we went to the Sea World. It's a good place to have fun. In it we can learn something about sea animals and watch some animals' daily life, for example, eating, playing with their friends and so on.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick, easy to implement and versatile way of using stochastic simulations to investigate the power and design of using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays for genome-wide association studies in farm animals. It illustrates the methodology by discussing a small example where 6 experimental designs are considered to analyse the same resource consisting of 6006 animals with pedigree and phenotypic records: (1) genotyping the 30 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (515 animals in total), (2) genotyping the 100 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (1102 animals in total), genotyping respectively (3) 515 and (4) 1102 animals selected randomly or genotyping respectively (5) 515 and (6) 1102 animals from the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Given the resource at hand, designs where the extreme animals are genotyped perform the best, followed by designs selecting animals at random. Designs where sires and their progeny are genotyped perform the worst, as even genotyping the 100 most widely used sires and their progeny is not as powerful of genotyping 515 extreme animals.  相似文献   

The paper aims both to foster and to assess "school scientific argumentation" among secondary science teachers during their pre-service education. For these purposes, the paper uses the recta-scientific construct of"theoretical model" (proposed by the so-called semantic view of scientific theories from contemporary philosophy of science) in three different and complementary conceptual levels. Firstly, the paper suggests teachers to argue using theoretical models (as opposed to propositional items) from science as a key component of their arguments. Secondly, the paper tries to scaffold teachers' argumentation practices modeling them with paradigmatic exemplars (which the author calls "epitomes"). And thirdly, the paper uses a four-component model of school scientific argumentation as an analytical tool to inspect how science teachers argue. The teachers' argumentative texts that are discussed in the paper arise from their participation in teaching-learning sequences designed to improve their argumentation skills via three synergic model-based operations: analyzing epitomes of arguments, (co-)constructing new arguments, and meta-theoretically reflecting upon them.  相似文献   

李镇 《双语学习》2007,(9M):207-207,209
With a careful textual study of this novel,it can be found that its title implies true love can overcome the obstacles of pride and prejudice. Pride, is not love, because love empties itself of worldly desires, in order to giv selflessly. Austen 's fictional hero and heroines have faithfully reflected the authoress's real thoughts and true value of love. She depicted different attitudes to the love question of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages. The four couples of this novel, varied in their love concepts, presented us with different distinct ending.[第一段]  相似文献   

新感觉派作家塑造的“热女”群像是中国现代学中女性人物的特殊类型。热女是洋场都市里激进的女权实践。在20世纪二三十年代中国洋场都市日臻西化,欧风美雨加速中国都市男权制社会“扎崩乐坏”的大背景下,新性道德理论嫁接在妇女解放运动上造就了“热女”这一类都市新人。新感觉派作家把热女推上学舞台的一大意义,正在于通过准确把握和展示一类新的现代都市女性在情爱与性爱上女权意识的高涨,在一定程度上延续、拓展了新学所开创的“妇女解放”的主题。  相似文献   

清代宋琬的药名闺情词是一种目前无人论及的词体,很具特色。宋琬以中药名为-意象表达思想感情;在嵌入中药名时运用了离合、双关及顶真等的修辞手法;用药名进行创作的原因在客观上主要是文学的逐渐发展与完善,主观上是受词人自身创作心理的影响。  相似文献   

湘西情歌中的专用词是相对普通词语而言的,指对唱情歌时的称呼语、特殊词语及为了表达爱情而借用的一部分普通词语。分为以下几类:1.称呼话;2.动、植物名;3.方言词;4.其它专用词。由于在历史性心理积淀的长期作用下,民俗心理结构的模塑,专用词在词意上除了表层意义外,还有其深层含义。歌手们从湘西文化中选择适当的专用词,对所咏事物进行富有某种感情的想象和联想,由于同属一种文化圈,因而极易引起“条件反应”达到情感共鸣。专用词具有鲜明的方言特色和浓厚的民俗特色,从而提升了湘西情歌的艺术技巧和幽深意境。  相似文献   

娥皇、女英为帝尧二女、虞舜二妃,其事迹载在今传最古老的经典《尚书》、《山海经》、《孟子》、《楚辞》、《史记》、《列女传》六大文献系统及其他多种古书中。二妃与虞舜的感情故事,被称为"中国恋爱文学之祖"。文章谨对古书所见二妃名字、称号略作梳理。  相似文献   

师生关系作为学校中最基本的人际关系,直接关系到学生成长和教育质量。良好的师生关系具有尊师爱生、民主平等、和谐互动等基本特征。记住学生的名字是教师对学生最基本的尊重,但现实生活中,许多教师很难做到这一点。因此,我们要从记住学生的名字这样的小事做起,将教师与学生互相尊重落到实处,从而建立良好的师生关系。  相似文献   

李清照、朱淑真在词中表达了女性的自赏意识,对女性的爱情体验进行了真实言说,对女性文学的发展作出了贡献。此外,她们还各有开拓之功,李清照描写了宋词长廊罕见的少女像,朱淑真以“爱情斗士”的面目为女性呼唤生命权利。依据词人别号、作品、生活经历综合分析,李清照人格形象蕴藉多面,不仅具女性本体的性格特征,且展现了双性人格;朱淑真则局囿于女性狭窄的生活空间,人格形象相对单一。  相似文献   

汤显祖、蒋士铨同为江西籍的戏曲大家,他们的共同之处在于“为情而戏”。但他们所论之“情”由于所处时代不同而具有不同的内涵。这在他们所塑造的女性人物身上分别表现出“以情抗理”及“以情存理”的不同学创作主张。  相似文献   

孔子曾说,学《诗》可以“多识于鸟兽草木之名”。其实,学习《诗经》,并不仅仅是多识鸟兽草木之名称,而且它们在诗中大多都承负着比兴、喻托之重任,所以我们更可以从鸟兽草木的各个具体个体特点、习性的认识基础上,进而深刻领会诗中的深意。单就鸟儿来讲,有的甚至已成为化积淀中的固定意象了,比如:鸳鸯、燕子、喜鹊、大雁、布谷等等。  相似文献   

王安忆与池莉通过以两个“庐山恋”文本为典范式的一系列“爱情与人”的文本,对传统爱情文本提出了置疑,对爱情的内质、模式、生存本相进行了颠覆。在艰难的重构中,显示了她们的努力与尴尬。她们建构的路径虽不一样,但结果都是一样的茫然。她们努力寻找,却仍无法找到通向诗意与现实协调的路。虽与爱情本相偶然相遇,却很快落入现实的坚固循环的定数中,爱情的本相只剩下对诗意的茫然的向往。她们所揭示的诗意与现实紧张的关系,显示了人们走向“人”之路的漫长及拯救的异常艰辛。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代之后小说中的知识分子情爱叙事展示出知识分子爱情的各种可能性状态,及其中所包含的意义探寻的过程。通过各自的文本,朱文、韩东、李洱、北村描绘出"性"万能、"爱情错位"、情感的"无力"与"淡漠"、"诗性之爱"承担终极价值的无力等场景,这表明客观的"知识"体系虽然参与了知识分子爱情的发生机制,却丧失了提供自明而普适的伦理价值观的能力。这一时代的情爱叙事折射出知识分子精神价值取向的迷茫与焦虑。  相似文献   

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