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本从不同角度分析了少数民族学生对汉语课丧失兴趣的各种因素,及对此进行补救的方法。  相似文献   

在中国证券市场上导致投资者利益受损的原因是:证券市场的制度设计缺乏前瞻性和可操作性,制度建设严重滞后和一股独大的公司治理结构;在制度执行上又存在严重的有法不依、执法不严.  相似文献   

This study examined age-related differences in the effectiveness of two generative learning strategies (GLSs). Twenty-five children aged 9–11 and 25 university students aged 17–29 performed a facts learning task in which they had to generate either a prediction or an example before seeing the correct result. We found a significant Age × Learning Strategy interaction, with children remembering more facts after generating predictions rather than examples, whereas both strategies were similarly effective in adults. Pupillary data indicated that predictions stimulated surprise, whereas the effectiveness of example-based learning correlated with children’s analogical reasoning abilities. These findings suggest that there are different cognitive prerequisites for different GLSs, which results in varying degrees of strategy effectiveness by age.  相似文献   

Treatment fidelity refers to the extent to which an intervention is implemented as planned. If researchers do not assess and report treatment fidelity, or if treatment fidelity is shown to be low, findings from intervention studies are difficult to interpret, because the intervention may not have been implemented as planned. In this article, our aim is to inform research consumers by discussing treatment fidelity and its primary dimensions, providing guidelines for interpreting treatment fidelity, considering implications of treatment fidelity for research and practice, and illustrating how fidelity is reported in two recent studies. Our take‐home message is that when one is interpreting intervention studies, it is important to consider whether the interventions were applied as planned, or with fidelity.  相似文献   

This is an investigation of the relationships and differences among selected personality, demographic, and intellective variables in a sample of 267 Morehead Scholars, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, from the classes of 1965 through 1970 to determine the feasibility and practicality of their use as predictors and criteria of academic and nonacademic achievements. Analysis of variance was used to determine the differences among the various groups. Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine the association among the variables and to select the most efficient predictors of academic and nonacademic criteria.

There was a significant relationship between high school nonacademic achievements and (a) Opinion, Attitude, and Interest Survey (OAIS) scores, (b) high school rank in class and (c) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. High school nonacademic achievements and selected OAIS scales, when combined with SAT scores and high school rank in class, increase the efficiency of predicting subsequent college grade point average (GPA). The addition of high school nonacademic achievements to SAT scores increased the efficiency of predicting freshman and senior cumulative GPA for all groups. The OAIS scales, freshman GPA, and high school nonacademic achievements can be used to predict college nonacademic achievements.  相似文献   

基于logistic模型的民办院校教师流失原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民办高校经历了二十多年的发展,在社会上形成了一定的影响力,但发展步伐仍比较缓慢,其中一个重要的原因就是留不住人才。本文针对民办院校教师流动率高这一问题,运用文献研究法、头脑风暴法,对有关民办院校教师流动成因的资料进行收集整理,以此为基础设计指标,并运用logistic回归模型对原因作进一步深入分析,用以发现其中的关键影响因素,以达到为民办院校预测教师流动、合理设计人才保留计划的目的。  相似文献   

论阿宝感情变化的合理性逻辑及其蛇足   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粤西名士孙子楚向娟丽无双的阿宝求婚,阿宝瞧不起手有枝指的孙子楚,并多次揶揄戏弄他,还称其为“孙痴”,然孙子楚大智若愚,果断勇敢,痴情不渝,甚至灵魂出窍,舍身为鸟。孙子楚的真诚和痴情终于感动了阿宝,使她从“高其位置”,逐渐转变为誓死相从,并终成眷属。阿宝的感情变化有其自身的轨迹,是合情合理的。  相似文献   

智能时代仍然呼唤劳动教育,智能化技术会取代部分劳动岗位,但不能代替全部职位;同时还会倒逼产生新的劳动岗位;无论社会如何发展,劳动将永恒存在.智能化时代的劳动教育具有全新的功能价值,是培养"完整的人"的基本途径;树立劳动幸福感的必由之路;激发创新能力的重要路径.面对这一趋势,智能时代的劳动教育亟需从理念、内容和方法上进行转型重构.要理念先行,明晰智能时代劳动教育的立场;要以内容为王,构建发展的劳动课程教材体系;要加强方法转型,善于运用技术优化劳动教学模式.  相似文献   

“最后一公里”难以打通是基层政策执行中比较常见的现象,这一现象在以河长制为核心的水环境治理中也同样存在,体现在“上热下冷”的运行态势、政策“一盘棋”与执行“一刀切”的掣肘、基层治理中难碰的“奶酪”、避责驱动下政策执行打折以及技术赋能基层政策执行的局限等方面。从“权虚责实”的分析视角看,低治理权与河长办的“三重”困境、“被动接受”的任务设定与“权力转移”的软控制、基层治理中非正式关系对科层权力的消解与制衡等,导致了基层治水中的“小马拉大车”,而层层压实的治水任务与基层重负之间的矛盾、疾风骤雨式的治水政令与组织垂直协调的困难、强问责与弱激励的机制设计等导致基层治水中的“大车压小马”。基层治水中的“权虚责实”,体现了科层“垂直化”与治理“扁平化”的动态博弈。如何化解权威体系与有效治理之间的矛盾,有待进一步探究。  相似文献   

自《民办教育促进法》颁布实施以来,我国相继出台了一系列政策、法规,鼓励、扶持发展民办教育,民办高职教育的发展也迎来了新的契机。然而,民办高职院校发展中出现的各种问题也日益显现,特别是民办高职院校教师流失的问题已经成为制约院校发展的“瓶颈”。民办高职院校教师流失具有地域性、年轻化、骨干化、时段性、职业选择稳定性。这个问题的解决需要从政府、社会、学校、教师自身找原因,对症下药,促进民办高职院校健康发展。  相似文献   

<劳动合同法>是我国劳动法制建设史上具有里程碑意义的法律,实施一年多来,却不尽如人意.为解决实施难问题,政府应进一步完善<劳动合同法>,加大宣传力度,营造良好的实施氛围;企业要理顺思路、转变观念,全面理解并认真执行;工会应增强责任感,强化维权和监督职能.  相似文献   

An interesting phenomenon is that when people arc referring to themselves, they do not always and nccessarily use "I". Other expressions can be used. The essay tries to explore the different linguistic strategies used to refer to the "self" or "the speaker's role", and their effects. Also, the principles behind the strategies are discussed, namely social distance principle and aim principle.  相似文献   

Why it is so difficult to prepare for academic exams is reviewed with respect to recent research. Textbooks, teaching, and information processing characteristics of students all contribute to undermining effective learning and review. Recommendations are made about how instructors can make it easier for students to review and appraise their test readiness, as well as about how students can make a difference in the quality of their own preparations for tests.  相似文献   

何新是当代中国著名学者,其学术涉及面广。开展何新学术研究与批判有利于推动多领域学术进步;开展研究与批判要注意准确全面把握何新学术内容,运用正确的立场、观点和方法,注意区分何新学术的多层次性,并注意在其学术发展的动态过程中加以考察。  相似文献   

Where Large Scale Educational Assessment Is Heading and Why It Shouldn't   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Where are we headed in large scale assessment? Who is determining what the direction should be? Why does instructional enhancement take a back seat to educational accountability?  相似文献   

大学生人际交往中存在的问题分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人际交往是个体最基本的需要。大学生人际交往质量及形成的人际关系直接影响了在校期间的学习、生活乃至身心健康。分析大学生在人际交往中存在的种种问题 ,寻找对策 ,有利于解除大学生因人际关系而产生的压抑、紧张、孤独、寂寞 ,促进大学生的自我认识、自我评价 ,从而选择更为恰当的策略提高人际交往质量 ,使人际关系得到良性发展。  相似文献   

水烧开了,灌入热水瓶中,塞紧瓶塞,经过一段时间,常会发生瓶塞拔不出来的现象,这是什么原因呢?这种日常生活现象是涉及热学与力学的综合问题,我们应用中学物理知识试分析之.  相似文献   

大学生离校出走的具体诱因和导火线虽不相同,但是却有性格内向孤僻、家庭责任压力大、学习困难和思维方式缺陷等共性因素。高校不仅要理性看待这种现象,而且要改进工作以预防和减少类似事件的发生,还要正确应对和处置离校出走的突发事件。  相似文献   

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