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This study examines the influence of St. John's University Summer Science Experience and Teacher Mentoring Program on African American and Hispanic high school students' interest in science and science teaching as career goals. In the first phase of the program, high school students from six school districts in Suffolk County, Long Island (a suburb of metropolitan New York City) engaged in investigative science experiences that emphasized environmental science, chemistry, and technology and learned about effective science pedagogy. The second phase of the program functioned as a teaching practicum for the high school students, where they planned for instruction and taught middle school students investigations similar to those that they had engaged in during the summer program. Various surveys were developed to assess high school students' attitudes about science and science teaching, knowledge of effective teaching approaches, knowledge of ways to motivate younger students, and the overall impact of the program on the high students' interest in science and/or science teaching as career goals. Program evaluations reveal that over 75% of the students expressed an interest in considering science or science teaching as career possibilities. Implications for minority teacher recruitment are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对西部地区某农村中学学生英语语篇思维模式进行调查分析,并在教学中实施语篇教学实验研究,结果表明,语篇思维模式与语篇教学模式在英语语言教学中有着重要的作用,强调英语语言教学要从语篇的结构形式入手,使学生在语言交际的环境中掌握语言,从而培养和提高他们的语言交际能力和实际应用语言的能力。  相似文献   

With a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, this essay reveals four types of discourses:discourse of examination, in?struction, technology and regulation. Based on the analysis of power relation among...  相似文献   

The Information Seeking Strategies of High School Science Students   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study focused on the use of the Artemis web-based interface http://artemis.goknow.com/artemis/index.adp). This program provides a digital library for students to search, organise, and evaluation science information related to project-based investigations. The primary feature of the Artemis interface is a focused search tool. Key scaffolding features in Artemis include the collections of web sites, driving question folders, a persistent workspace for notes, cataloging of past search results, and the viewing of sites shared by other students. The primary goal of this study was to describe high school science students' use of the scaffolding features embedded in the Artemis interface. The researchers were interested in identifying the scaffolding features students use and describing how they use them in the context of finding science information related to investigations. In addition, to look at scaffolding interaction, relationships between feature use and student learning were examined. The context of this study was a four-week science investigation conducted by 43 high school biology students. Students worked in dyads to answer driving questions related to their topics of study (e.g., What do the conditions need to be in order for green algae to survive?). It was found that students relied heavily upon Organisational Feature scaffolds (persistent workspace) to help them organise information that was ultimately used by the students to produce domain specific artifacts. In addition, students spent much of their time conducting searches and saving results. However, classroom performance success was only significantly correlated with the use of Organizational Feature scaffolds – scaffolding features that students use to create driving questions, write notes about the information they found as a result of their searches, and keep track of their investigations. No other search tool used by the students possessed this important scaffolding feature. The students did not automatically use Collaborative Features – scaffolding features hypothesised to be powerful cognitive tools.  相似文献   

本文分析了大学英语阅读教学的重要性及其现状,简单介绍了语篇分析理论的含义,认为该理论可以在英语教学中得到广泛应用,可以用来指导阅读教学,提供新的教学模式。本文探讨了语篇分析理论在英语阅读教学中的应用模式和策略,着重讨论了语篇的衔接手段、语境分析和结构分析模式的应用,试图以语篇分析为理论基础,改进阅读教学的思想和方法。  相似文献   

教师使用学生喜好的教学方法有利于培养学生对科学课程和科学积极的情感,本研究调查了1 334名(男生679名,女生655名)初中学生,在目前物理、化学课堂中23种教学活动使用的频数,以及他们希望其使用的频数。调查数据用描述性统计和非参数检验分析,结果显示:现代教学方法和传统教学法均受到学生的肯定;学生强烈希望开展参观工厂、博物馆等教学活动;学生个体差异影响其对教学方法的喜好;女学生更喜欢听教师讲解和看教师演示实验;成绩好的学生更喜欢小组课题研究、小组讨论等。调查结果对教师理解学生和选择教学方法有启示作用。  相似文献   

思维导图辅助高中英语语篇教学理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以思维导图为技术支持,以语篇分析为理论基础,对思维导图辅助高中英语语篇教学进行了理论探讨。文章首先简要分析了目前我国高中英语阅读教学的现状,然后用实例说明思维导图辅助高中英语语篇教学的优势。通过思维导图,学习者可以将精力集中在关键知识点上,使其摆脱因文章太长或太难而抓不住主题的困扰;还可激发学习者学习的主观能动性,变被动学习为主动学习。  相似文献   

阐述新形势下学生管理工作如何实现科学化之观点。  相似文献   

In this study discourse and conversation analyses were performed on talk by science and mathematics teaching faculty participating in reforming content courses for teacher candidates participating in a mathematics and science teacher preparation project (upper elementary and middle level). The context of the study was the Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation (MCTP), a National Science Foundation funded project in the USA. The study's goal was to explore the use of discourse and conversation analyses as ways to understand faculty beliefs concerning mathematics and science, two disciplines the MCTP project aimed to connect. Discussion focused on two areas: (1) the comparison of the discourse on science and mathematics by the science, mathematics, and pedagogy content specialists, and (2) the impact of collaboration on the science and mathematics teaching faculty's conversation on science and mathematics. An implication of this study is to promote the analysis of talk as way to inform and direct faculty transformation in science and mathematics teacher education programs. Future research is recommended.  相似文献   

本文从语言学的视角把话语分析与广播新闻话语结合起来,旨在通过各方面的分析来揭示广播新闻话语的语言学特点,从而丰富语言学的研究,并帮助听众更好地理解广播新闻话语。  相似文献   

《分析报纸:批评话语分析的方法》一书运用批评话语分析的前沿理论对报纸话语进行了深入的分析。从语言分析、话语的互文性、话语的新闻视角等三个层面系统地阐述了媒介话语的特点,建立了一个比较完整的媒介话语分析体系。  相似文献   

LIU Nan 《海外英语》2014,(22):17-18,24
This paper selects the real classroom teaching of English teachers in junior high school as the study object to analyze the teacher talk from the perspective of discourse analysis and point out the problems that exist,based on which the strategies for improvement are presented.  相似文献   

This paper selects the real classroom teaching of English teachers in junior high school as the study object to analyze the teacher talk from the perspective of discourse analysis and point out the pro...  相似文献   

Science Activities That Work: Perceptions of Primary School Teachers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many primary school teachers in Australia tend to be reluctant to teach science, partly because they are not confident in science and have limited science background knowledge. However, quite a number of primary school teachers still manage to teach some science. When they plan to teach science, many of them use the term science activities that work. Such activities seem to be related to science pedagogical content knowledge for some primary teachers. In order to better understand what the term activities that work means, twenty teachers from several schools were interviewed and asked what they understood by this expression. Themes that emerged suggest that activities that work are hands on, are interesting and motivating for the children, have a clear outcome or result, are manageable in the classroom, use equipment that is readily available, and are preferably used in a context where science is integrated into themes. Implications for curriculum and for preservice teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

师范院校综合理科课程特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学文化的发展使得社会对教师的要求越来越高,为主动适应当今科学技术发展综合化趋势和基础教育新一轮课程改革对复合型师资的需要,高等师范院校应率先开展综合课程的教学研究,本文运用系统化分析问题的方法,从综合理科课程的学科性质、师范生的学习特征以及综合理科课程的时代特征出发,分析了师范院校综合理科课程的9大特征,并针对这些特征提出有效的教学策略.  相似文献   

理论指导:会话分析理论和互动理论。方法:抽取广东外语外贸大学的三个精品课堂进行研究。研究的重点:主话语结构,话轮转换与教师话语。研究结果:精品课堂的课堂话语有以下三个特征:(1)课堂话语结构复杂,绝大多数是IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F和IR1F1/R2F2,会话内容更丰富;(2)课堂会话环境轻松,每个会话结构有8个以上的话轮,而且学生主动寻求话轮权、夺过话轮,扩展自己的回答;(3)教师提问主要表现为参考性提问而且教师提供了大量的积极反馈,因此在课堂上教师激发了学生的回答欲望,引发了更长更复杂的学生回答。  相似文献   

徐喜凤 《天津教育》2021,(4):126-127
小学科学教育是以培养学生综合科学素养的一门课程,要求小学科学地教学这目的能够使学生运用科学知识去解决实际问题。这为小学科学的教学方式设立了相关的准绳,即科学与现实生活是不可割裂的整体,在教学中要将两者紧密结合,注重培养学生解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

针对目前普通高等学校食品科学专业仪器分析课程教学存在的教学内容陈旧、与专业联系不紧密等问题,提出仪器分析课程教学改革的必要性.根据学生的专业特点进行教学改革,包括精心组织教学内容、培养学生学习兴趣、增加综合设计性实验等,以有利于培养食品科学专业的合格人才,提高仪器分析课程的教学质量.  相似文献   

罗丹 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(9):116-120
传统的大学英语精读课沿用"语言分析"的教学模式,在一定程度上影响了精读课堂的教学效果,而语篇分析改变了传统的精读教学模式,它强调从语篇的层面上整体性地理解和掌握语言,对大学英语精读教学具有较强的指导意义。以《新视野大学英语读写教程3》第六单元的语篇为例,将语篇分析理论运用于大学英语精读教学中,旨在提高大学英语精读课程的教学效果,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。  相似文献   

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