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王素凤 《科教文汇》2011,(28):46-47
专业课教学是高校教学体系的重要环节,但在当前研究中尚未受到充分重视。高校专业课教学在教学目标、教学对象和教学方法等方面明显区别于基础课教学;当前专业课教学中存在培养目标"重理论、轻能力"、教学关系本末倒置、教学创新生搬硬套等误区;可从教师、教学及师生关系等角度构建高校专业课和谐课堂。  相似文献   

罗近文 《大众科技》2011,(12):221-222,181
近些年来国家对医疗事业越来越重视,医改也正如火如茶的进行,医学院校的人才培养面临新的机遇和挑战。由于现代医疗技术日新月异的发展,要求高职高专医学院校学生掌握医学基础课时更加国际化、专业化,否则很难跟得上发展的步伐,才能与国际医学接轨。因此对医学人才培养要高标准、高要求,在医学院校的英语教学中,既要重视大学英语四六级考试,又要防止它对职业英语教育带来的一些不良影响,进而加大对医学英语知识的重视,防止本末倒置,从而提高教学水平和学生的英语应用能力。  相似文献   

A consensus exists among contemporary philosophers of biologyabout the history of their field. According to the receivedview, mainstream philosophy of science in the 1930s, 40s, and50s focused on physics and general epistemology, neglectinganalyses of the ‘special sciences’, including biology.The subdiscipline of philosophy of biology emerged (and couldonly have emerged) after the decline of logical positivism inthe 1960s and 70s. In this article, I present bibliometric datafrom four major philosophy of science journals (Erkenntnis,Philosophy of Science, Synthese, and the British Journal forthe Philosophy of Science), covering 1930–59, which challengethis view.
1 Introduction
2 Methods
3 Results
4 Conclusions

Over the past decade, education reform and teacher training projects have spent a great deal of effort to create and support sustainable, scalable online communities of education professionals. For the most part, those communities have been created in isolation from the existing local professional communities within which the teachers practice. We argue that focusing on online technology solely as a mechanism to deliver training and/or create online networks places the cart before the horse by ignoring the Internet's even greater potential to help support and strengthen local communities of practice within which teachers work. In this article we seek guideposts to help education technologists understand the nature of local K-12 education communities of practice--specifically their reciprocal relationship with teacher professional development and instructional improvement interventions--as a prerequisite to designing online sociotechnical infrastructure that supports the professional growth of education professionals.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, education reform and teacher training projects have spent a great deal of effort to create and support sustainable, scalable online communities of education professionals. For the most part, those communities have been created in isolation from the existing local professional communities within which the teachers practice. We argue that focusing on online technology solely as a mechanism to deliver training and/or create online networks places the cart before the horse by ignoring the Internet's even greater potential to help support and strengthen local communities of practice within which teachers work. In this article we seek guideposts to help education technologists understand the nature of local K-12 education communities of practice--specifically their reciprocal relationship with teacher professional development and instructional improvement interventions--as a prerequisite to designing online sociotechnical infrastructure that supports the professional growth of education professionals.  相似文献   

管理哲学的学科体系构建及其发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哲学与管理科学历史悠久,而管理哲学却是一门新兴的交叉学科.对管理哲学概念进行了科学界定.理清了管理哲学、管理科学、哲学的伴生关系.构建具有前瞻性的管理哲学学科体系结构,提出符合我国实际情况的发展对策,这对于弥补哲学、管理科学、管理哲学本身知识体系的缺失与薄弱环节,探索新的学科生长点、生长极,乃至推进并完善整个管理哲学学科向纵深发展都将大有裨益.  相似文献   

一般认为赖兴巴赫在1938年《经验与预言》一书中最先提出发现语境与辩护语境的区分(DJ区分),对DJ区分的源头可以进一步追溯。随着逻辑经验主义的衰退,科学哲学界对DJ区分的诠释产生了众多版本,大部分版本与赖兴巴赫最初的DJ区分存在着明显的背离。面对科学哲学内部(包括认知科学视角)与外部(科学史、科学的社会和文化研究等)对DJ区分的反对,霍伊宁根-休恩提出精益区分(lean distinction)以挽救DJ区分。DJ区分的再分析作为科学哲学的历史研究的重要组成部分应当受到足够的重视。  相似文献   

社会建构论是一种被寄予厚望的哲学方式。作为新思潮,它有必要到历史中汲取思想资源。我们认为社会建构论的思想不仅有知识社会学和历史主义等经常被提到的近缘,还可追溯到康德和黑格尔以及皮尔士的哲学。这种追本溯源不但有助于我们从社会建构论的历史去理解它的逻辑,而且也为它提供了辩护。  相似文献   

实验者回归是对整体论激进的歪曲,也是对维特根斯坦的一种社会学解读,它认为意会知识的存在使实验可复制性不可能,把实验作为一种反映论意义上的表征证据。在维特根斯坦后期哲学、波兰尼的著作与当前科学实践哲学研究中,我们可以发现,实验是科学家长期实践的历史过程,而不是一种无历史感的单向的表征关系。正是在这一历史过程中,意会认知的整体协同作用使理论与实验之间的复杂相互作用能够实现实验的可重复性。  相似文献   

张柯 《科教文汇》2014,(25):27-28
西方哲学史课程向来都是哲学本科专业课程设置的重心和课程教育的重点,然而相关教学工作中存在着不同程度的困难,为此就需要进行教学方法和教学内容上的改革。为了解决这些困难,改善和提高哲学史课程的教育水准,我们首先有必要认真分析和探讨哲学本科专业西方哲学史课程教育的特殊性,在此基础上,我们才能给出切实可行的相应对策。  相似文献   

Dissent and assent contribute to new information and knowledge in that they foster ideas, avert errors and counter misplaced beliefs. Although intended to facilitate progress, innovation and creativity, dissent may be opposed by the closed mind and defensive mindset. Don Lamberton encountered a specific mindset in his own duties to scholarship in economics. Thus, the perspective of dissent is a fitting way to pay homage to his scholarship. However, this paper is also a lament. It gives an interpretation of Antigone from political philosophy which depicts Antigone rocking an ideological boat harboured by the polis. The silencing of Antigone’s voice results in unexpected losses in the oikos. This is the sort of tragedy threatening critical and innovative scholarship in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

冯·诺依曼是计算机科学哲学理论的主要奠基人之一。他的计算机科学哲学思想主要体现在他的自动机理论中。冯·诺依曼为自动机理论奠定了逻辑基础。他认为最高层次的抽象应当借助严密的数理逻辑方法去完成。在他看来,只有抽象的形式结构可以了解整个世界;只有严密的逻辑体系才可能包含普遍真理,计算机的设计必须追求逻辑简洁性。在他看来,借助数量极少的术语和规则可以在计算机上作出极其复杂的计算或推理。不断追求逻辑的简洁性和形式美,是计算机科学研究的永恒目标。逻辑简洁性、数学和谐性和形式美的理念在他的自动机理论中表现得淋漓尽致。冯·诺依曼的自动机理论源于毕达哥拉斯主义,是毕达哥拉斯主义数学自然观的产物。  相似文献   

In this work a procedure for obtaining polytopic λ-contractive sets for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems is presented, adapting well-known algorithms from literature on discrete-time linear difference inclusions (LDI) to multi-dimensional summations. As a complexity parameter increases, these sets tend to the maximal invariant set of the system when no information on the shape of the membership functions is available. λ-contractive sets are naturally associated to level sets of polyhedral Lyapunov functions proving a decay-rate of λ. The paper proves that the proposed algorithm obtains better results than a class of Lyapunov methods for the same complexity degree: if such a Lyapunov function exists, the proposed algorithm converges in a finite number of steps and proves a larger λ-contractive set.  相似文献   

科学哲学的一个核心问题就为现实中的科学提供合理性的辩护。但笛卡儿以来的近代哲学是在主客二分的认识论思维范式下进行的,其辩护属于认知合理性的范畴。具体而言,这种科学合理性辩护以主、客体二分为认识论的基本原则,从认识论和方法论角度出发论证科学合理性,具体表现为实在论与方法论合理性。但这种认知模式的合理性论证一直局限于理论思维范围之内,没有给出令人信服的解释。随着现代哲学的发展,理论哲学的局限性日益突出,“生活世界”开始进入科学合理性研究的视野。  相似文献   

历史主义转向之后,科学哲学面临着采用工具主义合理性还是接受历史主义而放弃对合理性追求的两难局面,造成了所谓的科学合理性危机。但是,这种两选一的对立局面建立在错误的理论预设之上。超越这种对立局面首先要求不再将科学合理性建立在某些普遍适用的规则之上,其次要求扩展对科学实践中的认识论规范的理解。以实践为中心的科学哲学为我们提供了更广泛地理解认知规范的可能性,从而建立一种与历史主义相容的科学合理性观。  相似文献   

近年来科学史方面相关的作品开始不断增多,然而质量却不断遭受批判,研究重心主要在一阶的科学史研究上。本文通过重点分析以阿伽西为代表对波义耳案例的科学史研究,并对比其他科学史家笔下的波义耳研究,立足于科学编史学的维度来探讨科学史重建的合理性。本文认为,基于不同的哲学立场,不同的科学史作品都是对科学历史的某个侧面进行描述,都是“真实”历史的某种简化、某种单一化,只强调突出某个侧面。只有意识到科学哲学对科学史的作用,才能更好地“利用”科学哲学为科学史服务,从而带来对科学史更多的理解。  相似文献   

基于可变模糊集的质变与量变定理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据可变模糊集理论率先给出唯物辩证法哲学三大规律之一:质量互变规律的严密的数学定理——质变与量变定理。指出可变模糊集相对差异函数与集对分析差异度的区别。  相似文献   

This paper considers the feedback interconnection of two multi-input multi-output subsystems characterized by rational transfer functions 1 and functions are not assumed to be proper nor exponentially stableThe effect of output disturbances on stability is taken into account. Ten examples are given to show that instabilities may appear anywhere around the loop. Next, under a sequence of successively more restrictive assumptions, we prove four sets of necessary and sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of the system. Using coprime factorizations, we obtain four equivalent expressions for the system characteristic polynomial. Two stability tests are derived, the first one is based exclusively on transfer functions, the second is based on the characteristic polynomial. The paper ends by providing translation rules for reformulating all definitions and theorems for the discrete-time case (i.e. instead of Laplace transforms use Z-transforms, etc.).  相似文献   

英国是碳中和战略行动的倡议者和先行者,深入解析其政策体系特征,对我国推进碳达峰、碳中和(以下简称“双碳”)行动部署具有参考价值。文章在内容分析和扎根理论方法的基础上,设计提出宏观战略(macro-strategy)、中观架构(medium-skeleton)和微观结构(micro-structure)的“3 MS”分析框架,深度挖掘其政策的文本和逻辑特征。研究显示,英国基本形成碳中和战略“1+1+N+X”政策体系,构建了“咨询—决策—执行—评估”战略推进体系,具有中央统筹、机构推进、智库支撑、私营协同的组织架构,以及立法约束、整体部署、任务明确、细化响应、相互支撑、科技引领等政策网络。相比之下,我国在立法保障、推进体系、智库支撑等方面仍存在不足,建议从法律保障、体制机制、实施路径、科技创新、智库支撑等5个维度,针对不同减排部门、不同产业技术,以及政府、行业、企业、社会等多个层面,不断完善我国“1+N”政策体系。  相似文献   


This article examines the history and future prospects of the formation of Internet studies. It is argued that although a traditional field or disciplinary structure is not yet in place, the current interdisciplinary aggregations may have the makings of institutionalized academic units. Through comparison with the institutionalization of other interdisiciplinary areas of study (primarily that of communication and cultural studies), an argument is made for the need to create a firm intellectual foundation on which an Internet/studies can be built. Such a foundation should not only include sufficient and clear understanding of cognate fields but also include a foregrounding of power (as theoretical construct and practice) as a means of engaging the field in the world.  相似文献   

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