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我国高校扩招政策实施后出现了一些问题,本文通过对这一政策出台进行反思,从教育决策与教育研究的角度分析了高校扩招政策的有失科学之处。期望通过对两者关系的剖析,对教育决策的改善有所帮助。  相似文献   

制度变迁给职业教育开辟了一片新天地。文章以中等职业教育扩招为立足点,阐述了中等职业教育扩招的主要保障因素,剖析了中职助学政策和中职免费政策在中职扩招中的杠杆作用,探讨了职业教育制度在职业教育发展中的作用。  相似文献   

本文以 1 999年高校扩招为案例 ,对扩招政策的决策背景、预期影响 ,特别是过渡期教育决策特点与制度安排的关系 ,进行了分析和探讨。文章认为 ,促使扩招政策出台的背景 ,是由宏观社会需求、解决经济困境、走出“应试教育”怪圈等因素形成的一种综合效应。从对实施科技兴国战略、积极的财政政策和高等教育改革等方面的预期影响分析 ,扩招决策是一项涉及全局利益而作出的困境决策。由扩招政策显现的过渡期教育决策的特点及其与制度安排的关系 ,反映了教育改革的特殊性与改革走向的复杂性。我国教育改革的制度创新 ,突出体现了教育决策在过渡期的制度化环境中的“两难”抉择  相似文献   

我国高校扩招政策实施后出现了一些问题,本文通过对这一政策出台进行反思,从教育决策与教育研究的角度分析了高校扩招政策的有失科学之处.期望通过对两者关系的剖析,对教育决策的改善有所帮助.  相似文献   

教育政策:一个结构主义的分析视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方结构功能主义理论、科学革命结构理论、制度经济学关于制度变迁理论以及西方政策过程理论为理解教育政策的结构生成和结构变迁提供了有益的分析框架。教育政策本身的复杂丰富性启示我们必须从结构和动态生成的角度对其进行理解和把握。教育政策结构由外围层、中间层、核心层三个部分组成。三个层面之间进行的复杂的交互作用决定着教育政策的不同类型和教育政策变迁的不同范式。教育政策结构变迁从变迁的道路上看,有“由外而内”与“由内而外”两种;从变迁的途径上看,有“路径依赖”与“路径创新”两种;从变迁的动力上看,有“自然演进”与“理性构建”两种。  相似文献   

我国从1999年开始实施高校扩招政策,已近10个年头了.高校扩招政策解决了我国教育上长期存在的问题,并从一定程度上促进了国内需求的增长,实现了国民经济的发展.但高校扩招政策实施以来的绩效及其凸显的问题.说明高校扩招政策并不能作为扩大国内需求、刺激经济增长的一个长期政策,因此应该按照社会发展要求完善教育制度.只有持久稳定的教育发展才能对经济发展起到拉动作用.  相似文献   

万卫 《江苏高教》2012,(5):81-83
我国专业学位研究生教育扩招政策的出台是多种因素共同作用下的结果。通过运用多源流分析方法对该政策的形成过程进行细致考察后发现:问题源流包括产业结构的升级、高校毕业生就业难和研究生就业的转向;政策源流包括政府官员和学者的意见;政治源流则为执政党的"以人为本"、"和谐社会"等执政理念。2009年3月2日召开的全国专业学位教育指导委员会联席会议开启了我国专业学位研究生教育扩招的"政策之窗"。  相似文献   

新中国成立70多年来,我国劳动教育政策经历了从注重体能教育—技能教育—素质教育的变迁历程。运用历史制度主义范式来考察我国劳动教育政策的历史变迁,可以发现其生成、持续、变革隐藏着一些固化的、稳态的逻辑。具体来说,制度背景是推动劳动教育政策生成的深层结构,路径依赖是制约劳动教育政策持续发展的惯性结构,关键节点则是促成制度变革的机会结构。这三者共同勾勒了一幅独具中国特色的劳动教育政策的变迁图景,描绘了我国劳动教育政策鲜明的时代特征,并给我国劳动教育政策的发展带来一些系列挑战与机遇。未来需要进一步理顺劳动教育与政府、学校、社会之间的关系,改革劳动教育政策,不断优化劳动教育政策的逻辑结构,推动我国劳动教育政策变迁的良性发展。  相似文献   

制度安排的绩效取决于制度安排与资产价值特征的匹配程度。制度的低效率常常引发制度变迁,即资产价值特征为制度变迁的源动力,而与资产价值特征的最佳匹配为制度变迁的归宿点。这一结论既是退耕还林制度出台的内在逻辑,也是充分解决问题,保障退耕还林政策可持续性的理论依据。以此而言。以中央政府为退耕还林资金的主要来源;长期的退耕还林制度安排中必须兼顾到地方的利益;政府实行已到采伐期的人工生态林的“林权”收购制度。是可持续性退耕还林政策得以实现的三个基本制度支撑点。  相似文献   

教育督导在促进教育工作落实中发挥着监督和指导的作用。改革开放以来,我国教育督导政策的变迁可分为四个阶段:恢复教育督导制度阶段、规范教育督导制度阶段、深化教育督导制度阶段、教育督导制度的精准化阶段。据多源流理论分析,问题源流是教育督导政策变迁的动力基础,不同阶段的教育督导工作中存在的现实问题构成问题源流;政治源流是教育督导政策变迁的良好环境,党和政府的高度重视、群众情绪及公众舆论等构成政治源流;政策源流是教育督导政策变迁的合理依据,专家学者、人大代表等构成政策源流。三条源流动态耦合,促进我国教育督导政策的变迁。为完善我国教育督导制度,应据以下方面进行改进:首先,增强问题意识,着力于督导问题的解决;其次,提升政治觉悟,引导教育督导制度的发展;最后,广泛吸纳建议,多方协力完善督导制度。  相似文献   

Privatization Or Marketization: Educational Development in Post-Mao China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the post-Mao era, the reformers have taken significant steps to privatize social policy and social welfare. Revamping the social security system and commodifying social services have become more prominent since the mid-eighties. Despite the post-Mao leaders' discomfort about the term "privatization", signs of state withdrawal from the provision of social policy and welfare are clear. The author argues that the emergence of private educational institutions indicates that China's educational development has gone through a similar process of privatization or quasi-marketization though the Chinese experience is different from that of Western counterparts. Specifically, this paper tries to examine how the flourishing market economy and the policy of decentralization have affected the development of China's higher education. No longer solely relying on public schools, private and minban (people run) educational institutions are becoming more popular in the new socialist market system. This paper attempts to examine how privatization and quasi- marketization have affected educational development in mainland China. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of the privatization of education in China.  相似文献   

Dynamics of change: decentralised centralism of education in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many countries are introducing major educational changes to prepare their students to meet the challenges in a knowledge economy and enhance the country’s competitive edge. This paper discusses recent educational changes in Singapore using the framework of decentralised centralism proposed by Karlsen (2000). The paper explores the dynamics of change in the initiation, content, levels and simultaneity of the decentralisation process in Singapore since 1997. The paper further analyses the ideological roots of the decentralisation policy through a discussion of the tension between the functionalist and liberal forms of education in the Singapore context. The discussion adds to existing literature on the tensions and challenges faced by countries in their attempts to introduce educational changes in their countries.  相似文献   

教育政策的价值系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策是政策主体控制教育资源,追求教育利益的一种活动。教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。教育政策主体控制教育资源并追求教育利益时,产生和形成各种教育政策问题;教育政策试图解决这些问题的过程中,其价值要素之间构成了一系列基本的价值关系。  相似文献   

《壬戌学制》是"五四"新文化运动推动下教育改革的产物,体现了教育的内在规律及社会经济文化的客观要求。该学制的制定、颁行过程具备民主、规范的程序及科学方法的精神,它的产生、形成与学制规程的文本内容相统一形成的整体,不仅具有推进中国现代教育理论及实践层面的深远意义,而且在教育政策视野下具有里程碑式的作用,开现代中国学制改革史之先河。  相似文献   

This paper uses Bourdieu to develop theorizing about policy processes in education and to extend the policy cycle approach in a time of globalization. Use is made of Bourdieu’s concept of social field and the argument is sustained that in the context of globalization the field of educational policy has reduced autonomy, with enhanced cross‐field effects in educational policy production, particularly from the fields of the economy and journalism. Given the social rather than geographical character of Bourdieu’s concept of social fields, it is also argued that the concept can be, and indeed has to be, stretched beyond the nation to take account of the emergent global policy field in education. Utilizing Bourdieu’s late work on the globalization of the economy through neo‐liberal politics, we argue that a non‐reified account of the emergent global educational policy field can be provided.  相似文献   

教育政策——教育理论与教育实践的桥梁   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何有效地利用教育理论指导教育实践是我们教育工作者常常遇到的难题,科学的教育政策是将二者有机结合的重要手段。这是因为教育理论指导教育政策的制定,教育政策作用于教育实践,教育实践促进教育理论的提高与升华,同时教育实践又呼唤教育政策的出台,促使教育政策的完善。三者之间是一个循环往复、螺旋上升的动态过程。教育政策既具有教育理论的特征,又具有教育实践的特征,它是将教育理论通过复杂地、合理地构建并系统地作用于教育实践的桥梁。教育理论与教育实践发生作用的过程也是教育政策系统的运行过程、完善过程、发展过程。  相似文献   

中国民办高等教育未来发展战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国民办高等教育是在我国改革开放的大背景下产生和发展起来的。一方面,中国的民办高等教育是市场化的产物,具有自发性、自主性、非均衡性等特点;另一方面,中国民办高等教育又得益于我国的政治思想解放、教育体制改革和教育政策的完善与保障。从民办高等教育的属性看,具有市场主导性和"学校+企业"的特点。本文从我国民办高等教育的基本特点和发展现实出发,对其未来发展战略问题展开一些初步的思考,并提出政策性建议。  相似文献   

Structural adjustment effects on education have largely been viewed as policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This view overlooks the larger process of structural adjustment in a rapidly growing global economy. This article seeks to locate the structural adjustment implication for education within a global framework. Education's systemic dependence and system influence are identified. Specific educational effects of structural adjustment are discussed, addressing both short-term implications and long-term responses. Educational policy implications and research trends are addressed in the light of the evolving world system of education.  相似文献   

The neoliberal agenda promotes education as a route toward success in university and career. However, a neoliberal economy requires large numbers of workers willing to accept low-paying, dead-end jobs. The students most likely to take these jobs are those who have struggled with literacy and so schools must, in Bourdieu’s terms, re/produce, vulnerable readers. This paper tracks the ways in which the neoliberal economy depends on these readers and how schools participate in this process of re/production: from educational policy, to instructional context, to reader identity. In contrast, from a radical democratic viewpoint, the primary goal of schooling is civic engagement and such engagement is bolstered by universal literacy. The paper concludes with alternatives in the realms of policy and classroom practice that are more likely to support teachers and students and foster radical democratic views.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the South African educational restructuring policy proposals are unlikely to become interventions that help bringing about greater development, equity, participation and redress. The reasons for this are manifold. It is contended that the policy proposals are flawed in their conceptualization of the problems and misjudge the educational context and dynamics on the ground. These interventions favour the interests of the more organized and privileged sections of society and only indirectly address the needs of the excluded and disadvantaged. The policy proposals are also based on problematic assumptions about policy and the policy process, and the relationship between policy and practice. Finally, these proposals do not have an appropriate understanding of the change process and are unable to develop strategies to influence the reform process and empower the disadvantaged to struggle for a fairer, more equitable and effective education and training system.  相似文献   

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