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Correlations were obtained between scores or ratings on 17 variables derived from a review of the research and theory on the problem of selection and rated levels of empathic understanding, genuineness, and respect provided by 19 graduate students to clients during the counseling practicum experience. The results revealed that empathic understanding and respect are significantly related to two similar personality variables: tolerance of ambiguity and need for order. Ratings from Carkhuff's Index of Communication were significantly related to empathic understanding. None of the variables investigated was significantly related to genuineness. Suggestions are made for further research and the improvement of existing selection instruments.  相似文献   

纳兰词之所以动人心弦,主要因为其词以情感内容的真切和艺术表现的哀婉取胜,展示人间的至性至情,体现了悲剧美,具有很强的艺术感染力。哀怨伤感与真切自然是"纳兰词"的整体词风。本文将着重论证其词风的这种兼容性,并进一步分析其边塞词及咏物词所蕴含的哀愁意蕴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine if levels of accurate empathy, nonpossessive warmth, and genuineness provided by counselors in the initial counseling interview had continuing or terminating effects for normal persons, compared to the effects found with severe chronic schizophrenics. The results indicated that empathy ratings for continuing clients was significantly higher than for those who left.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the facilitative dimensions of empathy, warmth, and genuineness and the variables of interpersonal attraction and experience within the relationship known as counseling supervision. A total of 71 supervisor subjects responded to an author-constructed analogue of supervision, and their responses were rated utilizing a modified version of the Carkhuff Scales (1969). The results revealed that interpersonal attraction differentially affects the three facilitative dimensions and that experience mediates attraction differentially depending on the type rather than the amount of experience the supervisor has had.  相似文献   

同期声作为电视新闻报道中的重要声音元素,越来越受到电视新闻工作者的重视,如何利用好同期声,发挥同期声现场感、真实性的优势,把电视新闻报道做的更好,值得电视工作者思考和研究。  相似文献   

“修辞立诚”解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由一系列的考证可知,“辞”在上古有特殊的涵义,具体一点说也就是它乃是一种假物取类,言曲旨远的文饰之语。不了解“辞”在上古的特殊涵义,我们对《周易》“修辞立其诚”的蕴意就不可能有一个明确的认识。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的罗马剧着眼于英雄形象的塑造。英雄人物的共同特征是都具有本真的生命形态,这也是导致他们从荣誉之巅走向毁灭之谷的主要原因;同时,也是他们成为英雄的主导因素。在悲剧英雄身上,莎士比亚对于理想人性的探索得到了艺术化的体现。  相似文献   

委托代理机制下委托代理问题的存在与激励约束机制的不对称引发了上市公司财务信息的不对称,甚至失真。建立一个有效的激励约束机制来解决或减少委托代理问题。从而使得上市公司的财务信息质量得到改善。  相似文献   

中国革命史是一门具有很强的阶级性、思想性、党性的课程,艺术地在教学过程中设置"真善美"的动情点,必将使历史教学达到"美"的更高层级,而爱国主义就是中国革命史教学中最根本的动情点.  相似文献   

高校校园文化内涵的哲学审视   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
伦理人性是高校校园文化的精神前提 ,创造个性是高校校园文化的人文使命 ,民族本性是高校校园文化的教育归属。这一教育理念的反思与创构 ,必将彰显出高校校园文化真、善、美的功能导向、价值规范、时代魅力与人文风采 ,在对青年大学生发展和完善的终极关怀上 ,在不断变革和创新的基础上完成育人这一特殊使命和根本任务  相似文献   

中国传统文论中存在的对真实性、写实手法的推崇以及社会关怀的精神与西方现实主义文论的特质之间具有的内在一致性。以此作为内在文化根基与认同基础,研究西方现实主义对我国五四新文学的影响及其在接受过程中的变异,探寻创造性的文化过滤和文化误读,有助于发现中国新文学发展与世界文学交流的某些特点与规律。  相似文献   

This study compared the process of supervision with that of counseling by examining the behavior of five professional therapists in both situations. Counselors recorded their counseling sessions with 10 clients and their supervisory sessions with 10 trainees. A total of 180 three-minute samples were selected for study. The level of facultative conditions (empathy, respect, genuineness, and specificity) was assessed. The Hill Interaction Matrix was also used to compare the verbal interactions in both counseling and supervising situations. Results indicated that the level of respect and genuineness were equal in the two situations. Contrary to the assumptions made by researchers in the area, the levels of empathy and specificity were significantly lower in supervision than in counseling. When interactions were rated with the Hill Matrix, supervision was significantly less therapeutic than was counseling. The differences found were discussed in terms of their implications for the teaching and learning of psychotherapy, as it related to both the theoretical literature and in terms of its effect on trainees and clients.  相似文献   

从对外传播视角解读提高国家文化软实力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实现"提高国家文化软实力"这一重要战略任务过程中,通过对外传播,将有助于增进世界其他国家的民众对中华文化的认知与了解,也有助于唤起国内民众对中华文化的关注。对外传播也因此成为提高国家文化软实力的一条重要途径。另一方面,对外传播实力在某种程度上也成为中华文化软实力的构成要素之一。为了更好地发挥其重要作用,对外传播在具体实践中应遵循全面、客观、真实;区别对待,把握重点;立足本土,贴近当地受众这三项重要原则。  相似文献   

教育回归人性,指教育要基于与利用人性之真,达成人性之善,促成人完满的生命体验,实现真、善、美的统一。教育理论回归人性的基本方式,是在全面把握人性与教育的相互意义及其现实表现的基础上,给予教育根本性、基础性、总体性的理论指导与价值引领,让教育更加尊重人性、更好地利用人性、更合乎人性,让人性在教育的作用下尽可能地向某种理想状态发展。教育活动回归人性的基本方式,则是要踏上回归真实、走向至善、追寻智慧之路,尊重人的本性,贴近人性的真实存在——现实生活,以美善的方式实现对人性的改善与提升,让教育主体全面占有自身的智慧本质,成为理性智慧、价值智慧和实践智慧的统一体,达成完整的生命体验。  相似文献   

论文从“汉诗榜行动”的程序及实施过程出发,指出真诚,先锋,民间,是汉诗榜对诗的基本要求,也是最高要求。真本身就是美。真即存在,存在无一没有其形式,没有形式的事物是无法存在的。真,有主观的,也有客观的。而主客观的统一,往往是大诗人必备的条件之一。真≠好。但,好,要从真做起。在真实与诗意之间、在古典与现代之间,平淡中的不平凡,永远是诗之至境。  相似文献   

从文化哲学的基本观点和视野看,创新教育是实现个体创新本性与社会创新文化整合同一的基本教育策略;小学创新教育的内容特征是关于真、善、美的创新文化价值内核的引导与建构,方法特征是在活动与交往中解构与建构,实现文化价值内核的内化,形成创新的行为方式。  相似文献   

通过一系列的考证可知:孔融的“亲子无亲论”等并不意味着对儒教的背叛,它乃是孔融在汉末世风日下、儒家精神沦丧的特定历史条件下,为矫正世俗的险诈之风而对儒家思想任真尚诚一面的特别强调。孔融之死乃是曹操的蓄意迫害,他的“罪名”乃是曹系势力故意罗织的。  相似文献   

古人对孔融文集中三首六言诗真实性的质疑由来已久,主要集中在语言风格和对曹操的情感倾向两个方面。亦有当今学人从诗歌内容的角度确定其为伪作。仔细分析,以上这些质疑或判断都缺乏依据。三首六言诗的内容与孔融生平和历史事实并无出入;诗歌语言平凡浅近有因可寻;诗歌称赞曹操功德,与孔曹之间的关系也不相矛盾。  相似文献   

教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论研究能否顺利地通达教育实践活动,其主要原因并不在于教育理论研究的个人意愿及其科研成果的品质,而在于教育体制的开放程度和理性水平。实质性地进行教育体制改革,使教育成为体现教育主体性、体现教育应然的本质和宗旨、张扬教育应然的精神和品格的真正的教育,教育理论研究向教育实践通达才具备坚实的思想和制度基础。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between spiritual identity and ego identity among religiously observant adolescents in Israel. Seventy-eight religious tenth graders studying in yeshivot (boys) and ulpanot (girls) 1 1 Yeshivot and ulpanot are high schools for boys and girls, respectively, offering an intensive religious curriculum combined with general, secular studies. were tested. The Ego Identity Scale for Adolescents and a Questionnaire of Religious Beliefs were administered to them. Throughout the entire sample, there was a significant and positive correlation between belief and general ego identity and between belief and the identity dimensions: solidity and continuity, meaningfulness versus alienation, genuineness and truthfulness, and physical identity. Among the girls, there was a significant and positive relationship between belief, general ego identity, and the dimensions: social recognition, commitment, and purposefulness, meaningfulness versus alienation, solidity and continuity, and genuineness and truthfulness. Among the boys, there was a significant and positive relationship between belief and the meaningfulness versus alienation and genuineness and truthfulness dimensions of the ego identity.  相似文献   

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